#anw he said it’s good so that’s good and also that’s true lol but im really peeved rn
jentlemahae · 1 year
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
hi dana!!! 🍋🍋anon here! im finally able to visit again after my school schedule suddenly changed and i had to go back to my uni to attend classes offline for some clinical subjects, it was such a hectic week not to mention we suddenly had an exam in in the middle of it all😭😭 i feel like i finally can breathe this weekend, next week is gonna be another hell tho. how are you? i was so surprised when i saw that you are taking a break from writing, not that i mind but i was just actually worried, i hope you're doing fine tho! and even if you aren't i hope you'll feel better! 🥺🥺 anw i assure you that i'll be waiting and i'll keep writing these asks when i have the time to keep up w how you are doing! -🍋🍋
omg hello my lemon anon 🥺🥺 im not even active here nowadays but ive definitely missed you!! i just finished a screenplay structural breakdown assignment for a module in school, and this was after 4 hours of tutorial and lecture, lowk wna d word lols. its the reason why im taking a break actually: every friday i have 4 hours of lecture and tutorial in how to write a plot/story/screenplay and even after that i need to work on what i already have over the weekend to prepare for the next so i get absolutely drained in the process, literally leaving me with nothing to write for tumblr. i feel terrible, honestly. but its not like me to post and publish work that i find less than satisfactory, thus the hiatus. thank you so much for worrying though!
it is true that ive been going through some shit lately, i have an fwb in the uni im attending (yeah i know, does that make me a terrible person? for not respecting my body and myself?) and some shit happened lately with something he said that i cant read. i feel like im living in a fanfic on my own. i could go into detail but i wont if youre not interested.
thank you for waiting, i really appreciate this so so much. now that im so into writing, not just for tumblr but for school, i actually started developing a backhanded trauma or fear of becoming irrelevant. i start to worry if the work i write and publish arent good enough? what if my readers find it boring or dont resonate with the logic of my characters? i learn thes things in theory in school but im so drained rom applying it for my graded assignments that i worry that i throw them out the window when i write for tumblr, when in reality its supposed to help me grr.
theres just absolutely nothing else i can see myself doing in the future thats not realted to this. screenplay writer, scriptwriter, editor, dop, director... these are all things that have transferable skills and i just worry that one day they render me useless when the shit i produce/create isnt good enough. sighs...
alright but enough about me, how are you? how is med school treating you? over here med students literally go through hell but i dont wna assume its the same over there.
oh also, i won an ipad earlier this week at a lucky draw. insane.
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jentlemahae · 2 years
hey hey hey i got hot tea!!
so i was minding my business on tiktok then this video popped up. since it's in spanish and idk if you or anyone here speaks spanish i'll roughly translate it to the best of my abilities.
so the girl is currently living in south korea (i don't know exactly what she does but stalking her a little i think she's an influencer of some sorts). anyway she said she was having dinner with her friend for his birthday and in that dinner she met a guy who used to work at yge, so she asked him to spill some stuff. the guy obviously couldn't say much but she said he mentioned this:
- he started working there around the time the pinks debuted, so he followed their journey from the inside. he said that all the employees had very strict rules for whenever the girls were inside the building.
- he said working at yge is horrible and he wouldn't wish it upon his worst enemies (idk if this is related to the pinks themselves but i guess i can agree, working at any kpop company sounds draining and no fun at all)
- he mentioned that the pinks are very much aware that they are the only artists who bring in the money and that without them neither yge nor the employees would have "food in their plate". he said they're extremely different from their idol personas (they used the word "divas")
- he said that one time jennie was talking to the ex ceo on the phone and that she was SCREAMING at him, like cursing and all. in front of all the employees. queen behavior tbh.
that's all she mentioned. of course we have no way to prove anything of this to be the truth, but i choose to believe they know their worth and will not take anyone's bs, even if they're ceos or higher ups at the company. i hope they make a good decision when their contracts are done next year.
ooooooh ? well first of all, thank u for sharing it!! <3 anw if it’s true im a) really glad that they know what their worth and don’t let ppl just walk all over them, and b) also glad that they let others know lol + GOOD for jennie for standing up for herself 😁 my queenie!
i also hope that they reflect deeply and seriously about the renewal and think of all the possible ramifications it will have on their careers (and ultimately make a good decision and leave lol) 🫶🏻
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