angeliclightdubai · 8 months
A Brief Discussion on Panic Attacks & its Management
Among multiple problems that are caused by a trauma, panic attack is a major one. A panic attack is a series of deep fear with an abrupt onset. A panic attack can last from some minutes to almost an hour. A panic attack include a multiple number of symptoms like sudden chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, a feeling of gloominess etc.
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Panic attacks can arise at the times when there is no chances of worries. Though panic attacks may not be life threatening but it can affect the lives of the people who are there in the patient's surrounding. Panic attacks can seriously affect the quality of life of a patient and his or her loved ones. For this reason panic attacks is a significant category of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Also Read: How Childhood Trauma Create Difficulty in Making Decisions
Signs of Panic Attacks
A panic attack can occur without any specific warning suddenly. The symptoms can get their peak within very shortly and the patient can get worn out. Below we are discussing some major symptoms that usually occur during a panic attack. To be assessed as a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Dubai a person is needed to have at least four of these signs.
Heart burning or chilling sensation.
Feeling of unreality or derealisation.
Complete detachment from oneself.
Extremely fast heart beat.
Fear of death.
Fear of choking.
Excess sweat.
Shaking. If you often get panic attacks, you may feel worried to take steps outside of your home because you may get afraid of having a repeated attack. If this fear become very deep and problematic, then the problem is called agoraphobia.
Also Read: Things Shows that You are in Deep Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Time of Panic Attacks
When it comes to the matter of panic attacks, we would say that there is no specific time of getting a panic attack, it can happen anytime. It varies from one person to another. Some people experience panic attack once and never another one in their life. On the other hand, there are people who might experience panic attacks for several times within a very short span. Some places, situations, person or activities may trigger the situation. If you ask the duration, we would say that most panic attacks last for a maximum time of 10minutes. Panic attacks can occur suddenly without any warning sign and can be worst within 10minutes. But in some cases, symptoms can get last for more than10minutes. Contact any reputable Traumatic Stress Disorder healer to get the best treatments.
If you are experiencing panic attacks more than one time, it can a result of deep trauma. Having multiple panic attacks is called panic disorder. It is very common to have panic disorders which can be treated we'll with multiple healing technique.
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angeliclightdubai · 10 months
What are the Signs That You Have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
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Suppose you are stuck in a never-ending loop of intrusive thoughts and irrational behaviors that consume your every waking moment. In that case, you may suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is an often debilitating mental health condition characterized by persistent and uncontrollable thought patterns and compulsions to perform specific actions, such as counting or washing hands. Also, this can cause PTSD; in that case, you have to consult the best Therapy for PTSD to get back into normal life.
What seems like a trivial problem can immensely affect victims' lives: If left untreated, it can lead to further challenges with academics, career prospects, relationships, and even physical health. To truly understand the nuances of this challenging disorder and its potential to influence everyday life, it's essential to look at the signs of having OCD. Also Read: How Balancing Chakras Helps In Controlling Your Mind
Signs That You Have OCD
The first symptom is that you will be scared of toughing things that other person touched earlier. Also, you hate hugging or even shaking hands with others, as you think you will have come in contact with the germs through this.
The next sign is that you will feel anxious when the objects are not in their place. It will create a real challenge for you to leave the house if the objects are not in their specific place.
It's normal to have thoughts about causing harm to yourself or others, even when your mind is preoccupied with other things.
The obsessions and compulsions take up a significant amount of time. It will interfere with daily activities, work, school, or relationships. The person recognizes that their obsessions are not rational but feels compelled to perform compulsions.
You will try avoiding situations or places that trigger obsessions or compulsions.
Also, you will be afraid that you will curse out loud in the crowd, and thus, you will try to avoid any social events.
People may engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts as a way to alleviate feelings of anxiety. Also, you will try to wash your hands excessively or even be obsessed with cleaning.
Also Read: How can Rejection Become Your Strength? It is well-established that a significant portion of the world's population, ranging from 1.1% to 1.8%, experiences the challenges associated with OCD. Thus, this shows that the number is not good. Suppose you or someone you know is experiencing these signs. If you have encountered mental health issues, it is vital to seek help from a skillful professional to undergo proper assessment and treatment. Without intervention, conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can become severe.
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
The Significance of Past Life Regression For Creating a Happy Life
Are you a believer in a past life? Many individuals don’t believe in past life, but if we think spiritually, it’s there. Sufferings in the current life may times belong to our previous lives.
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Have you ever met a healing consultant or a stress therapist in Dubai? If not, you must take a session on past life regression, which will change your life.
Past life regression is a brilliant technique used by the best anxiety therapist in Dubai to help individuals memorize their past life.
If you’re finding it a joke, it’s not.
After experiencing past life regression techniques, you can connect with your previous life through your subconscious mind.
The healing consultants connect the sufferers with their previous life through a technique called past life regression. So, let’s check how it has benefitted the ones who have experienced the technique.
Also Read: Healing Phenomenally Works for You During PTSD
Benefits of Past Life Regression Technique
Many people ask for a session due to their curiosity to unveil the hidden secret of their previous life. Others go for it to analyze if their troubles in this life are related to their past.
Now, let’s check how delving into our past lives offers happiness to us.
• Make us Self Aware
After experiencing past life regression, many people experience insights into their present behavior. The technique offers individuals a unique perspective on their problems. Self-awareness of the problems allows an individual to overcome the challenges in their current life and live happily.
• Resolving Unresolved Matters
The past life regression participants believe that the problems carried from their past lives affect their emotions, relationships, and well-being. So, after uncovering the truth through this incredible technique, individuals can resolve their issues in the present life and make themselves happy forever.
• Overcome Fears
From the fear of water, spiders, and height to the fear of not getting enough love or fear of trusting others, has a connection from the past life. After past life regression, individuals can easily overcome their fear and insecurities, resulting in a happy life.
The Conclusion:
The bottom line is that past life regression is an incredible technique to be experienced for letting go of all the troubles that relate to your past life and living a happy life indeed.
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
What are the Causes of Feeling Disconnected in Our Relationships?
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Understanding Social Anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Dubai
Social anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in dubai are mental health conditions that can significantly impact an individual's ability to connect and maintain healthy relationships. In a bustling city like Dubai, where social interactions can be overwhelming, seeking professional help for social anxiety and PTSD can be crucial for improving one's social well-being and overall quality of life.
Social Anxiety Therapy in Dubai
For individuals in Dubai struggling with social anxiety, finding effective therapy is essential. Light Angelic, a reputable therapy centre in Dubai, offers specialized social anxiety therapy to help individuals overcome their symptoms and build healthy relationships. Using evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and social skills training, Light Angelic's experienced team of professionals provides tailored treatment to help individuals overcome social anxiety and develop confidence in social situations.
Causes of Feeling Disconnected in Relationships
Feeling disconnected in relationships can be distressing and impact one's overall well-being. Here are some common causes of feeling disconnected in relationships:
Social Anxiety: Social anxiety can cause individuals to feel anxious, self-conscious, and overly concerned about judgment and criticism in social situations. This can lead to avoidance of social interactions and difficulty forming and maintaining meaningful connections, resulting in feelings of disconnection in relationships.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Individuals with PTSD may experience intrusive memories, flashbacks, and hyperarousal symptoms related to past traumatic events, which can impact their ability to connect with others on an emotional level. This can lead to difficulties in forming and maintaining healthy relationships, resulting in feelings of disconnection.
Communication Issues: Poor communication skills or lack of assertiveness can also contribute to feeling disconnected in relationships. Difficulty expressing thoughts, feelings, and needs can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and unresolved conflicts, resulting in feelings of disconnection and emotional distance.
Trust Issues: Trust is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship. Trust issues resulting from past experiences of betrayal, abandonment, or trauma can impact one's ability to trust and connect with others, leading to feelings of disconnection and emotional guardedness.
Lifestyle and Priorities: Divergent lifestyles, values, and priorities between individuals in a relationship can also contribute to feeling disconnected. Differences in interests, goals, and lifestyle choices can create emotional distance and impact the level of connection and intimacy in relationships.
In conclusion, social anxiety and PTSD can significantly impact one's ability to connect and maintain healthy relationships in Dubai. Light Angelic's specialized social anxiety therapy can be beneficial for individuals struggling with social anxiety and seeking professional help. Understanding the causes of feeling disconnected in relationships, such as social anxiety, PTSD, communication issues, trust issues, and lifestyle differences, can provide insights and guidance in addressing and overcoming these challenges. Seeking therapy and professional support can be a valuable step towards building healthy and meaningful connections in relationships, and Light Angelic's expertise in social anxiety therapy in Dubai can be a valuable resource for individuals seeking assistance in this area.
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
Healing of Phobias by Incredible Healing Techniques
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The worries of phobia trouble many people in the present scenario. Phobias are not just common fears; they can last very long or even since infancy. Do you know that individuals suffering from phobia visits anxiety therapists in Dubai? Yes, that is true, and a wise decision as well.
Phobias come in various forms, including fears of heights, the dark, water, etc. Many people are disturbed by arachnophobia or the dread of spiders. Do you know how to treat these phobias?
Curing this anxiety disorder called phobia with the help of healing techniques is the best idea. Healing experts ensure the appropriate healing methods to provide aid with the troubling phobias giving you sleepless nights.
Are you excited to know how phobias can be healed with various healing methods? Let us delve deep into the topic and get the solutions to your problems.
Anxiety Healing Consultants works the Best.
The best anxiety-stress-free healing meditation and other healing techniques used by healing professionals work incredibly to overcome phobias effectively.
Let us check a few methods now,
Chakra Balancing
Professional healing experts perform chakra-balancing techniques to help individuals suffering from several phobias. Solar Plexus chakra is one of the seven that regulates our fears, gut feelings, and sense of power.
An unhealed Solar Plexus chakra leads to anxiety, fears or phobias, loss of control, and many other issues. So, visiting anxiety therapists in Dubai will help you get a perfect solar plexus chakra balance to overcome your phobias.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The CBT techniques merged with other healing methods help change the perception of the sufferer in viewing the fear or the thing that is causing a phobia. This allows an individual to cope with the anxiety disorder quickly.
Breathing Exercises
Breathing in and out and relaxation techniques offered by anxiety therapists in Dubai proves fruitful for the sufferers in overcoming phobias.
Yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing are a few healing methods that help eliminate an anxiety disorder called phobia.
The Conclusion
The bottom line is that a life coach or a mentor must be consulted if phobias are haunting you. The healing experts work the best on these fears by offering you the proper assistance to cope with them.
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