#any hiiro is a good hiiro 🥰
posebean · 1 year
Another thing about antagonists in general is that they aren't always inherently bad! They're just in opposition of the protagonist! (Who isn't always good either!!) Enstars is rlly fun bcs it switches those roles around between characters and reducing a character to Just that story role is a rlly reductive way to look at the material
anon can i have your hand in marriage /j
this gets a little long... read more
YEAH! its all a matter of perspective; people tend to focus on only one perspective and forget that things aren't just as simple as this person evil this person good (in the case of enstars)
sorry everything is abt crazyb i only know bee stuff by heart 🥹butttt
honestly any story with crazy:B involved with other units (main story, night club, SS Sudden death) shows this. theyre the unit that goes against the system, that breaks the seemingly perfect but actually fucked up system. they do things wild and their own way, and are portrayed initially negatively (we are given other persoectives to see this through! like every other unit, 2wink, knights etc. so it makes sense that people initially go. yeah. these people are bad. )
but then we get it from their perspective. we learn that theres reason behind this madness, behind all the wild and antagonistic acts that they do. we learn that they're so, so human. they have their own problems, have ideals that they're getting realized in their way, not going with the flow. nothing is black and white, sure, sometimes they may do some things that people don't agree with, but ultimately there's always reason behind that;
sorry to make this about him but i've gotta. all the posts that limit rinne to just a gambling addict alcoholic with no respect for anything that would be awful just to be awful make me want to hit stuff with a rock. i think theres this one convo in main story that basically explains it so well, that one where niki and mayoi are talking. the one where niki says yeah? rinne-kun is awful and stuff at times but he's human, just like me and you. that line hit me so hard you dont understand
im like. convinced people that label rinne as only evil and scum like. difnt read mainstory 5 at all. a huge part of that mainstory was showing things from crazy:b's perspective, showing that rinne was a planner, that he planned for everything and now was shouldering all of it, ALL OF THE BLAME, saying that his unitmates had no part of it and was literally willing to LEAVE, leave behind his dream, leave behind everything so that his unitmates and hiiro and everyone else could live happily. IF YOU CAN READ THROUGH ALL OF THAT, READ THROUGH WINNER AND HAPPY END AND SEE LITERALLY HOW BROKEN RINNE IS ABOUT LEAVING BUT HES STILL DOING IT ANYWAYS BECAUSE HE LOVES EVERYONE!! BUT YOU STILL HAVE THE GALL TO SIMPLIFY HIM TO HAHA GAMBLER ALCOHOLIC MAN WHO WOULD STEAL MY WALLET AND BURN MY HOUSE DOWN i will hit you with a rock 💥🥰
it is okay to not like a character!!! it is not okay to limit them simply to aspects you find on a shallow level. better to not think about that character than at all. i am taking rinne amagi swaddling him in warm blankets and giving him hot cocoa i will defend his characterization with my god damn LIFE
sorry anon u didnt ask for this but yeah basically its all a matter of perspective and prople need to learn to respect that all of the characters at the end of the day are human and have their own nuances. be like me. dont have strong negative feelings except sopping wet /pos
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