#anyhow! don't get attached to weird side characters like me
loregoddess · 4 months
damn I knew the Nibelheim section was gonna be kinda sad, but did the devs really, really have to go and make it sadder?
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greywindys · 7 months
how would you rank the anime you've ever watched? i'm looking for recommendations.
I know I talk about anime here from time to time, but I'm not a true anime fan, anon. Unfortunately, I have have misled you. I get attached to certain series for very specific reasons that not even I can predict until I'm twenty episodes in and thinking, "hey, this reminds me of____(insert disparate yet beloved piece of media here)." I also love shows that remind my of my IRL job in some way...which is weird to say, but yeah, I love watching shows and thinking, "wow, I could encounter this at my day job." I feel right at home lmao.
Anyhow, that's all to say that I don't deliberately set out to find new anime the way I keep up with indie movies and shorts. I'm a film bro, but I'm not an anime bro (idk what the correct term for avid anime/manga fans are). I watch shows that are getting buzz that also seem to align with my interests. I'm following three series at the moment.
I'd say right now, my favorite series alternate between My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer. A lot of this is due to nostalgia. I grew up reading and watching a lot of epic stories and series - Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, Redwall. I love long journeys, big adventures and battles. As an adult, I latched on to Game of Thrones, but who knows when George is finishing that. So these scratch that itch. I also want to credit both of these series for introducing me to a new genre of guy that I'm obsessed with: the good guy who acts like a villain (though I knew they were good all along, and right about everything...or nearly everything) but is anything but. Oh, so you think he's Satan incarnate? You think he's too mean? You hate him? That he's going to turn to the dark side? Wrong! On the contrary, he's so completely committed to the side of good, so unshakeable in his convictions, so genuinely kind and genuine inside that you are stuck with him and all his neuroses on the good side. No mystery here. Sorry not sorry. Anyhow, I love this genre of guy. After years of dealing with Murdoc, it's very refreshing.
I'm also watch Chainsaw Man. I like it so far, but it hasn't quite clicked yet and not even I know why. It technically has everything I'd want on paper - kind of spooky, some off-color humor, creator is a film bro who likes a lot of the same movies I do, promised character death/stakes. My chosen guy from this series is Aki, but I'm just whelmed so far despite having high hopes in the beginning. He's not really inspiring anything yet. I haven't even cast him in a Glee AU or musical (a rite of passage for all blorbos). Idk. But it's a series that's getting a lot of hype right now, so I still have high hopes. I do appreciate the risks it takes with the story structure. I want to name a future dog Pochita.
Anyhow, that's all I got lmao.
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