#anyhow i dont think shes a good mom. shes a fun mom! she sucks as a parent probably
stackslip · 3 months
bulma i think is a shit parent in the casually neglectful/sees her kid as her bestie sense and also is a billionnaire who just gives her son whatever to make up for the time she spent six consecutive days in the lab and forgot trunks' birthday so he had to spend it alone because no way in hell would vegeta remember it. she's funny and cheerful towards him and also thinks that because he's half saiyan and because she met his older self he'll be perfectly fine no matter what. she lets vegeta train him and hurt him because that's what saiyans enjoy doing right, so clearly it's fine. trunks learns to bury his most negative feelings in order to please his dad and because his mom is too busy/superficial to dig much deeper in the roots of his issues. as long as he doesnt complain surely hes fine. his other self grew up during the apocalypse and he turned out pretty well after all! hey kiddo wanna see a nuclear blast from real up close im sure you'll be fine
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ALRIGHT FELLAS ITS (way less good) PART 2
-the sparrow academy looks... intersting
-Ray seems rlly cool but we didnt get a lot of him and thats sucks
-Is it just me but i rlly didnt get the whole fish head dude, i mean he was the head of the whole thing this i get, but still... me confused
-Damn im still confused about what to feel about luther, the dude need some weed, and i got really annoyned with him at the start, then i was like U TRYNA KILL VANYA AGAIN U ASSHOLE, then oh, okay, hes thinking this time, anyhow the whole season was an emotional roller coaster with this dude, so yeah, weed
-Deigo, my boy, him i always loved but same with luther, he need some weed and FAST. Also i rlly liked him and lila and the new luther-deigo dynamic, it was so funny and fun to watch, the whole heroes conflict was so good and well written i really liked it
-lmao the jfk obsession the dude REALLY need weed
-also i got really mad when no one stood up for him when reginald was all shithead to him again
-Allison, my queen, i wish they let her a bigger part in the few last episodes, she had to face the whole racist things in the 60s and DAMN. I mean she was there for like what? An year? And did so much! And her reunion with klaus... my poor heart couldnt take it, she JUMPED into the water without thinkin, was si happy to see her baby brother again (i know they in the same age but come on, we all know klaus, ben, five and vanya are the younger sibling)
-she dont NEED weed, but she can get some
- i loved ray too, i wish we got to see more of him and his back story but not today i guess :(
-KLAUS MY KING. I cant believe he really got himself a fucking cult, did i laughed? Hell yeah. Did i almost cried when dave punched him? Also yes. Did my heart broke when vanya told him about ben? absolutely
-also he dont need no more weed thank u very much
-five, i dont even know what to say, hes still the tiny mean old man he is, the only one who really get the worlds ending seriously, it mad eme laugh so hard cus i mean, this family is so fucking choatic i-
-also he loves his family so much it was so cute
-he need weed as well
-wait why an im giving every weed again?
-oh well
-BEN, MY FUCKING KING, I LOVE U SO MUCH, EVEN IN Ur EMO PHASE, and damn i really hope our ben will come back cus not even two day have passed and i miss him already
-no weed for him, but i guess he can get high with his cult gf if he wants to
-now to my fav, vanya, i loved her SO MUCH this season, she got so confident and smiley even tho she lost all her memories and it was so damn nice to really see her... wel, happy. I loved her relationship with Every. Single. One. Of the sibling, i loved her and sissy, and their son, harlan, cus that dude ted or smt never existed and sissy was a single mom, of course.
-but now really, to see her controlling her powers, and making jokes and laughing was so amazing, i loved her in season one, i relate to her in a lot of ways and i was so happy to see her this season, my heart broke when those fuckers from the fbi got her and FUCK, ben my boy
-now that i think of it haldan got powers, right? So we might see more of him and sissy next season!
-here some more of me loving vanya
-And her being all happy and drunk with allison and klaus!
-she looked to relaxed with haldan and sissy, so happy, we never got to see her like it
-she can get weed if she want to, she can do whatever she want
-i dont care she almost made the end of the world come twice, i love her
-good old reggie can go fuck himself thank u
Anddd that would be it, now im sorry if some things here were in part 1 as well cus i wrote part 1 like a day ago and i dont rlly remember what i wrote there
Im very tired and its 4am so if theres some typos or smt forgive me
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ajaegerpilot · 7 years
irritatingly long babbles abt work beneath the work:
ehhh 2day had some moments @ work. i was wearing my hat (beanie?? idk how to call clothes) bc my hair was greasy today and there was a charming little kid that was like ‘i like ur hat.’ and i was like ‘thx’ and the kid was like ‘r u bald beneath there?’ and i was just ‘nah i just got a bad hair day’ and the kid was all ‘cool’ and then mumbled something abt if i was a girl or a guy (like i do this thing where if actual mentions of lgbt occur irl in a non-homophobic context i tend to like? assume I misheard? like i was 5% sure i’d misheard my coworker mentioning she had a tall ex-girlfriend until she made fun of heteronormativity later at work. but i’m pretty sure the 6 year old was doing the ‘Not Assuming The Cashier’s Gender’ thing which was p sweet). and i think the mom was like worried the kid was bothering me but i like grabbed some stickers to give to the kid and we only had paw patrol (???? wtf is this) stickers but fortunately the kid loves paw patrol apparently?? and afterwards she said something to the affect of ‘idk why u thought i liked stickers but i like these stickers’ anyway that was a Cool Kiddo.
speaking of lgbt mentionings in the workplace one of my old coworkers called facebook gay and i was just like .. ‘idk there are gay people on it’ but like tbh the way i said it could be construed as derogatory bc i was lowkey mad ofc so my voice was harsh. anyhow it’s not like he was a coworker i liked but the point stands that U Cant Trust Men.
but conversely, upstairs in the same lunchroom where i got to hear grade school homophobia there was a bunch of bills with the faces of our store manager on the $100, our regional manager on the $50, one of our contract sales guys on the $10, and one of the guys that works upstairs on the $10 bill. i asked the contract sales guy since he was in the lunchroom abt it and he said years ago (potentially im misremembering) he had the idea of giving people rewards for saying genuinely positive things about their coworkers, and that those bills could be redeemable for items in the store. apparently things were p negative, and he said things worked for awhile but then ppl started kind of cheating the system. and idk how negative shit is here bc i keep my nose clean and dont gossip abt coworkers to my coworkers over inconsequential shit. still, he seemed pretty dissapointed. and im just?? do you have a good soul [redacted]?? do you have a soft heart eager for a gentler world?? whom can tell.
one coworker that i liked & went to highschool with left today and is moving on to bigger and better things and awhile ago when our head cashier was telling us how she appreciated us this gal was like ‘u could show us that with appreciation ice cream’, and the head cashier bought us appreciation granola bars. but today, my coworkers last day, the freezer was full of icecream for us to drown our sorrows with :’1 which was such a nice touch. i also finally found out what happened to a manager i liked, she quit bc they didnt give her better pay/hours despite promising it which sucks.
also 2day one of my coworkers went to tims and when whenever my coworkers ask for what i want from tims i say a small hot chocolate. so i dipped one of the ice cream sandwhiches in hot chocolate like it was a cookie and ate it like that and that was a Peak Experience. and i mostly wanted to just talk abt this when i started writing this all down but tbh other interesting things happened today.
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