#anyone feel free to adopt the chreon idea
fonulyn · 1 year
For the fic ask game, how about 5, 20, and 21?
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
usually i hang onto ideas and the hope i might one day maybe do them lol, but there's a few I ditched and am 99% never gonna write.
okay so, i had this idea for an au where the zombies never happen, Leon starts in RC as a rookie cop, and there he meets Claire and they become fast friends. at the same time, he meets an obnoxious and annoying firefighter called Chris on a lot of the scenes, and it's hate at first sight :'D well, not quite, but they get off on the wrong foot and Chris is kinda obnoxious because he recently had to come back to his hometown from the big city, bc he ran into some troubles there. he hates it in RC, he never wanted to be back, but at least he gets to be with his old crew (Jill and ...idk, other people lol). but yeah he's dealing with a lot of shit, and it makes him grumpy, and he also doesn't know how to flirt so his attempts may backfire and annoy Leon.
so anyhow after a bigger job they sleep together, kinda warm up to each other, Leon thinks he may have misjudged Chris. goes to bring Chris coffee to the fire station, then talks with someone, there's misunderstandings and Leon "finds out" (wrong) that Chris is dating Jill. Leon thinks Chris is a homewrecker and ices him out and there goes their budding relationship. Leon tries to date other people, doesn't rly like anyone, bc is still pining after Chris, and ...somehow they sort it out.
in one version Leon had a dog who loved Chris and it was awkward when they bumped into each other bc the dog wanted to run to Chris and Leon did not, lol.
i've got a jumbled outline and some dialogue snippets written but yeah this fic is never happening. if someone wants to adopt it, go for it!
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
I don't even remember 90% of the titles I've given fics :'D I have this one big doc where I have all the names and I ctrl+F when I'm naming a new fic to see if I already used that name (or something very similar lol). maybe without hope, without fear, tbh. I think it's very fitting.
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
oh, multiple times. most recently I deleted like 2.5k of I crave therefore I am, because it just didn't work out like i wanted it to. the scene where they meet Ada was in a completely different setting, it was longer, and there was just... i got stuck. hated everything in my life lol. but then i deleted a big chunk and started over and I feel the fic turned out better, at least.
for these fic asks!
and thank you so much for asking! :D 💖
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