#anyone taking up a cast role in an open verse will get the special treatment a main or exclusive gets
thatslayer · 8 months
things of slay - blog updates
As I've mentioned before, I'm slowly doing some cleanup on this blog and a couple of others. For just a bit, my focus will be on re-working my verses to cast or re-cast necessary muses.
First things first:
CASTING -- I prefer even my free verses to have some solid, non-changing cast members because it helps keep the story tight and moving forward if several of us are on the same page about the plot and our place in it. A bit like a group verse, aside from the fact that any mutual can slide into the universe without asking or applying to do so. The only difference is when there's a specific muse that's cast in a role, I won't interact with a duplicate of that muse in that verse -- an example would be that @gloriousxdarkness is the only Elektra in the Crossed Worlds open spin-off verse, 'Back in Black' but OCs and non-cast muses are welcome to hmu in 'Back in Black' any time.
I'm throwing out a line because I'd like to get some canons in the mix in my open verses. Here's what I'm specifically looking for, verse by verse:
Back in Black -- Clint Barton, James Rhodes, Peter Parker, Laura Barton, Nick Fury, Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Blade, Any X-Men, Any DCEU, Superheroes and supervillains welcome! It's set in the current year, but diverges from canon at the end of Thor: Ragnarok. In this verse Thanos never happened. This is a very canon verse, other than that, please be aware.
Stranger Things -- I'm restarting my ST open verse, basically from scratch so I'm looking for anyone who's up for it!
Immortal Beloved -- I'd love to have a full set of Mikaelsons, of which I'm only missing Bex and Klaus. Looking for witches, werewolves, other Slayers, vampires, you name it! Set vaguely smack-dab in the middle of The Originals second season.
As always, OCs are welcome in all verses, I'm highly interested in interacting with female muses and I welcome conflict IC as well as friendship, found family, romance, etc. The easiest way to chat about this is to hmu on discord at faithlehane but make sure to tell me who you are/what your tumblr url is. <3
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