#anyone writing steve only commiting to eddies interests while eddie shuns steve's is incorrect
lunylune · 2 years
Okay I have something on my mind....!
Everyone always writes fics about Steve finding he enjoys dnd as long as he is playing with his boyfriend. That Eddie gave him that time to learn to do the things and didn't call him stupid like the kids would.
But now consider... Eddie learning about sport.
Not to play it, god no. His exercise is limited to carrying bandeqquipment and that's more than enough torture for him (absolute drama king). But Steve and Wayne will sometimes watch a sport of their choice. And well, Eddie knows Steve is not all that interested in dnd but still tries. And Eddie knows this is something important to Steve. So he wants in on the bonding time, of his own accord without anyone prompting him because he's a good boyfriend. Now, yes, Eddie did totally go to a few of their schools games, but did he learn any of the rules no of course not! He skipped gym all the time. Those events were for jock-in-shorts purposes only. And now he has his own jock sooo....
Basically, Eddie will try to engage, asking about rules, why Steve and Wayne just shouted, was that a good cheer or a kill the referee kind of cheer? And Steve will explain it all to Eddie, returning the favor of Eddie being so patient when Steve was learning dnd unintentionally. Steve is just so happy he now gets to talk sports with someone he loves, because he sure couldn't with his parents. He loves Eddie a little bit more every time he asks a "dumb" question (Steve knows better than anyone there aren't any dumb questions when first learning about something new, no matter what people say. Hence why he would be a great kindergarden teacher :D ) And Eddie will still get the rules wrong a lot of the time... on purpose!
He just loves hearing Steve talk about his passion, in his element. Finds it very sweet. And pretty hot. Because he is smitten.
Tell me they would not be this disgustingly sweet hah you can't I'm right!!!
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