#but secretly hes just happy eddie found someone good
lunylune · 2 years
Okay I have something on my mind....!
Everyone always writes fics about Steve finding he enjoys dnd as long as he is playing with his boyfriend. That Eddie gave him that time to learn to do the things and didn't call him stupid like the kids would.
But now consider... Eddie learning about sport.
Not to play it, god no. His exercise is limited to carrying bandeqquipment and that's more than enough torture for him (absolute drama king). But Steve and Wayne will sometimes watch a sport of their choice. And well, Eddie knows Steve is not all that interested in dnd but still tries. And Eddie knows this is something important to Steve. So he wants in on the bonding time, of his own accord without anyone prompting him because he's a good boyfriend. Now, yes, Eddie did totally go to a few of their schools games, but did he learn any of the rules no of course not! He skipped gym all the time. Those events were for jock-in-shorts purposes only. And now he has his own jock sooo....
Basically, Eddie will try to engage, asking about rules, why Steve and Wayne just shouted, was that a good cheer or a kill the referee kind of cheer? And Steve will explain it all to Eddie, returning the favor of Eddie being so patient when Steve was learning dnd unintentionally. Steve is just so happy he now gets to talk sports with someone he loves, because he sure couldn't with his parents. He loves Eddie a little bit more every time he asks a "dumb" question (Steve knows better than anyone there aren't any dumb questions when first learning about something new, no matter what people say. Hence why he would be a great kindergarden teacher :D ) And Eddie will still get the rules wrong a lot of the time... on purpose!
He just loves hearing Steve talk about his passion, in his element. Finds it very sweet. And pretty hot. Because he is smitten.
Tell me they would not be this disgustingly sweet hah you can't I'm right!!!
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lewisconstellation · 2 years
kiss it better
summary: you promised to yourself you would never go back to him. the problem is you've never been good at promises.
word count: 5.7k
pairing: lewis x reader
warning: 18+, general smut, angst
notes: english isn't my first language, so there are many mistakes here. i'm so sorry for that :(
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You didn't know exactly what you were thinking when you showed up at your ex boyfriend's door.
If someone asked you how you got here, you wouldn't know the answer. When you walked out of the club, slightly drunk and sleepy, all you could think about was Lewis. He seemed to be everywhere, like an omnipresent God who took care of everything, even your thoughts. So, when you noticed, you were already in front of his building, talking to Eddie, the doorman, remembering the route you usually take from the hall to the elevator. It felt like nothing had changed at all. Everything looked the same, except your relationship, that was over now.
When Ashley, one of your best friends, invited you to a nightclub downtown, you promptly declined. You didn't want to party, you didn't have much reason to. You preferred to stay at home, alone, accompanied only by your cozy blankets and Chilean wine, the episodes of House of the Dragon playing on your TV. But you knew your friend, she didn't give up easily. She said you needed to have fun, that the best way to forget your ex was in another man's arms. You decided to obey, you didn't want to be the annoying friend. But intimately, you knew that was a bad idea from the start.
You haven't seen him for two months. Two months since the two of you had ended the relationship you swore would last forever. Two months you missed him, even though you were surrounded by his face and name every place you walked in. Two months that you asked yourself daily what led you to break up. You still haven't found an answer. Neither does he.
People used to say that you were very different. Like opposite stars, moon and sun, you were amazing but you couldn't live together, in the same space.
Secretly, you understood why people said that, after all, they were talking about Lewis Hamilton, seven times world champion, record breaker, the best on and off the track, fantastic in everything he did.
And you? Well, you were just you. Just another ordinary girl, living a normal life. Of course you were successful in your career and very happy in your life out of it but. No fame, no flashes, no world recognition. It wasn't something you craved, though. You liked your life like that, you liked the calm that only anonymity could bring you.
At first, these differences didn’t affect you. You liked them, you felt they made your relationship more interesting, more challenging, stronger. The countless travels, the distance, the comments people made about your relationship. None of that seemed to matter, none of that was an obstacle.
He liked the peace you brought into his life. He liked to be with you and forget he was The Lewis Hamilton. With you, he could just be himself, he didn't have to hide behind the well-built walls of his PR team. He could be a normal person, he could be just another guy in the crowd. And you liked being that person for him. His safe place, his peace.
But at some point - you don't know exactly which - that changed. Everything that seemed to strengthen you became some kind of kryptonite. He constantly complained that you weren't present in his life. That you should attend more GPs, more events, more photoshoots. You, on the other hand, said you were the only one making efforts for your relationship. It was always you who had to go to meet him, it was always you who had to give up your wants so he could achieve his.
You remember the many nights you spent arguing about it. In one of them, right after the Belgian GP, he accused you for not going to the race, for not being there to support him when he needed you most. You felt guilty, but you didn't like the tone he used. Accusatory, inquisitive. You fought back and then you yelled at each other until you no longer knew where the argument had started.
It was always like that. You started arguing for silly reasons and things got worse, until you didn't know what had brought you there anymore. So at some point you just said that you should break up. Lewis agreed, eyes filled with tears, sadness, anger, and so many other feelings you were no longer able to read.
Your relationship was broken, it felt like something that couldn't be fixed. It became toxic, destructive. But just like everything destructive, his love was addictive, you couldn't live without it. His love was like crack to you, a drug, an incurable addiction. Even if you avoided it, you knew that at some point you would meet again.
And you tried to fight it, different ways to avoid it. Blocked him on social media, deleted his number from your cell phone, returned his apartment keys. Cut off all possible forms of contact. You knew you should stay away from him, keep the distance you've built yourself. “The more you run, the closer you got to him”, your friend used to say. Maybe she was right.
A little bit of alcohol in your system was enough to make you forget the anti-Lewis barriers you've patiently built during those months. And there you were, standing at his door, his favorite dress hugging your body, long braids cascading towards your ass, red lipstick on your lips, just how he liked it. It looked like you had planned this, planned to knock on your ex-boyfriend's door at 2AM. You laugh at the thought.
Maybe you should give up. You shouldn't even be there. He could be sleeping or maybe traveling, as he was rarely home. Always on a plane, always in a hotel room. Or he could be with someone else. An instagram model, an actress. Even a singer. Someone just like him, who shared the same joys, same pleasures, same anxieties. Someone that was the opposite of you. Someone perfect for him. It makes a bile rise in your mouth, a shiver runs down your spine. But he was single now. That was none of your business anymore.
You turn your heels, prepare to walk away and forget you were there. But the abrupt noise of the doorknob moving stops you. You hear the door opening and suddenly Lewis is there, right in front of you. Two months later you are occupying the same space, looking at each other. You take a deep breath, ask the gods to keep your feet on the ground, so they don't let your shaky legs fail.
You let your eyes roam over his figure for a few moments. His curly hair was loose, falling freely over his broad shoulders. You liked seeing his hair like this, the honey-colored curls framing his face. You noticed his beard, neatly trimmed on the sides, the hairs in a longer length on his chin. Your eyes drop lower, lingering on his bare abdomen. He seemed to be working out even more regularly, arms stronger, shoulders wider, abs even tighter, pure muscle. The blue sweatpants he's wearing look comfortable on his body, he's cozy on them. You have to learn how to breathe correctly again.
For a few moments you don't know exactly what to say. And neither does he. You are silent, looking at each other as if both of you are scared, waiting to see who would break the silence. He seems to apply.
"What are you doing here? If you've come to call me selfish one more time, I think you’d better leave." You almost laugh when the words leave his lips.
Lewis wasn't the kind of guy who cared about what the others thought about him. He had built a natural defense system against them. But he seemed to have deeply absorbed every word you said to him the night you broke up. When you screamed at the top of your lungs that he was selfish, he felt it. It was painful to hear this from you, the person he loved the most, the person who knew him best. The words stuck in his brain. He'd spent the last few months wondering, pondering if he was a selfish man, if he'd acted selfishly with you.
"How do you know I was here? I didn't knock on the door." You say entering his house. The alcohol that runs through your veins makes you bolder, looser, less shy than usual.
You kick your shoes aside, on the rug that was right next to the door. You know he doesn't like people walking into his house wearing shoes. He didn't want the bad energies that the streets might have to enter his house, his holy temple, his safe space, the place where only those he trusted could stay.
He looks stunned to see you walking into his house like that, so bold. As if nothing had happened, as if nothing had changed. But he doesn't comment on it. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was weirdly happy with your presence. He missed you. A sense of loss had hovered over him for the past few months. Your face glued to his mind, your laughter and even your fights tormenting him at times when he shouldn't think about you.
So when you're there, in his apartment, comfortable and barefoot on his carpet, he doesn't know exactly what to do, how to act. But he knows he can't let you go. So he just closes the door, stands at a safe distance from you. Hands back, the typical grandfather's pose. You could tell he was a bit shy.
"I saw you by the cameras”. He points to the big TV in the living room, images of the building's entrance, the elevator and the corridors exposed there. “Eddie told me you were here. I thought he was delirious." You laugh, nod your head, allow yourself to observe his house. The house that was also your refuge for so long, that was the scenario of thousands nights of love you had together. Once again, the sense of familiarity invades your body, leaving traces of nostalgia in your mind.
His living room was still identical to the one you saw when you were last there. A fireplace in the middle of the room, two toffee brown sofas filled with patterned pillows, cozy, just the way he liked it. A sweet scent of vanilla permeated the room, fresh flowers brought a romantic, light air.
If you didn't look closely, you would never suspect that this house belonged to a racing driver. There was nothing there to denounce this, except for the Ayrton Senna painting carefully hanging on the wall. No trophies, none of the many tires he owned for his many poles. He always said that this house was his refuge, that it was the only place where he allowed himself to forget about the tracks and the engines.
Your eyes fell on the large wall of photos he owned. Countless pictures of him with his nephews. Those ones were always your favorites of him. His smile looked more sincere there, more open, white teeth glinting, eyes brighting. A sense of fatherhood that seems to have been born with him. Unconsciously, a smile draws your lips at this sight.
But then, the smile falls from your face. Your pictures with him are still there, adorning the white walls. You and Lewis holding each other on a boat in Italy, him kissing the tip of your nose in the middle of the snow in Canada. A bigger picture of you, smiling wide for him, laughing at some of the bad jokes he always makes. Your heart clenches in your chest. Did he think about you as much as you thought about him?
"Our photos" You say, the words spilling out of your lips before you can think. "They're still here". You point, shock painting your face. Lewis blinks a few times, he looks just as shocked as you are. Eyes wide open, features of a little boy who's been caught doing something he shouldn't.
"Yeah, I" He pauses, lips opening and closing several times, trying to search for the right words. You hadn't asked a question about it, but he wanted to give you an answer, he wanted to justify it. "I didn't have time to get them out of here. You know, I'm hardly home."
He knew that was a lie. He could have asked one of his employees to remove the photos from his house. To get rid of all the traces you left there. Photos, clothes, toothbrushes, thousands of scented candles you always brought. Even your makeup, that was still carefully organized in his bathroom cabinet. He liked coming home and seeing you there, feeling your presence in every little detail of his house. The warmth that only you could give him. Secretly, he kept it all because he was hoping to get you back.
"Now, stop changing the subject." He sees your ruse, of course he would. He knows you better than you know yourself, knows you always change the subject when you don't have an answer to a question. You couldn't dribble it for long. "What are you doing here?" He returns the focus to you. He wanted control back, he didn't like being so vulnerable in front of you. Not now, when you were apart. Two strangers questioning each other.
You pause. Your lips open and close several times, mimicking what Lewis did seconds ago. You think, look for an answer. You should lie, invent something. But then you remember that you suck at it, you remember all the times you tried to throw him a surprise party and failed thanks to your lack of talent for lying.
"I was at the bar, Alisha made me go, she said I needed to have fun, that I should found a man to have casual sex with, that I needed to forget you. I agreed and went to the damn party. And, you want to know? It was the worst decision I ever made." You said, the words rushing out of your mouth, fumbling. He watches you intently, as if he's trying to absorb them. Surprise plastered on his face. Always mesmerized by the way you managed to be so open, so honest with your own feelings in front of him.
"I tried to follow Alisha's advice. I tried looking for a man to fuck with, to finally get over you." Lewis's jaw clenches at your words, jealousy plastered on his face. His mouth opens, he's ready to interrupt you, but you don't let him. "I looked for you everywhere in that damn club. I looked for your haircut, your tattoos, your clothes. Even your fucking smell. No man I talked to seemed interesting enough. Do you know why? Because I didn't find you in any of them"
A weight comes off your back when you finish talking. You were being vulnerable, being real with him. It feels good like that. But the way Lewis looks at you makes you tremble, feel unstable in your own feet. You've known him for many years, you know how to decipher every look, every gesture, every speech. But there, he seems strangely unfamiliar to you.
You expect him to kiss you romantically, tell you he loves you, that he wants you back. Or that he yells at you, another fight, says all the nonsense things he knows he'll regret later. But you weren't expecting silence, blankness. You suddenly feel stupid, mad at yourself for allowing yourself to come here, talk so openly about your feelings to him and receive silence and an indecipherable stare in response.
"So you came all this way for sex? That's it?" He says, after the longest 15 seconds of your whole life, one hand on his chin and a light smirk on his lips.
You laugh after listening to it. You cannot believe this. You didn't know exactly what you expected after practically screaming that he was irreplaceable in your life. But surely you did not expect such a superficial interpretation of his words.
Of course he didn't want to go that deep. He didn't want to believe that you were practically declaring yourself to him. He preferred to stay on the surface. He was always like that, always wanted to protect himself, always wanted to be sure before he played his cards. It was more comfortable that way. Maybe he was right to act like this. It would be easier that way. Nobody would get hurt.
You take a step forward, the thin silk of your dress brushing his bare chest.
"Yes. I came here just for that. Give it to me Lewis. Take me. Show me why I should never have let you go." He takes a deep breath, watches your red lips for a long time. Your face is so close to his that you could see every detail of it, from the small mark on his right eyebrow, to the little moles he had on the upper part of his cheeks.
"I can't.” His voice was unsure. “We shouldn't." He murmurs, but his hands go to your waist, caressing your skin through the fabric.
"Yeah, maybe we shouldn't. But you want it. I know you do. Take me back, Lewis." You whisper against his lips, challenge him in such a way that you know he couldn't hold back anymore. Making sure he would end up succumbing to his sexual desires. "I'm yours." And then he loses everything. Pride, senses, reason. He throws it all up and kisses you, his tongue sucking yours fiercely.
His kiss is something from another planet. Perfect, soft lips smacking yours. Looks like they were created exclusively for kissing. His tongue nimble, exploring every corner of her mouth, dominating. You ask yourself how you lived so long without it.
Your hands go quickly to the sides of his neck, touch his broad shoulders, desperate to feel every inch of his skin again. You let your fingers sail through his silky hair, enjoy the warm feeling of it.
When Lewis' calloused hands grip the back of your neck tightly, you feel your knees go weak, your legs turning to jelly right next to him, dizzy from the overwhelming sensation coursing through your body. You feel adrift, completely surrendered to him, as if it were the first time. God, you’ve missed this.
You tug at his caramel hair, run your nails gently through his scalp, feel his body shudder against yours. He moans against your lips, a sign that he was as surrendered as you were, as vulnerable as you. You take the advantage, let your lips travel down his neck, spread wet kisses there. When you lick his Adam's apple, Lewis seems to wake up from his surge of pleasure, struggling to regain control of the situation.
"Jump" He orders. You readily obey and throw yourself into his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist. He grabs you quickly, strong arms holding your legs.
You knew he worked out a lot, you followed him in countless training sessions, you knew how much he charged himself with it, how focused he was. But his strength always left you surprised, shocked. The ease with which he carried you, as if you were nothing. He presses his lips to yours again, walks with you in his arms to his room, until you're lying in his large bed, the cotton sheets hugging your body.
Lewis wastes no time, his long fingers quickly reach the bar of your dress, play with the fabric. "Did you put this dress on purpose?" He asks, the left eyebrow erected, a bold smile on his lips. You roll your eyes to him, try to look bored.
"You know yes. I'm always thinking of you, even when I'm choosing the fucking my clothes." Your voice sounds ironic, but that was not totally a lie.
"I thought you thought about me when you took them out," he says, surely thinking his joke was genius. The smile on his face even more open makes his nose wrinkle, his eyes become smaller. Your heart squeezes with it.
"Ugh, Lewis, just fuck me" you murmur, turn your head to the side, don't look at him. A muffled laugh leaves your lips, he smiles even more with the sound.
"Always so eager." He says as he pulls the dress out of your body, finally makes you free to him, only your little black panties separates you from nudity.
He knew your body, knew everything about it, every single detail etched into his mind. From the small scar you had on your stomach to the stretch marks on the flash of your ass, the ones that had bothered you all your life and that he insisted on kissing every time, softest hands every time they passed there. Even with all this knowledge, he didn't get tired of looking, didn't get tired of appreciating your body as if it were the first time. He wanted to make you feel desired, the most beautiful and loved woman in the world every single time.
"You're perfect, baby." He murmurs against the skin of your shoulder, leaves wet kisses there. His lips run over your body, tongue and teeth marking your skin, so you never forgot who you belonged to. You feel your body tingle, your cheeks heat with pleasure. Suddenly, the weather feels warmer, your body temperature has probably risen ten degrees. "The most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
Your heart raced in your chest as his tattooed hands cupped the whole volume of your breasts, sending electric shocks through every nerve ending in your body. He massages them slowly, your nipples hardening with arousal. You can feel the thin material of your panties soaking more and more, every little touch of it setting you on fire. Your eyelids were fluttering, making it hard to see how much you were being pressed against every hard, bulging plane in Lewis's chest.
It doesn't take long for his lips to make contact with the soft skin of your breasts. Tongue and teeth working your sensible nipples, wet kisses and gentle bites. You feel like you're going to melt every time he licks it, moans his name shamelessly, tries to touch his arms and shoulders all at the same time. Wanting to make the most of him you can, the weight of uncertainty leaves you in a hurry, almost desperate to take all he has to offer.
“You came here because you knew other men could never make you feel like this, huh?” You almost laugh when Lewis says that. Of course no other man could make you fall apart with just a few touches, no man could make you so comfortable, so shameless, so in love. You wanted to shout it out to him, you wanted to make him understand it, to engrave it in his mind in big letters. But you don't have the strength to speak at that moment, not when he's tasting you, when he's touching you like this. So you moan his name again, whimper swear words, and pray he understands.
His kisses go down your body, leaving a trail of fire where his full lips pass. He dispenses thousands of them in your belly, patiently, as if he has all the time in the world. When he finally gets there, you sigh in relief, feel your body convulse, burn in anticipation of his next moves.
His teeth crawl along the side of her hip, right where the fabric of her panties rests. He takes the cloth between his teeth, removes it from your body so fast and so agile that before you know it, you're already completely naked to him, your swollen, wet lips on sight, big hands holding your legs apart, your knees almost touching your ears.
"Fuck, look at this" He says, almost to himself, mesmerized by the sight of your fat pussy, dripping with arousal, wetting the white sheets. A sign of how much you wanted him, how much you needed him. “So fucking perfect” He says, rusky voice before bending down completely, staring at your needy cunt before finally touching it with his lips.
His tongue is agile, experienced as it snakes its way between your needy folds, from the soaked entrance to the swollen clit, over and over, tirelessly. You feel your juices dripping onto the white sheets, a testament to how aroused you were.
When his tongue swirls around your needy bud, you feel your body bubbling as it has never been before, trembling between his fingers, his name falling from your lips like a prayer, reverent, repetitive. How did you ever think you could live without feeling this?
His licks made your fingers curl with need, muscles loosen and mind wandered through the air. Your quiet moans and the soft sound of Lewis' mouth working on your wet folds ranging in the silence of the room, so obscene and intimate at the same time.
Your body was humming, as if every cell had been administered with sweet pleasure. It all multiplied when two his thick fingers stretched your middle, rough and fast, the same rhythm of his tongue on your clit.
It's enough for you to come, body shuddering, back arched into the mattress, legs closing around his face, choking, trying to keep him there and pushing him away at the same time, pleasure invading every vertebra in your body. A deep scream comes from your throat, hoarse, broken, loud enough to echo through the building for the neighbors to hear.
Your orgasm is mind-blowing, destroyer, the kind of peak that consumes your brain, leaving you unable to think about anything other than the sensations Lewis causes in you.
Suddenly Lewis' heavy body is on top of you again, lips pressed to yours, your tongue licking your own taste through him. Everything is divine, hypnotic, abrasive, from his strong muscles pressing into you, to his erection against your thighs, a testament to just how aroused he was. For you, only you.
When his face moves the slightest bit away from yours, his eyes focus on you, hands on your cheeks, thumb caressing warm skin, endless circles being drawn.
"You are so, so beautiful". He whispers in a deep way, like a secret he wants to share only with you. You kiss him again, try to express all of your emotion, your feelings through the act and hope he understands.
Your desperate hands find the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling the fabric down without blinking, in a hurry, eager for him. Lewis is naked, no underwear under his sweatpants. Such a whore, you think, a smirk is shared between the two of you before the driver pulls away and removes his pants properly.
In the darkness of his room, Lewis's naked body glistens, bright and reflecting against your eyes, strong shoulders and muscular legs, delicate traces of the tattoos. Perfect.
His cock rises proudly against the soft skin of his lower abdomen. The long length, dark shaft, a long, bulging vein running from the base to the tip. You have to control yourself not to get down on your knees in front of him and ask him to fuck your mouth hard, make you choke on the length, just the way he likes it.
Everything happens too fast. You crawl nimbly across the sheets until you reach the edge of the bed, right in front of him, your eyes focusing directly on his manhood, hungrily.
"Baby, you don’t -" Lewis tries to stop you, but is interrupted when you spit into your own hand and bring it up to his length, stroking it gently, up and down, spreading your saliva all over his skin, wetting, preparing him. for you.
"Just making sure it will fit" you say, eyes locked on his as your fingertip circles the swollen shaft, making him groan.
He needs to interrupt you, or he's going to come too soon. Lewis manages your body easily, pins you to the mattress with his own body, his cock hovering at your wet, dripping entrance. With a strong thrust, he fully enters your soaked pussy, stretching you deliciously. The fit was perfect, as if he had been created especially for you and you for him. You felt completely full, totally fulfilled.
"Fuck, baby" Lewis murmurs against your ear when he's fully inside you. "So tight for me."
The feeling is indescribable, as always. The air left your body, for a few moments you can't even breathe. All you can do is enjoy the overwhelming sensation that washes over you. The emotions Lewis aroused in you were inexplicable, unbeatable, nothing in the world could compare to that.
You were a grown woman, it's obvious you'd experienced pleasure in other men before, but nothing was as intense as it was. It was always mind-blowing, a connection so true, so deep, so meaningful that you were sure you could live 100 lives, but you would never find something like that.
He stay still for a long time, just enjoying the sensation of being inside of you again. Feels like being home after a long time traveling, and nothing in the world can beat it. When he starts to move, hips moving back and forth rhythmically, slow and deep in your heat, you feel your eyes water, pleasure tears falling down your face. It's as if your bodies know each other and are unfamiliar. The familiar and nostalgic feeling permeated by new things, new touches. As if it was the first time. You don't want it to ever end, you want to live it forever, feel it until your last day on earth.
You feel desperate to touch him as much as you can, the aching longing and the need to engrave every curve, every tattoo, every texture all over again, even if you haven't completely forgotten about it. You doubted you would ever make it.
Your hands touch the broad, well-spotted shoulders of your lover. Nails scrape across his broad back, right in the middle of the cross tattooed on his skin, leaving marks there. Your lips trail down his neck, wet kisses, soft bites. You want to taste all of it.
You don't know exactly where you got the strength from, but you managed to reverse the positions, Lewis below you now, your legs on either side of his hips.
Maybe he was so intoxicated with pleasure that he didn't even notice his movement, he became weakened, distracted. Or maybe he made it easy for you. He didn't come out easily, but you knew he enjoyed being submissive to you, loved it when you took charge, loved seeing you feel powerful, unshakable on top of him.
You start by slowly rolling your hips, feeling the texture of him intimately. But after a while you can't contain yourself anymore, start bouncing hard along his length, up and down, non-stop. He felt deeper this way, the tip of him touching deep points inside of you, over and over in that place that makes you whimper, moan his name.
His hands rest on your ass, slapping it hard or squeezing the flesh between his fingers, trying to show that he was still in control. You lean over him, one of his hands hovering over his chin and by the look in his eyes he knew what you wanted. Lewis opens his mouth eagerly and you quickly spit there. He swallows gracefully before you pull him in for a fiery kiss.
You can feel your juices dripping onto Lewis' thick thighs, the incessant thud of your body slamming against his, the moans echoing from your lover's full lips, it was all driving you crazy, intoxicated. It was all too much, too overwhelming.
Lewis suddenly stops his desperate motions, his strong arms encircling you completely, one of them running down your back to your ass and the other gripping the back of your neck, completely paralyzing you. You don't understand, start squeezing your pussy incessantly around his cock, show how desperate for his next moves you are.
"Baby, you're not making it easy for me." He murmurs against your ear, leaves a kiss on your cheek. He was on edge, his cock throbbing relentlessly, a sign that he was close. But he didn't want to come now, he wanted to hold on as long as possible, make the moment last. He wanted you to come first, to come undone in his arms, and just then he would fuck you through it, prolong your pleasure. Only then did he want to come. You were his priority, always.
Then, after he's been parked for a while in your deep spot, he starts moving his hips up, slow and deep, just like you liked.
"That pussy" He says through gritted teeth, his hand squeezing the flesh of your ass hard. You close your eyes, feel your orgasm closer than ever. "Feels so fucking good. It's going to be the death of me."
An incredible strong, overwhelming knot slowly formed deep in your stomach, and each brush of Lewis' cook tightened it more, and then, after a few more thrusts, the knot came undone and your orgasm flowed through your body like waves, crashing in the sands. You let out a long breath as he maintained your orgasm with what it felt like a touch of pity.
He explodes in your pussy right after, jets of his hot cum painting your heat. You make a point of squeezing his dick, milk him until every drop is secure inside of you. You feel like you can touch the sky, the satisfaction of giving him the pinnacle of pleasure was priceless, it made you feel special, powerful.
His body falls against the mattress, taking you with him. Your head against his chest, his peaceful heartbeat against your cheek. Lewis keeps his eyes closed, breathing hard, his broad shoulders rising and falling slowly. You want to feel this peace, this tranquility forever, you want to remember it like this, so relaxed, so full of pleasure. And the best part was that you had caused it, you had been responsible for making him feel so good.
"I love you" The words suddenly fall from his lips, easily, out loud, as if it was something normal, usual between you. As if you’ve never broken up.
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zirawrites · 2 years
If sole miraculously found a functioning karaoke machine, what song, duet or otherwise, would the companions sing with them at the third rail?
I only chose from the songs available in the Fallout playlists (Fallout 1-4 + NV), just to narrow my choices. It is taking everything in me not to make a fic of Hancock and Sole getting absolutely obliterated and singing together.
Also, I had to set my Spotify listening to private so this didn’t bastardize my Spotify Wrapped next year. And canonlically some companions have a favorite genre, so I tried to incorporate that as well.
Cait: Good Rockin’ Tonight by Roy Brown. It’s a rock song about sex. Enough said.
Codsworth: Doin’ the Uptown Lowdown because it’s the raunchiest song he’ll allow himself to recite.
Curie: Blue Moon, specifically to Billie Holiday’s score. It reminds her that while her passion is for science, her love is for the purpose she found in being Sole’s arms.
Danse: It’s a Sin by Eddy Arnold. Danse loves country, and this one speaks to him as someone who holds brotherhood values whilst simultaneously being something his order hates.
Deacon: He chooses Civilization as an excuse to jump around the stage with Sole screaming “bongo, bongo, bongo”, but after a few more drinks he sings Ain’t That a Kick in the Head because of the liquid courage that tells him his voice would be perfect for it. And it is.
Hancock: Good Neighbor by his favorite singer, Magnolia, of course! Sole and him even convince her to perform with them.
MacCready: Right Behind You Baby by Ray Smith. It combines his love of classic rock with being Sole’s favorite sniper.
Preston: Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive. Preston is the vocals while Sole is his back-up singer.
Piper: Manhattan. Ella Fitzgerald suits her vocal range, and she’s secretly hoping that impresses Magnolia.
Nick: Happy Times by Bob Crosby. It makes half the bar tear up.
X6-88: Sole pinky-promises they won’t ask him to run errands for the Minutemen for a whole week if he performs. He sings thirty seconds of You’re Nobody Till Somebody Loves You until he gives up, but as soon as he sets the microphone down the crowd erupts in encouraging cheers, so he reluctantly continues.
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hazardworld · 1 year
Dustin's a Damn Good Ally (Original) Pt. 6
Chapter 6— Scars and Black Sweatshirts
Ao3 Link
Originally Posted 1.1.23/Edited 9.2.23
Summary: Dustin's turn! I've tagged him as queer only because I didn't want to ruin the surprise. When this is a series, his actual label will be in future fics. (fyi i had one in the words but as of now I'm using part of it for Monster Town S2E4 so...yeah)
(Queer author saying queer is used both positive and negative here)
Eddie was taken aback at how accepting Dustin was.
It was clear he didn’t care about sexualities, even if he was straight. That was metal as fuck in its own right, but even more interesting was how the kid seemed to have an innate sense of gaydar in him.
As good as if he was gay himself.
Either way, Eddie found himself having a movie night with Steve and his adopted siblings/children, fully able to kiss and hand-hold and love his boyfriend, without judgement from the other two in between them (aka the only reason Steve and Eddie weren’t cuddling: the redhead on Eddie’s right, next to the brunet on Steve’s left)
Eddie had found himself a family full of love, and for fuck’s sake, he was happy.
The movie in question was the Breakfast Club, something everyone found comforting and sweet, and hopefully not inducing nightmares from trauma Eddie wasn’t technically supposed to know about but forced all three to tell him after everyone had screaming nightmare after screaming nightmare.
Besides, Eddie thought it was similar to their dynamic: found family from all walks of life, not to mention is was secretly a personal favorite of his.
About an hour in, Dustin went to go get popcorn, but the movie was quickly stopped as Steve gently pushed him back down into his seat.
Eddie looked up in confusion as Max and Steve put on determined looks, and Dustin’s confused face quickly turned into a panicked one.
Eddie pretended not to see (or be hurt by) the way Dustin's fearful eyes kept going back and forth, mostly directed at him.
"Max, you know where the sweatshirt is, yeah?" She nodded and ran upstairs, while Steve ran into the kitchen, Eddie mentally agreeing to follow behind.
"Steve, what’s going on? Is Dustin ok?" Steve gave a little huff, and started looking through cabinets.
"Babe, I love you, but it’s something Dustin needs to tell you. Not my place." Steve grinned as he spotted and swiped a large bottle of hydrogen peroxide. "Grab the paper towels on your way. C’mon." Eddie grabbed the roll, trailing behind like a lost puppy.
By now, Max had returned, and was helping a crying Dustin tie a black sweatshirt around his waist, and Eddie saw the dark red stain on the Harrington’s pristine couch.
That made…so much sense.
Eddie remembered coming out to Wayne: the day after his middle school graduation, saying that he was Eddie, and that’s who he’d be in high school.
How scared he’d been that someone who he trusted and loved could turn on him so easily, just for saying who he was.
How kind Wayne had been, saying Eddie was his boy, and how tightly they hugged afterwards.
Now, the roles were reversed: Wayne’s job now his.
So, Eddie did the best thing he could, and tore off his shirt.
Well, he didn’t literally tear it off, but he threw it over his head so fast it was almost like tearing it.
Either way, it had exactly the effect intended, because the second Dustin caught sight of his bare chest, he gasped.
Under Eddie’s chest were two long, slightly mangled scars of the breast reduction surgery that had "gone too far."
News flash, it hadn’t.
And the scars that reminded Eddie of what had once been now brought one of his favorite kids joy, because Eddie was just like him.
"Eddie?" Eddie grinned and nodded, and Dustin just crashed into him, into a hug.
"I thought…I thought you’d hate me…being gay is one thing…" Eddie gently shushed him and pulled him in tighter.
"Don’t worry kiddo, I could never hate you for being trans. It’d be kinda hypocritical, no?" Dustin giggled in his arms. Eddie caught the wide grin from Steve and the approving smile—the equivalent to Steve’s wide grin—from Max, and he smiled warmly.
Max snatched the paper towels from his hand, making it clear his job today was comfort, as she and Steve got to work on the stain.
Eddie stayed shirtless the rest of the night, pretending not to see the little glances Dustin gave the scars as the movie continued.
And that's a wrap!
A few bits that may be integrated later, idk: - Dustin knows Steve's safe because he got his first period at Steve's house (spring '85) - Eddie gives Dustin a few of his own black sweatshirts after the fact - Dustin (plus Nancy and Lucas) can sew, and he makes his own binders out of sports bras
Special thanks to a few of my friends who beta read (aka I just read this aloud to you at some point), especially "the Dipper to my Mabel" (I don't think they have an ao3/tumblr acct) and @octopiys.
Please PLEASE read the new version. Yes, it may have the same plotline, but I've added a bunch of fun details that give the story more character.
Chapter 5/6
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un-named-thing · 2 years
This was a request but the person wanted to stay anonymous so yaa. They asked for billy or eddie and I thought fuck it why not do both so this is the billy one and there will be an eddie one.
'Am i not good enough for him' Billy hargrove x male!reader
Summary: your in a secret reactionship with billy and you see him flirting with Nancy's mom which makes you jealous and insecure.
Cw: reader being hella insecure, mention of hawkins being homophobic(no suprise there), angst,
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It was finally your day off. It felt so fucking good to just relax with Steve and robin and just not care about anything else. You guessed you just needed a break cause you have been stressing the whole week.
You where exited. It was hot and you where real fucking happy. Nothing could ruin your mood today. Or so you thought.
Walking out the changing room you noticed your (secret) boyfriend, Billy. He was talking to Nancy's mother. You didn't pay them any mind but something in your gut didn't feel right.
You ignored the feeling and simply walked past them to get to where robin and steve seemed to be arguing about something stupid again.
But as soon as you walked by Billy you paused. You however didn't wanna cause any un-needed attention so you quickly kept walking.
You got to your seat and looked straight to where billy and mrs wheeler where. No, no you must have misheard them.
Billy wasn't flirting with her, he couldn't be. She had a husband... but before you even started secretly dating billy he used to get any girl he wanted, even if she had a boyfriend.
Your heart sank. You and Billy acted like you where strangers to eachother in public. And you knew damn well why your relationship was a secret. If anyone ever found out if would be hell. Hawkins isn't the most accepting town after all.
You try to just ignore the thoughts flooding your head as you see billy get back up on his chair and not even spare you a glance. You saw Mrs wheeler go back to where she was sitting originally.
No. He was flirting with her. That's the only damn reason these middle aged women came out here. To get his attention and to get their backs blown out in the storage room.
You let your head hang low. Maybe this relationship you had with him ment nothing to him. Maybe this was all some cruel prank and currently somewhere his 'friends' where laughing at how pathetic you looked.
Maybe he was just waiting to out you to the whole school. Maybe billy Is just straight and doesn't actually love you. Maybe this is all a funny joke to him.
But what if you where a girl instead? Maybe then he would love you more. Maybe your relationship wouldn't be a secret and be would actually say he loved you. Or maybe he'd just play with you and throw you away like the rest of the girl's he's dated.
Maybe thats what happening to you. He's simply getting tired of you. Ya definitely, and any day now he's gonna come to your house and just break up with you. Cause why would he actually care. Key word he doesn't ducling care.
God dammit your only day of in the week, was ruined. Fucking ruined just because of some shitty guy who didn't love you. God great day, right.
You felt someone shake you slightly, breaking your train of thought. You looked over to see Steve with a massive grin on his face. "Hey you wanna go swim or burn out in the sun?" He said slightly laughing. You chuckled and simply nodded.
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lunaraindrop · 2 years
Who Needs Fast Times? -Steddie-Fic
Eddie said he had the purpose of renting The Dark Crystal when he walked into Family Video that day.
"Yeah, our favorite little flock are coming over later. Might as well make it a movie night, right?"
Steve, who knew they were all going over to Eddie's new trailer later because *he* would be the one taking them over, nodded sagely.
"That's a good idea. Creepy Muppets will definitely keep those rag tag idiots entertained for a while."
Depositing an armful of return tapes on the counter, Robin couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh! Steve! I heard that Tammy Thompson is planning to join a band!"
Eddie's nose crinkled. "Is it Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem? Because she sounds like a Muppet, and not even the cool, creepy kind."
Steve beemed at Eddie, happy, fond smile on his face. "Yes! That is exactly what I've been saying!"
The more they were around each other, the more Steve and Eddie found that they strangely had many things in common. Despite outward appearances, it became quickly apparent that the two guys were ridiculously compatible.
As friends, of course.
It fascinated the kids, especially Dustin, how in sinc they were. Like a well oiled machine. If they were not on the same wavelength, they were balancing each other out. More than once Dustin secretly pouted that Eddie would be the perfect boyfriend for Steve. You know, if Steve and Eddie liked guys. The one time he vented about it to Max, Eddie had overheard.
Oh, if Henderson only knew.
At this point, pining was an art to Eddie. To him, his growing friendship was worth a little heartache, if it meant he got to keep Steve.
Hey. Steve looked out for everyone else. Someone had to look out for him.
If he knew how Eddie felt...well, it might not go well.
A costumer had come in in the middle of their laughter. The two employees calmed it down to give the Family Video greeting. In fake, cheery unison.
Eddie laughed again when the customer was out of earshot. "Talk about creepy Muppets. You two are giving the Skeksis a run for their money."
Steve furrowed his brow. "Who?"
Robin rolled her eyes. "The creepy Muppets we have been talking about, dingus!"
Eddie, a glint in his eyes, leaned his forearms onto the counter, getting dangerously close to Steve's face.
"Stevie, have you actually seen The Dark Crystal?"
Steve, not moving away, only shrugged. "No? But, come on, the movie cover has creepy Muppets on it. Not that far a leap, Ed."
That glint danced as he shot an amused look briefly to Robin. "You're coming with the kids, right?"
Finally stepping back for a little space, Steve blinked. "Oh. You want me to stay? I was just doing the drop off."
Eddie tilted his head, eyes never leaving Steve's but calling over his shoulder. "Bucks, you and Big Boy are both welcome to come join our fiasco tonight. We can educate this poor boy on good movies."
"It would take a lot more than one night, Eddie. But sure, I'll go."
Steve moved from the counter and put his hands on his hips. "Hey, I know good movies! Just because I haven't seen some of the nerdy ones does not mean I don't know!"
Looking over, he held up one in triumph. Robin squawked and rolled her eyes.
"No! Not this again."
"Yes! This again! This is a good movie!"
Eddie reached for the cassette. "What movie even is this?" Yanking it out of Steve's hand, Eddie danced away and ducked down next to Robin. Reading it silently, Eddie looked up in disappointment at Steve.
"Fast Times at Ridgemont High? Really?"
Steve looked at Eddie in astonishment. Besides the debate on heavy metal vs pop, Steve and Eddie agreed on almost everything.
"Wait, you don't like Fast Times?"
Robin actually looked a little worried. Steve face looked like it was a little in pain.
Eddie bit his lip, but shook his head. "Sorry, Steve-o. Not really my thing."
Steve seemed to rally, and bounced on his feet, looking a bit like an excited Dustin. "But, like, come on. Everyone likes at least some parts of the movie."
"Oh my God, Steve! Shut. Up-" Robin tried to speak over when she realized where he was going with that.
Eddie crossed his arms. "Eh, I watched it once. Didn't really like it."
"What about at-"
"Steve, NO-"
"53 minutes and-"
" -5 seconds?"
Eddie twirled the ring in his index finger. "What's at 53 minutes and 5 seconds?"
Steve smiled and opened his mouth.
Robin beat him to it.
Steve smiled.
Robin threw a pack of red licorice at him.
Eddie...still did not look impressed. " 'Boobies' ? That's it?"
"That...that's it?! They're boobies!"
"Like, are they enchanted boobs?"
Both Steve and Robin were speechless.
Robin recovered first. " 'Enchanted Boobs' ?! Jesus Christ, Eddie!"
Steve literally shook off his stupor. "There's no magic in Fast Times, Eddie!"
The one customer they had quietly slinked out the doorway.
Noticing this, Eddie wiggled the cassette, only for Steve to step up and take him from him.
"Okay, so what makes that part so special?"
Steve was flummoxed. "The boobies is the special part! Anyone that likes boobies likes that part!"
And all at once, Eddie felt his stomach drop to the floor.
Anyone who likes boobies likes that part...but Eddie doesn't seem to see anything special about that part.
He knew he was silent for too long. And by the tiny gasp that Robon let out, he knew his secret was out.
He was out.
Sure, he could have left it as is. Made a joke, run away. Not let them know.
But, Eddie was trying to be braver. And, these were supposed to be his friends. Best friends, really, aside from Henderson. Shouldn't they know him for real?
Taking a risk, Eddie used a luck point to roll.
"Yeah...still not my thing, Steve."
Steve furrowed his brow.
"What's not your thing?"
Gathering ever piece of courage he had, Eddie whispered in Steve's ear.
"Boobies, Big Boy."
He stood back, trying to hide his nerves with a goofy smile.
Robin reached out.
"Oh, Eddie. Are you-?"
"A Friend of Dorothy? Just call my Scarecrow. Or Toto, I guess."
Steve, frozen, said distractedly, "Nah, you wouldn't Bless the Rains in Africa."
Shaking that off, Steve put a hand on Eddie's shoulder.
"You-you like guys?"
Eddie, nervous, replied, "Yeah."
He did not expect both Steve and Robin to manhandle him into a slightly awkward, but very warm hug.
Robin squeezed him tighter. "This is so big! Thank you for trusting us with this!"
The door chimed as another customer came in. That time, Robin was the only one to say the greeting, only after untangling herself. It took Steve a little longer to pull away (which Eddie didn't mind.)
When he did, though, his cheeks were red, and he was looking at Eddie like he knew an answer to a question Steve didn't think to ask.
Showing the customer the choices of children's movies, Robin reached out and squeezed Eddie's hand. "We'll talk later. But, I am so proud of you!" Looking over at Steve, she nodded, and smiled at Eddie. "Just, you know. If you're Scarecrow, I'm definitely Tinman." She walked off.
Eddie grinned. "I knew it!"
Seeing as it was only the two of them left, Eddie whistled and grabbed The Dark Crystal. "I better get going. Gotta set up crash space for the flock. And a place for us grown ups to sit."
As he walked out, he heard Steve curse at himself, before being followed out the door.
"Hey, Eddie! Wait!"
Eddie turned, movie in hand.
"You called, Sir Steven?"
Running fingers through his hair and scratching at the back of his neck, Steve asked, "Okay, so, no to boobies, right? Well, w-what do you like?"
"What do I like...?"
Steve smiled, but almost bitterly said, "Nerdy guys, right? You probably like really smart guys with perfect pecks. Or Metalheads! Do you like metalheads? Because you like the same music?"
Was...was Steve...jealous?
Holy shit.
Heart hammering, Eddie locked eyes with Steve.
"Stevie, Stevie, Stevie. I might be awesome, but loving another version of me would get so boring."
He sauntered closer, never taking his eyes away from that beautiful brown.
The words tumbled out. "What do you like, then?"
"I like hairy chests."
Steve actually looked down at himself.
"Eyes on me, Big Guy."
When he knew he had Steve's undivided attention, he spoke in a hushed whisper..
"I like hairy chests. I also really like dumb jocks that are a lot smarter than they are given credit for. I like guys with terrible tastes in movies and music, but God damn do they love their friends and their kids."
The longer Steve was silent, the more dread Eddie felt. Just as he was about to apologize, Steve leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Please let me be reading this right. Because, God Munson, I want to be reading this right so bad."
Eddie, blushing, whispered to Steve.
"Uh...do you happen to like guys too?"
Steve whispered back, "I'm half Toto, and I'm going to show you just how much I like you, Eddie Munson."
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smieszkanazawsze · 2 years
CAN SOMEONE WRITE IT ????? I NEED IT!!!! Drop link in comments if you gonna use one of ideas. AND IF YOU GONNA USE IT THEN TAG/CREDIT ME PLEASE.
Also you guys decide if its angst or fluff. Or if there's happy ending or no.
I got some steddie fic ideas:
1. Eddie is secretly a drag queen in some lgbtq+ club. One day Robin decides to take Steve to this club and they see Eddie there and Steve just totally falls in love with Eddie
2. Steve is a popular rally driver. One day he falls in love in his new mechanic named Eddie Munson.
3. Steve told everybody that he meet someone. They assumess that it's a girl. But it's Eddie Munson, 20-years old single dad.
They meet when Eddie came to Family Video to rent some movie(s) for his kid/kids at Robin's day off.
4. Eddie is old Nancy/Robin friend, but they losed touch when Nancy/Robin moved to Hawkins.
One Day Nancy/Robin introduced Eddie to them,because he moved to Hawkins and Steve falls for Eddie.
5. Fruity four works as counselors at summer camp. Robin and Nancy takes care of girls group meanwhile Eddie and Steve take care of boys.
6. Eddie work as mechanic nearby Family Video. Everytime when Steve see him, he got bi/gay panic.
7. Steve is in hospital, because he broke his hand. He became friends with Eddie, boy who is sick. He has a list of things he wants to do before he dies.
Steve found out about this list and he helped him with doing all of this. But there's one thing, they got only month for it, because Eddie is dying.
8. Steve and Eddie were bestfriends when they were kids, but when Steve became popular he started to pretend that he doesn't know Eddie, and starts to bully him. Eddie tries to change it.
9. When Robin's parents meet Eddie, they assume that Eddie is Robin's boyfriend. But they don't know, that their daughter is lesbian, and Eddie is her gay bestfriend.
Robin is too scared to tell them truth, so they started to pretend that they are dating.
10. There's new student Eddie Munson. Nancy shows him school, and then they starts to spend a lot of time together. There's a rumour, that Eddie is in love with her.
But nobody knows that Eddie have a crush on Steve Harrington. Popular basketball team captain.
11. Eddie Munson is quiet nerd with good grades. But at night he plays in popular band called Corroded Coffin.
Steve Harrington is fan of Corroded Coffin. He have crush on Corroded Coffin's hot lead singer, who can play guitar. He also hates Eddie Munson. Steve doesn't know that they are the same person.
12. Steve goes back in time, to his high school years, and he can't go back. So he decide to change. He doesn't date Nancy, he get's friends with Robin and he tries to change his relationship with Eddie. But it's hard, because Eddie doesn't like him (yet).
13. Steve haunts monsters, but he doesn't know that Nancy is witch, Robin is vampire and Eddie is werewolf.
14. (Modern times) There's law that says that ghost and humans can't be in relationships (friends, lovers etc.).
Steve meet Eddie Munson one day, at beach. He gets friends with him. He falls for him, but he doesn't know that Eddie is ghost. And they can't date, because of the law.
15. Steve used to be in love with very pretty, popular girl in elementary school. But elementary school ends, and nobody never see her again. Everyone assumess that she is missing.
There's guy in class with Steve. Eddie Munson, weird outcast. Steve hates him. One day some asshole tells everybody Eddie's secret. Steve found out that Eddie is "missing" girl, and not matter how hard he doesn't want it, he catch feeling for Eddie.
16. Steve get sends to farm (to visit his grandparents) as detension. He gonna be there for two months (summer vacation).
He meets guy who works for them (Eddie). Steve doesn't like him, but longer he's there more he starts to like him.
17. Eddie is angel of death. When somebody died, he kiss their lips, so they can go to afterlife.
One day he was supposed to kill Steve Harrington, but he didn't do it, because he fall for him. They became friends and some time later they fall in love in each other.
Some time later they became couple, but it's hard for them, because everytime when Steve tried to kiss his lips, Eddie do anything, so it wouldn't happened.
18. Steve is son of king. He swimm to another kingdom (he is supposed to marry princess), but he gets kidnapped by Eddie's crew.
Eddie is wild pirate, who steals and kidnapping people (rich or royalty). They were a lot of stories made about him and his crew.
While Steve is on Eddie's ship, he meets him better, and catch feelings.
19. Steve is scared of needles, but Robin decided to get a tatto. While they are in studio Steve waits outside and talk to a guy. Robin's tatto is done, so they came back home.
Some time later Steve founds out that this guy ( that he was talking to, outside tatto studio) works there. So Steve decided to get one, little tatto.
20. Eddie moved to new, home. It's big, old mansion from the 80's. While cleaning it, he found old phone, he gonna throw it away later, because he doesn't have time right now.
It's night, and Eddie hears ringing. He's checking his phone, but it's not it. He decided to go back to sleep, but ringing doesn't stop. So he checking whole house, and it's this old phone.
Eddie picks it up, and it's some dude. Eddie talks to him, he wants to stop conversation, but then dude is screaming in panic, that his name is Steve Harrington. Eddie hangs up.
He checking Steve in internet, and he founds out, that Steve died in mallfire in the 1985. Eddie throws phone away, but next day, it's back on it's old place. No matter how hard and how many times Eddie tries, he can't get rid of it. And dead people still calls him.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Happy Ending
Eddie and Carver!Reader whose Jason’s twin sister dating secretly for years and after graduation one week the Carver family finds a note because reader left Hawkins with Eddie. Fluffy content for Eddie and Reader getting happiness out of the town that didn’t see any more that what was in the surface.
Request by anon.
Warnings; Fluff
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated. I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
They had rented an old camper van. It was really cute, y/n loved it. Eddie had got a great deal on it and it was perfect for getting out of Hawkins.
She couldn't wait.
Hawkins was the last place that she wanted to be. For years she and Eddie had to hide they were in love. All because of her brother Jason and assholes who wouldn't understand their love.
Assholes who called Eddie a freak and made him feel less about himself, she never wanted to hide their relationship, never.
Neither did Eddie but people were awful to him, called him a freak, bullied him. Only leaving him alone when he started talking back and developed a don't fuck with me attitude.
Despite that, he didn't want any shit he got from others to happen to her, she was the golden child, the princess. Queen of Hawkins along with Chrissy.
She was the good girl, the sweetheart yet she had a brother who despised her, her parents weren't much better, throwing money at problems they couldn't be bothered solving.
Everyone pressured her to be perfect, with no room for mistakes, constant perfection, constant fake smiles, looking the best and no room for error.
With Eddie, she found someone who she could be herself with. They knew each other in every single way, every flaw, every secret.
They never had to hide from each other, with Eddie she could truly be herself. Except for their friends all everyone saw when they looked at her and Eddie was surface level, they never got to know them, just judged them for what they saw.
It wasn't the best way but she had left her family a note, she confessed everything about how she and Eddie had been dating for almost two years. That they were in love, soulmates Chrissy and Robin called them.
Their closest friends were the only people who knew about their relationship. Chrissy, Dustin, Gareth, Jeff, Robin and Steve, they never judged and were always supportive as was Eddie's uncle Wayne.
"You ready beautiful?". Eddie asks grinning as he kisses her forehead, she nods happily and he kisses her, pulling her close to him.
"Ready Eds". They head inside and she takes the seat beside him, her parents would have found the letter by now.
It took a long time for her to figure out what to say but the words just flowed last night.
They still wouldn't understand no matter how much she poured her heart out to them.
She takes Eddie's hand and he squeezes it, a tender smile on his face. Then they set off, ready for their new journey.
Two months later she and Eddie were happier than she ever thought possible. They had their camper van and even though it was small it was theirs, Eddie had found a job working as a mechanic, and she found work In a bookstore that was very popular.
When they weren't working they travelled places and it was so freeing being able to be together without any close-minded judgement.
They both looked forward to the future and all the joy their happy ending would bring.
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sil-viper · 2 years
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The way Steve would put so much effort into his appearance for Eddie because secretly his opinion mattered.
They’d go to a concert because Steve has never been to one in his life and Eddie wanted him to experience it.
“This is actually pretty fun” Steve would say, holding Eddie’s hand tightly because he felt a little out of place. However with Eddie beside him he felt like he had someone to bring him more out of his shell, out of his comfort zone.
It wasn’t just that way for Steve, same way with Eddie. He wasn’t good with social cues or just being social unless it came to close friends, Steve helped him with that. They were like soulmates, seems cheesy but they completed each other. In ways no one would have thought possible, they helped each other through any and everything.
Robin of course was giggly when she found out about their relationship, She was happy for Steve finally finding himself as she claimed it took her awhile to feel comfy with herself.
When it came to them going on dates, they’d sometimes double date. With Robin & Nancy (depends could be Robin & Vicky if you’d like. They’d all go out to eat or hang out somewhere, it always ended up them either getting drunk or high.
After Vecna, Steve and Eddie had their first date at the dinner down the street. It was quite awkward but they held hands underneath the table to calm the others nerves. It’d always work. They always be close and cuddled up after dates, watching movies or just listening to music.
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pupandangelscoffee · 3 years
Three makes a family
Eddie Diaz x Evan "Buck" Buckley x Female reader
Genre: mostly fluff, slight angst in the middle
TW: mentions of alcohol, arguing
Word count: slightly over 3K
Taglist: @enterprise-medical
Buck really loved Carla and he knew that Eddie did too, especially since Chris always seemed to happy around her. That is why he did not understand why Eddie chose to hire a babysitter for Chris, clearly Carla could do the babysitting. Eddie tried explaining that he wanted Carla to be able to have some days off, too. After all, it can be exhausting to babysit a very energetic kid all day.
Even if Buck does not understand Eddie’s motivations, he is now sitting in the older male’s living room and waiting for the doorbell to ring, already painting a picture of the babysitter in his head. She probably looks like an evil witch with gray hair and lots of wrinkles on her face, making her seem friendly despite her secretly scaring children by telling them she would eat them. Though as soon as the doorbell rings, Chris starts racing his dad to the door, leaving a very confused Buck behind. “Why did his little buddy seem so excited to see the new babysitter? Why was his little buddy more excited to see his babysitter than he was when Buck came over earlier?? This just feels unfair!” Buck concludes in his head, getting up and walking to the kitchen to grab himself a drink. From his place he can hear the excited yells from Chris, a small smile immediately creeping on his face though dropping almost instantly when he remembers that he wasn’t the one making Chris that happy.
After taking another deep breath, he makes his way over to the living room very steadily, ready to assess you. However, as soon as he lays eyes on you, he chokes up and trips over his own feet, crashing into the small table on the side and dropping his glass. Startled by the sound, Chris, Eddie and you turn around to face him, you immediately jumping up and helping the young firefighter with the broken glass. “You didn’t tell me that I have to babysit two kids, Eds” you state, earning laughter from Chris and Eddie and an embarrassed look from Buck. “You must be Buck, right? Chris has told me a lot about you” you tell the embarrassed man, who is still in shock from seeing your beauty up close. Chuckling softly, you grab the shards of broken glass from his hands before heading to the kitchen to get a towel and throw the shards away.
“So, what do you think?” Eddie asks Buck softly while you are out of the room, however, he does not get a response as Buck simply continues staring at the spot you were sitting a moment ago. Chris slowly gets up and hugs Buck, thinking that the firefighter got hurt when he tripped, though Eddie quickly understood what was going on and shakes his head. Seems like Buck 1.0 still existed somewhere in his younger friend, despite everyone telling him that Buck was no longer like that. Perhaps he should talk to Maddie about this, needing someone’s opinion, that actually knew Buck as well as he did. Though before he has the chance to excuse himself, you are back in the living room and making your way over to Chris. “Ready for a fun day, Chris?” you ask him with a smile playing on your lips to which Chris eagerly nods and allows you to pick him up. “I will bring him home at 8 tonight, alright Eds?” you state, turning to look at the older male. “Yeah, 8 sounds perfect. I will see you tonight.” He replies, smiling at you and walking over to press a kiss goodbye onto Chris’s forehead.
As soon as you and Chris are gone, he gets another cup of water and pours it over Buck’s head, successfully pulling him out of his trance. “Do not even think about sleeping with Y/N, Evan.” He states lowly, giving the younger firefighter a glare while Buck just looks up at him sheepishly. “In my defense, you forgot to mention that the new babysitter was smoking hot. A warning would have been nice.” He grumbles as he shakes his head, sending water droplets flying everywhere before getting up and dropping on to the couch with a small groan. The response left Eddie frowning, sure, he was aware that you were attractive and he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t attracted to you, especially after seeing how much Chris adores you. However, that did not lessen the blow of Buck’s blunt response. Perhaps that was why he was fearing that Buck 1.0 was back, he didn’t want you to be scared off purely because his best friend was incapable of keeping his dick in his pants. “Just try not to fuck her immediately when you get her alone, please. Chris really likes her.” Eddie nearly begs, deciding it was better that he doesn’t add that he likes you too. Buck sighs and nods, pouting a bit. Though for his little buddy, he would definitely try not to get into her pants. After all, he didn’t want Chris to hate him, especially if it was because he couldn’t control himself around you. However, this wasn’t going to stop him from teasing Eddie by flirting with you, because despite the older man trying to hide it, he could tell that Eddie had a thing for you as well.
8 comes quicker than the two males expect and they are slightly startled from their cuddled position when they hear the door opening. Glancing out into the hallway, they spot you carrying a sleeping Chris into his room, unknowingly causing both of the males to smile. Soon enough, you walk into the living room and whisper “he is asleep now and probably won’t be waking up any time soon. We had a lot of fun” before grabbing your bag that you placed on the table in the hallway on your way in. It was clear that you were about to leave, so Buck jumps up and grabs your hand, putting on his best kicked puppy expression. “Why don’t you stay for a bit longer? We have some wine in the fridge and I will drop you off at your place later, I wouldn’t feel right letting a pretty lady like yourself be outside all by yourself.” He states softly, pouting a bit in hopes that it would convince you to stay. You glance between him and his friend, who was eagerly nodding, before sighing and setting down your bag. “Fine, I’ll stay for a bit. But only if you have anything to eat that isn’t almost pure sugar.” You agree, your request causing the older male to jump into motion and quickly rushing into the kitchen to put a pizza in the oven for you. Meanwhile, Buck leads you back to the couch, not letting go of your hand until you pull it away.
Somehow you end up being squished between the two men, a glass of wine in your hand and the pizza on the table. After some small arguing, they decided to just let you choose the movie, so now they had to suffer through one of your favorite horror movies. While you sit there not even flinching, Buck is absolutely terrified and unsure whether he should feel impressed by the fact that you do not mind horror movies or scared that you clearly do not cringe at the big amounts of blood spattering all over the screen. On the other side, Eddie has managed to wrap his arm around your shoulder, with the excuse that he feels safer if he knows that you and Buck are safe and within his reach. He is definitely impressed by your ability to keep a straight face at the movie, though definitely not as surprised as Buck, especially because he knew about your background.
Soon enough the first movie is finished, then a second one, then a third and the next thing you know, you wake up to the smell of bacon in a bed that was most certainly not yours. Looking down at yourself, you realize that the shirt you are wearing is also not yours, leaving you confused for a moment because you do not recall getting changed the previous night. Sighing, you quickly come to the conclusion that one of the two men must have changed you. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you make your way into the kitchen, where you are greeted by the sight of a small family breakfast with Buck, Eddie and Chris. Deep inside your heart, you wish to wake up to that small family every morning, though that wish quickly gets locked up and hidden from the world as you make your way to the coffee machine to get a cup. Chris is the first of the three to react to your presence, calling out your nickname before grinning brightly at you. “Good morning, little one. Did you help make breakfast?” You ask, sitting down on the counter to smile at the nodding boy. “Yeah!! Daddy gave me instructions!” He explains with an excited tone before glancing at the clock and frowning. “Can you convince dad to let me stay at home today?” He asks you with a hushed tone, causing you to giggle and shake your head, whispering back “sorry, but I am sure that the captain would not enjoy you missing your big day in school. Or how else is your group supposed to present the fantastic poem you wrote?”. Chris tilts his head before thinking for a moment. “Fair after school?” he tries to negotiate, causing you to giggle again before nodding. “Sure thing, buddy. Now go brush your teeth and I will drive you to school, okay?” “Okay, mommy!” Chris replies before rushing off to brush his teeth, leaving an uncomfortable silence behind as his words sink into all of you.
Eddie and Buck are watching your interaction with Chris, the sound of your giggles making the smile without realizing it. Surely, you must have noticed that they changed you into something more comfortable last night after you had fallen asleep on Eddie’s chest. However, it just felt natural to the two males to take care of you and make you breakfast, Chris being a bit help. Though when Chris calls you mommy, they freeze and Buck even chokes on his piece of the pancake. They certainly did not expect that Chris was that fond of you, though Eddie is slightly less surprised than Buck, thinking about the countless times that Chris had asked for you to come over. Still, the sudden name caused his movement to halt as well, his brain going haywire, trying to figure out if Chris had somehow found out about his attraction for you and that is why he felt so comfortable with calling you mommy. Or perhaps it was simply because the men had decided to pull one of Eddie’s shirt on you yesterday and that is what made it seem like you two were dating. Or was it the couple of times he had invited you out with Chris and him for dinner? His train of thought is quickly broken though, when Chris appears in the kitchen and says goodbye to the two men, calling Buck dad and Eddie daddy before rushing off to your car. Once again you three are left alone in the kitchen, the silence deafening. “Drive safely, okay?” Buck manages to mutter out, making you nod. Glancing between the two men, you decide to peck their cheeks before rushing out after Chris, grabbing your bag in the process to drive him to the school.
When you return to Eddie’s house, you can already hear the yelling from the outside. Slowly making your way into the house, you can finally understand what the two were arguing about. You. From what you gathered, Eddie was upset with Buck for flirting with you while Buck was countering that obviously Eddie was too chicken to do something about his feelings for you. Avoiding nearly being hit by a vase that comes flying your way, you clear your throat causing the fight to die down and both men to turn to you. “I- uh…” Eddie starts, though you raise your hand to silence him before grabbing the stuff you had left on the couch. “Once you two grow up and handle this like actual adults, then you can call me.” You state before walking out of the house and slamming the door shut behind you, leaving the two men dumbfounded and broken.
Two months. It takes two months of Chris sulking, Bobby scolding them and roughly 5 meetings with Maddie before they can finally face each other again. Yet whenever they stare at your number, they chicken out, too afraid to call you. You had been right, they were acting like two children throwing tantrums, build on the unspoken feelings between them. But now that they were dating steadily and currently curled up together on the couch, they finally decide to call you up. However, much to their distaste, a man answers your phone and for a moment they believe they lost any chance with you, if there even was one to begin with. “Hello? Are you still there?” The man on the phone asks, causing Eddie to nod and reply with a small “yeah”. A hum is heard from the other side of the line before they hear “what do you want from my sister?”. Never in their life did the duo think that hearing such a question would be such a relief. Buck reacts quicker than Eddie and explains the situation, what has happened and why they were calling now. Another hum is audible before some commotion can be heard and then they hear your voice, a sense of happiness washing over them. For whatever reason, you actually agree to meet with them after your work, giving them the address of your workplace.
Your shift ends in 10 minutes when Buck and Eddie walk into the club where you were working, quickly spotting you behind the bar, deciding that your outfit was definitely too short for their liking. Holding on to Eddie’s hand tightly, Buck weasels his way through the crowd and stops right before you at the bar, smiling softly as you smile back. Though he can’t help but look you over once more, the small shirt definitely compliments your chest yet does not leave a lot to the imagination and your shorts are barely allowed to be titled shorts by how short they are. Eddie notices what the younger firefighter is doing and quickly elbows his ribs, earning a grunt and a displeased look from the other before smiling at you. “Three of your favorites, nena.” Eddie yells over the music to you and watches as you get to work, mixing three shot glasses filled with some purpelish looking liquor before sliding them over to him. “What would you like, Evan?” You ask softly before adding “a blowjob?” with a smirk, causing the young male to choke on his own spit, believing he did not hear you correctly. “I am talking about the drink, dumbass.” You explain with a small laugh, preparing one before setting it down before Buck, who still looks like a puppy which just got caught destroying your favorite pair of shoes. “T-Thanks,” he finally mutters out, grabbing the drink and mentally kicking himself for sounding like a schoolgirl that was talking to her first crush. You three fall into an easy conversation, barely paying attention to the time, not noticing that your shift was over until your coworker walks up behind you and tells you to start leaving. You nod and lead the two firefighters to the back room that usually only employees are allowed to enter before grabbing a shirt from your bag and pulling it on before looking at the two men. “Before you ask, yes, it is your shirt, Eds. It is just very comfy.” You state, grabbing the rest of your belongings before smiling at the boys and leading them out of the back door.
A warm ball of cuddles and limbs, that is how you would describe the three of you on Eddie’s bed right now. After you left your workplace, the boys started bombarding you with questions and you answered them all honestly, about how you chose this job in hopes that you would forget the two men that made your days so much brighter, about how you missed Chris and a bunch of other things that they wanted to know. On the way back to Eddie’s place, they stopped at some restaurant that was still open and grabbed the food. Once you were all at his place, you ate and then proceeded to talk about the three of you, about the feelings the duo had for each other and for you and how they wished for you to be a part of the small family they had created. First you jokingly denied them, teasing them that you did not have any feelings for them, but after seeing the hurt flash on their faces, you quickly explained how you returned their feelings and that you missed them a lot within the past two months, even if Carla had kept you up to date with their wellbeing. So now you were all cuddling and just enjoying the presence, because even if tomorrow was not given, if tomorrow everything could fall apart, right now you three were a happy family and you would not change that for anything in this world.
Chris’s reaction the next morning when he walks into the kitchen and sees you sitting on the counter, sipping your coffee while Buck is standing between your legs is priceless. You did not know that the kid could even hit such a high note, but he manages to do so when he screams your name and scrambles over to you, pouting at Buck standing in his way. That was most definitely not what he had in his mind when his dad told him that there was a surprise waiting for him in the kitchen. Though you quickly push Buck to the side, earning a whine from the male about how mean you are, before jumping off the counter and hugging Chris tightly, excited to spend the rest of your mornings with those three.
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clairecrive · 4 years
“Closeness”- Bane x reader
A/N: I’m back you guys! Writing this was like a breath of fresh air and it got me back to writing.This was supposed to be short and sweet but it turned out long and fluffy. I mean I’m not mad about it and I hope you won’t either. 
Summary: Bane comes home after a long work day, his mind still caught up on something that happened during the day, so his significant other takes it upon themselves to cheer him up.
Word count: 2.4K
Tw: cockworming, nudity but it’s mostly fluffy 
Tag list: @mollybegger-blog​, @evelynshelby​, @br0ck-eddie​, @of-love-and-of-the-sea​, @shadow-of-wonder​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @fandom--0verdose​, @sopxhiea​, @fuseburner​, @ashesbelle​, @kind-wolf​ (let me know if you wanna be added or removed)
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The bed creaked when Bane sat on it to remove his shoes. It was late at night and he had just gotten home while you were engrossed in the book you decided to read while waiting for him.  The scene was familiar for both of you as this happened almost every night: if he'd come home at a reasonable hour, he'd find you in bed with a book or watching tv so that you wouldn't fall asleep and could see him whenever he'd get home. You had learned not to approach him right away, as when he had had a bad day he would usually come home still worked up about it and was liable to snap. So you waited for him to give you some kind of signal, wondering what was going to be tonight.
It came in the form of a long sigh. The boots were discarded on the floor and the bones in his neck popped as he stretched it to relieve some tension. It caught your attention as it was an unusual sound to come from him. Anger and stress translated into restlessness and groans and while he manifested rage by being extremely calm and cold on the outside making him look scary and unpredictable, observing him now you deduced that that wasn't it. It was something else.
Closing the book, you kept a close eye on him. His stance didn't appear tense, on the contrary, his shoulders slouched. And if the sigh hadn't alarmed you enough, noticing this certainly did. Bane never slouched. His posture was always correct and proper, his back straight and chin up.
Something was definitely bothering him.
"Babe?" you quietly called him trying to test the waters. A grunt was all you got.
"Everything alright?" your voice a little stronger, your worry evident. He just lowered his head and held it in his hands and although he didn't say anything out loud, his body let you know everything you needed to. You crawled on the bed stopping behind him. Placing your hands on his shoulders, you gently started massaging the zone trying to make him relax.
"What's wrong?" you softly in his ear after he had lifted it from his hands.
"I had a bad day but I do not wish to talk about it." He slightly turned his head to you and his tone matched yours albeit it came out a bit harsh because of his mask, but you had learned to understand him by now.
"Alright." Leaving a small peck on the side of his neck, you moved to climb off the bed. Bane's hand reached out to yours to stop you from getting away as if to check in with you and make sure he hadn't offended you somehow. Holding his hand, you gesture that you'd only be a moment, letting him know that he was fine.
Both of you had always been adamant on sharing whatever was troubling you right away instead of keeping it all bottled up as you both agreed on it being a bad habit. It didn't always work as it's easier said than done and while Bane, true to himself, came in strong and usually ended up demanding you to speak, you tried to be more mindful of his needs. You knew firsthand that sometimes you don't have the right words to express what you're feeling or you're not in the right state of mind to talk about it, so you tried to keep it in mind when dealing with him.
What you found always worked with him was creating a safe zone where he felt comfortable enough to share whatever was on his mind. Due to his lifestyle, Bane doesn't let go easily. This meant that he did not trust easily but even once he had allowed you in, he still tended to keep everything to himself. At the beginning it was a problem, you didn't know each other that well and you took his reluctance to open up as a lack of trust from his part. Filling the tub and lighting some candles, you smiled fondly at the memory of his awkward attempt to explain and to reassure you that that wasn't the case. His eloquence oddly failing him when he had to talk about his feelings.
When the water had reached the desired level, you turned the tap off and poured your rose-scented soap that you knew he secretly loved.
"Babe, come here." You knew he was probably already looking at you, he had a problem with staring that you had already addressed before, but either way, he kept doing it and with time his eyes on you didn't make you tense or anxious but felt natural.
"I would have thought you had already taken your bath seeing as it's past midnight." He said once he saw what you had been up to, totally misreading the situation.
"This isn't for me," you cooed at him implying that it was for him but all he did was arching one of his eyebrows and look at you sceptically. So you took matter into your own hands and started unbuttoning his vest. With every garment that came off, a kiss was placed in its place.
"A hot bath will do you good." His stance previously so tense, grew looser as the items of clothing came off and your kisses and caresses were the only things he could feel. Trailing softly on his skin from his collarbone, one of your hands came to his and gently coaxed him towards the bathtub. It seems that whatever put him in this mood was so bad that Bane let you lead him where you wanted without making a fuss.
He lowered himself in the bathtub and as soon as the warm water hit his aching muscles a groan left his mouth. Happy that it worked, you watched as he shuffled to find a comfortable position to lay in and when he settled, you reached for the soft sponge you had already set out and gently rubbed it on his chest.
He opened one of his eyes at the new feeling, "I am no longer a child, I am capable of washing myself", he stated in his usual as-a-matter-of-fact tone but he didn't make a move to stop what you were doing.
"Close your eyes and relax," you replied without missing a beat. "You've had a bad day so I'm taking care of you. I know you're capable of doing it but I am also capable of washing and pampering you and so I'll do it." Sarcasm filled your voice - you were amused at his antics more than anything. You didn't stop your movements, scraping away the dirt with the sponge and then making sure to give more attention to all the spots you knew were bothering him; you take your time and make sure that every part of his body is taken care of. Soon enough you reached his legs and took your time in rubbing his feet. You could only imagine how sore they were after more than 24h of standing. You've never met someone as hardworking as Bane in your life, it was one of the things you admired in him but at the same time, after living with the man for a while, you realized with what personal sacrifice it came with. He was one of those men who put work first- not only above his personal life but also his health. You had tried countless of times to get him to find a healthier balance and if the walls of your home could speak, they'd tell of his stubbornness.
"It's late y/n, you should be in bed."
"Don't worry babe, I don't mind. I like taking care of you." You smiled at him before moving your attention on his other foot.
You knew he was deep into the narrative of "I'm the man, therefore, I'm the one who has to take care of you", however, you thought it was utter bullshit. Yes, you liked how careful and mindful of you he was. What you didn't like was him refusing to accept the fact that you wanted to take care of him too and that allowing you to wouldn't make him less of a man. It was just a way to show him that you loved him. And maybe he had finally got it too because he doesn't fight you anymore as much as he did in the beginning.
"Why don't you join me?" he asked after a while and when you opened your mouth to answer him he spoke again as if he already knew what you were going to say, "I'd like to hold you."
Sometimes, Bane had the ability to disarm you. To leave you completely clueless as to how to react to what he did, or in this case, said. Usually, it was with his eloquent way of speaking and his complex thought process that he would always leave you to marvel at him and at how lucky you were to be with him. Very rarely though, he'd say something so sweet, in a way so simple that a warm and fuzzy feeling took over your body and you were suddenly rendered speechless.
So, you usually gave up trying to give him a worded answer and resorted to action, quickly undressing so you could join him.
He was so big that he took up all the available space in the tub but before you could wonder where to sit, his hands steadily guided you until you were laying on him. As your arms circled his chest, your face buried in his neck and he guided your legs around his waist. You couldn't be closer than this and as his arms tightened around you, you figured it was exactly what he wanted. And as for you, you'd never turn down cuddling time.
"Sometimes, I find it hard to believe that you're mine." His voice cut through the quiet atmosphere of the bathroom, his mask stroking your shoulder where it was resting. There was something in his voice that gave you chills. Sensing that this statement hide something more serious underneath, you pushed yourself up and gently perched on his chest so that you could look into his eyes while speaking.
"I don't know what happened today, but whatever it is, it has nothing to do with how I feel about you. Nor could it ever change it." You reminded him while his face leaned on your hand that was stroking his cheek.
"Unless what you did today was cheating on me. That would definitely change things," you added to lighten the mood sure in your heart that he'd never do it. "But I'm sure that's not the case, is it?" It was more of a rhetorical question really but it was to lure him out of that bad space his mind was in at the moment.
"I would never do that to you." He confirmed and you smiled brightly at him. Words failed to express how much you loved this man, you hoped that your eyes were doing a better job.
"You are loved and you are worthy of it." You continued with a more serious tone.
"You are lovable and I do love you, Bane." You pecked the grate of his mask letting your words sink in before speaking again. "Do not listen to that nasty voice in your head that tells you otherwise. You are everything I need and even more that I could want. I am lucky to have you because you're special. You're brilliant, the brightest man I know, fiercely loyal, you're good at everything you do and you're so hardworking. Last but not least, you make me feel like the most special girl in the world."
"I am the lucky one." His fingers trailed lightly your back while he mirrored your smile. At least you figured as much by the way his eyes narrowed.
"Let's agree the universe smiled at both of us that day, hm?" Another peck was left on where his mouth was supposed to be and you went to your comfortable position on his chest when something poked your attention.
"I thought you were tired," you gasped in mock surprise when there was no doubt on what it was. And, as a matter of fact, Bane didn't even attempt to hide it. His hands simply moved to your lower back and pushed you to him to create some friction.
"I crave the closeness, nothing has to happen." Almost as if to shush you, one of his hands cradled your head and pushed it further into his neck while the other moved you up on his body so that you were perfectly aligned with him.
"Baby, there's no way we can get closer than this." But of course, he was already working on proving you wrong. And you understood you were once he slowly pushed into you and despite being skin to skin, only now you felt like you were one.
"I never would have guessed you liked cock warming," you pointed out after a while. Both of your fingers were caressing the other's skin at leisure. The water was still warm and the soft light from the candles only added to the already relaxed atmosphere. There was nowhere else you'd rather be right now. Not even your bed.
"I'll admit that I've never cared for the intimacy it offered before." Ugh, this man was definitely after your heart.
"I can see what you mean. I agree It's not something you can do with everyone." You ought to be comfortable enough with your partner to do something like this. Now, being comfortable with yourself was a challenge of its own for you, so for you to be naked on him while he could see and feel everything was a love confession alone. And Bane knew that it was why he had never asked to this before.
In your own way, both of you was saying something to the other just by laying there together. And being so in tune with the other, both of you were aware of it. With every caress and every second that passed, the only thing you could feel was your heart swell with gratitude for the human you held in your arms.
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half-bakedboy · 3 years
All Too Well
Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz Rated: General Contains spoilers from season 5 episode 2: Desperate Times
Summary: “Is that enough?”
Buck spits the words right back, more venom that Eddie could have tried to muster. He doesn’t mean to. He really doesn’t. If anything, he had tried to keep his emotions at bay the second Ana’s name lingered between them.
But he does.
Because if that’s enough for Eddie, why doesn’t he love Buck?
Or a look inside Buck's head during their panic attack talk.
(read on ao3)
Buck has never been one to hesitate before talking to his best friend, but he sees Eddie with an arm over his face, lying down for the first time since Ana and Christopher left, and his feet feel like they’re stuck to the floor. 
He takes a few deep breaths, preparatory, anxiety-reducing, reminders that he’s breathing and that his best friend is hurting. He’s the one to make things better, to get Eddie through everything, so why is he hesitating? 
“Hey, are you sleeping or just pretending?” 
He knows the answer but is grateful when Eddie actually speaks. 
“I was actually trying to until you interrupted.”
Sarcasm, that’s— good. Buck isn’t sure when sass and thinly veiled annoyance became good but he isn’t about to overthink it like he has been for the last hour. 
“I’m exhausted,” Buck offers. He thinks that maybe if he shares something small, Eddie might be willing to give in return. “Uh, how are you feeling?” 
Buck knows the answer to this question, too, and he finds himself secretly hoping Eddie answers in sarcasm so he can truly convince himself that things are okay, that his hesitation was unwarranted.
“Hot,” Eddie drawls, “I’m sweating out of places I didn’t know I could.”
Well, Buck did ask for sarcasm. He didn’t expect the glint of arousal to strike through him like lightning, though. 
Or the quick jolt of panic as he rakes his eyes over Eddie’s body for nothing other than symptoms, an indication of what might be wrong because, for the first time since he’s met Eddie, he doesn’t know.  
“Not like a cold sweat though, right? Any chest pains?” 
Buck yearns to reach out, to feel Eddie’s pulse in his wrist, press a palm over his forehead to check for a fever. Hell, he would go grab a blood pressure cuff and EKG monitor from the ambulance if Hen and Chim wouldn’t yell at him. Buck considers it more than he should because he needs to know that Eddie’s really okay before he drives himself crazy. 
Eddie just stares, unimpressed. 
“You don’t give up, do you?” 
Nope, Buck thinks, though he wouldn’t risk saying it out loud. After a long exasperated sigh, Eddie relents, “I’m fine, Buck.” Like Buck is actually supposed to believe him or something. 
“People who are fine don’t go and see cardiologists,” Buck responds. 
He’s clutching the clipboard in his lap a little too tight and he feels it. The way his knuckles burn, the way his fingertips crease the papers he’s been pretending to focus on all day. He hopes Eddie doesn’t notice. He hopes that he does.
Because Eddie is a lot of things, but he isn’t oblivious. That oblivious. Buck sighs. 
“You need to tell me if something is wrong,” Buck finally says. 
It’s not a request, it’s an order. One that he’s not sure Eddie will follow, but one that he hopes will get the point across. 
Because Buck is scared.  
He’s been terrified ever since Eddie’s blood splattered all over his face, since he watched the nurses shove a tube down his throat and make no promises. Since Eddie sat beside him, alive and well, and trusted him with the most important thing in his life—in Buck’s life. 
That fear has only risen ever since he saw the way Ana smiled up at him during his welcome home and the way Eddie grinned right back, the smile Buck had too long convinced himself was his own. How comfortable she looked mixed in with his family, the family Buck started to consider his. 
He’s scared because he’s never felt so much, so strongly for another person since— No, that’s not right. He’s never felt this way about anyone . 
Eddie isn’t just another person to destroy him, another partner to tell lies and fall away. He isn’t going to be replaced in Eddie’s life just because he has someone else, someone who might know what’s going on in his head and doesn’t have to demand an answer. 
Eddie is different, he always has been. And Buck has to hold onto that. 
He does even when Eddie speaks again. 
“It was a panic attack, not a heart attack,” Eddie sighs as he sits up. Buck knows he’s irritated but he can’t bring himself to care. He has always mildly irritated Eddie, why should this time be any different?
Actually, he finds himself gripping even tighter at the clipboard—at hope— when Eddie admits to it. 
Panic. Of all the things Buck thinks Eddie is going to say, panic isn’t one of them. 
“Since when do you panic?” 
Then he considers the number of times he’s woken up in sweat-soaked sheets that felt too much like Eddie’s blood and tears in his eyes that he can’t seem to wipe away fast enough as they burn his cheeks. The pain of his sobs that still tear through him when he remembers the lost look on Eddie’s face in the firetruck, asking if Buck was okay like it mattered. The feeling of failure when Christopher’s hand patted softly at his shoulder.  
“That’s what I said.”
Something flashes in Eddie’s eyes that looks like surprise, realization, but Buck pushes it aside. He can’t cling to hope too tightly. He knows how that works out for him in the end. 
“I don’t panic,” Eddie huffs and then exhales, “except I did.” 
“Okay, well, what triggered it?” Buck lists off the reasons for his own panic, expecting a match, but Eddie doesn’t stop him to agree. 
He stops him to argue and it isn’t what Buck expects. 
“That wasn’t it,” Eddie interrupts exasperatedly. “If I’m being honest with myself, I—”
When has Eddie ever been dishonest with himself? 
“I think it was Ana.” 
Ana. The name that spirals in Buck’s mind too often when he has to remind himself that Eddie isn’t his. The name that only passes his lips drenched in sarcasm or malice or a thin veil of hope when he doesn’t think too much about what he is saying. 
The name that sparks nerves, anxiety, fear, dread, confusion— 
“Uh,” Buck stutters, hoping his heart beating out of his chest isn’t obvious, “I thought things were great with Ana.” 
He watched Eddie kiss her on the cheek during her surprise visit, watched as Christopher hoped out loud for a new mom, a wife for his father. Sure, he didn’t react exactly how Buck had expected, but he didn’t seem to panic. 
Or he did and Buck was too focused on his own misery to truly see it.
“She’s been a godsend through all of this, staying with Christopher, but… I think that’s what’s causing the panic.” 
He sounds so sure, so confident that there couldn’t be anything else, which is the Eddie that Buck remembers. Buck isn’t sure it’s the Eddie he wants to see at this moment, though. He wants to see Eddie happy, Eddie making plans for his future, Eddie beaming at the thought of being in love with a perfect person, the one that Ana seems to be. He wants Eddie to feel the joy that comes from spending time with him, the way Buck does. 
“Somehow we became a ready-made family and I don’t know if I’m ready for that.” 
He says the other word that haunts Buck’s nightmares. 
Buck always thought he knew what family meant, what family was supposed to be, then his parents stopped caring. Then Maddie left and he was all alone. He thought he had found his family at the one-eighteen soon after and he was happy. God, was he happy, for the first time since he could remember. 
Then he met Eddie. 
Then he met Christopher. 
How defines his family is a little cloudy now. 
“So what are you gonna do?” 
And isn’t that the question of the day, the minute, the seconds that he spends gripping onto the clipboard in front of him to keep his hands from reaching, comforting, desiring. 
Eddie shakes his head. 
“I’m just gonna stick it out. Ana’s been the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with since Shannon…”
“Stick it out?” 
Buck flashes back to his own attempt at sticking it out. Convincing himself that eventually, Eddie will realize what they mean to each other. His plans to stick it out even if it meant he wouldn’t be as happy as he could be, had pretended he deserved to be. He was going to stick it out because he would have Eddie in whatever way he could. 
“That’s not how you talk about someone you’re in love with.”
Buck’s not sure if he’s talking to himself or Eddie anymore. 
“My kid loves her,” Eddie shoots back, heat in his voice that doesn’t match the worry on his face. 
Buck’s not sure if he’s talking to himself or Buck anymore. 
“Is that enough?” 
Buck spits the words right back, more venom that Eddie could have tried to muster. He doesn’t mean to. He really doesn’t. If anything, he had tried to keep his emotions at bay the second Ana’s name lingered between them. 
But he does. 
He wants to grab Eddie’s shoulders, shake them until his brain wobbles into sense, kiss him and mutter the words back to him a million times over. 
Because if that’s enough for Eddie, why doesn’t he love Buck?
Is that enough? Is that enough for you to love me back? Is that enough for you to spend the rest of your life with me instead? For me to stop pretending anyone else is going to be a better fit for me than you? 
Because I love your kid more than anyone in the world, Eddie, and if that’s enough, then… 
Why not me?
Eddie’s silent for a moment too long, a second prolonged into a minute, that might have lasted forever if Buck didn’t break it. 
“Eddie, I’ve been Ana. I know what it’s like to be in love with someone who’s not all the way in.”
He thinks of his parents first. Then he thinks of Abby. Even Ali flashes through his tired mind. 
But nothing lingers like Eddie. Nothing has ever lingered like Eddie. 
“Deep down you know it and it hurts. It hurts worse than the truth.” 
Buck’s lived through a lot of truths. His parents creating him for spare parts, Abby leaving him and not looking back, Ali unable to handle the one thing he loves most in the world— loved most in the world, past tense because there are two things, two people , that have that title now. 
He’s lived through being in love with his best friend, his best friend’s family, his best friend’s son. He knows what it’s like to hold onto that hope that maybe, just maybe, someone won’t abandon him, someone won’t think he’s not enough. He has held onto the hope that someone loves him—not in the way he wants, but loves him just the same. 
Briefly he wonders if knowing Eddie doesn’t love him back would hurt more than not knowing. 
Buck shakes his head instead of saying any of his thoughts out loud. 
“So if you don’t wanna hurt Ana, you owe it to her to be honest.” 
Buck isn’t sure whether he’s talking to himself or to Eddie. 
“It just feels like a lot, man.” 
And Buck? He knows the feeling all too well. 
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agentdouble0 · 4 years
So I reblogged a post on my other blog about Bobby totally giving Buck a clipboard saying, “Here, go play”  And an idea popped up in my head. Now that I know that Bobby is secretly a child at heart: like the incident with Michael and the guy on the roof. It’s in my head that he likes to play jokes, gets excited about things and tries so hard to be the Captain. But he realizes sometimes it’s okay to let go and have fun.  Anyway, hands a clipboard to Buck and says, “here, go play”  I mean, you can’t tell me that at some point the list is something that totally isn’t fire station related.  It has been a long while since I’ve written. And this will be my first time writing a 911 Fox Fic and a Buck/Eddie one at that. Though there really isn’t a lot of Buddie in it. It wasn’t going to be, but I integrated them in the fic just ‘cause.   Anyway, read below the cut! 
      Clip Board Shenanigans                    It did not mean to turn into a joke or something for fun, at first it was the real deal but in Bobby’s defense Buck was a good influence, sort of. Bobby began delegating restocking responsibilities to Buck. He was very diligent in making sure the truck and the ambulance got what they needed for their next call. So, when the time for a total restock came up, he hands Buck the clipboard, and Buck yells a loud “Yes!” before he speeds off.  
               The only ones who didn’t seem to enjoy it as much were Chim, Hen, and Eddie, though Bobby suspects that Eddie doesn’t mind at all. The man can’t stop grinning like a fool anytime Buck says, “I’m sorry, it’s not yes, it’s check, get with it, Eddie.” The statement is usually followed with Eddie saying, “Dork” before kissing Buck on the cheek.
               He upgrades Buck to the storage closet when he sees the man’s sad face the day, he gave the clipboard to Hen instead of him. He sulked for thirty minutes but eventually moved on when Hen called to him for help. She was not as annoyed as she sought out to be. 
                “You spoil him,” Hen tells Bobby when he hands him the clipboard the next time the storage closet needs to be checked, only shrugs in response. It’s not his fault, Buck and Bobby have always walked that thin line of Bobby being a father figure to Buck. If he spoils his “son” no one needs to know. He can just say that Buck takes the job very seriously.  
             The next time the ambulance and engine need to be checked, Eddie ducks and hides. He usually loves helping Buck, but he heard Bobby tell him, “here, have fun.” Yeah, that was not happening. Buck pulls Chimney along with him towards the fire truck and ambulance. “No, wait!” Chimney says, “I don’t want-“ 
                Eddie waits till Chimney’s protest fade away and he can hear the clonking of footsteps on the stairs before he pops up behind the counter. “Nice one,” Hen, says from her spot on the couch, “although should I be concerned that you’re hiding from your boyfriend.” 
                “I wasn’t hiding,” Eddie protests, “I dropped something…” 
                “Sure,” Hen says, “what was it?”
                 “Look, I love him I do, but he takes that clipboard too damn seriously, if don’t say check he won’t let us move on,” Eddie answers, “And besides! I heard Bobby tell him, ‘here have fun!”  
                “He likes doing it-“Bobby doesn’t get to finish because there’s a loud yell downstairs from Chimney. Bobby smirks to himself, they must have gotten to the random part on the list. This was going to be great. Eddie and Hen rush over to the railing and peer down below to Chim waving his hands wildly and Buck smacking the clipboard with the back of his hand. “But it says it on the list Chim!”
             “Why the hell do we need granola bars in the truck!”
             “I don’t know, I’m just reading the list and it says it here on the clipboard.”
                “Give me the damn thing,” Chimney says as he grabs the clipboard from Buck’s hand, “I’m sure it…well I’ll be damn.”
                “See!” Buck exclaims reclaiming the list back, “Now, I’ll say it again granola bars?”
                Chimney mutters to himself as he stomps up the stairs and Eddie realizes too late that he should hide because Chimney spots him. “Diaz,” he growls, “go help your boyfriend before I kill him.”
                Eddie sighs as he grabs a box of granola bars before joining Buck downstairs. Hen eyes Bobby, who was not doing a particularly good job at hiding his laughter, because now Eddie is the one yelling. The next thing on the list was a cooler full of juice boxes.
                 It becomes a thing and Bobby is enjoying himself. Buck hasn’t caught on just yet because he keeps it small, and he doesn’t do it all the time, it would raise more suspicions amongst the other firefighters. Buck begins to suspect something is up when Bobby adds, bells and bay leaves to the list. Bobby has an excuse though after someone else had let slipped the Q word, it wouldn’t hurt to try it the next time they were jinxed. 
                No one else wants to help Buck after he reads off, fruit snacks the next time the truck needs to be restocked. Because they had to go to the store to buy them, and they had to go back again when they got the wrong brand. So, Bobby has to assign Eddie the job and he quite enjoys the fond look that he gives to Buck every time.  
               “Buck,” Eddie says, “I don’t think we need a cooler full of ice cream sandwiches.”
              “I thought the same thing, but it's on the list.”
              “Okay, even if we put it in a cooler, it will melt.”
              “Hey, food is food, I’ll still eat ‘em!” 
              “Oh dios mio” Eddie mutters
              “Don’t oh my god me,” Bucks says, and he taps the clipboard, “Chop, chop babe!”
              “Fine, I’ll be back.”
              It comes to a head and Bobby’s joke is revealed when he hands Buck the clipboard on a particular ‘Q’ word day. Buck grabs it, pen already in hand as the captain tells him, “Here, go play.”
             “I’m sorry what?”
             “Go Buck,” Bobby says 
             Eddie is already eyeing him warily, “Bobby” 
            “Go, Eddie”
           Buck ignores him as begins walking towards the staircase, flipping through the list. He knows that Buck has found the page of reward stickers when he hears Buck yell, “Oh my god! This is going to be awesome!”
          “Bobby,” Eddie says again, not liking how Buck stops at the top of the stairs case, with a big grin on his face.
        “Eddie! Buck calls, “Come on! Let’s go!”
         “Bye Eddie,” Bobby says
        Eddie isn’t amused at all as Buck goes around the station placing gold stars on everyone’s lockers. But mutters check after the deed is done, and he has no idea what this list even is when they go and check out the fire extinguishers. Because really, they just did that last week. They also already checked the batteries in the smoke detectors. He isn’t amused when they are back at the lockers again when Buck is placing a silver stark on the locker that he owns. Though he begins laughing his ass off when Buck happily places a sticker on Chim’s forehead saying, “Place the ‘Thumb’s Up” Sticker with the cow On Chimney’s forehead.”
      “Check!” Eddie laughs 
                He continues following Buck and is even more amused when he places a sticker on Hen’s arm. The word ‘brilliant’ on it with a cartoon bee. He’s no longer amused when five items later, Buck is placing a sticker on his chest with the words, ‘Nailed It!’ with a cartoon cat.
              “Yeah, no,” Eddie says.
             “No, the word is check,” Buck says big grin on his face, “See, I placed the Nailed it Sticker with the cartoon cat on Eddie’s chest.”
              Eddie groans but then Buck is in his space, tilting his head down and resting their foreheads together. And Eddie can’t even be upset at the sticker because Buck just feels so damn happy. Now he understands why Bobby did what he did. They had a rough call a couple of days and it was so nice to see Buck happy rather than sad and forced smiles. He inhales deeply and sighs dramatically, “Fine, check”
                Then Buck is skipping away and Eddie follows after him, because while he is enjoying whatever they’ve been doing all afternoon. He’s not sure how the rest of the team will react when he places the remaining stickers on their person. Turns out everyone else enjoys the stickers as well. Looks like they all needed a pick me up.
         Later when they are getting ready to get off their shift, Eddie produces a sticker from his back pocket and places it on Buck’s chest. Buck pulls at his shirt and looks down, “This made me smile,” he reads aloud, his face beaming as looks at Eddie.
         Eddie then leans in and places a gentle kiss on Buck’s lips, “Cheering Buck up, check.”
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anasticklefics · 4 years
Fandom: It
Characters: Bill, Richie, Eddie, Stan + the losers
Summary: Bill enjoys initiating tickle fights to then to lean back and watch, but Richie won’t always let him go without joining.
A/N: This started as one idea and turned into another which IN TURN turned into another, so this might be a mess but I’m happy with it lol
Words: 891
Bill would do it simply because it was too funny to see them all try to disguise their reactions. A brush to Ben’s side just to have him jump away and pretend he tripped over something no one could see. A poke to Mike’s lower back to get him to squirm, hand shooting back to scratch at the skin as if it had been simply an itch. Since they pretended as if nothing was happening they couldn’t call him out on it either.
His favorite one to mess with though was Eddie, but it was a whole other ballpark with him. Rather than pretend and deny, he was the only one to straight up admit it tickled him.
“Cut it out,” he would say as Bill reached for his knee. “I’m ticklish.”
And Richie, who tickle attacked them all without qualms, always agreed that he was very ticklish, almost always demonstrating by going for spots Bill assumed he’d discovered when alone, for Bill hadn’t ever seen the attack that had led to Eddie covering his ears, his hips, his neck whenever Richie approached him with wiggling fingers. Richie had just known one day, but always went for belly and knees whenever Bill was around and saving the unusual spots for privacy.
In a way, Bill enjoyed this scenario more because he could simply lean back and watch after that, as Eddie backed away but never ran. Bill couldn’t tell if it was because he knew he would never escape, or if this was a game he secretly enjoyed, too.
Bill had always enjoyed watching them more than participating, he realized. His initiations were partly due to his glee in watching them pretend, but also because there was a chance that someone else would see and would join in. He couldn’t figure out exactly what it was, but seeing them succumb to this childish, authentic playfulness calmed something in his soul; a fear that they were growing up way too quickly that summer.
He couldn’t always escape it himself, he realized, especially not with a merciless Richie Tozier around.
When he was done with Eddie that day, having reduced him to a nearly wheezing heap on the floor (Richie only showed mercy when it came to Eddie’s asthma), his gaze flickered to Bill. “Your turn.”
He could never understand Richie’s system for picking his next victim, and so trying to avoid being singled out was useless, although he tried. “No, d-don’t,” he said, quickly on his feet with his arms outstretched, palms exposed in Richie’s direction.
“I saw the way you tried to pick a fight with Eddie just now,” Richie replied, approaching him. “I gotta apologize for ruining the fun for you, big Bill.”
Unlike Eddie, Bill did run, though he could never make it very far. This time because Stan took it upon himself to help Richie of all people by grabbing for him to keep him still. Well, as still as you could be while thrashing.
“It’s been a while since I heard him laugh,” Stan said, as if it would be a sufficient excuse for this betrayal.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard him laugh,” Beverly replied.
“Oh, you’re gonna love it,” Richie said, closing the distance between them. “It’s beautiful.”
Bill’s laughter was similar to his speech; hiccupy, divided into parts rather than one long stream of sound. He only felt self conscious about it when it was uncontrollable, like it could get when he was tickled good enough. But he found he never felt insecure when around the other losers, and so he only minded because he was usually properly pinned and tickled to bits at that point. But Richie, despite what Bill had baptized him as, was actually rather kind to him when tickling him. At least now, around others. It was a whole other story when alone, as he was sure it was for Eddie too.
Stan was still holding him when Richie went for his ribs, going for the kill instantly but only for a moment. Bill couldn’t understand his own reactions, but his squirming became calmer now that he was being attacked than when he was still anticipating it, and he slipped down onto the ground with Stan and Richie following, Stan even joining in by getting his neck.
It could be embarrassing, being tickled into submission in front of them all, but it wasn’t. Feeling so pressured to be a leader, to be big Bill, this was the one time he was allowed to let go of the little control he actually had. They all knew that, but they never abused it. If he wanted it, he would ask for it by provoking, by initiating. And if that only led to him watching others get tickled, so be it. He never minded that.
When they were done the three of them remained on the ground, Bill becoming more aware of it all and feeling his face heat up for different reasons than having just laughed his head off. He wasn’t sure whether it was noticeable, but Richie gave his side a nudge - a silent reassurance.
Bill caught Bev’s eye, her smile so bright it made him want to allow Richie another round just to keep seeing it, but Richie was already heaving himself up and glancing around the room. “Who’s next?”
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thorniest-rose · 4 years
reddie halloween prompt #4 candy
It all happens in the small pocket of time between advanced math and the dirge of gym. Jimmy’s dragging his heels, hanging back in the bathrooms on the second floor, trying to delay the inevitable jeers of all the boys in his class. As they mock him for his weak knees and his protruding ribs, pinging their towels at him and asking him how small his dick is, if it’s even big enough to get hard.
But Jimmy knows it’s coming. After years of falling victim for his chronic acne, and his high-pitched voice, for sometimes just existing, he’s come to expect it.
What he doesn’t expect is to be cornered by Richie Tozier, the weird loudmouth with the dark eyes and the wide grin, who laughed like a jackal at his own vulgar jokes and could outsmart all of their teachers without trying.
Jimmy hadn’t spoken to Richie in more than two years, had done nothing to warrant the boy’s wrath. So he doesn’t know why he’s here now, wedged back against the window as Richie grins down at him. The wacky kid with buck teeth and bottle glasses who had somehow transformed into this tall, moody, striking teen with the cheekbones that could cut glass. Who all the girls secretly looked at as he walked down the hallway.
He asks, “W-what do you want, Richie?”
Richie grins at him like they’re friends. “I just thought we could catch up, Jimmy. I’ve seen you hanging out with your new girlfriend.”
Jimmy swallows hard. Was that what this was about?
“Oh yeah…”
“Oh yeah,” Richie mocks. “What, you think no one had noticed? That one of the hottest girls at school is suddenly hanging off your dick and no one would say anything?”
Jimmy shrugs, but his mouth has gone bone dry. He’d been dating Cindy for the last three weeks and it had sent ripples through school. Everyone was shocked. That someone as beautiful and popular as Cindy would even talk to a guy like Jimmy, let alone fall head over heels for him. At lunchtime she now ditched all her friends to sit in a corner of the cafeteria with him, and after school walked home with his hand in hers. At the weekend, they got ice cream and walked to the lake and sat in his backyard, and the entire time she looked at him with her big blue eyes, and told him she never wanted anything else. 
“It’s just curious, that’s all,” Richie continues, eyes glinting. “Pretty sure she hated your fucking guts a few months ago.”
“Things change, Richie.”
“Is that right,“ he replies, his dark eyebrows raised mockingly.
And Jimmy’s had enough. He gets enough shit from jock assholes as it is, without a weird fucking kid like Richie joining in.
“Richie, I really have to get to class. Gym is starting and if I’m late-”
Richie pushes him back against the wall with one hand to his chest. The skin on the back of his hand is mottled, scarred, and Jimmy’s chest tightens. The skin looks like it was run over with a sheet of barbed wire. 
“Hold your horses,” Richie says, “we haven’t finished catching up yet.”
Jimmy blurts, “Are you… are you jealous or something?”
“Nice try, dipshit, but no, I’m not jealous that you’re with a blonde airhead like Cindy. I need to know how you did it.”
Jimmy feels the bottom drop out of his stomach.
“Come on,” Richie says, his mouth unfurling into a slow, smoky grin, “don’t wuss out on me now.”
“Cindy has feelings for me.”
Richie barks and rolls his eyes. "Unless you’re seriously packing down there, I doubt that.”
“I mean it, we have a real connection.”
The good humour drops from Richie’s face.
“Bullshit,” he hisses, making Jimmy flinch. “I know you did something. No way would she even fucking look at a little creep like you if you hadn’t done something to her. So you’re either paying her, but I know your parents are piss poor so it’s not that. Maybe you’re blackmailing her, but you’re too pussy for that too. So it has to be something else.”
“What do you mean?” Jimmy splutters, feeling like he’s going to wet himself. 
He’d heard things about Richie over the last few years. That he got his scars from some unknown childhood trauma, that he’d been kidnapped and tortured by a crazy man. Jimmy didn’t know how true any of that was, but he couldn’t deny the mad glint in Richie’s eyes. That his smiles were always slightly too manic to be good-natured. That when he laughed it sent chills through him. 
“Are you going to beat me up? Tell Cindy? Try to reverse the spell?”
He regrets it the second it’s out his mouth, but Richie’s eyes shine, like he’d guessed the twist in a movie before everyone else. 
“I knew it,” he says.
Panic grips Jimmy; it catapults him halfway across the bathroom, but Richie is too fast for him. Before he can make it to the door, he feels a hand on his backpack and a second later he’s being thrown back towards the sinks. He crashes back, stumbling, and almost falls to the floor. And Richie just stares at him, a dead heat lighting up his eyes. One brown and one blue. 
“Please, let me go, Richie,” Jimmy says, half crumpled against the sinks. He cringes at the whimpering note in his voice, how close he sounds to begging.
“I don’t think so.”
“Why? Are you going to blackmail me?”
“Something like that, yeah.”
“What do you want? I don’t have anything to give you. I don’t have money.”
Richie’s lips draw back in a snarl. “Are you really that fucking stupid? I’m here because I want you to do it for me too.”
Jimmy blinks at him. He didn’t think Richie would have any problems with girls. Not with the way they had started to look at him.
His mind flicks through the girls in their year, tries to settle on anyone Richie might like. But he’d never seen Richie pay attention to any girls he knew. Come to think of it, he didn’t think Richie ever had a girlfriend.
“You do…? On who?”
Richie doesn’t hesitate as he says, “Eddie Kaspbrak.”
Jimmy feels his mouth drop open. He says, “You’re… you’re a fag?”
Richie’s face goes dark, and Jimmy’s vision blacks out as Richie’s fist smashes into the side of his mouth. He staggers back, his head cracking against the wall, and distantly he hears himself cry out as a searing bolt of pain shoots through his skull.
When he comes to, his vision blotting hazily at the corners, Richie’s wiping his bloody knuckles against his jeans. 
“Maybe we should try that again,” he says, tone mild, like he hadn’t just punched Jimmy in the face. “But if you say that fucking word one more time, I’ll push you out the window.”
Jimmy’s eyes prickle hot as the blood drips down his mouth. He thinks he might cry.
Richie notices and he sneers at him. “God, you’re such a fucking pussy. I could do a lot worse than that, you know.”
“I don’t know if I can do the spell again.”
And he didn’t. Jimmy had found the spell in an old tome he’d found in a dark basement bookstore two towns over. A place he heard whispers about. He hadn’t even thought the spell would work. But it had. He’d walked out of his house the next morning and Cindy had been on his doorstep, so happy and eager to see him Jimmy initially thought it had been a joke. But it hadn’t. She was besotted.
Richie looks unamused as he pulls an old lighter out of his pocket. 
“You better remember,” he says, as he flicks it on, the orange flame making Jimmy jump. “Or I’ll have to help you jog your memory.”
“I… I guess I could try,” he mumbles as he watches the flame burn in Richie’s hand.
Richie shakes his head. “You’ll need to do better than that.” He flicks the lighter off and on again. “Have you been burned before? I read once that being set on fire is the most excruciating pain you can ever feel. I wonder if Cindy will still feel the same about you if she can’t recognise you. Spell or no spell.”
Desperation claws at Jimmy’s throat and he quickly blurts, “Okay, I’ll do it, I will.”
Richie flicks the lighter off. “Good,” he says. 
And a part of Jimmy, though surprised, gets it, because Eddie was beautiful. Over the last year he’d blossomed from a sick little boy into something slender and sweet, with long tanned legs and the thickest lashes Jimmy had ever seen. There was a rumour going around school that Eddie was prettier than most girls, and that they all hated him for it. Not that he seemed to notice. He went to his classes and ran with the track team, and was always quiet and serene, apart from the times he saw Richie. When his expression went icy and his tone turned brittle.
Jimmy still can’t help but ask, “Why him?”
"Because he’s everything,” Richie replies. 
Jimmy doesn’t know what to say to that, so instead he says, “I’ll need something of his. For the spell to bind to him.”
“No problem.”
Richie takes a small locket of dark hair out of his pocket. Jimmy stares at it. He doesn’t want to know how Richie got it. How he already had it on him. 
“There are risks, I need you to know that,” he says as Richie hands it to him. 
Richie just stares at him, looking bored. “I don’t really care.”
“But it might not work. Or it could go wrong. Sometimes these spells… sometimes they don’t turn out the way we expect them to.”
And Jimmy was telling the truth. He’d heard some terrible things. Sometimes the spell didn’t take, and sometimes it took too well, driving the enchanted lover to the edges of hysteria, so obsessed with the object of their affections that they couldn’t eat or sleep. That they couldn’t function without being with the person who had cast the spell.
“Just do whatever it takes,” Richie says, his brown eye so dark it looked almost black. “I want him to be crazy for me. So crazy that he needs me, all the time. I don’t want him to think of anything else but me. Got it?”
“Got it,” Jimmy says quietly. And for some reason he feels ashamed. 
He jumps again when he feels Richie clap his hand down on his shoulder.
“There we go, that wasn’t so hard was it? You have a week. Or I’ll tell everyone what you’ve done. And your cute new girlfriend won’t be able to stand the sight of you.” He grins at Jimmy. "Sound good?”
“Yeah,“ Jimmy says, head nodding stupidly even as his stomach churns. “Sounds good.”
“Cool, I’m glad we’re on the same page.”
On his way out, Richie gestures to Jimmy’s nose. “You might want to clean that up by the way. Get a cotton bud up there.”
In the silence following Richie’s departure, Jimmy stares at himself in the mirror and doesn’t recognise the pale, pleading face staring back at him. He thinks he might be sick, but instead he mops up the blood oozing from his nose and goes to gym.
A week later, he hides around a corner as he watches Richie hand Eddie the candy: a little bag of pink love hearts knotted at the top with a ribbon. Inside, one of the love hearts is special. Nestled inside the sugar is a drop of lamb’s blood, crushed belladonna, and the membrane of a baby bird. The potion Jimmy had made and injected into the candy the night before, the potion that would turn Eddie’s blood molten for Richie.
Eddie asks, "Why, Richie?" 
"Can’t I treat you, baby?” Richie replies.
“Don’t call me that please.”
Eddie looks at the candy dubiously at first, but eventually he can’t resist, and he takes it from Richie with a mumbled thanks.
Jimmy has a thought of ducking round the corner and running down the hall, slapping the candy from Eddie’s hands just in time, of saving him. But he doesn’t. Because he’s a coward. So he hangs back and watches instead. Watches as Eddie takes the special love heart, the one that’s pinker and plumper than the rest, and pops it into his mouth. 
The change is instantaneous. Eddie’s body goes suddenly taut, as if his limbs are being pulled together by a string, and his eyes go bright and glossy as he stares up at Richie. The frown between his eyes melts away, and in its place his expression softens, his mouth pink and lax as he mouths Richie’s name. 
Jimmy feels like he’s going to throw up. He spins around and starts walking away just as he hears Eddie say, “Richie,” like he’s seeing the other boy for the first time. Like Richie is a bright, burning sphere of sunshine in an endless night. He walks down the hallway and all the way home. Tosses and turns all night with half-snatched dreams.
And the next day, when he comes across the two boys making out in the woods, Eddie’s mouth so wet and red as Richie bites at it, his hands grabbing as Eddie through his jeans while the smaller boy gasps, Jimmy doesn’t do anything. And when Richie’s eyes meet his over Eddie’s head, swimming with mirth, and something like greed, Jimmy stumbles and runs. He runs and runs, and not once does he ever think to look back.
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Oh my lord...I am so sorry that the NSFW Alphabet for Enigma/Origins Riddler is taking forever but work has been beating my ass. 5 days of 11 hour shifts per week is fucking brutal, and I have barely had time for anything save for sleeping, eating (barely even doing that), and showering. 
Once Christmas hits, though, I’ll go back to 4 days of 10 hour shifts per week, which will be much more manageable and I’ll actually be able to get shit done FFS. Like, really, I’m not happy but I can’t do anything about it right now so I’m just.........enduring.
To tide you all over, I am going to present what I have completed for the NSFW Alphabet for Enigma/Edward Nashton, our favorite sassy, sexy IT guy who loves to troll us like the little shit he is. I have letters A through N and X done, so that’s quite a lot.
I won’t lie, though...I’m not sure how happy I am with this one. I think I did better with the ones for Arkham Knight Riddler and Telltale Riddler, and I have so many mixed feelings about my work for Enigma....I don’t know. I feel like maybe I dropped the ball here? 😞 So I apologize if it’s not too great. 
Feedback is definitely welcome because if I can make this better, than I would LOVE to make it better 😫😫😫😫
Anyway, NSFT content below the cut.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Eddie is very doting even in his GCPD/sane/far-less-depressed days. His insecurities still play a part like for his Arkham Knight self, but it’s much less intense. He wants to be the best boyfriend you could ever have so you don’t dump him for being “inferior,” but he’s not as internally stressed out about it. It’s more like he is a bit nervous at first as he gets used to things, being intimate and what you like after. However, once he gets comfortable, he’s pretty calm and confident for the most part.
As for aftercare for him, again, some similarities to his Arkham Knight self but it’s not as extreme. He does like to cuddle after but it’s less because he’s clingy and desperate for affection and more because he is truly happy to have you in his life. Otherwise, he doesn’t ask for too much. Maybe a snack or a drink now and again.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Again, like with any Riddler, Enigma/Nashton definitely thinks his mind is the best part of himself. As Enigma, yes, he still wants to show off his incredible intellect to you as a means of charming you, but he doesn’t go overboard like his Arkham Knight self. Enigma is a smug little shit but his narcissism is more in check, and he doesn’t get over-the-top with his words like his Arkham Knight self. 
As for an actual body part, again, it would be his hands since he is great at building things, is a fast typer (obviously helps with programming/hacking), plays chess like a pro (really, he’s good), and is capable of some very impressive handwriting.
For you, I think it would be your hands. Arkhamverse Eddie is very touch-starved, and while as Enigma, it’s not quite as bad, he still does want some sort of physical affection. To him, your hands are lovely, and your touch is soothing, grounding him to reality sometimes. The fact you actually want to use your hands to pleasure him and not punch, slap or choke him is truly a relief. Deep down, he is lonely and never expected to find any sort of connection with anyone, growing used to being ignored, insulted, and bullied by others. So receiving a loving touch gives him some comfort as he has someone who not only appreciates him but loves him.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Enigma is much more of a neat freak than his Arkham Knight self, but he’s not going to complain of making a mess of you. He loves to cum on your face, in your mouth, and inside you because it’s not only a way for him to “claim” you as his, it’s also a sign of how comfortable you are being so vulnerable with him.
This version of Eddie, though, is very much into fucking your mouth and cumming down your throat. He loves to have your eyes on him as you suck him off, and he loves to hear you swallow his cum. Again, it fuels his ego to see you willingly submit to him like this, and it gives him the thrill of being in control.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You know that Eddie would absolutely love to have you blow him under his desk while working at the GCPD. Granted, he’s not terribly fond of the being caught but it’s such a thrilling idea that he can’t deny its appeal. Nearly everyone at work thinks he’s some sort of sex-starved bore, so imagine how they’d feel knowing that yes, he can have fun, too, and no, it doesn’t involve cheating on his s/o with strippers at the local night clubs. (You know some of them cops be cheating on their wives, let’s be real, and Eddie thinks it’s gross).
Plus, having you keep him company at work would make his days at the GCPD dealing with corrupt cops and an absolute idiot of a commissioner (this is before Gordon is in charge, remember) more tolerable. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Not a lot of experience. He’s had very few partners in his life, and while he may boast he’s got moves, he’s really just too nervous to admit otherwise. It kind of shows, though, with how shy he is when the two of you first become intimate, but just be patient and kind to him. He’s got a great memory and takes direction very well, and he does actually want you to enjoy going to bed with him so he’s going to work hard to keep you satisfied. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Eddie enjoys being on top because he loves watching you come undone beneath him and he enjoys holding your wrists down (when you two are in the mood for it). 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Not goofy or silly. I mean, yes, he’s a damn tease and sarcastic af, but not childish. Ok, well, maybe sometimes he’s a bit of a man-child but, at this point in his life, it’s much more subdued. He’s far more playful than anything, and thinks being silly has no place in the bedroom -- or anywhere really. Not that he can’t ever laugh at himself. It just takes some effort since he’s not comfortable making mistakes.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Completely the opposite of his Arkham Knight self, Enigma is very well-groomed. Not excessively so, but he actually showers everyday, keeps his hair neatly trimmed, and shaves regularly. Before meeting you, he’s not terribly fussed about being tidy “downstairs” but once you two become serious about your relationship, he definitely makes an effort to keep that part of him as presentable as possible. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
At first, Eddie is extremely nervous as he’s not used to being vulnerable with anyone, but he’ll ramble on like he is experienced and comfortable. You see right through it, though, but don’t call him out on it in a mocking way; you’ll turn him off of you faster than you can say, “enigma.” Just be understanding and patient with him, guide him along without being condescending, and he’ll eventually relax enough to enjoy being intimate with you.
At this point in his life, Eddie can become comfortable letting his guard down more quickly with the right person as he hasn’t gone down that dark, depressing path of being repeatedly defeated by Batman and losing his sanity. When you have Eddie’s affection, he’s very romantic, often spoiling you with gifts and sweet compliments. He’s also secretly a cuddler, and likes to hold you for a while even if he knows he has somewhere else to be. It’s rare -- if at all -- that anyone likes him and even rarer that he likes anyone, so he’s going to be very affectionate with you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He’s a little embarrassed to admit it but he does resort to jerking off since it’s not like he has dates lined up outside his door, you know? He’s also more in touch with his “urges” even if he feels a little ashamed about them, and he has pleasured himself on more than one occasion before meeting you. He’s young and rather energetic in his GCPD days since he hasn’t wasted a bunch of time and energy on Batman, so he’s more likely to get, well, horny.
When he gets to liking you, he jerks off more often than he would care to admit, and it takes time for him to confess this to you. He just couldn’t help himself usually because he found you to be so stunning and pleasant to be around, and you treated him better than anyone else ever had so he kind of let his emotions run crazy in his alone time.
When you confess to him that you also were pleasuring yourself while fantasizing about him on multiple occasions, he’ll feel more at ease with what he did but also kind of...flattered. He hasn’t heard anyone admit to “getting off” because of him, and since he is attracted to you, it’s, well..it’s pretty damn awesome to hear you tell him this.
Eddie also may enjoy mutual masturbation with you. I mean, he’s curious as to what exactly you did to please yourself when you were alone thinking about him. How long did it take for you to orgasm each time? Did you like edging yourself? Did you use any toys? What did you imagine him saying, doing? He has a lot of questions because he has a curious mind, you know...and he’s, well, horny for you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Like his Arkham Knight counterpart, he loves it if you address him “formally” while doing the do: Mr. Nashton, Mr. Nashton Sir, or even just Sir. His ego hasn’t taken a bashing like his AK self, though, so he doesn’t need this kink as a means of feeling better about himself, but rather, he loves the power play. Edward likes to be in charge, even in the bedroom, but he likes to have fun, too -- wants you to have fun. So the formal names are more or less major kinks for him than anything.
He loves it when you send him sexy pics or texts while he’s at work because it’s like a challenge for him. Can he keep his cool while you’re teasing him like this? Or will he cave and have to “take care of himself?” Either way, he will use it later to “punish you” for being so unfair. 
This Eddie, since his self-esteem isn’t in the dumps, is much more comfortable with you dominating him from time to time. He’ll even admit it, although, in his own way (he has some trouble admitting he gets off on being dominated). If you tie him down and tease him, ride him, but don’t let him cum until you feel he’s “earned it,” he’ll be in heaven. He lives to be a “good boy” for you.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Not fussed about where you guys do it, although, anything in public is kind of off limits as he’s too shy to risk getting caught. But any type of furniture or any wall or the shower...Eddie is very keen to try new spots. It’s, per usual, a challenge for him to see how you two handle it, and he likes variety.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Calling him, “Mr. Nashton,” or even just “Sir.” Complimenting him on his intelligence, his looks -- but most certainly his intelligence. Being touchy-feely with him. Touching his thigh. Kissing him by surprise. Flat-out telling him you need him. Wearing something green that’s also very sexy and looks amazing on you. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He won’t do anything that could actually hurt you. Some consensual rough play is fine, but he won’t do anything that is downright painful. He also won’t try anything new without your permission.
He’s not into derogatory language, so he’s not going to call you “bitch” or “whore.” He thinks it’s vulgar and doesn’t see the appeal in calling his lover such things.
Now, this Eddie is actually ok with some humiliation kink since, again, he hasn’t taken a severe beating to his self-esteem. If you’re into it, he’ll indulge you, and, once he’s comfortable with you, he’ll let you do it to him. He kind of gets off on it -- but DON’T go overboard. Keep it light and fun, more like teasing. If you push it too far, he’ll get upset and will need to be alone, and you’ll also have to rebuild your trust with him.
He’s not into being called, “Daddy.” He thinks it’s weird, gross, and downright humiliating. Plus, it reminds him of his dad and he hates his dad.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s a bit above average, like 7-7.5 inches but unlike his Arkham Knight self, he’s a bit more comfortable with it, not as concerned with being “not big enough” for you.
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