#anything ryu can't do sumi can do
sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
I can see why people would simply characterize as pervert and be done with it, despite the many instances where he's an anti pervert during Kamoshida.
and they overshadow a lot of good Ryuji moments like Ryuji tanking a freaking Vorpal blade for both Joker and Akechi in Royal. Or even Ryuji's save after Shido's palace started crumbling.
the only moment that's not overshadowed is the fact that he said fuck, like for a "pervert character" he almost always default to "eff" instead of fuck.
Not even Ryuji's saving of Joker when Sophia fell or the many moments Ryuji saves the phantom thieves really get enough praise because "pervert"
He is both it and not..... Kamo arc, his CoOp, and most of Strikers iirc he is very anti-pervert. But sadly 90% of Vanilla/Royal spends their time making out to be a perv, and the anime just you know....jumps right into it in the Kamo arc (a whole arc early), dunno how the rest went down but.....8U
And I really, REALLY hate how they make him pervy, esp aimed at Anne. But I like it when he's, you know, not that (tho in Strikers I'm like "hmmm don't wanna hear it hypocrite" but considering P5, that's probably like the nicest gloves I have kjdsa;fkj). But it's a moot point, he's still a char I look more fondly on with P5 than other's, caveats aside.
But yes, he does get the butt monkey joke a lot. In a sense he's in a same boat as Yosuke. Both will be the butt monkey, EVEN IF they are in the right/not doing anything bad/being helpful (really on full display for Yosuke in PQ1, despite being butt monkey at least the cast acknowledges how much they love him.....tho it's not till PQ2 that he, and Teddie, get some freaking dignity back TT0TT). Unlike Junpei who is a butt monkey cause he'll make stupid jokes, or he'll be an asshat and be like "I'm soooo jealous, but why can't anyone see how awesome I am???? *proceeds to be the walking fuck up that Atlus seems to think Yosuke/Ryu are*" AT LEAST, if memory serves (and tbh I tried blocking this game out), Strikers treats Ryu with a lot more dignity (and probs PQ2, but I wanted that blocked outta my mind too u_u).
NOW, did they utilize him to his fullest ability like any good writer would, esp if they saw the obvious parallels? No. No they did not. Akira should've been a slam dunk but nope. But what am I to expect when the same writers (maybe?) think Goro and MC should be opposites, when Ryu and Sumi are right there for Goro. Of course they are the same writers who don't think to you know.....add Ryu to the list of taking out (")shitbag(")family members. At least give me the excuse that "he's too far out of reach" but even then I'll have question (how far can the Metaverse extend in P5??? What's the distance??? Is it only Tokyo? Did we even try outside of Tokyo???? ANSWERS I NEED ANSWERS! D:<)
Jesus the fuck joke, who caaaaares! DX Have him say it, don't have him say it. I don't care, just do something with him!
That being said, maybe it's a godsend. Because I saw what happened with Yusuke and Strikers klfjdsjf;a Like listen, I don't like the guy either, but the difference between me and chars in the game (other me being real) is that.....I'm not his friend. PT really out there not acting like Yusuke is a friend flkj;ksfj; Jesus they did him dirty, but I'm fine with it. I'm surprised more people weren't klfjl;ajsdflja
Tbh Yusuke and Futaba are also perverts. "No I'm not! I just love art-" I don't care. Don't objectify your friends (Makoto-Pyramid, "I was looking at the Pyramid" Makoto's bra strap is not a pyramid) or people who aren't consenting to your (Anne-stripping) "art" maybe? And Futaba? Leave Anne and Mako alone, don't grab them jesus. We should've left you in a basement if you were gonna act like this. Elizabeth? Eliza-ah there you are, can you PLEASE send the gremlin back to the real world? She's making everyone uncomfortable. >_>
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
wait... do you genuinely hate strikers?? and the phantom thieves??
I've got some bad news for you... Persona 6 won't be developed for a few years from now... so we're going to get p5 spin offs... you're not going to buy those?
Well time for a ramble 8U
Yeah I actually hate Strikers (I'll admit when they have a good idea......too bad they see that good idea and they do their best to fudge it up). It might actually be my most hated spinoff. Which is saying something. ("Then what's your fav P5 spinoff" ....PQ2..... until I replay it then kfjaskldfjaf but at least PQ2 does stuff right....it does stuff wrong but at least it can be competent....in the writing aspect at least.....)
Phantom Thieves............ complicated. Individual characters I love Anne, Haru, Sumi, Sophia, and Zenkichi. (depending on the scene Ryuji too).
As a unit? Like the icon of PT? I hate them. They are shallow. I'm fine with them wanting to help people, but each time they get any sort of pressure on how they go about helping people they turn into the most shallow wishy washy group I've ever met. This isn't to say that SEES/IT are like SOOOOOOO deep guys! It's just that I find the PT to be shallow hypocrites who like to skirt responsibility and it feels like the narrative tries it's damnedest to do that.
THAT BEING SAID, this is something I cut from my other post cause it went off topic. I do think them splitting up would....work wonder's for the group. Considering how each one has a unique background, the writing team doesn't utilize it. Everyone just kinda acts like a single unit with no real input on their own experiences. (again, SEES/IT aren't perfect, BUT, a big part of P3's drama is drama within the group and P4 had a very good climatic moment where the team legit splits down the middle on a very important decision.....Mona/Ryu fighting is baby league compared to a very achievable bar).
And I find if the team does split up and then get back together, that'd open up for some 1) interesting drama in a story, 2) a great way to soft reboot the PT (aka we can actually explore the diff backgrounds and perspectives and how that'd clash).
"News for me" Oh I know anon, this isn't news to me I've been living in this hell for awhile. tbh I think P6 is in development atm (well Atlus stated they are working on it, as for if it's predevelopment or what we dunno).
Am I gonna buy the spinoffs? *looks at the copies I already own* Yeah. "But why?" Because I like Persona's (as a series whole) lore. I like keeping track of the lore. Ever since I jumped into the fandom a long time ago. PQ2 and P5 really make my head hurt with how they screwed up Persona's lore but my brain hasn't physically exploded yet so 8U I'm still breathing. "But why when you hate it?"
Well........1) I didn't think I'd hate P5 and that was a journey, 2) I love P4D so when P3/5D was announced I was legit excited for it (plus the triple pack got me all three games) and....P3/5D was a let down among other things, 3) PQ series is my other fav of the 3 times (at the time) Persona spinoff titles and FeMC FINALLY was getting some spotlight so of course I was gonna play it (I dislike PQ2 because......just.....a lot of issues, so many bizarre choices and lore issues but that's par for the course with P5).
"But what about P5S? Why play it if you hate it." .....that's the thing....I didn't know I was gonna hate it....until I played it. In fact, I...actually didn't expect anything (except hoping Sophia would be aeon BUT THAT'S FOR ANOTHER SALTY TIME!) I kept my bar as low as I could for P5S. Can't hurt my expectations when I have none! ......well that meme where it's like "I expected nothing and was still disappointed" was def me. Gameplay was fun/fine. Everything else has been a dumpster fire and I'm....actually a bit shocked since I've seen people describe it as the best P5 spinoff game, having the best characterization and what not and.....it's not (imo)?????? And I'm just???? HOw? Why? (not judging people that still think this just.....I don't see it, what do you see? I wish I could see what you see! ;w;)
So no I don't go into the games ready to hate them, I want to judge the game on it's own merits. And I'm judging them. It's only fair for the game.
"Am I not going to buy those future P5 spinoffs?" Haha....nah Atlus has me in their grasps, I'm buying them. Tho so far post-Hashino Persona has me.......worried. I don't like what they've been doing so far. Now P5S? I'll give them the benefit of the doubt cause iirc KT wrote that and Atlus just signed off on it. So like that's a saving grace (I don't have to expect that mess to be in future games).
"But why still buy them even if you know P5 is in it and you hate P5?" Well again points 1-3, 1) lore (gotta keep up with it), 2) P5D/PQ2 had other circumstances to it for me to get them, 3) P5S is technically written by KT iirc so maybe I shouldn't judge Atlus themselves too harshly (I mean you guys signed off on this but WHATEVER!) since they didn't write it aka hopefully quality of the future games will be better so that entices me, 4) I want a crossover and if other casts are gonna be in I'll stomach P5 (until it turns into a PQ2 PT boot licking fest again orz) 5) I actually DO wanna like the PT....I think it's too far gone for that to happen but some sunk cost fallacy is in there....and I like Anne/Haru/Sumi yadda yadda I want more of them....gotta put up with Makoto and Futaba but.... >.> I'll manage
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