#anyway!! i’m smooching your faces and wishing y’all a very happy sunday!!!
tvrningout-archived · 2 years
90% of my current mutuals have nothing to do with h.aikyuu, so i apologize for the amount of brain rot you’re all going to have to see but also this is what you get for following a multi fandom multimuse :’ )
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sindrafalcone · 7 years
A Sunday Kind of Love
Fandom: BIGBANG/ Choi Seung Hyun x Reader
Synopsis: our bedroom is cold, and the rain is pattering quietly against the windows, but we’re snuggled up warm beneath the covers in each other’s arms, half paying attention to a movie as we exchange sleepy kisses.
Warnings: I don’t know how, but it got a little angsty here and there. But it’s mostly fluffy, I promise. <3
Author’s Note: Y’all can blame @chanyeolspout​ for this one. I promise that I’m still working on ‘White Love’ but it’s fighting me. Hopefully this makes up for that a little bit. Besides, it’s nice to write something Seung Hyun related again.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This story contains fictional representations of real people. None of the events are true. This is from an American standpoint, so some of the situations may not happen the same way they might in Korea. I make no money from the writing of this fictional work.
Suggested Listening: A Sunday Kind of Love ~ Etta James
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You felt the cold chill of winter nipping at the skin of your back when you awoke early one Sunday morning. Keeping your eyes tightly shut, you lay there shivering defiantly before finally conceding and cracking open one eye, wincing at the brightness that overwhelmed it. You sleepily fumbled around with a desperate hand for the comforter but found nothing but cold sheets. Rolling over, you looked at the body beside you, cocooned in stolen blankets. You wanted to bitch and gripe about the injustice of it all and steal your covers back. But then you saw the black hair peeping out from the soft folds and heard the hushed noises of your boyfriend in his sleep, so you ended up just nudging him gently with an almost numb foot.
“________-ah...” his scratchy voice whined after a few moments.
“You stole the covers again.” you whined back, continuing to nudge him increasingly harder.
“Sorry.” Seung Hyun apologized, but without much sincerity. He didn’t even show signs of stirring to share the blankets.
“Seung Hyun!” your voice was even whinier this time, as you inched over to Seung Hyun's side of the bed (the left side) and pulled at the covers that were firmly wedged beneath him. “Move, you pabo!”
He let out a frustrated grunt and finally rolled over to face you. But before you could grab the covers, he quickly jerked them over the entirety of your body and scooped you up. Your muffled protests were soon hushed when Seung Hyun pressed you against his chest.
You felt a little disoriented for that brief moment of pulling and tangling of limbs, until you were comfortably situated under the covers and inside Seung Hyun's strong arms. He wasn’t just sharing the covers, but his warmth as well. And the heat of his lean, strong body was now warming your own cold skin. You wrapped your legs around him and pressed your half-frozen feet against the back of Seung Hyun's legs. Perhaps you’d forgive him for stealing all the covers... just this once.
“You’re so cold, kitten.” Seung Hyun whispered into your bed-head, pressing his lips and nose into it. You would’ve kicked him hard in the shin, because obviously your current condition was his fault. But that term of endearment, along with the feeling of him kissing your head & holding you, curbed your thoughts of violence. So instead of kicking him, you found yourself practically melting into the blissful warmth of it all. God, you’d fallen deep
This was what you’d been waiting for all these years... Well, maybe not this, exactly. To be honest, you could do without the cover stealing and almost freezing to death. But you had been waiting for someone like Seung Hyun in the very least. And you’d take him no matter how much of a total brat he could be sometimes.
You looked up at your boyfriend, who was smiling at you in a rather self-satisfied way. You let out an unimpressed huff because Seung Hyun seemed a little too proud of himself, and you refused to indulge him. But you did any way, whether directly or indirectly, because you were his kitten now (heaven help you), and you eventually pressed your face back into the warmth of Seung Hyun's chest.
It smelled really nice too, still vaguely reminiscent yesterday's cologne and you snuggled closer, clinging tightly to the man like if you let go the world would break. Neither of you quite fell back asleep, because you were both already awake, but still stuck in that lazy limbo of Sunday morning bliss.
Suddenly the morning sun was dampened by darkened clouds, and the fond pitter-patter of rain sounded against the window, making you feel instantly nostalgic and even more heavy-limbed. You loved the rain on days like this, when you could just lie in bed all day without any disturbance. You also liked it when Seung Hyun wasn't there, even though there was also something very lonesome and melancholy about it. But since he was actually home for once, doing nothing but napping and watching TV and listening to the rain sounded even sweeter.
You stretched, feeling the lovely slide of Seung Hyun's legs against yours as you moved. You both yawned a few times, never quite overcoming that sleepy, just-woken-up feeling. He moved against you and aired out the comforter, feeling a bit too warm from the suffocating entanglement you’d made of each other.
“I guess I’ll go make some coffee.” he said with a tired sigh, carefully pulling his arms from around you and hopping out of bed.
“Don’t be gone too long.” you told him coyly.
You watched Seung Hyun leave the room through heavy-lidded eyes, his pert butt cheeks moved up and down in his pajamas as he wandered out the open door and into the kitchen. You'd come to love everything about him, including his propensity for always wearing clothes. Well... almost always.
You got out of bed and decided to brush your teeth and wash your face to try and wake up a bit. Just as the smell of coffee started permeating the air & you could hear Seung Hyun shuffling cups and plates in the kitchen, you finished up and jumped back into bed... right before he returned with coffee and toast.
“Hi.” you beamed up at him innocently, fluttering your eyelashes.
“What?” Seung Hyun asked, eyeing you and wondering what you were up to this time. He set the tray down on the nightstand and got back under the covers.
“Nothing.” you said, still smiling. Seung Hyun gave you another suspicious look, clearly waiting for you to explain further. “Here, I’ll show you.” His eyes went wide when you leaned over him and pinned his arms to the bed.
“Wha—” Seung Hyun mumbled, cut off by your lips on his, and then your tongue, sliding into his mouth. You tasted minty and sweet, shockingly so, just like toothpaste. Seung Hyun quickly returned the kiss despite his surprise, easily freeing his arms and pulling you close so that your bodies fit snugly against one another.
He hadn’t had a chance to brush yet, but you weren't complaining. Even though you could feel the grit on the surface Seung Hyun's  teeth when you ran your tongue over them, your taste buds were still numbed by the mint. And then there was Seung Hyun, his fingers tracing delicate circles on your back and sighing softly into your mouth. You finally pulled away, but not without giving him a few more quick smooches on the lips and forehead. “Impressed?”
“Hmmm...” Seung Hyun could only hum thoughtfully, blushing at the tips of his ears. He was adorable. You rolled off of him but didn’t take your eyes off your boyfriend, and kept on with your smug smile until Seung Hyun finally shoved a piece of toast in your mouth. “Shut up and eat your breakfast.” he said playfully.
“Yes sir.” you mumbled, raising your brows while munching away at the buttered toast. You looked over at Seung Hyun, who was just sitting there, still blushing from your kiss. Somehow you knew he was silently wishing he’d brushed his teeth while he sipped at his coffee and listened to the rain. 'All ears and dimples, tan skin and pretty, dark lashes.' you thought. Seung Hyun caught you looking at him and returned your gaze. his eyes were always so reverent and pensive when they looked at you, sometimes scarcely believing that you were there at all
“Seung Hyun, what's wrong?” you asked, even though you knew what he was probably thinking about you just then. You were slowly coming to understand how much Seung Hyun had suffered, and now you just wanted to make him happy and never let him feel alone again. But you also knew that that was almost impossible, because you couldn't be with him all the time.
Seung Hyun set his cup down and looked over at you, tears pricking his eyes. He didn’t want today to be another bad day, one where he cried non-stop and either clung to you desperately or shut you out completely. No, it couldn’t be another one of those days. But even as he told himself that, you moved to cradle him against you before he could say otherwise. You kissed his temple and called him sweetie, and Seung Hyun cried anyway.
But it got better as the morning broke into afternoon. The rain kept on constantly, a lovely, deep thrum of noise enveloping you, and slowly you managed to coax Seung Hyun out of his depression. First you made him reheat his coffee & check Instagram. Then you watched an old black & white film that you had to pause constantly so that you could explain every little thing that Seung Hyun didn’t understand. But it helped you both somehow, because it was difficult to be sad when he was so eager and filled with wonder.
And then half-way through, the movie was forgotten when your sarcastic remarks and gentle banter turned into Seung Hyun wanting to play and touch and kiss you instead. The two of you made out for a while, kissing each others lips and neck while the sounds of the rain continued all around.
Afterwards you just lay there on your back and Seung Hyun on his belly but propped up by an arm. That way, he could look down at you and thread a hand through your hair & caress your face with his fingertips. You lay there for a while just like that, until the rain had stopped and the sun set... then your bellies started growling irritably.
“What do you want to eat?” Seung Hyun asked you as he reached for his phone, definitely delivery tonight. You'd forgotten how long it’d been since you had eaten. The hours just seemed to fly by when you were together like this.
“I don’t know, whatever you want.” you told him. There was still a warm, fuzzy feeling in your belly despite your obvious hunger.
“Okay, umm, how’s pizza?”
“Sounds good.”
Seung Hyun ordered a large with your usual toppings, all the while being harassed by you grabbing his ass and giving it a few squeezes just to distract him.
“Bony butt.” you teased a bit too loudly, so that the pizza guy at the receiver end could hear you. Seung Hyun just kicked your leg lightly in admonishment and stammered out the address.
“It should be here in about 15 minutes.” he said, ending the call. “Which gives us just enough time to take a shower.”
“Ugh, can’t we take a bath instead?” you whined when he managed to drag you out of bed and into the bathroom.
“This is quicker.”
It was clear that he wasn’t budging today, even though he usually gave in. You pouted when he stripped you down & shoved you under the spray of steaming water and got in right behind you. But you eventually came around when Seung Hyun lathered you up and scrubbed your back, letting you kiss him even though you were wasting precious hot water.
Just as you were drying off, the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it!” Seung Hyun yelled from the living room, running for the door in only a t-shirt and a pair of sweats.
This time you were the one who shoved the food in Seung Hyun's mouth. He didn’t even complain because he was starving. “I’ve got to hand it to them, this pizza is pretty good,” he said in the middle of his second slice, gooey cheese stretching from his mouth and grease dripping onto his chin. You just handed him a napkin with an amused smile.
“Oh? Is it better than my cookies?”
“Hmm, I don’t know about that. Maybe. By the way, you need to make me some of those.”
“I need to? I’m not your wife, Seung Hyun.”
“But you said you’d be happy to be my wife someday.” he remarked in half question, his voice as sweet as honey and yet as dry and sarcastic as ever. It made you feel nauseous all of a sudden.
You looked down for a moment, feeling sad as you recalled the memory of when you'd said it. But then you put on a wistful smile and whispered. “It’s true, I did say that.” your voice wavered a little despite your efforts to remain calm.
Seung Hyun noticed the darkness that had fallen over you, and when you went to peer out the window, he saw your face change as you started over-thinking things. He went over to you and hugged you from behind, pressing his fingertips into your sides and kissing the back of your neck until you turned around and looked at him. As soon as your eyes met, the worries dissipated, but his eyes still had that same sad look to them.  
“__________-ah.” Seung Hyun said, his voice cracking. You curled your arms around him, running a hand up and down his back and swaying a bit as he sighed shakily into your shoulder. He pulled gently at the towel wrapped around your hair until it fell to the floor, and then started backing you up into the bedroom.
Seung Hyun laid you down on the bed and for a moment you were afraid he was going to leave, so you caught hold of his arm. “Come to bed.” you pleaded, your voice quiet. His face softened because he’d never intended to do otherwise, but he didn’t say so. He just did as you asked.
When Seung Hyun was finally lying down beside you, you rolled over to face him. You felt so tired but wanted him just the same. He still had a sad, placid expression on his face when he leaned over you, ghosting a hand over your chest. Seung Hyun's fingertips brushed ever so lightly across your skin, love still lingering in his touch.
It gave you goose bumps, especially when the cold air hit you afterwards, sending little shivers down your spine and to your belly, where it ended in a flush of heat. Seung Hyun saw it and smiled for the first time that night. No matter how many times the two of you touched, it always made his stomach flutter and his heart ache when he saw the want tangible in your reaction.
Wanting him.
“What do you want?” he breathed softly into your ear, like he was afraid someone might hear him. The two of you talked like that a lot, especially at night, in hushed tones so that even the walls couldn't catch your whispered secrets. And when you said that you just wanted to make him feel good in a soft whisper and slid a warm hand down his belly to his waistband, it made his body tremble.
Maybe it was the way you said it, or the way you touched him, or maybe it was just because it was you. His big brown eyes were the same ones that had twinkled so brightly right before he had fallen apart earlier. But right now now they were so alive again, and it was like they only sparkled for you. You had to fight back tears for a moment, because it wasn’t fair that his good moods could be so precious and yet so fleeting.
“It’s all right, kitten.” he murmured. “We have plenty of time for that.” then he kissed you lazily.
The rain had started back again and Seung Hyun felt glad. For some reason the rain made the world seem more intimate and closed off, like it was only for you and him.
And maybe it was… if only for now.
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