#anyway 🥺 thank you caitlyn you’re always so kind with the oc asks 🥹💖
lumiereandcogsworth · 2 months
What does Renee want more than anything in the world?
honestly more than anything in the world, renée just wants to be sure of herself. she struggles a lot with self-confidence (and it’s incredibly masked by an overly confident, pretty snobbish attitude) and she constantly worries that people won’t take her seriously or truly respect her. i think she struggles with her title, being heir to the throne, and eventually the queen, because she wonders if she’s worthy of it. “how can i fit into something that i was already born to have?” it’s just a hard thing for her to figure out. more than anything in the world, she wants to feel like she’s earned her achievements and accomplishments, but that’s nearly impossible when you grow up in a world where everything is at your finger tips (and you tend to like Things quite a lot.)
she’s a very complicated gal, and truthfully, as her author, i’m still getting to know her quite a bit. (even six years after i created her!) i don’t know if i’ll ever truly know what fully goes on in her head, but i know she buries a lot. i know she bottles up a lot. i know she wishes things were easier inside her head, but it seems there’s always a war going on up there. she just wants to be the very best she can possibly be. and she has the support, she has the encouragement of her family and peers. she just can’t shake the idea that she isn’t worthy of any of it, because no matter how hard she works, she’ll always wonder if the titles and honors and achievements would have just been given to her anyway, regardless of all her efforts.
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