#anyway . i'm proud of this i actually in my bones really miss being a stylist despite hating literally everything else abt that job goddd
scare-ard--sleigh · 7 months
char encouraged me and that's literally all I need to be sliiiightlyyy cringe on main so alright here we go;;
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this was the first set that i came up with because of That shade of green afjbmjgfk but the more i look at it the more i like it as a complement -- i like the all-over green as kind of a contrast, i like the ridiculously voluminous sleeves against the (short!) sheath of the actual dress paired with the bulk of his outfit (the fur-trim coat particularly, which would also look great over this dress should someone get cold <3) oh oh also the Delicate beadwork against the hardware of his fit is another contrast that's so [chef's kiss] to me. they're going to a restaurant featuring a prix fixe menu or some sorta cocktail party <3
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okay so i fell In Love with this gown as a complement to marineford buggy -- it's soooo flashy, the colors are spot on perfect, and i really like that the cut is a more simple design to play off his more complex look. also this dress's details are made from cut glass which i kinda love for this vibe, something about like messages in bottles and spyglasses and kaleidoscopes :' ) i see them at some sorta event for the performers <3 also this is my personal favorite of the dresses lmao not a pageant guy but i'd loooveee to wear this <3
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i literally cannot Believe the color match going on here jbgfjbk when i was first thinking about Complementary Mihawk Gowns, i thought for sure it'd be black but i loooooovelovelove love this with his look <3 mermaid silhouette is my Fave of all time and i think it's really cool that both their looks flare outward, but the detail attention is in opposite places (the necklace, lapels, and sleeves vs the flare at the bottom of the gown 😍) i want them going to A Show with an afterparty but honestly they could roll up to denny's and slay the game <3
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oghoneytryst · 6 years
request: harry is friends with y/n, a 17-year-old singer/musician who he can’t help but act like an older brother to and protect
where harry knows the industry more than y/n does
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a/n: such an original title, I know. anyways, I got carried away with this, I thought it was very cute and I'm very tempted to make a second part. Harry and y/n are only friends in this!! There will be no type of romantic relationship whatsoever :) 
also I start school tomorrow, rip...
“Here are the nominees for Best New Artist...”
Harry’s voice resonates throughout the venue, colossal screens beginning to merge into a colorful montage of talented musicians. With his hands properly folded behind his back, he manages to catch a glimpse of y/n, who lets out a nervous sigh before slinking further down into her seat.
“Don’t worry,” her publicist says from behind her, giving her shoulders a comforting squeeze. “You’ve got this.”
Y/n nods, but senses a slight shiver ripple through her body when her music video appears on the screens. It is comforting to know that her fans are supporting her in the audience tonight when cheers begin to roar across the sea of people. She even spots some of her life-long idols applauding for her music, which also includes her friend standing in front of the mic stand with an enclosed card caressed in his hands.
It’s surreal to know that the Harry Styles has become one of her most trusted friends since breaking into the crazy industry. In her bedroom at 13 years of age, she used to sing One Direction songs into her hairbrush while her mother was out grocery shopping. Tonight, four years later, her favorite member is sending her a reassuring smile despite the large crowd that stands between them.
She’s worked endlessly to be where she is tonight, sitting alongside the biggest names in the industry, nominated for this year’s Best New Artist at the VMA’s. Y/n has earned a name for herself in the past couple of years, but she believes tonight will determine whether or not she is on the right path to global success.
“And the VMA goes to...” The venue fills with a suspenseful silence as Harry attempts to rip through the enclosed card containing the winner.
People from the audience begin to shout out different nominees, and when a majority of them end up being y/n’s name, she senses a chill in her bones. She doesn’t want the whole nation to see her fail. She doesn’t want her family, friends, and fans to be disappointed in her.
Despite her self-doubt, the cheeky grin that Harry sends in her direction after reading the card lets her know that she has done something right.
“Y/n Y/l/n!” 
Piercing screams and ear-shattering applause drowns the entire venue when y/n’s name is announced. Her hit single begins to blast through the speakers and even then, she cannot seem to believe that any of this is real. Raising slowly from her seat in shock, her accompanying family congratulates her with tight embraces and glistening eyes. 
Don’t trip, don’t trip, don’t trip, y/n thinks to herself as she makes her way over to the stage. She touches hands with the fans reaching out to her from the sides, grabbing onto Harry’s outstretched hand when she makes it to the top of the stairs.
The audience goes into a little frenzy when the two embrace, Harry handing over the iconic Moon Man award given to him by one of the stagehands and shouting to her, “Congratulations, darling. I knew you’d win it!”
This feels like a dream. Y/n is at a loss for words and it takes Harry gently guiding her over to the mic stand for her to come to terms with the reality of her situation.
“Wow,” she breathes out, cradling the heavy award in her arms. “I can’t believe any of this is happening. First of all, thank you, Harry. I am so honored to be receiving this award from someone that I am lucky enough to call a friend...”
Harry chuckles at her shaking figure, nodding in appreciation while she rambles on with her speech. She goes on to thank every person from her team that comes to mind, apologizing in advance if she forgets to mention anybody. She expresses gratitude for her family that is supporting her tonight from the audience and at home. Of course, she does not forget to thank her fans over and over again, dedicating the award to them because, “without you, I am nothing.”
Her speech wraps up just as the music plays overhead, indicating that she is going over time. She waves a final goodbye to the audience, tangling her arm with Harry’s as they shuffle off to the backstage.
“Oh my god,” she groans, slapping her forehead with her empty hand. “That was so embarrassing. Why can’t I ever shut up?”
Harry laughs at her, wrapping his arms around her as they lean from side to side.
“It wasn’t that bad,” he tells her, placing his hands on her shoulder. “Lots of people take ages to wrap up their speech. At least yours was entertaining.”
“I doubt it.”
“Oh, c’mon, y/n. Stop being so hard on yourself. You’re the Best New Artist, you need to celebrate!”
In an immediate second, y/n’s entire face lights up when she is reminded of her accomplishment. She raises the Moon Man in her hand, cradling it like a baby and even going as far as to kiss the silver coating.
“I’m the Best New Artist!” she jumps from one leg to the other, earning chuckles from the people backstage. “Ugh, I can’t wait for the after party. I’m going to have so much fun!”
Harry’s smile diminishes at her words. “Wait, after party? What are you talking about?”
“You know...” y/n trails off, playfully shoving his shoulder. “The one at Taylor’s penthouse that everyone’s going to.”
“Taylor?” Harry repeats, eyebrows skyrocketing. “Swift?” 
“Duh, what other Taylor is there?”
“W-What about your family? Are they also going to this after party?”
“They’re still tired from their flight here this morning,” y/n says with a wave of her hand. “They said they were going back to the hotel room after this.”
Harry looks down at her, puckering his lips in a pensive manner. “Mmm ... no,” he says with a shake of his head, “You’re not going.”
Y/n is busy inspecting her award when she hears Harry’s declaration. “Excuse me?”
“You’re not going to Taylor’s penthouse.”
“Says who?” 
“Says me,” he childishly retaliates. “Y/n, you’re 17. You never know what goes on at parties like that.”
Y/n eyes him up and down. “Hmm, you would know,” she mumbles.
“S’cuse me. Are you ... taking a slag at me?” Harry asks, narrowing his eyes.
“I don’t know, Harry, who is Perfect about, huh?”
The older man sighs, pinching his nose in a way that y/n would say is very dramatic of him.
“You’re right,” he says, nodding his head. “I would know, which is why you should listen to me and learn from my mistakes.”
“But Harry—”
“Harry! Y/n! Let’s get a picture!”
Their conversation is interrupted by the photographers hired backstage, cameras at the ready while the two have no choice but to pose with each other. Flashes invade y/n’s eyes and though she tries very hard to keep them open, she can’t help but squint and hide herself behind her empty hand.
“Alright, I think that’s enough,” Harry politely suggests, nodding a quick thank you to the photographers before going back to his conversation. “Are you alright?”
Y/n blinks away the polychromatic dots stuck in her vision and eventually nods with reassurance. When she can finally see clearly once again, she catches Harry’s concerned expression and sighs.
“Fine,” she gives in, stubbornly hugging her award. “I won’t go to the after parties, but I still want to celebrate.”
“We can go to dinner then,” Harry suggests, smiling with self-gratification. “My treat. Does that sound about right?”
“Only if there’s karaoke involved. I have a legacy to live up to now, Styles!”
Y/n has to hand it to her publicist.
Her schedule is completely booked by the week following her big win at the VMA’s. She finds herself in the following months traveling all across the globe, featuring in dozens of magazines and having quick chats with late night talk show hosts. In the midst of all of this chaos, y/n has taken her free time to write some new material for her new album. It has been a hectic rollercoaster ride, but months later, she has finally found a place to rest. 
When her friend Harry mentions to her that he is also visiting the wonderful state of New York, the two waste no time in making quick plans with each other. The last time y/n had seen Harry was the night he took her out to a celebratory dinner with their mutual friends, which also happened to be the last time she had the chance to let loose and relax.
While the past couple of months have been fun, they have also been extremely draining from the constant work that y/n has to put into her career now. She’s thankful for this opportunity, but she is a teenager after all, and she can’t be more relieved to have a short break before returning back to the chaos.
“Harry!” y/n shouts, running into her friend’s hotel suite and nearly knocking him off his feet from her sudden embrace. “It’s so good to see you!”
“You too, darling.” Harry laughs, scuffing his hand over her head of hair.
“Hey, hey, watch the hair!” she exclaims, pushing his tall figure away before fixing what he messed up.
“Oh, ‘m so sorry, miss diva, shall we call your stylist? Are you parched? Would you like a drink? Non-alcoholic, the drinking age is 21 here.” 
Y/n glares at him, shaking her head at his cheeky smirk. “Ha-ha. Always the comedian, Styles.”
“I’m only jokin’.” Harry pauses, his expression suddenly turning very sincere. “I’m actually very proud of ya, y/n. I saw ya on Corden the other night. Before that, I could’ve sworn your face was plastered all over Times Square. You’re really taking the world by storm, as they say.”
Y/n feels her face heat up. She can’t help but suddenly turn shy at his kind words. She’s considered Harry as a sort of mentor for all of this fame that has been thrown her way, considering the two had met at the start of her career. To know that Harry is proud of her and all of her accomplishments is quite literally an accomplishment in itself.
“Wow. Thanks, Harry. That ... really means a lot.” 
“I’m glad.” He nods, then claps his hands together. “Alright, so are we planning to go to the shops or what?”
“Of course. I’ve been dying to see how much self-control you lose when in the Gucci store.” 
Y/n doesn’t know why it is surprising to her when she sees paparazzi swarming right outside the hotel entrance. It’s not as if she’d been incognito on her way up to Harry’s suite. It’s quite obvious that she had been spotted, and someone then tipped off the paps, but perhaps it is the large quantity of them that makes her a bit uneasy.
“Y/n, y/n! Over here!”
“Harry, when is the band getting back together?”
“Hey, y/n! How’s it going? Going out for a nice date with your boyfriend Harry?”
Amid the blinding flashes of cameras invading her personal space, y/n finds herself doing a double take at the pesky reporter’s question.
“Excuse me?” she questions, her bodyguard attempting to guide her and Harry to the remaining few feet to the car.
“Just keep walking, y/n,” Harry whispers, softly pulling on her arm in a desperate attempt to get away from the press.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” y/n laughs, finding it quite humorous that the media seems to think her friendship is anything more than amiable. Of course, she’s seen the fans speculating on social media, but she hopes her declaration is enough to leave the situation alone.
 “Oh, right, weren’t you going out with Wes Anderson the other week?” 
The shutters of cameras only seem to get more intense with that question. “What?” y/n scoffs, tilting her head at the ridiculous accusation.
“You were leaving his place, right? Late at night? Did you have fun?”
Y/n suddenly feels like she can’t breathe. She had been at Wes Anderson’s place, but she’d been having dinner with his family while the two discussed having her write a song for his new movie. She didn’t know the cameras had been watching her that day, and it makes her skin crawl to know that the media thinks she’s having an affair with someone almost three times her age.
“S’cuse me, do you have something better to do than harass a 17-year-old?” Harry speaks up, not even bothering to hear the pap’s excuse before leading y/n into the car.
He makes sure that she gets in before following after her, never feeling more relieved to shut the door on those pestering cameras. He knows he’s going to get media attention for his remark. 
“Y/n,” he says, frowning at her shocked expression. “Are you alright?”
Y/n doesn’t speak. She’s replaying the question over and over again in her head. She can already imagine the nasty messages people must be leaving for her on social media. The thought disgusts her and suddenly the pressure building up inside of her in the last couple of months finally releases. 
“Y/n,” Harry repeats, wanting to comfort her but also wanting to make sure she has some space to cool down. “Y/n, look at me. Listen to me, at least.”
The younger girl swallows harshly, blinking away the few tears that are threatening to fall. She scolds herself for being so ridiculous over a silly comment, but she’s noticed that silly comments seem to have large effects on careers like hers.
Harry sighs, pondering of what he can possibly say to her in this moment to make everything okay again.
“Being in this industry for quite some time now, I’ve learned that ... not everyone is as nice as you hope. These people with cameras, invading your privacy, they’re not all nice people. Sure, some of them are just trying to do their jobs, and some of them can be very respectful. But a lot of them will say just about anything to get a rise out of you.”
Y/n raises her head at this point, fiddling with her hands as she lets Harry continue with his rant.
“Take me for an example. Do you really think I’m some kind of ... womanizer?”
“No,” she immediately croaks out. She’s always hated that people have given Harry that disgusting label. “You’re not.”
“And you’re not whatever vile things they make up about you. I know that, your friends know that, your family, your fans ... anyone that’s lucky enough to know you know that that isn’t you. But at the end of the day, all that matters is that you know that too.” 
Y/n forces a smile, feeling a weight lift off her chest from Harry’s reasonable words. “Thanks,” she mutters, unable to resist giving her friend a kind hug of appreciation. “It’s just hard to ignore them, you know?”
“I know,” Harry agrees, patting her back softly. “Trust me, it won’t get any easier, but you’ll eventually learn that silence is key, especially if you want them to take a really nice candid of you.” 
“Can’t I just give them the middle finger and call it a day?”
“Oh yeah, ‘m sure TMZ will love that.”
Y/n chuckles, pulling away from her friend and bucking her seatbelt. While the situation still has her a little on the edge, she feels alleviated from Harry’s pep talk. It is true that the world she has been thrown in at such a young age is quite intense, but she’s grateful that she has someone like Harry to protect her from it all.
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