mouwrites · 11 months
Heyy:)) I love you’re writing soo muchhh
Could u do a Lloyd x fem reader so basically he’s madly in love with her but he’s mean to her in school and then they meet as ninjas and he tells her about that wonderful girl in his school and she gives him advice and the next day at school he does exactly what she said and she wants to meet him alone and talks to him and then they both know they’re indantiny
Thank you for your kind words! I hope this is okay ^^
Word count: 1k
Ninjago - Giving the Green Ninja Advice to Ask His Crush (You) Out
“Well, look at Miss Smarty-Pants over here,” Lloyd teased, leaning over your desk to stare at your math test. You had gotten a good score, but suddenly you were wishing you hadn’t.
Glancing at Lloyd’s paper, your frown deepened. He had gotten a lower score than you; that’s probably why he was antagonizing you. You just shoved the paper into your backpack, slouching in your chair and staring at your lap self-consciously. Only Lloyd could ruin good news like that. You weren’t sure why, but the boy seemed dead set on making you miserable every time you interacted.
You gritted your teeth at the memory. You were grateful to be able to channel your frustrations from school into a good cause: being a ninja. Jumping from the rooftops, chasing down criminals, engaging in combat—all fantastic ways to let out a little anger.
You had just finished preventing a robbery when you decided to take a little break. You found a perch atop a tall apartment complex overlooking the city, and you plopped down gratefully on the edge. It wasn’t long until a familiar green figure found you, taking a seat beside you.
“Hey,” you greeted cheerfully. You were feeling much better already, but the appearance of your friend was really the cherry on the sundae.
“Hi,” he wheezed. Apparently, he was also taking a break from crime-fighting.
You giggled. “Rough night?”
He took a moment to catch his breath before responding. “Rougher day at school.”
“Oh, really? What happened?”
“The girl I like did not respond well to my flirting.”
“Ooh,” you cooed, kicking your dangling feet excitedly. “The Green Ninja has a crush!”
You couldn’t see his cheeks, but you were certain they were red. “Yeah, heh. She’s really awesome. We have a few classes together at school.”
“You should ask her out,” you ventured boldly.
“Funny you should bring that up—I was going to ask for your advice anyway.”
You clapped your hands together giddily. “Okay, tell me what you know about her.”
“Well, I know she likes (favorite drink).”
“Okay, so definitely buy her a bottle of that. And… hmm… can you draw?”
“Sort of. Only cartoons, though.”
“That’s fine. Draw a little cute caricature of her on a card that says something like ‘I like you, please go out with me’ or whatever.”
Your advice session was cut short when you heard a shriek in the alleyway below. Sharing a quick look of apprehension, you both sprang to your feet and rushed into action.
The next day, you were doodling absentmindedly in your notebook while you waited for first period to begin. You jumped as an object slammed onto your desk. It was a fresh bottle of (favorite drink) with a little card tied to the cap. You looked up just in time to see Lloyd hurrying away.
You sighed. The card probably said something rude, you guessed, but you opened it anyway. To your surprise, it actually contained a rather cute cartoonish drawing that looked strikingly similar to your own cantenance. Below it was written: “I like you. Please go out with me.”
You stared at the card for a second. A strange sense of familiarity overpowered your confusion at something like this coming from Lloyd. You just couldn’t shake the feeling that this was something you’d seen (or maybe talked about?) before. Then it hit you. With a completely dumbfounded expression you looked between Lloyd and the card, back and forth a couple times before clapping the card shut and turning to face Lloyd in the seat next to you.
“Well? What do you thin—”
“Meet me after school. Out by the dumpsters.”
Lloyd blinked at you. His lips curved in a slight smile, and he opened his mouth to speak, but he was silenced by the bell.
The day couldn’t have gone by slower for either of you, but finally you found yourselves face to face behind the school.
You held up the card. “Who told you to do this?”
Lloyd’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Um, a friend gave me some advice.”
You looked around, making sure you were alone, before leaning in to whisper: “Was this ‘friend’ a ninja?”
“Wh… how did you know that?”
“Because that was me! I’m the f/c ninja!”
You stared at each other with wide eyes for a few seconds, tension growing thick in the silence. Then, without warning, you burst into laughter.
“Wait—wait,” you gasped between laughs. “So when you said the girl didn’t respond well to your ‘flirting’, you meant that stupid rude remark you made about my test?”
Lloyd’s brow cocked innocently. “Was that not flirting?”
“No!” You erupted into another fit of giggles.
“Huh. Well, I’m glad I came to you for advice, then. I’m clearly a lost cause when it comes to romancing.”
You nodded, smiling sheepishly. “I totally thought you hated me.”
“I could never hate you. I don’t hate you as Y/n, and I don’t hate you as the f/c ninja. Though I suppose maybe you prefer me as the Green Ninja.”
You chewed your cheek thoughtfully. “Well, I’d certainly appreciate it if you could treat me as nicely as he does.”
“Of course I will. I’m sorry I was so mean before. I guess it was my backward way of flirting.”
“All is forgiven.” You never expected you’d be saying that to Lloyd, but knowing that he was also the Green Ninja, your companion of the night, the words spilled almost automatically from your mouth. It was strange; knowing what you knew now, your hatred for the boy had evaporated at once.
“So, uh… what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?”
Lloyd threw his arms around your middle, lifting you up and spinning you around while laughing gleefully. When he put you down, he pulled out his vibrating phone from his pocket.
“Oh, I’ve gotta get home.”
“Okay,” you breathed, cheeks flushed from giggling while he twirled you. “See you tonight?”
As he turned to walk away, he shot you a smirk. “Yeah. See you tonight, f/c-ninja-slash-Y/n.”
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Thanks for your request! And thank you for reading, take care of yourselves precious gems <33
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