fafafab · 4 years
Life is a Ferris wheel
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fafafab · 4 years
Loving him red
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by hello_dongwon
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fafafab · 4 years
Not even a little bit
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Daily reminder!
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fafafab · 4 years
OS this sailor moon?
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and the two side by side….. love some good sun and moon imagery
print shop here
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fafafab · 4 years
You know what they say: the road to hell....
“It’s amazing how much damage can be done when you have nothing but good intentions.”
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fafafab · 4 years
I’ve met rich people with serious addiction issues, but no one knows how addicted they are because they’re still able to function and keep a seemingly normal life, I wonder if the situation would be the same if they were poor
also, I’ve been through deep emotional trauma from early childhood events, but I’ve always been poor so I could never afford to be addicted to anything
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fafafab · 4 years
both my dream and my nightmare cause I’m fascinated and terrified of dogs at the same time
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fafafab · 4 years
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fafafab · 4 years
I admit, when MF started i was more interested in Glee and I was trying to boycott its competition, My feeling of resentment became stronger when it started winning every emmy at every emmy ceremony, then glee ended and so did most of my favorite shows, but MF was still around so I caught up to it, I think it was season 5 or 6 i binged it so i could be up to date, it almost felt like a task I didn’t want to complete, but by the time season 7 or 8 began I was very much into it, I was mostly surprised that after seven or so years the show still managed to make me laugh or tear up a bit; so I stuck to it, been watching it very religiously ever since, the kids were now young adults Luke had gotten way too hot for anyone’s sake, but the core was still the love family members share for one another. I went through several life changes myself, moved to another country made new friends and through it all these last seasons of MF were a constant.
without noticing season 10 started and I thought, wow this show’s been on for years I wonder when they’re going to end it the last sitcoms I was a fan of lasted 9(HIMYM) and 10(Friends) seasons so I felt the end was coming, then I found an official network statement saying the show would end with its eleventh season, so when it started last year I knew I could expect them to start wrapping up some stories, I was mentally and emotionally ready for it series finales aren’t that good ever, to be honest, the writers can’t just meet the expectations fans have for the characters, so I was really just open to anything. But I’m really glad the way things ended for everyone, it made me really happy the show ended embracing change and the difficulties life throws at us.
Thanks to all the cast for sticking around for 11 years it mustn't be easy specially for the younger actors who I’m sure at some point wanted to leave but they remained faithful to their characters I allowed us to see them grow with them.
I used to joke saying MF was the Full House of this generation and if it is I hope we get to see them reaunite in a sort of “Moderner Family” situation where we get to see the people we once saw as kids being adults with their own kids. I only hope that if and when that times comes I have my own family to sit and watch it with.
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fafafab · 4 years
One: Don't pick up the phone You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone Two: Don't let him in You'll have to kick him out again Three: Don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning And if you're under him, you ain't gettin' over him
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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fafafab · 5 years
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that Brian Eno quote about how whatever you find most repulsive about a medium (film grain, record scratches/fuzz, CDs skipping) will be the first thing you try and emulate once that medium is obsolete because it's "the sign of a moment too powerful for the medium assigned to contain it".... man.......
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fafafab · 5 years
for future referencing, although i could've used it two weeks ago when i was planning my suicide
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Read Full Article Here: 
5 Things to Remember When You Want to Give Up on Life
Follow @psych2go for more!
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fafafab · 5 years
scumbag brain
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fafafab · 5 years
the rice got made and the guy got roasted
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yikes…”wife material” sounds like a bad job opportunity
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fafafab · 5 years
- to avoid small talk
-to avoid making eye contact
-to avoid strangers from approaching me
there are MANY reasons why i would pretend to check my phone
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fafafab · 5 years
can we rename it “internal screaming”?
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fafafab · 5 years
i’ve never felt so identified with a twith a statement
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