#anyway I rlly love this verse just bc I can take io to the extreme
incendiorum · 6 months
fantasy verse is just… the complete culmination of io believing that the path to peace is forged with violence. io died in that verse feeling ashamed and humiliated and inhumanly furious. there’s no taming them down. io was given a choice to turn everything about themself into a weapon and they took it. they made themself a one-person war machine and wreaked havoc with it. they’d twist themself into knots just to do it all over again. because in every. single iteration of io they find joy in destruction. they find pleasure in it. they were made to be a wildfire, a landslide, a tornado. io will never be anything at their core other than brutal, because it means freedom, it means peace, and it means that they get to be the scariest motherfucker around. io takes venadeus’s deal in every version of themself because they want to live, and they want to be so dangerous as to be virtually untouchable. 
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