#anyway I'll stop there with the hastags
alder-saan · 11 months
I... tried?
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sea-of-dust · 1 year
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So you're not gonna give me any?
Sin, Giovanna, Bridget, Happy Chaos
Summary: You made food for yourself, not expecting them to want any.
Notes: Thought I didn't play Guilty Gear, did ya 😼. I have you know I've been stalking that game for bedman so I can go back to my fighting game addiction. (ignore the x reader hastag I beg of you)
Warnings: Suggestive humor, swearing, fought Bridget more times than I read her lore forgive me-
Mostly platonic
Gender Neutral Reader
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You do this to him of all people? You got some guts I'll give you that. Casually flipping burgers that dude smells them miles away I shit you not.
"Sol you mind if we go home early?" "We're in the middle of a bounty." "There's burgers being made..." "..."
You were pretty much done then your door almost goes flying off its hinges. "YOU MADE ANY FOR ME-" He comes into your house out of breath seeing two burgers. Naturally he presumes ones for him. "Oh...I thought you already ate" he looked at you like you said the most offensive thing to ever hit gods green earth.
You lift your plate and go to your living room proceeding with your day as if nothing had just happened while he's still there stunned.
First tactic! Sneaking it away! Leaning over you, he tries to reach over frightened when you grab his arm or push his hand back. You held his hand one of those times. You paused the show you were watching and turned to him. "Please?" The puppy dog eyes are out now. You didn't give him an answer, turning back around you, trying to hold back a laugh.
Time for tactic two! A trade. He hops over your couch leans over to you. "Hey... Hey! I'll tell you anything you wanna know. " "Like what? " he blushes before whispering in your ear. "Like how babies are made" you gave him the most narly side eye. "I already know" a long silence. "HUH?!" he jumps back in surprise, "so you know they come outta your eye?!" You turn to him fully with a slow, confused turn "So wouldn't that mean... you have a kid?" Now he's confused "no?" "so you got an abortion." "..." No burgers were obtained. You just laughed at him.
His last tactic, the most effective one, distraction! "Hey, look at this!" He shows you something on his phone. "Yea, that is pretty wild," as he reaches you push them away. "You know what's crazier?" You put your hand below his chin. "What-" Your smile widens. You lean closer to him he leans in progressively, getting more flustered. "Ho" "AH" ya breathed in his face. Lemme tell you burgers are good until you gotta smell ya breath afterward.
So far, all he got from you was teasing and burger breath to the face. Hes heartbroken . He knows this is how you like to tease him but like...really? With burgers? Certain kinda evil to do that.
As tries to get up, you stop him. "You can have it," you hand him the plate. He looks at you, his eyes sparking. "Really?" "Yea, never intended to finish it anyway." "So you did make one for me!" "Maybe I did." You smile to yourself, looking back at your show as he you hear him quite litterally tear the poor thing up.
"Thank you y/n!" He hugs you rubbing your cheek agenst his. "Eh! burger breath burger breath!" "What? Can't handle a taste of your own medicine?" You try to wiggle out of his embrace. "I'll repay you next time!" "You know how to cook?" You stop to look at him "Yea! Sugar water!" "....what"
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Sleep with one eye open she's taking the other one.
She's not as angry as you think, but she is kinda internally upset.
You two casually sitting on the rooftop that she usually hung out on. You were both sitting together when you opened up a box of snacks eating them while looking off into space.
She looked at you baffled, chuckling a bit. "Any for me?" "Huh? I thought you ate" "....nope~" She opens her mouth expectingly "it's past your lunch break tho..." "I gave my food to Rei..." you look up at Rei the spirit agreeing with her.
"Alright I guess I could give you some" Both of them look up excitedly as you pull out one of the snacks. Giovanna slightly getting ontop of you.
"Feed it to me" "😨" Even Rei looks over at her confused before going back to snacks. "Think your getting too comfortable around me" "isn't that a good thing~" She leaves her mouth open leaning closer you placing one of the snacks in her mouth then Reis.
This went on for a while you had to open a few more. Your starting to think she isn't hungry but just messing with you so you stop feeding her. She didn't really care at first...no she does. "Could have just old me you didn't wanna share" "oh thank god"
Thinking you can go back to eating normally, you look back into the sky. The only thing you see is a cloud formation before Gio moves in front of you, her eyes squinted. "Just one?" "Wdym just one?!" "Gimmie another." "How much did you really give Rei?!?" You gave her two. She ate both of them Rei looking at her offended opens its mouth, you oblige. Your praying for someone to save you at this point. Praying for Leo to come outta nowhere and use his depression rizz on her.
You gave her the whole box as a peace treaty and pulled out your phone texting Leo. "Bro, get up to the roof. I think she might eat me next" "what happened-" "she ate all my food again..." "sigh...I'll be there" As you put your Phone away Reis staring into your soul with a second box that you had in your bag. "nooo" you whisper trying to make sure Gio dosent hear you. "Oh so you had another~" "AHHHHHH" as soon as your savior gets there its too late she's eaten your lunch only leaving two pieces behind for you. Least she's too busy fawning over him to bother you now
"It's that guy I was talking about!" She looks over at Rei your food still all over her mouth. "....do we take him home" Rei looks at her and nods "but last time you said knock him out why am I listening to you" she shakes her head. "Sorry dude" you text Leo before leaving the roof. "Worry for what?" He could barely finish the text before you heard something hit the ground along with really bad and sarcastic sounding flirting.
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How could you do that to someone so cute!! Was mostly likely what was going on in her brain. Soft pancakes cooked to perfection and stacked so neatly the local Dennys would hire you in an instant.
She tries to reach her hand on to one of the stacks when you put it down with a gentle push. "Whatcha doing" "trying to have a pancake" "that's for my job tho-" "as a Dennys fry cook-" "no there giving out a promotion to the person who cooks the best" "oooo"
Slightly caring about that she tries not to take one but just the scent of the batter slowly cooking to perfection she's fighting alot of urges to just take one and run. Too bad you always notice...
"Bridget, there isn't enough to make extra dont." "You filled like 2 plates already ones to the ceiling!" "Good that's almost the department" "what if I apply to your job" "you would quit because it wasnt as fun as bounty hunting or they didnt allow Rodger in office" you know her too well...but do you know Roger!!
You indeed also knew Roger well. You sat him up like an elf on a shelf way too high for her to reach even when climbing something. Only reason you could get up there was cause you weren't afraid to jump high while looking werid-her words
Now, while also trying to snag a cake, she's whinging over Roger. You had to grab her out of the way of hot butter flying out. Casually flipping pancakes while holding her waist... you're a little too casual with this. She's also very used to grabbing you tightly. "Told you not to get in the way. You alright?" "....im..." a short silence after you let her go to flip over the pancakes before checking her. "IM TOO CUTE TO BE GRABBED THAT WAY!" "Pardon-" "No one should fling around a cute girl like that!" She flales her arms around. This is an inside joke between you two at this point, you fluster her and she becomes a child, it's like the air balloon that's labeled her brain finally landed.
"Your right I'm too attractive to fling around girls like that" you smirk "not funny!" She looks angry before you both burst out laughing. "Heh....you'll never get over that cute thing" you sigh checking on the pancakes. "You flustered me that isn't fair cheep shot" "oh please that was the first time that happened. 'I'm too cute to be carried!'" "AH" she covers her face when you mention that.
You were almost done shoving the pancakes into plastic containers, and you bring out the fruits and begin to decorate them. She's watching in total awe. The way all of them were perfectly placed made her even more hungry than before. As soon as she tries to grab one you grab her wrist a little too fast. You were like halfway across a table how did you get here so quick?!
"How about this... you go to my room wait there...and when I call you you'll come down" she was going to give you the good ol puppy eyes when she saw just how scary you looked. Your eyes void of purity, she's pretty sure she could see your eye bags getting darker. She walked upstairs as you grabbed Roger with the same scary face and watched him run up the stairs to her. You got back to packing and began to cook for a final time.
"BRIDGET!" You call out to her. "Yea wha- WOAH-" she spots a pancake stack on the table. Neatly decorated with light syrup and frosting. "This this is all for -" she looks at you excitedly. "It's for you," you nod tired. Roger looks up at you expectingly as you present him a smaller batch. You get something for them to drink and place it down, but Bridget still looks up at you. "What's up?" "..." You fold your arms before realizing what she wants. You peel a bannana to halfway and attaching eyes to the part that still had a peel while cutting off the unpeeled parts, giving it to Roger. "It's nannerpus!" You calmly exclaim, placing the banana on Bridget's pancakes neatly. She begins to eat, avoiding nanerpus on her pancakes, smiling widely. You smile at her and Rodgers satificastion and sit down on the couch, exhausted falling asleep right then and there. You feel a blanket come over your figure as you drift off as well as a pat on the head. "Sleep well k? You did alot" Bridget whispers.
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Sleep with both eyes open
Wdym you're cooking and nones for him? Smelling up the damn house and expecting him not to want. WDYM, IT'S NOT HIS HOUSE TU CASA ES MI CASA-
Horid Spanish and jokes aside, he's looking over your shoulder the entire time. He's so excited he's like a toddler. "Watchu doin-" "making something that's not for you~" "but this is usually the time we eat lunch" "wdym we you don't even live here- watch out" casually moving him out the way. "And put a shirt on I bought you an oversized one." "Oh but I thought I don't live here" "you don't"
The guys pretty inlove with pissing you off. An entertaining reaction from such a reserved human...oh he's gonna keep doing this. He's gonna keep doing this till he gets bored...witch is great because guess who he's going to when bored!
He's like a blue shark gummy growing the sentience of a toddler...no he is one...too bad the shark gummies basically God too. "Hey so uh" he comes back into the kitchen one of your shirts on "I placed in IN AN ODVIOUS SPOT this time and you WO" thw foods casually exploding in front of you. "HOW THE HELL DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN? Swear i thought i did it righ this time..." "Does that mean we can make ice cream sandwiches now?" "...istg"
Why is he so...giddy? Forced to pull out the ice cream tubes, he also personally watched you buy for this exact momment, you make the ice cream into spheres while side eyeing him. "Get the cookies." "The frosted sugar cookies?" "...the ones in the fridge." "Alright, alright." Lord, save you. I-no left you with him for two seconds. Now he's more attached to you than the random gem on the floor he found.
You were finally done placing them into the cookies, gave one to him, and sat down. Peacefully... "So what came first the chicken or the egg the answer is the enigma" "OH MY FUCKING GOD"
You cover your ears, but he just gets closer and closer with more monologs. "We're just cowboy outlaws on this wild west" "I'm going to kick you in the face"
He goes infront of your face with a wide smile. Meaning what you say you kicked em in the face. "Woh ho ho. It seems the outlaw wants to be remembered instead of living to tell the tale~" "you wouldn't kill me" "what makes you so sure?" "Then you'd have no one to piss off daily after sol badguy left the world" "..." You caught him finally getting him to be quiet.
You use this time to walk upstairs and locking the door and going under the covers. "Finally freedom..." You smile to yourself. "That guy's so annoying..." "I know right!" "..." You turn to see the jolly blue man staring at you at the edge of your bed his head joining you under the covers "...."
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megarax-ponyo · 5 months
¡Hello everyone!🐺✨... A call out (?
You will find something surprising - that I make this type of publications, since I have never done it here
But I do this for a good cause and to avoid problems with other users, look. I don't know where to start with this topic but hey... I'll try to explain it the best way I can Lately, I have received some messages that are somewhat... hard for me since well I understand your anger and displeasure about it with my Au I understand that the subject that I touch on in my drawings or in general in this story that I am doing, is not entirely pleasant to the eye and even less so because of the very graphic parts that I get to illustrate.
Not everyone can see this type of content and it is understandable, but believe me when I tell you that nothing I draw, write or present in this story is done in a mocking way or that I am really romanticizing the topic From the beginning when I started drawing my Au. I made it clear that I would try to handle it as maturely as I could. So that no user would call me a bad or edgy person for making an extremely dark story and I would be making fun of all this in the background
Clarifying this point for the thousandth time, I want to apologize to those people who have felt identified with my Au, have made them uncomfortable or have disturbed them, but my true purpose is not that
But rather to talk about a topic that people are afraid to even mention in an era where everything is censored because it "harms" or "offends" others. I also wanted to get to this point.... This is why whenever I am going to publish something extremely harsh, I put warnings so that they are careful about what they see next and I always leave a link to the place where they can see it without any restriction or censorship
Maybe I made a mistake in putting the wrong hastags, but I can remedy it and put the appropriate ones so that my content does not clash with people who are sensitive to such topics. I also made some special ones for my Au (in case you are interested) those would be #hypnoticaddictionau and #hypnotic addiction au, in order to classify my Au a little better
I'm not done yet! What I'm going to say will already be very hackneyed by almost the entire internet... but really, if you don't like seeing my content, that's fine! Can you get past me, you know? They don't need to be rude or classify me in the worst ways, just for doing things they don't like, for my part I have always tried to be as understandable and friendly as I can, I have never wanted to fall into rudeness. something that many users do with me... I don't understand why, being a good person... the rest see me as trash... I know that at a certain point I thought that many people would despise me for what I do but I really didn't want to be like the rest... in the sense that they can't talk about serious or strong topics for fear of the public rejecting them I always stayed on the sidelines and I was firm in the face of everything that has happened to me in recent times and I will continue to be firm in my work, decisions and everything that my art entails
First of all, I also want to thank those wonderful people who support my work and art, who always give me very comforting words, who make great things like Bots or Fics of all this Au and know that all this is to reflect and entertain. Thank you for all your support🥰
¡HEY! I don't want you to be scared by this either... huge message... anyway, it's just a small statement for those people whose best way to refute things to me is to be rude and call me things that I'm not even close to being. I'm not going to stop making my Au, not at all! It is a job that both you and I enjoy. I just want it to be very clear that I am a person like you and just like you I have feelings, I have problems, I have occupations... I have principles and values
I'm tired of some people talking to me as if I were... I don't know! a damn lunatic or a criminal, I just wanted to tell my story and that's it! I'm not looking to harm anyone, okay? I would be very grateful if you could please understand that
I think... that for my part this would be all, I'm sorry to bother you with this enormous writing but I wanted to be honest with all of you and speak to you out of character Thank you for coming this far, soon I will bring more things that will make your head explode! see ya! 🐺❤✨
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raven-black102 · 7 years
Colby Brock Pranks Elton Castee
Watch this Video of Colby dumping a bucket of dish soap on Elton
(Y/n)'s POV
"Babe you ready to head to the gym?" I heard my boyfriend called out. "Yeah let me go change!" I yelled back as I went to the bathroom and change into sweatpants and a black Nike sports bra. I stopped as I heard Colby talking to himself in his room.
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'That can't be good.' I thought as I grabbed my phone and headphones then went down stair to the garage. "Ready?" I asked closing the door behind me. A small blush appeared on my cheeks as I saw him shirtless. A smirk appeared on his lip as he walked towards me causing me to step back.
I bit my lip as my back the wall letting Elton pinned me on it. "Maybe we can skip the Gym." He purred out as he placed his hand on the side on my head. "I-" I started only for Elton to kiss me. Even though we've been dating for 2 years now it still felt like our first kiss.
I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss as he moved his arms down my hips. I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist. A small moan escape my lips as he slowly grind himself agent me. He slipped his tounge with mine exploring ever inch. I moved my hand through his hair as I grind my hips more on him causing him to groan.
I pulled away as he kissed down my jawline to my neck. "Elton~" I moan panting softly as I leaned my head back to the wall tugging on his hair. He hummed as he nibbled down on my sweet spot. "We... Need to go... To the gym..." I said in between moans. He stop sighing as he lets go of my legs as he put me down. "Maybe when were down with out workout. We can finish once me get home?" He said smirking as I felt my cheeks heat up more.
I bit my lips then nodded before kissing him one more time. "Now lets go work out." I told him patting his chest. He chuckled as he put on a blue 'Send it' tank top and gave me a small matching size one. "So where going to be matching?" I asked as he opened the door for me. "We can't match?" He asked closing the door behind him.
I giggled kissing his cheek as we walked towards the front door. I looked around noticing the house was quite... to quite. Elton opened the door for me making me step aside as I notice the a package conveniently placed down opened.
I stayed behind as Elton moved the skateboard to the side then went to pick it up. "Hey Elton!" I heard Colby voice yelled making me look up and moved from the side. Orange and blue gooey liquid covered him. I covered my mouth as Sam, Colby, Corey, Chazz, and Taven come out of know where.
I quickly moved out of the way as I saw Colby grabbed the hoes. "Elton you smell pretty bad." Colby said as I stand next to Sam. "Oh my god..." I mumbled as Corey was hold the camera. "Its a good thing I got out of the way." I told Sam making him and Corey burst out laughing.
Elton moved away as Colby hoes him down. "Stop. I can't see." Elton said as Corey gave Sam the camera and went out his car to get what looked like more soap. "It in my mouth." He added making me giggled. "Remember when you said 'Clean your dishes Bitch.' Well guess what?! Clean your body!" Colby shouted.
"At less he smalls good now right?" Colby asked as I notice Corey sneaking up behind Elton. Colby hoes Elton down the spread his face to get more soap off him. "Elton? Are you okay?" I asked as I stand back knowing he was going to do something.
Elton opened his mouth as Colby spread more water down making Elton gurgle. "That's so unattractive." I mumbled as Sam aimed the Camera at me. "You got lucky." Sam said making me chuckle. "Not really. I just notice how a package was conveniently placed down is all." I told them.
I stared at them for as Elton tried to get the soap off his eyes. "Wait Colby stop. Let Elton dries off for 2 second." Sam said making me frown. "You okay babe?" I asked walking towards him only for Colby to stop me as Corey got behind Elton. "I literally can't open my eyes cause I know I'll just get more soap in my eyes." He told me.
Then just like that Corey poured more soap down on Elton. I notice Elton posture and quickly covered my eyes as he shook his head violently from side to side getting soap everywhere. "Its Marko Paulo." Sam said as Elton tried to move quickly with his eyes still closed. "Colby." I warned as Colby turned on the hoes again and spears Elton with water.
"Look at the bubble between his arms and his nipple!" Corey exclaims making me giggle. "Oh my Ahhhhh." Sam said then scream like a terrified little girl. Colby washed Elton face as I looked down noticing I had soap on my shirt and sweat pants.
"Remember what you did to my car?" Colby asked as Elton moved around toward Colby's car. "You wrapped it a couple of times. You put tin foil all over it. You put cared boar- No?!" He yelled making his voice crack as Elton tried to opened his car door. "Hurry let lock him out." Sam said making me roll my eyes as everyone went inside.
"Babe?" Elton hearing the door open and slammed closed. "Yeah?" I asked getting the hoes for him. "Lets get the soap off you." I told he grabbing his hand. "Thanks..." He mumbled under his breath as I got most of the soap off if his face so he can open his eyes. "Does your eyes hurt?" I asked as I wash the soap from his hair.
"I'm fine." He mumbled then smirked as he hugged me getting me wet. "Elton!" I squeal as he grabbed the hoes and spread me with water. He chuckled stopping the water and took off his shirt. "That's not fair." I pouted making him chuckled as he turned the water on to get the rest of the soap off him.
I chuckled helping him get some of it off his back. We both turned hearing the door opened only for Sam and Colby popping there head out. Not really hearing what they said Elton grabbed the hoes from my hand and tried to spray them only for them to screech an close the door.
"I think you need to go in the pool." I told him making him sigh as he sadly walked around the back of the house. I bit my bottom lip as he took off his shoes and socks before he did the saddest dive in the pool ever. "Your so silly Elton." I said taking off my shoes and sock before I rolled up my sweatpants. I sat down on the edge of the pool as Elton swam close to me.
I turned to see Colby and Sam opened the door camera still in his hand. "Elton that was like the saddest walk I've ever seen and dive." Colby chuckled making me giggled as Elton sat next to me in the pool. "Hastage team Colby Prank war!" Colby shouted making me look at Elton. "I clean my dishes when I use them..." I started to giggle slightly. "And I mostly use paper towel when I eat anyways." He added making Elton burst out laughing.
"You sound so proud of it." Elton laughed. "Is that why you wanted me to by dish soap?" I asked making Elton grin as Colby looked at me. "You where in on it?" Colby exclaimed making me shrug my shoulder. "Kind of? I mean I just bought the soap he didn't tell what he was going to use it for." I said defending my self.
Elton got out the pool making me stand up. "You two need to do a flip so you can seem cool in my vlog and then we're all good." Colby said making me sigh as I took off my sweats and shirt leaving me in my sports bra and boxer. "Fine..." I mumbled as me and Elton both stand on the edge of the hot tube the did a flip together.
"Yeah, that my Aunt and Uncle." Colby cheered as me and Elton surface. "We were going to the gym and get all sweaty so do you want to do that again when we come back?" Elton asked making me giggle. "Yeah, of course." Colby said. "I feel fantastically clean right now." Elton said making me swim next to him and kissed his cheek. "You smell nice too." I added wrapping my arms around him from behind.
"Good that was the point." Colby said as both him and Sam leave. "Are we still going to the gym?" I asked nibbling his ear a bit causing a small groan to leave his lip. "Maybe we can finish where we left off." He said turning around facing me. I giggled as he smash his lips on mine roughly making me instantly wrap my arms around his neck.
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"We could... But you still got some soap on you babe." I said biting my lip. Elton groan before getting out the pool and did another flip. "Now are you trying to seduce me with your skills?~" I purred making him smirk as he got out again an did another flip. "I think we need to skip the gym." I teased as I wrapped my legs around him again. "You know where going to have to be quite since the guys are here." He said causing me to slightly smirk.
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