#anyway as i said at te bottom of the post anyone can say i tagged them
swampgoth · 8 years
AN ALPHABET GAME!! which i did instead of studying for my history exam ooups. THANK U RED FR TAGGING ME... I LOFE U
A - age: 17 !!! B - biggest fear: SPIDERS.. i have really bad arachnophobia C - current time: 9:00 PM D - drink you last had: im drinking mint hot chocolate rn E - every day starts with: wanting to die and procrastinating getting up until the last possible second F - favorite song: sicker things by marianas trench currentlyy G - ghosts, are they real: YES! H - hometown: shittown nowhere I - in love with: can this be platonic?? if it can b platonic then my best friends whom i cherish w/ all my heart J - jealous of: cis guys :( K - killed someone: HAha no L - last time you cried: Errr... a couple nights ago ? M - middle name: norman! for my grandpa N - number of siblings: 3, im the oldest O - one wish: ITS CHEESY BUT... to be really, truly happy. also to see a ghost or something creepy like that P - person you last texted: my friend sal Q - questions you’re always asked: "what are you laughing at” (probably staring at my phone) R - reasons to smile: my friends always tagging me in cryptid posts, texting my friends, potatoes S - song last sang: uh FUN FACT i went 2 a concert on saturday i think the last song of the night was end of an era, which i screamed along to, and havent sang anythng SInce.... so ya end of an era by marianas trench T - time you woke up: fuck. i was up at 6 this morning bcos i had a nightmare :( U - underwear color: CURRENTLY im wearin star wars boxers V - vacation destination: i really want to spend a week in a cabin somewhere. like in the middle of the woods near a lake or smth with a friend! or a few friends we can go cryptid hunting W - worst habit: UM.. biting my nails. im doing it right now KILL me X - x-rays you’ve ever had: uhhh ive had my teeth done but thats it Y - your favorite food: chicken wings or funnel cake or potatoes... also i rEEALLY FUCKING LOVE CANDY Z - zodiac sign: IM a scorpio.....
I DONT! know who all was tagged and who wasnt so...... anyone who wants to do this can say i tagged them !! i want every1 to have a nice time
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