#anyway between family and friends visiting and halloween crafting i'm decently pleased i managed this much
tchintchun · 11 months
October Reading
Adams, William Y., Dennis P. Van Gerven, and Richard S. Levy. "The retreat from migrationism." Annual Review of Anthropology 7, no. 1 (1978): 483-532.
Bender, Barbara. "Landscapes on-the-move." Journal of Social Archaeology 1, no. 1 (2001): 75-89.
Denevan, William M. "The pristine myth: the landscape of the Americas in 1492." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 82, no. 3 (1992): 369-385.
Harris, Cheryl I. "Whiteness as property." Harvard law review (1993): 1707-1791.
Kamp, Marianne. "Debating Sharia: The 1917 Muslim Women's Congress in Russia." Journal of Women's History 27, no. 4 (2015): 13-37.
Krahl, Regina. "Tang Blue-and-white." Shipwrecked. Tang treasures and monsoon winds (2010): 209-211.
Myers, Fred R. "Ways of place-making." La ricerca folklorica (2002): 101-119.
Phillips, E. D. “The Legend of Aristeas: Fact and Fancy in Early Greek Notions of East Russia, Siberia, and Inner Asia.” Artibus Asiae 18, no. 2 (1955): 161–77. https://doi.org/10.2307/3248792.
Ridley, Ronald T. "To be taken with a pinch of salt: the destruction of Carthage." Classical Philology 81, no. 2 (1986): 140-146.
Sanborn, Geoffrey. "Whence come you, Queequeg?." American Literature 77, no. 2 (2005): 227.
Shearmire, Brantlee. "The Home Away From Home: El Quartelejo Pueblo Ruins, Scott County, Kansas." (2010).
Snead, James E., and Robert w Preucel. "The Ideology of Settlement: Ancestral Keres." Allpanchis 18, no. 27: 39-74.
Staski, Edward. "Change and inertia on the frontier: Archaeology at the Paraje de San Diego, Camino Real, in southern New Mexico." International Journal of Historical Archaeology 2 (1998): 21-44.
Van Gijseghem, Hendrik. "A frontier perspective on Paracas society and Nasca ethnogenesis." Latin American Antiquity 17, no. 4 (2006): 419-444.
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