#anyway having tsukumo and sugiura on the same wavelength is so cute... i wish i wrote more of them...
jichanxo · 5 months
sunday six
getting in nice and early! poking @passthroughtime @four-white-trees @overdevelopedglasses @skysquid22
kuwagami oneshots save me.... save me.... (i still need to set aside some time to take notes on school stories for sensei fic so... have been doing other oneshots for fun)
Yagami sighed. “Why would you even say that? We’re not together.”
Sugiura raised an eyebrow. “Well maybe not officially, but you’ve both been doing that thing now for months.”
“That thing?”
“Mmhm.” Tsukumo jumped in. “They’ve been like that ever since they met. I understand, Sugiura-shi.”
“See, Tsukumo gets what I mean.” Sugiura turned back to Yagami.
Yagami was glad they got along so well, but it was at times like these he sometimes regretted having them meet.
“Yeah, well, think what you like, it doesn’t make it true. He’s a prick, but I learnt to tolerate him. That’s business.” Yagami tried to exude nonchalance. “It’s nothing.”
Tsukumo and Sugiura shared a look. Neither seemed to believe him. Okay fine, so it was no secret that he and Kuwana hooked up sometimes, and that wasn’t strictly business, but this was this and that was that. There wasn’t any reason to think anything else was going on.
Nothing so serious as love.
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