#anyway her real ending was perfect tho 😂😅
fenharel-archived · 10 months
omg durge who embraced bhaal but didnt take over the netherbrain probably has the most fucked up epilogue huh
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akane171 · 2 years
Ups, sorry😅 But yes, let's not remind ourselves of THAT🙈😅😰
😂 Probably crying, too, seeing as what happened to his two former Padawans and the boy he was going to take as his Padawan😅🙊🙈
Noooo😭 (Well, seems like your muse doesn't care about YOUR fun?😂🤷🏻‍♀️)
Yeah, they do... Oh, I'm kinda curious about your Naruto ideas, but also kinda afraid to ask?😅😂
It's definitely a cool idea even though I feel like a scenario with brainwashed!Kara would be an absolutely angstiest thing 😅😰🙊🙈
... Excuse my language, but FUCK, don't mind me, I'll just go...bitterly cry in that corner or sth...She just went back to her old life... He let her go... He freaking enlisted again, what if he gets hurt or diesss...AND OMG, THE DOG! HE LEFT THWIR DOG WITH HER AND IT'S CUDDLING UP TO HIS BOXES😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 *pathetic sobbing* 
[On a happier note, before I totally sink into the Depression of pain your idea put me in: WHAT would they even name their dog in your opinion?🤔 Like, sth hinting at canon like "Dax" or "Krypto" or sth general/random like real people would, e.g. "Cookie", "Crumbles", "Muffin", "Cat" or sth?🤔 Ohhh, would it be a rescue dog?😱 ...Lol, watch me get attached to their dog that has to live through the abrupt divorce of his/her "parents" 😅🙈🤣) 
Ohh, true, Mon's an engineer, too😱😍🤣 Kinda forgot about that parallel😂 And ohh, true, Kara as an Asgardian would be very fitting, too, tho probably too "barbaric" compared to Krypton🤔 About the Kara/Carol thing..Well, most of DC and Marvel's characters overlap a lot and there's constant discussion who "stole" from whom🤷🏻‍♀️😅😂 OH, Asgardian!Mon kinda like a Loki?🤔 Sounds fitting, too🤔🤔🤔
Anyway, stay safe, stay happy, half the week's done💃🏻😁
I'm eternally pissed about that =='
More like facepalming? Crying, cackling and facepalming? And being happy he is already dead and it's not his problem?
And now puppies are involved. More evidences...
Muses and fun... mhm. All are bitches...
Hmm, nothing specific. I think I added some OC to Sasuke team while he was with Oro and changed some stuff. For sure he didn't end with pink pokemon ==' and lived his life as a happy asexual. Probably left the village and just helped them from time to time. Probably itachi was saved. Stuff like that.
Because we would have known EXACTLY what Snow had done to her brain :))))))))))))))))
Eheheheeh, stuff is a little worse? :D
Because I thought about them buying some house and reparing it together. With some spacious room with big windows and patio, you know, a place perfect for her sitting there and paint. But before they end reparing it, the accident happens and they divorce.
So, one day, when Kara and her new fiancé are checking the houses to buy before the wedding and she doesn't like anything at all, but they finally end in the house that just is perfect for her and while she wanders around it (her fiancé talking to the agent) and is a little confused because she feels she knows that house, knows exactly what room will be the next etc.
She asks the agent who does want to sell the house, and the agents says some man who divorced before he and his wife moved in.
She ends in that beautiful amazing room that is spacious and perfect. She noticed some dunno, paint stain on the floor and suddenly remembers it was made by her and Mon-El while some paint-fight.
How do you like it? :DDDDDDDDDDDD
I also thought about the dog finding one of his old shirts amounf the stuff she brought with her to her parents house, and sleeps with it and refuses to give it back.
You know, i was thinking about naming the dog Damnit xD Explenation: Mon-El takes it from the shelter and the dog sticks to his every step what ends with Mon-El trupping over it for a few times, yelling DAMNIT! And the dog starts to respond to it. Imagine people in the park it, hearing "Damnit, heel!" xD That's just.... my sense of humour xD
Well, we could change Asgard for Álfheim and made them equally powerful but more calm and stoic and focused on science?
No, Loki and Mon-El don't fit together in my brain. More like a typical Asgardian: fights, mead and fun. Maybe he could be Agardian and she from Álfheim but they would to work together? That would be not Marvel universe, just an AU i guess xD
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akane171 · 3 years
Yeah, true, S3!Kara was still badass…after that, well…🙄 And ohh, really? Didn’t know Mel requested that, but if so, the writers clearly have no idea what a Team Player is… (Actually, I think S2&S3 Kara was well on her way to being a team player 🤔 well, before everything went to hell anyway😅) And ughh, don’t remind me of the last episodes name…Most mis-named episode in history 🤦🏻‍♀️😫 
Ohh, that’s actually a very fitting comparison🤔 (Having Kara in a boss-position is kinda stupid anyway, cause wasn’t she always saying how being a reporter let’s her make a difference in the world without being Supergirl? …Sitting at a desk all day must be so fulfilling then….😩) 
Ohhh, you had me at super-angsty and kid😱😍😂 What do you have in mind? Like, is her kid from the future as in Mon’s time or future as in Kara’s time a few years later? And why is the kid mad? Ahhh, I’m already hooked!😱😫😂😂
Well, teens do tend to being overdramatic and acting as if they’ve seen it all🤷🏻‍♀️😅 But yeah, in my opinion most if not all YA books would need to age their characters up to at least mid-twenties anyway…😅 
Absolutely! Tho I have yet to find a book with actually no romance… It’s literally everywhere…😫😩 (You know what’s esp. annoying? That romances seem to always blend out any kind of other relationships… Like, siblings and best friends suddenly seem to barely ever share scenes and instead the couple will be shoved down your throat…😔😖)
I think the problem I have with the Sheriff and Melissa is that the only reason they are even shipped is because their sons are like brothers and people want them to be “real” brothers… But they are much better as just friends and their family doesn’t end in blood or official documents anyway… Chris and Melissa came outta nowhere but as you said, they just kinda made sense and it’s not like it was love at first sight but the experiences they could relate to that made them click 🤔 (And they’re both badass 😉)
😂 I was so confused for a sec who Bobby is before remembering that the Coach actually had a name😂😂 But yeah, I think it was that scene that started it🤔 
But wasn’t there this whole point in the last seasons of Stiles being called Stiles after his paternal granddad Stiles Stilinski?🤔 So it can’t have been Claudia last name?🤔 
HAHAHA I’m not sure if it’s sad or funny that your anime-way explanation on how the name is pronounced made perfect sense to me😂😂 Thanks for the clarification!☺
Yeah😅 It was really idiotic esp. cause I got so confused about Gavin and after that it was just falling down the rabbit hole😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Oh, sad that they’re only mentioned, but hey, even better base for fanfics😉
I googled the Stormlight Achieve cause of that I hadn’t even heard of and it definitely looks awesome (it’s got fanart😍😍) and from that description you gave of Adolin&Shallan (And the fanarts I’ve seen) I already know who my favourites might be once I get around to reading it😂🙈 And ohhhh, what an asexual badass queen?😍 At this rate you’re gonna make me drop everything and just binge-read this series and Lightbringer😂😂
I’ve watched all series up till Xros Wars 2, but to be homest, my favourites are always gonna be the first four🤔 Frontier was the first I read fanfics about tho, cause while I actually did kinda like the Spirit-evolving, thinking about which crests and digipartners the kids would have had  had Frontier been like the first 2-3 was sth I loved doing😂 (But uhh, Takato creating Guilmon in Tamers made me draw digimons like crazy in hopes of maybe a miracle like that happening😉)
And haha what? You watched the first three seasons in German?😂 Why?😂🤣 (Tho, hey, at least the german dubs of the openings and endings are nice😉) Did you ever rewatch them in a Language you know?
Yup, fandoms can be terryfing places and after Supergirl, Once upon a Time and Fairy Tail, I just wanna stay as far away from ship wars as possible🙈
Yay, you put them on the list😍💃🏻 (If it helps, Disney+ and Rick Riordan already announced a PJO show, so hopefully it’ll be accurate and awesome, then you could watch that if the books take too much Time?😁)
Life is definitely better with sane people😊
.. uh..uh..I’ll just go hide away in that corner and cry over how too nice you guys are🙈🙈 You guys are WAY WAY WAY too nice🙈🙈<3 Maybe we should get you guys a protection squad or sth🙈
It’s going to be long, so under the cut ;D
Not sure she requested it, but she mentioned it in her last podcast with Sophia Bush. And, tbh, it looks like that, because for sure a lot of characters have a screen-time-eating storyarcs *stares at Lena and Alex*
And I have nothing against it but she still was the main character and should have the most prominent, well planned, interesting storyarc and character development. And we got her taking off her glasses on a whin (because her OH I HAVE SO BIG PROBLEM WITH IDENTITY BOO HOO started be a problem in what? S6Ep17? 18?) and becoming new Kardashian…
I think all people who wanted her having a identity problem wanted her being torn between her kryponian and human identity. After all Supergil IS her human identity and part of being on Earth. Supergirl is what I can do, Kara is who I am, or somethign like that. Like… do they even remeber what they have written?
It pisses me off how they ignored her Kryptonian heritage and used it only when plot needed that and made her basically some living… human propaganda.
CHOP! CHOP! :))))) You know, her whole dumb reporter/journalistic arc was waste of time and made no sense. Like how suddenly she became some super reporting badass in s4 (while she sucked in s2 and 3) and then mindlessly gave the president all the Lex stuff (i facepalmed so hard, why she was so dumb? Oh right, becasue they needed to introduce Linda Lee to her *facepalm*) and then ohhhh, she is going to be such amazing editor in chef!… while still being an idiot reporter. Snapper would have killed himself, seriosuly
Also, imagine how Cat would use her for money and clicks. And imagine a horde of fangirls/boys following her every step. As i said, new Kardashian, because the wrietrs didn;t want to give her what she deserved.
*MUAHAHAHAAH* Some 20something girl coming to NC and helping them with fighting with some superpowered threat, whatever. Revealing her name - Maya - and that she is from the future (she has the Legion ring) but becasue of some asshole the time travels are impossible and she is stuck - they all need to defeat him or her,whatever. She becomes the part of DEO and visibly dislikes Kara and Superfriends (makes commenst like, hey Alex how’s your alcoholism going on? Oh, Lena, you didn’t tell them about your cute illegal expeiment and killing innocent boy? Oh, you didn’t tell them about raping Eve’s brain with Hope? Ohhh, hey Andrea, did she tell you she threathened to kill your boyfriend in front of your eyes in past reality? etc). They defeat the asshole, suddenly Winn appeares in his legion ship and being angry at Maya and orders her to enter the ship. Before she does, she tooks something from udner her shirt, throws it at Kara and before Winn can stop her, she says something between: next time you meet him, just keep your hands off him because i seriosuly don;t want to be born, and enters the ship. Kara, who caught the thing, realized it’s her necklace.
She asks Winn what the hell, and becasue Winn is the bitch who loves to fucks the future with his comments according to finale *sarcasm* - reveals some time after the wedding Kara went to the future, hooked up with Mon-El and had two kids (Maya older and younger son). But something happened in the past and went back there, and for some reason never came back. i have the whole goodbye scene when Maya is still a kid and Kara promises she will come back etc.
Mon-El of course dies on some mission and then Maya’s brother. btw? Maya? Short for el marayah - how evil I am? :)
Anyway, then I don;t have more ideas what to do with it, I have some bitter Maya’s rant to Kara, some flashbacks of her talks with Mon-el when they were left alone etc. But nothing specific.
Maybe you didn;t know, but LW is the queen on angst. I’m the queen of not written angst xD
I created it in my head some time after the finale and wondered how Kara’s “selfless heroic decisions” could affect her family.
That’s why I’m too old for YA XD
If you are into sci-fi try the Bobiverse series by Dennis E. Taylor. Basically zero romances, only one and it’s a side-side storyline. Basically, it’s about how dude in XXI century allows to copy his brain, then dies in accident almost right after and is woken up like… 100 or more years later, when Earth is divided by wars and close to another ice age. the only hope is putting him (aka his brain) in a starship and sent him to find planets humans could iinhabit. Oh, and he can clone himself but the every clone has his old memories but soon becomes someone new.
Agreed. That’s why i like war books, there is 50% chances romances may not happen. You know what is the worst? Because I always know a romance is coming, i choose couples I can root for anyway, and becasue I have a weird taste in them (and in characters, usually like some side-side characters the most) I end up screwed. Even when I choose some popular end-game looking ships (ever heard about IchiRuki?). I’m CURSED
Hmm, you have a point with sheriff and Melissa. He always fit more with Lydia’s mom, for me. Not only becasue I hate srydia and it would be hilarious if they have become siblings….
Chris and Melissa were a nice oooooooooooh, didn’t see that coming but they fit together! kind of way. And well, after he lost soooo much, fining love was a nice twist for him.
I call him bobby becasue I always confuse teh coach and couch words and I’m too lazy to check.
Friend, you try to make sense of Teen Wolf. Good luck but xD
Hey, any explenation taht works is good xD
…there are literally FOUR fics for Lightbringer on AO3, so….
Girl (apologizing if you are not girl)…. you need to sit down and take a deep breath. The Stormlight Archive so far has 4 books and planned are 10 (but after the book 5 Sanderson plans a timeskip, but i think with the main characters just sidelined a little). Just keep in mind the books are… LONG.
Also, the Stormlight Archive series is part of Cosmere aka most of Sanderson’s books are part of that universe and have some connection. So,. if you start one series, you are probably falling into a rabbit hole.
But, imo, Sanderson is currently the best fantasy writer. His world building is usually super innovative and fresh and characters are simply awesome (and seriosuly, he loves to deals with depression, split personalities, things other authors don’t put into the stories). I seriosuly recommend his stories. The Archive is his flag ship, but others are yummy too.
Read soem Digimon fics too. I guess when you start reading fics for one series you check for the others xD Aww, you draw? Awesomeeeeee.
Well, tbh, I was learning German in high school so it’s not like I didn’t understand a thing xD They were just broadcasting a lot of anime and that time we didn’t have an easy access to anime. I think i have seen some eps from s 1 and 2 in Polish. Good ol’ times, lol
Oh, fairytale fandom sucks too? Didn’t watch and read like a few chaps, but it looked… harmless? On the other hand Naruto’s fandom looked like shit on some point, so. Le sigh
I have seen they are making a show. Fingers crossed it won’t suck xD
Yes, sane and weird ;) like we all are here xD
Thanks but I don;t think Tantrumcorpses would agree xD
Anyway, have a nice day/evening/night ;*
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