#anyway hi mira <3333 thanks for sending this!!!! twt is so fucking weird I can never find shit I'm looking for
babieken · 2 years
So from what I’ve heard jooheon was in a friends vlog and he (allegedly) laughed when the friend mentioned blocking the view of mbb at a concert bc he’s so tall. Kmbb is insane so they got all pissed bc he laughed. I haven’t sent he vlog so I can’t confirm but either way who gives a shit??? There’s tall people at every concert plus there’s the fansites pushing ppl out of the way…
oh my god.... i did see ppl arguing that 'well fansite push and get aggressive and rude' but I had no idea what it was abt... this is INSANE! What did they expect him to do? slap his friend and tell him to never come to his concerts again? slidjflsdjf
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