#anyway i did manage to survive but my characters individually died about 8 times
icharchivist · 5 months
I don't mean to be offensive, but what the hell is that tiny green thing
don't worry, this isn't offensive. in fact, this isn't offensive enough. Start cursing.
don't let that inexpressive face fool you, it's the devil and you will never feel safe ever again once you fought one--
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this bitch is called a Tonberry, and it's a nightmare.
don't let the fact it's small and slow fool you. if you let him too close, he will kill you in one piercing attack. he also has attacks to freeze you completely so you have to watch as it moves to you with his knife to kill you. And sometimes if you attack him, he will counter immediately, and, you guessed it, also kill you in one swift knife move. and you think taking your distances will help? Perish the thought. He will disappear to reappear right behind you and, you guessed it, kill you in one swift knife move.
It's a nightmare to fight those. I still have mental scars from having to fight a pack of them ambushing you in the darkness of a small cave when i first played Crisis Core when i was a wee teen who just seriously started to play video games. (because while the OG and the Remake have you fight this bitch *as a group*, in Crisis Core it's just Zack and his gacha mechanism against the world. being ganged up by those? Probably a worse fate than what Zack actually went through. This is my take.)
It's really the type of things that you have to play to believe. Any FF players will tell you "oh fuck this". This is our curse and burden. Sephiroth? Jenova? nothing next to those. You don't understand. You DONT U-- *icha gets carried away to calm her down*
ok im back. sorry about that. *coughs* so yeah! this bitch. Start cursing.
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Angels of Death
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Ermanda’s Inner Sanctum: Scorpion 4.04 “Nuke Kids on the Block”
As much as I loved the end scenes, the episode copied the mission setup of 3.03 It Isn't The Fall That Kills You.  I love parallels and moments that recall past Scorpion jobs and tech to solve new problems or heartfelt character & ship developments (e.g., the “bored” Waige parallel to Quintis at the end of 3.15 Sharknerdo).  Given that season 4 is a reset of the series, I expect a revisit of various topics to show character development over the past 3 years, but unilateral copies are weird deja vu moments that spoil the magic of the series in my opinion.  The remaining elements of the episode were very enjoyable though because they led into the touching end scenes that I think sparked excitement for everyone in this fandom.  Let's get into the juicy bits! 
Sylvester Dodd, Esq. 
Sly is juggling his responsibilities as a Scorpion employee and Alderman of West Altadenia quite well since he uses his experience in one field to assist with another.  Now he plans to be Cabe’s defense!  Yay!  I am guessing he learned his lesson after Heywood Jahelpme Morris! 😂  Anyways, this is a great development because it serves as an extension of a father-son bond Sly and Cabe strengthened during Sly’s Alderman campaign last year.  With Patty Logan in the mix, this new arc will be comedic and touching!  Sly’s character development has really improved from previous seasons.  He gives an amazing speech to rally the team behind his goal to study and pass the bar exam in 2 DAYS!!!  All I can say is GO SLY GO!!! 
🎧 WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER - High School Musical cast🎧 
Ow my Waige!  Walter supports Happy’s presence because she could act as a buffer if he drones on and on about genius things.  He fears the same result will occur with Paige as his previous romantic interests.  He really wants this to work after the road it takes for him to get here!  And as she does best, Paige finds a unique way to accommodate Walter!  This scene takes me back to 2.15 Da Bomb, which is my all-time favorite Waige scene.  It reminds us how Paige is different from every other woman in Walter’s life whether she and Walter are on good terms or bad!  I love their new dynamic and I look forward to more cuteness from these cuties! 😍😍😍💙💙💙😍😍😍 
Baby Quintis
IT'S OFFICIAL!!!  Happy wants a baby ASAP!!!  EEK!!! 😃😃😃👨‍👩‍👧👶🏻🍼🤗🎉  Given the nature of the press release and the sneak peeks for the episode, the prevailing question amongst the fandom is why Happy wants to spend more time with Waige than her own husband.  When Toby realizes Happy’s behavior change is a psychological response to a strong emotional desire, he remains supportive.  He is not jealous because he knows how badly Happy wants a family of her own. 💚💚💚💚💚  
This is really great for everyone in the fandom who have wanted to see a pregnant Happy since the idea was teased in season 2B!  If you have been paying attention, you have noticed the foreshadowing elements that indicate the story's direction.  Since the writers teased this storyline at the end of season 3, I have tossed between the direction the writers would choose because of Toby's words to Happy in episode 3.07 We're Gonna Need A Bigger Vote.  But this current episode strongly suggests that Quintis' first child will be a bio baby in my opinion.  One of the biggest reasons why I am now convinced of this is because Quintis literally can not afford to adopt considering their current financial status.  Another is found in Happy's wardrobe, which is uniquely tied to all pregnancy mentions.  I forgot to mention this detail in my last review, but there was a significant wardrobe change, reflective of the looser and softer clothing of season 3A. The episode, along with 4.03 Grow A Deer, A Female Deer, also foreshadows how this new arc will unfold.  
Happy will carry a child.  She has stated that is what she wants.  Happy and Toby can not afford adoption.  However, TV is funny like that and could create a unique adoption scenario, if desired.  
Baby Quintis will be a girl.  The fawn from episode 4.03 was female (and spoiler alert: sneak peeks of the next episode reinforce this).  
Quintis will struggle with conception because nothing comes easy for these geniuses on this show, even in their personal lives.  The writers’ goal in season 3 was to explore how Happy and Toby would navigate a sudden life change given the stress of their current circumstances.  This season’s arc will likely test their resolve to develop their EQ and overall preparation for parenthood, teaching patience and perseverance. 
Happy will experience complications, but at which moment is unknown.  Her mother, Grace, died from childbirth complications, but this is not Happy's fate unless Jadyn Wong or CBS surprisingly decides not to renew her contract for another season, if ordered.  In addition, I do not think the story about the soldier's wife and her circulation problem and their infant is a coincidence.  
The baby will likely be a preemie.  The fawn was delivered prematurely and survived in episode 4.03.  If this baby is born at the end of the season with a pregnancy reveal between now and Christmas, then the length of the season without a significant time jump makes this a likely scenario.
These are factors I believe are inevitable.  However, these are very focused on Happy.  Where does Toby individually fit in this scenario besides being a sperm donor and supportive husband?  I go back to the conversation between Scotty and Toby in episode 3.24 Maroon 8.  Scotty's wife was prepared to give birth very soon and he was very concerned that the injury he sustained in the crash landing would cause him to miss the birth or never see either of them again.  Since there have been subtle clues about an impending struggle in Toby's personal life likely slated for the second half of the season, it might be possible that the writers play with an idea where Toby faces difficulty in reaching Happy for the birth of their child.  This is also likely considering Collins is still at large and we don't know what role he plays in the story later this season.  Yet, one could also argue that the comment Toby makes while he's dancing links to a future parallel with the "Shiny Happy People" moment of 2.13 White Out on a lighter note.  Baby Quintis is going to create a lot of character growth and influence a lot of other arcs for the season!  I am really excited about the possibilities!!! 
If you are reading this title and think I am about to bash Quieen as a ship, then let me ✋🏾 you right there and say hello because you must be new to my blog and these reviews. 😉😂😂😂😂  This is more of a mini rant about the missed opportunities in a Happy and Paige friendship for the series.  I personally do not expect these two characters to have the same relationship that Happy has with Walter or that Paige has with Toby because their personalities are different and thus they will not naturally flock to one another as friends.  (Yes, I am aware of the irony of this statement considering Paige is in a relationship with Walter.)  The tension that exists between them in this episode is understandable given the circumstances.  At first, it didn't make sense why Happy would want to hang with Waige and Ralph out of the blue when the press release for the episode dropped.  The sneak peek revealing Paige and Walter's initial conversation before the mission suggested that Walter may have been behind this change given what we know about him as a character.  He does weird things when he is concerned about something.  Thus, he naturally defaults to experiments to test his hypotheses.  But throughout the episode we see that Happy's behavioral change is a result an inner emotional turmoil just as Walter's defense of Happy's presence on his dates with Paige suggests the same.  It's another unique Walter/Happy parallel showcasing their EQ struggles as the most robotic characters in the series.  The situation on a whole also links so well with Happy’s characterization.
Yet, the navigation of Waige's relationship presents opportunities for Paige to come to Happy to seek more insight about Walter since this show has established the strong Happy/Walter friendship and how they are very similar people.  Heck, Happy and Walter had the same walk when they entered the warhead hangar! 😂  The impending Quintis baby developments also create a chance for Happy to come to Paige for parenting advice like she did in 3.04 Little Boy Lost now that she wants to start a family.  She is inspired by the bond between Ralph and Waige and follows them to understand the scope of that connection.  Her focus on this is the reason why she is projecting her guilt over an accident leading to a catastrophic event and disappointment over being dismissed from the drive-in movie towards Paige and her EQ contributions to the team.  That frustration extends to a lesser extent to Toby and Cabe.  She is uncomfortable with the emotion, hence, she regresses.  However, the function of drama between Happy and Paige is annoying to use as a bonding tool in high stress situations when there is so much potential in their friendship without it.  As Toby states, Paige's work with Scorpion is a reason why he and Happy are married today.  Paige managed to piece together a last-minute wedding ceremony for them.  Happy gave Paige advice regarding Drew and Ralph from her own personal experience and even hilariously called out her jealousy towards Linda.  So all I'm saying is WHERE IS THE LOVE?!!  The drama is reflective of a common trope and societal fault that simply needs to dissolve.  The women of Scorpion do amazing things for this team and it is about time we see more SIGNIFICANT heartfelt moments between them!  My hope is we will eventually see a bond form from respective learning experiences because there is so much potential and new material that can blossom from a portrayal of this relationship on screen. 
The lawyer interviews... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
So who is really Alderman? Sly or Patty? Patty is cracking me up because she is clearly running this ship! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ralph is so throwed and Paige doesn't like it... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀 Geez guys, how did we get here already?! He was a little kid just the other day!
Walter is lucky Paige didn't hear his "I told you so!" He would have been in so much trouble! 😂😂😂
Paige and Happy are in full-on petty mode... 👀😱😱😱😳
How do you not have an explosion protocol even though the warhead is being decommissioned?! *facepalm*
Toby's moves to The Commodores are downright hilarious!!! 😂😂😂😂😂💀💀 I wonder if he plans on using those moves in the bedroom... #KinkyQuintis! At least Toby notices the danger before the others literally die from exhaust! Silver lining? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 He's such a dork!
Happy: Why do you want to be human anyway? Being human sucks! She's ruined all of us. Toby: Well... she is the reason we're together. That is a good thing, right?! (Happy remains silent). Aww Happy! My baby is all emotional and she is uncomfortable about it! 😢😢😢😢
Omgness! The way Walter closes the plug after Paige shoots down his definition of a fun date during catastrophe… 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀
H: The sign says, "No Swimming,” boss! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Walter (to Happy & Paige): You two make a great team. Me: I agree! Why use a fight to get them here, writers?! We've been known this!
Explode the warhead?! Lordt, here we go again! 😳😳😱😱😱😱😱
Did anyone notice Happy’s subtle question of concern over the safety of the lighting guy given the new plan?! HOLY CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! 🙌🏾 🙌🏾 🙌🏾
Okay Happy… don’t drop this plastic wrench! 😂😂😂😂😂
Paige and Happy make up and Walter is confused… this is the subtle comedy I like!!! 👍🏾😂😂😂😂
Cabe being treated as an intern is just too much! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Cabe coming up with a method to locate the warhead based on the science the geniuses presented earlier… PRICELESS! He’s a great fit for this team as Toby suggests! Papa Cabe FTW!!! 🙌🏾😂😂😂😂😂
These geniuses are terribly direct at the worst times!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sly saves the county money and funds science club in one fell swoop! And he’s gonna be Cabe’s lawyer?! Oh yeah! 🙌🏾 🙌🏾 🙌🏾 🙌🏾
H: I want a baby... soon. You were right. I want a family... I’ve always wanted a family and I want one with you because I love you. T: The woman who hates being human wants to make another human? H: Yeah, something like that. T: Shall we start now? OH MY QUINTIS HEART!!! 😍😍💚💚💚😍😍 ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY LOVE OAK!!! 😍💚💚🌳💚💚
Waige is too stinkin cute! I am feeling 2.15 end scene flashbacks! Are you?!! 💙💙🐟🍹💙💙  Also cue the “bored” parallels between Waige in this episode and Quintis in episode 3.15.  Paige and Toby, respectively, remind their robot significant other that they will never get tired of their antics/personality!  GIVE ME ALL THE WAIGE AND QUINTIS PARALLELS!!! 🙌🏾 🙌🏾 🙌🏾😍😍😍😍😍😍💚💚💙💙
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