#anyway i don’t rlly go here but it’s okay i still love you mr shadow the hedgehog
pinoyrella · 3 years
“A Love So Beautiful” Chapter 8
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Chapter 8: “Happy Birthday!”
FT: Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio, Yachi Hitoka + Y/n’s Parents + Coach Ukai + Takeda-Sensei
TW: Mild Language
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst, Coming of Age + Slow Burn
- Fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff! And angst/drama :00000 in this chapter!
WORD COUNT: 9,000+
“A LOVE SO BEAUTIFUL” Masterlist 🌸
A/N: hiii hiii 💖!! happy one month anniversary for the start of this series 🎉! i think it was feb 15 when i posted it, and now its march 15!!! time rlly flies so fast omg, we’re already 8 chapters in :,000
- i also had so much fun researching about Miyagi’s Museum of Art for this chapter! i hope to go someday!!
- AGSKJ OKAY OKAY- anyways i hope you enjoy i love you!!! 🥺💞
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“I can’t believe we had another quiz today!” You whine, a single hand gripped onto the strap of your bag, as the other hangs loosely. You walk in front of Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, heading towards the school gates.
“It wasn’t even that hard” Tsukishima says bluntly, keeping his eyes focused on the pavement.
“Easy for you to say! Tell me Tsukki, what’s the lowest grade you’ve ever received?” You hault, turning abruptly to face the blonde male.
He looks down at you before smirking. “My lowest?” Yamaguchi lets out a low chuckle, enjoying the company of his two best friends.
“My point exactly! Mr. Smarty-pants, you have no say in what is hard or not!” You bring your arms up, crossing them as you begin your pace. “I’m just glad we have Friday off, and the entire of next week! Thank god for break.” You sigh as the three of you make it to the school gates, you turn to your two friends before bidding a farewell.
“Here’s my stop, thanks again for walking me out, now go hit some volleyballs! Hurry, you guys are going to be late!” You wave, making your way down the pavement towards the bike racks.
As you turn the corner, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima set foot, making their way to the gym for volleyball practice.
“Ah! Tsukki” Yamaguchi calls to his friend. “Y/n’s birthday is coming soon, do you have any plans?” He asks. The blonde takes a moment to think before replying, “Mmm… not really”. “Huh?” Yamaguchi hops in front of his friend, stopping him in his tracks. “What do you mean not really?” “Not really as in, I don’t really have anything big planned.” Tsukishima says, as he moves past his friend towards the gym.
Yamaguchi lets out a sigh before following. The two continuing their pace to the gym, only to find Takeda-sensei as they round the corner.
“Oh, Sensei!” Yamaguchi greets, rushing over with Tsukishima. “Yamaguchi-kun, Tsukishima-kun, just in time I have some very big news to share! Especially for you and Kageyama-kun. Hurry, in we go, in we go!” Takeda-sensei announces, pushing the two boys inside. 
“I’m home!” You call out as you slip into your bunny slippers. Just as you enter your room, you hang your bag against your rack before changing into your pajamas. You sit at your desk, opening your pencil case and taking out the slip of paper with the confession.
‘I’m in love with Y/n’
You reread and stare at the written confession before bringing your palms up, screaming into your hands.
“Oh my god”
You say quietly to yourself, setting your hands on top of your desk. And with a deep breathe, you plan to ask the other’s what their scripts said, praying the script between your fingers is Tsukishima’s.
- The following day, you make your way into class.
“Good morning my dear friends!” You greet out loud, only to notice Yamaguchi in your seat, huddled closely to Yachi, as Hinata perches over his desk.
You wander over, confused before Yamaguchi notices you, pulling away, the other two following as they glance up to you. Yamaguchi immediately stands from your seat, holding your chair out for you.
Tsukishima, at his desk, turns his head from his notebook to peek at his friends, thinking about how suspicious and obvious the three’s “subtle” behavior is.
“G-good morning Y/n!” He stutters before walking away to his seat besides Tsukishima.
You blink in confusion at your friend’s weird behavior, before turning your attention to your desk’s surface. “How did you guys think you did on the quiz?” You ask curious, taking your notebook and textbook out, setting in on top of your desk.
There is only silence before you realize Yachi and Hinata whispering to one another, they didn’t even hear you ask the question. A bit hurt, you call out to them, only for them to respond back with a jump in surprise.
“Y-y/n! Hi!” Yachi greets as she fiddles with her fingers. You stare at her before turning to Hinata. Hinata sits upright, avoiding eye contact with you as he gulps.
Before you can question what was up with their very odd behavior, Kageyama along with Ono-sensei makes their way in, greeting the class and beginning the instructions. In the middle of the lecture, you find the script in your pencil pouch, remembering your plan the night before. Once break begins, you’re sure to begin asking what script they got.
As the bell rings, you quickly close your notebook, immediately turning to your side only to see Yachi, Hinata and Yamaguchi run out together. Letting out a sigh, you turn behind you, but you end up finding Kageyama asleep, his head down to his desk. Not wanting to disturb his rest, you reach for your bag, pulling out your coin pouch.
As you turn to get out of your seat, a tall figure shadows over you, slowly looking up you realize it's just Tsukishima. You stare at him before he speaks,
“What? Let’s go” He begins walking towards the entrance, and you follow after him. Making your way to the vending machine together.
“Don’t you think Yachi, Hinata and Yamaguchi have been acting weird all morning?” You ask, keeping your eyes on the road.
Tsukishima stills, staying silent recalling the day before in the gym.
Yamaguchi and Hinata stand besides Yachi as they watch their teammates practice from afar.
“Watching everyone practice so hard makes me a bit nervous for Nationals” Yamaguchi admits, taking a sip from his water bottle.
“We’re gonna play against powerful teams! I’m so excited!” Hinata says as he rubs his neck towel around his forehead.
“And you guys have another practice match next week...” Yachi sighs, feeling exhausted for the boys just by remembering. “Yeah! I can’t wait to see Aone-san!” Hinata cheers, remembering his gentle giant of a senior. “I wonder if Asahi-san is still... worried about him.” Yamaguchi scratches his cheek lightly.
“What are you guys doing just standing there?” Tsukishima makes his way over to his three friends. Just as he settles, standing beside the three, a memory pops into Yamaguchi’s mind.
“Ah! Y/n’s birthday is this Friday!” “Oh! You’re right!” Hinata exclaims. “Have you guys planned anything for her?” Yamaguchi turns to his friends, sparkles emitting from his eyes. The two go silent, before Yamaguchi cries. “You’re kidding! I had hopes that at least you two had something prepared!” Tsukishima watches as Yamaguchi breaks down in front of the two.
“Oh!” Hinata exclaims. “Don’t worry, we can leave it all to Kageyama, I’m sure he’s got us covered” Tsukishima rolls his eyes to the name of the setter.
“What?” Kageyama asks, making his way over to his four friends, bringing the towel in his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
“Kageyama, do you have anything planned for Y/n’s birthday?” Yamaguchi asks, Kageyama stares at him before looking away, mumbling. “Uh… Yeah”
“You lie!” Hinata accuses before Kageyama takes the towel hanging around his neck, flinging it at the boy. “SHUT UP!”
“Should we throw a small get-together?” Yachi asks, the attention of the four turning to her.
“Yachi-san that’s a great idea!” Yamaguchi compliments. “Oh like a surprise party?” Hinata asks as Tsukishima joins. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to keep your mouth shut” “Stingyshima...” Kageyama looks down before looking up at the blonde, agreeing with him. “He’s right” “KAGEYAMA! Wanna bet?!” Hinata glares before Kageyama gives the shorter boy a smirk. “Three curry buns” “DEAL!”
“HEY!” The four boys jolt, before turning their heads to face Coach Ukai. “First-years, stop standing around and get over here!” Yachi watches the four run off, a small smile spreading her face.
“ki.... Tsukki!” Tsukishima is brought back to reality before looking to you. You huff before you continue to walk. “I feel like I’m being ignored, even by you” You state, as you both stand in front of the vending machine.
Before you can open your coin pouch, Tsukishima slides money into the vending machine.
“Tsukki! How rude, I was just about to-” He takes your wrist, bringing your finger to push the button for the strawberry milk. Your eyes widen as he bends to pick up the now dispense drink. Poking the straw in before standing back up, handing it to you. “You’re overthinking” He says before walking back to class.
You bring the straw up to your lips, a smile turning before you run after him. “Tsukki!”
After school you make your way to the bike lot, stopping as you notice Yachi and Hinata not too far away.
“Yachi! Hinata!” You call out to them. The two visibly tense up before turning around to greet you. “Yachi-san, I’m going to go ahead to the gym!” Hinata says before running off, leaving Yachi with you. ‘That was so close!’ He thinks, hoping you didn’t hear what the two were discussing.
You watch Hinata’s figure get smaller as he moves farther away down the hall. “Hinata’s been acting very strange recently…” You say before turning to look at Yachi. “U-uh, yeah!” She replies, obviously flustered.
Not wanting to invade on what their conversation was about, you two begin walking together towards the bike racks, Yachi still seeming a bit off.
“Yachi?” You ask her, before she turns to you. “Yeah-” You quickly lean closer to her, she gulps as you continue to stare into her eyes, not blinking. “Yachi…” “Y-yeah Y/n?” She stutters.
“What script did you get?” You ask, she blinks as you pull away. “Eh? Ah! The one from Hinata’s game!” Recalling, she immediately pulls her backpack to the front of her, unzipping the smaller compartment as she takes out a slip of paper, handing it to you.
You take it excitedly, bringing it up to your eyes.
‘I’m insecure about my freckles’ it reads.
You look at her as she looks back to you, both understanding what the other is thinking. There’s only one freckled boy in your friend group, ‘It’s Yamaguchi’s.’
Arriving home, you sigh as you drop to your bed. You were only able to get to one of your five friends. “Tomorrow for sure!” You assure yourself, before preparing your workplace to study.
The following day, you have woken up extra early unintentionally. Making your way downstairs to bid you parents farewell, you are met with silence and a kitchen note on the dining table. Your parents have gone out for groceries, leaving you cash to buy breakfast on the way to school.
Deciding to stop by Coach Ukai’s, in the shop you hear a familiar voice. “Thanks Coach!” Hinata thanks. Just as he was going to walk out, you called out to him.
“Hinata!” He turns to greet you good morning, waiting for you to pay for your purchase before the two of you head to school together.
“You should have seen what happened at practice two days ago! Kageyama and Tsukishima were so mean!” He rambles complaining of the two taller boys as you listen. “Kageyama even made a bet because he thought I couldn’t-” He stops himself immediately, you turn in confusion to see Hinata shoving the freshly baked bun he had bought into his mouth. “H-Hinata?!” You question him in surprise, immediately taking your water bottle out handing it to him.
He quickly chews and swallows before accepting your water bottle, taking a sip. You watch him in worry. “Why did you do that?” You question as he hands your water bottle back. “N-no reason!” The two of you continue your pace, reaching the school gates.
As you walk through the gates, you remember your question.
“Oh! Shoyo!” You whisper harshly, grabbing his attention. He turns to you before replying in the same manner. “Yeah?!” “What script did you get?” You ask him. “Oh! I think I got Yachi’s” He says a little too loudly.
“Really? What did it say?” He grabs the slip from his bag, handing it to you before replying. “It said that boy’s over 6 feet scare me.” You stare at the script, then at him before letting out a chuckle of how adorable your blonde baby is, it’s definitely hers.
Walking into class, you notice Kageyama asleep at his desk again.
‘He’s been sleeping a lot recently, I wonder if practice really got to him.’ You think before sitting in your seat in front of him.
At your desk, you sit thinking quietly to yourself. ‘Hinata, Yachi…’ “Good morning!” You hear a cheerful voice greet, bringing your eyes up immediately meeting with Yamaguchi’s across the room.
“Guchi!” You call out, motioning your palm for him to come over. He drops his bag at his desk before making his way to you with a smile. “Hey Y/n! What’s up?” You ask for him to come even closer, he leans his ear towards you.
“What script did you get?” It takes him a moment to process your words, he scratches his cheek shyly before standing upright and crossing his arms. “Y/n… Wasn’t the point of the game to keep the confession a secret?” The boy says, beginning to sound a little too much like Tsukishima.
“Guchi!” You cry bringing your head down to your desk, before looking back up to stare at him. An almost hostile stare, you hear the boy gulp. “Listen! For educational purposes, I would like to know, so please?” You plead, as your gaze softens, giving him a familiar puppy eyed look.
He sighs before giving a soft smile. Making his way back to his bag, he fetches his wallet, taking the slip out and walking back to you, handing the slip over. You take it excitedly, bringing it up to your eyes to read it.
The handwriting is illegible.
You turn the slip back around, having it face Yamaguchi. “Can you read that?” “Nope” You both blink before bursting into laughter. “I think it’s either Hinata’s or Kageyama’s” He theorizes as you hand the slip back. “Hmm, good thinking”
“I’m home!” You call out, dropping your school bag to the side. “Ah! Y/n!” Your dad calls from the kitchen. “Yeah?” You respond as your dad runs to you. “We-” “You” Your mom corrects your dad, obviously in a bad mood. “I forgot to grab milk when we went grocery shopping, can you please head to the nearest store and buy some?” He whispers, begging for your help.
Your mom walks out the kitchen with a butcher knife in hand. Glaring at your dad before turning to you, her demeanor immediately changing. “Can you also pick up a bottle of soy sauce, love? We’re out” “Sure!” “Oh! So it’s okay for you to forget something, but I get in trouble for not getting the milk?” Your dad points out as your mom turns her attention back to him, immediately shutting him up.
Your dad turns to you, handing his wallet. “Please hurry! This woman’s crazy!” He begs, whispering the last part. You laugh at your dad’s behavior before walking out. “I’m heading out!”
Making your way up the hill to Coach Ukai’s shop, you immediately head towards the glass fridges, grabbing a carton of milk. Turning the corner, you quickly grab the bottle of soy sauce before heading to the cashier.
“This is all please” You say not looking up as you take money from your dad’s wallet. Placing the money onto the tray, you glance up only to meet Kageyama’s eyes.
“T-Tobio?! What are you doing- You work here?” You look at him in shock. He looks away in embarrassment. “Yeah…” You hear him reply as he scans your items, refusing eye contact. “Since when?! Aren’t you busy with preparing for nationals- you should be at practice! Does Coach Ukai know you’re here?!” You ramble as he bags your items. “S-since two weeks… And yes he knows… I’m only working until the end of today, for extra allowance” He admits, handing you your items and the tray containing change.
“Oh! Well in that case... keep working hard Tobio!” You give him a warm smile before taking your items and change.
Right as you were about to walk out, you turn and run up to him once again.
“Tobio!” He immediately shuts the cashier with a loud slam in surprise. “Tobio, what did your script say?” You ask him. Kageyama stands there, his brain short circuits before stuttering out a response. “U-uh” He turns his head away, his gaze immediately falling on the revolving heater filled with curry buns, just besides the cashier. “I-I’m in love with curry buns!” He blurts out.
You blink as his answer processes in your head. ‘So it is Tsukki’s!’ Your face slowly turns red, thanking Kageyama quickly as you run out the entrance.
Giving a final wave to him, you walk out of the doors, completely missing the warm smile he gave you as you walked away.
“I’m home~” You call out, slipping your shoes off and skipping into the kitchen. “I’ve brought your requests~!” You say happily, removing the plastic bag containing the two items and gently handing them to your parents before skipping up the stairs.
Your parents watch in confusion before looking at each other.
Lightly shutting the door close to your room, you make your way to your desk, looking out your window to find Tsukishima studying. Just as he was about to look up, you immediately take your curtains and shut the blinds before crouching.
Tsukishima on his end, rolls his eyes and scoffs with a smile as he focuses back onto his studies.
Happy Fridays, Happy Birthdays.
“Y/n~” You wake up to the sound of someone familiar calling out to you. “Yeah?” “Happy birthday!” You sit up seeing your parents are seated to the side of your bed. Your dad is holding a muffin in hand with a candle lit above as your mom hands you a wrapped present. You smile, blowing the candle as you set the present to the side.
“Our baby’s almost an adult! Can you believe that?” Your dad wipes a fake tear from his eye, your mom slaps his arm for being silly.
“Come, come! Get dressed and hurry downstairs.” Your mom says before dragging your dad out of your room.
You smile happily, grateful for your parents before getting dressed.
Making your way downstairs, your mom calls for you from the living room.
“Ah! Love, I hate to make you do favors on your birthday, but can you please take this to Kei-kun?” She hands you a cute envelope. You take it from her, flipping the envelope around, admiring how cute and frilly it is.
Growing impatient your mom huffs, “Don’t waste time staring at it! Go!” She pushes you out the door and you watch confused as the door shuts. Shrugging your mom’s behavior off, you make your way next door to Tsukishima's.
Ringing the bell, there is no reply. Knocking on the door, there is no reply. “Tsukki!” You call out. Tapping the envelope to your palm, you wait patiently before twisting the doorknob, noticing it is once again open. ‘He’s gotta start locking his door, what if I was a robber.’ You think to yourself. “I’m coming in!” You call out, twisting the door and making your way in.
Slipping your shoes off, you notice the lights are off. “Tsukki?” You call out again, stepping up from the entryway. “Tsukki?” Just as you make your way past the hall, you hear shuffling coming from the dining room. “Tsukki! My mom gave me this letter to-” As you walk in the dining room, the lights turn on immediately, confetti is popped into the air.
“Surprise!” Your friends cheer in sync. You still in surprise, beginning to tear up as you make your way over to them, noticing the party hats adorn to the top of their heads, and the dining room decorated in cute banners and balloons.
“Wha-” “Y/n!” Hinata tackles you into a hug.“Are you surprised?” Kageyama yanks Hinata off you, muttering out a “stupid” to the boy. “Happy birthday Y/n!” Yachi pulls you into a warm hug, taking your hand and leading you closer to the dining table, before heading off into the kitchen, with Hinata and Kageyama.
“Happy birthday my dear long time best, best, best, best friend!” Yamaguchi greets, squeezing you into a hug as Tsukishima scoffs. “Yamaguchi, help! KAGEYAMA-” Hinata calls from Tsukishima’s kitchen. “Coming!” Yamaguchi pulls away, heading towards his friends’ cry for help, leaving you alone with Tsukishima.
You both watch as your freckled friend leaves the room.
“So this is why they were acting weird?” You chuckle, looking up to the taller man. Tsukishima brings his hand to squeeze your cheek. “Told you you were overthinking” Blush spreads across your cheeks as you continue your gaze on him, and his on yours.
“Hap-” “Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!” Tsukishima is interrupted as your four friends run back into the dining hall, Yamaguchi with a match that’s lit. “Hurry before it goes out!” “Shut up Hinata, it's not going to go out!” “Stop it you two!” Yachi scolds Hinata and Kageyama as Yamaguchi lights the candles, before blowing the match out.
You laugh before turning your attention to the cake, your eyes illuminating with the fire’s flames. Tsukishima watches you in awe, as another smile makes its way across your face.
“3… 2… 1!” Yamaguchi counts down as the four begin singing. You look up, smiling to your friends before turning your gaze to Tsukishima, who you found beginning to sing along as well. Your smile grows wider as the song ends, blowing the candles out.
“Let me get a slice!” “Be patient!” “Oh, remove the candle before the wax melts onto the frosting!” “Make way, I have plates coming through!” “Ah, let me get the spoons!” “Where’s the cake cutter?” You watch as your friends scramble around before you remember the letter in hand your mom had asked for you to deliver to Tsukishima.
“Ah, Tsukki!” He turns his head to you. “My mom wanted me to give you this envelope” He blinks before replying. “No thanks” “What? But my mom-” “Open it” He instructs. You follow his orders, tearing the top of the cute envelope, opening it to reveal a slip of paper with a poorly drawn frog on it. “What?!” “It was a decoy to get you to come over, pipsqueak.” He says as he turns his attention back to your friends entering the room.
“Let me cut it!” Hinata says, running after Yachi. “No, don’t let Hinata cut the cake!” Yamaguchi yells over. Yachi shakes Hinata off her tail before digging the knife into the cake, cutting the first slice and bringing it over to you. “For you~!” You take it happily.
Just as Yachi finishes serving everyone a slice of cake, the six of you sit at the dining table, chatting away.
“Y/n!” Hinata beams, as you turn your attention to him. “Takeda-sensei came into the gym a few days ago with big news! Though… just for Kageyama and Tsukishima.” He grumbles out the last part. “Oh yeah! Tsukki got invited to Miyagi’s Prefectural Mock Youth Camp tomorrow!” Yamaguchi joins in. “Shut up, Yamaguchi.” Tsukishima lets out lowly before taking another bite from the slice of cake.
“And Kageyama-kun” All eyes turn to the setter. “He got asked to join the All-Japan Youth Training Camp!” “Also tomorrow.” Hinata mumbles as you drop your spoon to your plate. “Japan?!” You scream in surprise. “Yeah! Youth as in the national representatives for Japan under the age of 19!” Yachi lets out before you jump from your seat, making your way towards your two friends to congratulate them. 
“That’s so cool!” You squeeze Kageyama as he begins to blush. “Remember me when you’re famous, alright?” You joke before turning to Tsukishima, diving in for a hug. “My friends are so cool with their volleyball club!” You cheer, very happy for your friends. “Let me know if you need another manager!” You joke as your friends fall into a fit of laughter. Though, it wouldn’t be a bad idea.
You feel very fortunate to spend the morning of your 17th birthday with the friends you love unconditionally.
As afternoon comes close, Yachi along with Yamaguchi are the first to leave.
Tsukishima excuses himself to the “bathroom” as you walk towards Tsukishima’s entrance with your friends, seeing Yachi and Yamaguchi out first.
“Ah! Y/n, before I leave I have a present for you!” She reaches into her purse, pulling out a cutely wrapped bag, handing it to you. “It’s not much, but I hope you enjoy it! I love you so much!” She gives you a final hug as Yamaguchi sees her out.
“Y/n I’ll drop your gift off later!” Yamaguchi waves as the two walk out.
Kageyama in the distance stills, patting himself, checking every pocket he had from his jacket, to his sweats.
“Oh! The present! Y/n! This is from me” Hinata makes his way over handing you a paper bag. “Don’t open it now though! Wait until later! Happy birthday again, I’ll see you later!” He runs out the door, before stopping to turn around. “Kageyama! Let’s go get my curry buns! Get me that employee discount too!”
Kageyama looks up to you, you notice his off state. “Tobio, you okay?” You ask as he looks away. “I… I forgot your present at home. I’m so sorry.” He bows his head slightly as you stop him. “Tobio! Don’t be sorry” You reassure, your hands cup his jaw, bringing his gaze back up. He looks so sad.
“You didn’t even need to get me a present, you being here with me on my birthday is enough!” You say, trying to make him feel better as he pulls you into a hug. “Oomf!” “I’ll come by and drop it off later too” He pulls away as you wave to him.
Shutting the door you turn making your way back towards the dining room. A smile spreading across your face once more of the scene.
Not noticing the feeling of someone behind, a weight leaning closer to your left ear. “Boo.” A voice says lowly, and very bluntly, their breath tickling you.
“AH!” You jump startled, turning around, your back meeting the dining table as you hold onto the edge. Looking up to meet your gaze to Tsukishima. “Tsukki!!! Stop! Don’t scare me like that!” You rest your hand to your chest as he leans down closer to you. “I literally just said ‘boo’-” “STILL!” You cross your arms, turning yourself away from him, missing his tiny smile.
“Y/n” He calls out, pulling an envelope from his back and hitting you lightly on the head with it.
You turn back to him, looking up and grabbing whatever he had lightly tapped on you.
A cute envelope, similar to the one your mom had given you to deliver to Tsukishima, the “decoy”.
Bringing it down from your eyes just a bit, you hide your gaze from Tsukishima. Tsukishima sees your eyes peeking through the envelope before sighing. “What the hell are you doing?” “It’s another one of your tricks!” You snap back. “It’s not” “Oh yeah?” “Just open it” “You said that the last time!” “Y/n” He calls demandingly, leaning towards you, his gaze not leaving yours.
You freeze as his face comes closer to yours, feeling heat spread across your cheeks, his lips just a few inches away from yours. “Open it.” Leaves his lips, you feel his breath on yours. You jump, pushing him away lightly. “Okay! Okay!” You muster out, taking a deep breath before slowly unsealing the envelope.
You reach your fingers in, feeling a thin paper like texture. Turning your eyes back up to him, you notice him looking at you. Quirking your eyebrow, he rolls his eyes. You turn your attention back to the envelope, slowly removing whatever was cased inside.
Pulling out the paper, you bring it above the envelope, reading whatever was on it.
Your eyes widen as you read and realize what it is.
“Tsukki!” You cry, jumping right into him. He catches you, looking down as you look up. “Are these… are these- really?!” His heart skips a beat, listening to your shocked excitement. “Tickets to Miyagi’s Museum of Art? No.” “TSUKKI!” You muffle your head into his chest, muttering a ‘thank you’.
“Come again?” He teases as you pull away. “Thank you!!!” You scream, about to dive in for another hug before he extends his palm to rest at your forehead, stopping you, causing you to flail around as you try to reach him. “Tsukki!!!” You whine as he lets out a low laugh.
You stop, and he drops his hand down. The two of you stare at each other before he turns around, making his way out of the dining room. “Wh- Where are you going?” You ask, following after him. “To get ready” “To get ready?” He turns, grabbing the tickets from your hands, revealing two. He brings them up to your eye level, “The exhibit starts in 2 hours.” He says pointing to the reservation time on the ticket. You beam in excitement, immediately running to the entrance door. “Okay! I’ll get ready too!” You yell before running out, leaving him with your tickets, which was probably the best move.
Tsukishima watches as you run out his gate, making your way to yours next door. A small laugh leaving his lips before he takes his leave to his room.
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Check out this 2-min video tour of the museum if you wanna get a feel before you continue to read! [ Haruka Travel’s 宮城県美術館 💝]
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“You have reached Kawauchi Station” The speaker announces.
You step off the subway with Tsukishima besides you, making your way to north exit 1.
Walking down the street, you look around your surroundings, the beautiful city of Sendai. Tsukishima watches you in awe as your eyes look from left to right, up and down, sparkling in excitement.
Just then you gasp suddenly, quickly taking hold of his hand, surprising him, as you drag him with you to the front of the Museum.
“We’re here!” You beam, your hands still intertwined with Tsukishima’s. Tsukishima looks at you from the corner of his eyes, enjoying the warmth of your hand, squeezing it slightly before you let go. “Come on Kei, let’s go!” You turn to him before running towards the entrance.
Tsukishima hands the tickets to the receptionist as she extends a guidebook to you two. “I hope you and your girlfriend enjoy the museum.” She wishes. “Ah! He’s not my-” “Thank you very much” He takes the guidebook before walking away. You turn, a smile leaving your face as you follow after him.
Making your way into the entrance hall, your excitement bubbles as you see the big staircase leading to the galleries. You run past Tsukishima, taking a few steps up the stairs before turning down to him.
It’s as if time has slowed down, Tsukishima’s eyes grow wider at the sight of you twirling to face him. The way your hair swayed slowly along with your dress, the shine sparkling in your eyes, your lashes fluttering in excitement, the warm and beautiful glowing smile that always leaves him breathless.
“Kei!” He snaps out of his trance, walking closer. “Last one to the exhibit hall is a stinkyshima!” You laugh, before turning, beginning your pace up the stairs. Tsukishima is left shocked, before letting out a chuckle, immediately using the power of his long legs to reach the top of the stairs.
You both huff when you reach the top of the staircase. “Not fair!” “You had a head start” “But you have long legs! And you’re athletic!” You whine, he ruffles your head before taking your hand. “Come on, let’s go” He says, leading you into the exhibit hall together. Leaving you both, neither a stinkyshima.
“Tsukki look!” You make your way over to a familiar portrait you have studied. “This is the Portrait of Sanada Hisakichi! It’s an oil on canvas painting, isn’t it similar to a certain style of art you may remember… The Starry Night? Kishida Ryusei was in a group that was formed by the inspirations of Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Cézanne! He and his friend were members of the group.” You say in excitement, pointing to the portrait. “Sanada was his friend by the way!” You finish, turning your head to another display, quickly dragging him with you.
“This is A Bird by the iconic AI-MITSU! Notice how in the painting there's a single deceased bird and various plants all around, like that red flower in the center?” He nods, listening as you continue. “That red flower looks very similar to an animal’s blood vessel, doesn’t it? This painting is meant to signify how both life and death are united. The deceased bird, but the lively plants surrounding it…” You trail off before looking up to him. “Kind of sad now… realizing it symbolizes death...” You frown, he frowns along with you before dragging you off.
“Ah-! Tsukki!” “What about this?” Opening your eyes, you come face to face with a beautifully painted woman. “I don’t think I’m familiar with this one… but the way the bright choice of the palette makes it as the light being filtered by the leaves shines and bathes the woman, it feels very soothing and calming to look at.” Your gaze stuck to the painting, as Tsukishima’s stuck to yours. The way the sunlight filtered by the illuminating ceiling shines and bathes against you, makes him feel at ease, calm, and comfortable, just like Watanabe Ryusoke’s oil painting, ‘A Women in the Shade of a Tree’.
You two make your way out of the exhibit hall, the guidebook in hand.
“Oh!” You stop in your tracks, Tsukishima turning to you before you immediately drop the guidebook to your thighs. “There’s one more painting I want to see!” Taking his hand, you run back into the exhibit hall.
The two of you stand besides each other in silence, staring at the painting in front of you. “What?” Tsukishima asks, taken aback in confusion. “It’s A Cat!” “I can see that-” “No Tsukki!” You laugh before pointing at the information details. “This painting is literally called A Cat, it’s by Hasegawa Rinjiro” “A… Cat?” Tsukishima blinks, staring at the cute tabby cat laying on top of the red flooring. “Isn’t it so cute!” You squeal. His gaze turns down to your features, “Yeah.”
You sat besides Tsukishima at the Atelier in Studio 2. A personal blank canvas in front of you both as various brushes are to the side. “Here is the painter's palette, let me know if you need anything else” An employee leaves a tray of multiple colors of paint in front of you two before leaving.
You grab a paintbrush that sits besides the tray of paint before looking at Tsukishima. He’s staring at the paintbrushes, noticeably confused. You giggle before picking out a paintbrush, handing it to him. “Start with this!” He takes it, as you turn your attention back to the tray of paint. He watches as you dip the brush, patting it slightly on a clothe before hovering over your canvas. Following your same steps, he does the same.
Except, he forgets to tap off the excess paint, causing it to lightly drip over what was once a perfectly clean canvas. “Tsukki!” You startle him, he immediately takes his gaze off from you, turning to his hand as he sees the canvas has been soiled with a drop of paint. “SHIT-” “It’s okay!” You laugh as you take his hand with the paintbrush, lightly tapping it against the towel in front of you.
He watches as you do so, you turn your head meeting his. The two of you stare for what feels like a long time, before you ask, “What should we paint?” He blinks before shrugging. You frown before an idea pops into mind. “Let’s paint something for each other” “Y/n I can barely draw-” “Doesn’t matter!” You say before switching your canvas with his. “Here, you can have my canvas.” “No” He tries to switch your canvases, feeling bad that you’re offering the clear one to him, before you stop him. “You’re going to give me that one anyways, right?” You point to the clear canvas on his side.
He blinks processing what you’ve said, you were right. He scoffs before turning his attention back to the canvas. “Okay, on your mark, get set-” “I thought art takes time” “SHH! Go!”
The two of you spend the next forty-five minutes of your reserved time in the station before the employee comes back to help clear your items, as well as setting your work to the side, handing you both a ticket.
“Thank you so much for using our workshop, we hope you enjoyed your experience. Please come by at the end of the day to pick up your paintings, we will hold them here to dry as you continue your tour around the museum.” The employee greets as the two of you thank, leaving to your next destination.
The two of you make your way outside the museum, heading towards the gardens, stopping right in front of the destination post.
“Which way do you want to go?” He asks, you place a finger to your chin, reading the sign, before looking up to him with a smile. “Let’s go North!” You take his hand as you begin your pace.
“Y/n” “Hm?” You stop, turning to him, your hand still in his. “Yeah?” You watch as Tsukishima awkwardly looks away before speaking, “We’re going South.” You turn your head towards the sign again, squinting your eyes to see the arrow pointing the opposite way.
“Ah-” You let go in embarrassment, looking away as he clears his throat. He takes your hand before he turns his tail, bringing you the correct way. A smile spreading, unknown from either embarrassment or joy the blonde has given you.
“WAAA- Tsukki look!” You drag him, running towards a koi pond. Letting go of his hand, you squat, pointing your finger into the pond. “Look how pretty the koi fishes are! There's so many of them in different colors!”
You bring your hands to your knees, watching the fish swim in awe. You tug on his pants, before beaming “Tsukki look! It's a frog!” Tsukishima squats besides you, before noticing children with their parents on the other side of the pond, doing just as you were.
Tsukishima gives a small smile, remembering when you two were just kids.
“Tsukki look!” You call the blonde boy over, squatting in your rain boots as you point towards the puddle. “It’s a frog!” Tsukishima squats besides you, his eyes falling where your finger points to.
“Gross-” “Don’t say that, frogs have feelings too!” You scold as Tsukishima laughs before standing. Holding the umbrella above you, blocking the rain from soiling your raincoat.
The harsh drops from the rain on the umbrella echoes throughout your moment of comfortable silence before- “Do you think it fell from the sky?”
Tsukishima blinks at your very strange question. “What-” “Do you think it’s hurt?!” You immediately turn your gaze to him, your eyes beginning to water. He just stares down at you confused, not knowing how to answer your question, or deal with this situation, but he doesn’t want to see you cry.
Letting out a sigh, he hands you the umbrella before cupping the frog into his palms. You immediately stand, your hand tightening on the grip of the umbrella as you look at the frog in his hands. “It’s so cute!” You let out, his stare falls on you from the corner of his eye. He lets out a smile before walking off. “Let’s go, Yamaguchi might know what to do.”
You beam in joy watching as your friend walks off. “Tsukki!”
“Tsukki...” Tsukishima turns his head to you calling his attention. You stare at the frog before looking back to him, a smirk appearing on your face. “Wanna touch it?” He scoffs as he gets up, lightly cow-tipping you over as he begins to walk away.
“Ah- Tsukki!” You laugh, getting up before following him, little did he know you had the same memory running through your head.
Exiting the gardens, you find yourselves by the courtyard before Tsukishima speaks up “Are you hungry?”. You turn to look to him before thinking, ‘am I?’ The automatic grumble of your stomach answers that, and you blush from the embarrassment.
In the distance, the two of you find Café Mozart Figaro just by the courtyard and Terrace.
You both turn to look at each other, before making your way over.
“Welcome! Table for 2?” The waiter greets, leading you both to a seat.
“This restaurant looks so cool!” You whisper to him as the waiter comes back with a menu. You happily take it, going through the selections.
“Tsukki!” You whisper harshly, not taking your eyes off the fine selection choices. Tsukishima looks up from his to you. You slowly peek out from the side of the menu, before bringing your hand, flipping his over and pointing towards the desserts.
“They have strawberry shortcake” You watch his pupils widen up, eyeing the menu as the waiter comes back. “Are you ready to order?” “Two slices of strawberry shortcakes” Tsukishima replies immediately before looking to you. You stare at him in shock, ‘Two?!’ You clear your throat before handing the menu to the waiter. “If I can order a slice of tiramisu, please” The waiter nods, taking your menus before leaving.
“Two?!” “Yeah?” He replies sarcastically to your comment. “TWO??” “YEAH??” The two of you stare at each other before you burst into a quiet fit of laughter, Tsukishima clutching his hand into a fist, bringing it up to his mouth to hide his laugh.
“Here you go, thank you again for your purchase.” The waiter sets your cakes onto the table before walking off.
Tsukishima then slides a plate of strawberry shortcake to you. You look up in confusion before he replies. “Remember when you thought I got upset at you? And you bought me a slice of strawberry shortcake.” You nod as he continues. “Well, this is for all the times I got you upset.” He finishes, taking his spoon, digging into his shortcake leaving you speechless.
Immediately bringing your hands up to your face to cover the blush spreading, you let out an internal scream. Tsukishima smiles discreetly into the strawberry shortcake bite as he watches your flustered state.
“That was absolutely delicious!” “I can’t believe you ate both cakes in one sitting” “Hey! Listen, you gave me the opportunity and I took it, and might I say it would have been very delicious if you didn’t steal a bite from my tiramisu-” You stop in your tracks, looking off into the distance.
Tsukishima, concerned, follows your gaze only to roll his eyes at what you were staring at. He feels the burning stare of your eyes looking up to him, finally giving in, he looks down at you. Those puppy eyes are going to be the death of him someday.
Taking his hand, you drag him towards the Children’s Playroom.
“What are we? 5?” “Tsukki please, look how cute this play center is!” You make your way towards the set of wooden toys and picture books, taking a seat on the soft cushion. Tsukishima rolls his eyes before sitting besides you, leaning over to see the pages of the picture book.
“Wow… it has all the pictures and information of the artwork displayed in the gallery! What a great way to start educating at such a young age” You say flipping through the pages. Tsukishima grabs one of the wooden toys, playing with its limbs as you continue to read.
Tsukishima looks up, eyeing something from a distance before standing, something has caught his attention. You don’t even notice until he’s by the entrance of the playroom. “Huh? Tsukki?” You watch as he exits. Closing and setting the book back on the table, you follow him out, only to notice he made his way across towards the museum shop.
You watch from afar as he immediately goes towards an item, but yet you can’t see it. Making his way to the front, you watch as he pays and you notice the cashier wrapping it nicely, stuffing it into a cute bag adorning the logo of Miyagi’s Museum of Art. Before making his way back, you make eye contact with him. You jump in surprise, immediately running back to the playroom, sitting on the cushion with the book opened upside down, pretending as if you didn’t just watch the whole transaction.
Tsukishima walks in, making his way back to you. You bring the book up to your face, avoiding his gaze as he sets the bag in front of you. You slowly bring the book down, peeking your eyes above only to meet Tsukishima’s just inches from yours. “For you” He says, sitting beside you, bringing the wooden toy he was just playing with closer.
You drop the book, sliding it off to the side before sneaking your hands towards the bag. Before you can peek in, Tsukishima lets out “Not until you get home.” His gaze not leaving the toy in his hands.
You give a dramatic pout, grabbing the bag and hugging it close to your chest, hiding half your smiling face behind it.
“Thank you so much for your patience, here are your paintings.” The employee says, handing you both your canvases, nicely wrapped. “Thank you so much!” You thank before walking out with Tsukishima.
You exit the studio, walking through Alice’s Garden towards the entrance of the museum.
“Ah! I can’t believe this day is already over!” You let out a tired, but yet happy sigh, looking around at the mirrors reflecting from Alice’s Garden. “This is such a pretty walkway…” You say as the two of you stroll slowly. Your eyes focused on the road, missing Tsukishima’s gaze of awe, how the mirror’s surrounding Alice’s Garden reflects the sunset’s glow on your features.
Exiting the museum, you both find your way back to the station, finally heading home.
Kageyama makes his way up to your resident’s gates, a small box in his hand.
He thought to just leave it in your mailbox, and text you, not wanting to disturb if you were having quality time with your family inside. He slips the box into the slot of your mailbox, quickly texting you he had left your present inside, before hearing footsteps approaching.
Immediately, he looks back and forth, before turning the corner, hiding behind the utility post. He stills, questioning himself why he had just done that. And as he begins to walk away, he hears a familiar voice. "We’re finally back!”
Kageyama peeks his head from the corner, noticing you and Tsukishima.
“Thanks again for walking me home.” You say with a bright smile. “Sorry, but I live right next to you.” Tsukishima looks down, giving you his iconic cocky grin. “Kei!” You cry as he lets out a soft chuckle. “Ah! We must now exchange the paintings we made for each other!” You declare.
He brings his bag to the front, pulling out the carefully wrapped canvas. As you thought he was going to hand it over, you reach for it, only for him to raise it above your shorter figure. “Tsukki!” “Where’s mine, hm?” You blink, remembering, you pull the wrapped canvas from the gift bag Tsukishima had given you earlier with your secret ‘don’t open until you get home’ present.
“On the count of three, we do an equal exchange! One.. two.. Three!” You switch, both opening the wrapping to reveal the painting. Tsukishima carefully removes the wrapper, pulling the painting out and eyeing it in awe. You on the other hand, impatiently yet carefully remove the wrapper, only to come face to face with a…
You turn your painting around, showing it to him. “Is this supposed to be us?!” You question, bringing the painting closer to him. “Listen, before you say anything, I told you I couldn’t-” “I love it!” You scream, clutching the canvas close to your chest before looking up to him, your eyes sparkling.
Tsukishima stays silent, surprised by your reaction, he was not expecting you to like it, at all.“It’s from when it was raining that day…” You begin, your eyes to the ground before looking up at him. “And we rescued that frog!” Tsukishima continues his silence, he’s absolutely astonished you were able to notice what the painting was of.
His painting was a poorly drawn figure of you two, an umbrella in your hand and a deformed frog in his, the cloudy and rainy skies blocking the sun as you two stand side by side on the pavement. Simply drawn flowers and grass surrounding in puddles.
He nods before showing you your painting. “This… is also us?” He asks as you begin to nod. “Remember that night after the culture festival?” He nods. “I had a weird dream that night, that you gave me a piggyback ride on the way home!” Tsukishima stills, he remembers that night well. “And, the sky was sparkling with so many stars! And the moon was shining down on us! And you told me...” You trail, trying to remember what you were going to say. Tsukishima freezes, he knew what you were about to say. So you did hear him that night. “Ah, I forgot” You sigh in frustration, as he sighs in relief.
Your painting consists of your version of The Starry Night. Two figures shown in the center of the painting, one walking and the other held closely, clung to figure one’s back.
Tsukishima blinks again, ‘that was not a dream.’
There’s another moment of comfortable silence, before you begin. “Thank you so much again for tonight Tsukki” Tsukishima looks down as you give him a warm smile. The moonlight shining on the two of you, somehow making your smile brighter.
Tsukishima tries to hide his smile, bringing his hand to squeeze your cheek. “Yeah, yeah.” You whine before letting out a cheerful laugh, Tsukishima follows with a chuckle.
Kageyama watches the interaction from afar, feeling his heart and gut clench before pulling out the script he has kept with him since that night in Tokyo.
‘I really like someone in this group, but please keep it a secret.’
Rereading the slip, he knew it was yours to begin with. He was very familiar with your handwriting, and the night he received the slip, he had hope that it was meant for him.
He looks up from the script to you two. Watching how happy you looked, laughing along with Tsukishima. Tsukishima’s usual smug and cocky-stoic like behavior softening to you, and only you.
Kageyama takes a moment to realize, you meant Tsukishima in the script.
For what felt like an eternity as he had stood there, he begins to walk away, the sound of your laughter drifting farther into the distance. Stopping by a trash bin, he tosses your script before shielding his hands into the pocket of his sweats. His mind fogged as he makes his way back home.
Your laughter dies, opening your eyes once again, your gaze immediately fall to Tsukishima’s. You both share a brief moment of silence gazing into one another before he speaks. “Happy birthday Y/n” He gives a soft smile before ruffling the top of your hair. Just as you were about to open the gate to your residence, you turn, facing him again.
“Tsukki! What script did you get?” You watch as he shoves his hands into his pocket before leaning down to you with a smirk on his face. “It’s a secret script” You whine before continuing your persuasion “I’ll tell you mines…” You inch closer to him, cupping your hand to your mouth before whispering “I wrote that I like you.”
Tsukishima stands upright again, before taking his finger to flick your forehead. “Can you be any more shameless?” He jokes with a grin. “I don’t want to play this game.” He says, you blink processing his words. “Haha, very funny Kei” You watch as Tsukishima reaches for the pocket in his bag, pulling out a slip before handing it to you.
You take it in, bringing it up close to read the confession.
“I don’t want to play this game” Written in Tsukishima’s neat handwriting.
Your face contorts to one of confusion, bringing the slip down before looking up to him.
He gives a final squeeze to your cheek before pushing you past your gates. “Goodnight pipsqueak” He says waiting for you to enter your house, finally making his way to his after you enter.
You stand by your doorway confused when you felt your phone vibrate. Reaching into your bag, you pull your phone to see a text message from Yamaguchi, but noticing you missed a notification from Kageyama not too long ago.
Disregarding Yamaguchi’s message, you head immediately to Kageyama’s as it reads that his present for you is in the mailbox.
You quickly drop your bags before making your way back out, opening the slot to the mailbox and feeling around until you felt the touch of a small box. Pulling it out, you make your way back inside, bringing all your items up to your room.
Shutting the door behind you, you bring Kageyama’s gift to your desk. Pulling out his script along with Tsukishima’s, you place them side by side before slowly opening the box.
Your heart sinks as your eyes catch the beautiful shine of a necklace cased within. Your eyes moving back towards the script, then back to the box repeatedly.
Your memory takes you back to your encounter with Kageyama at Coach Ukai’s shop.
Kageyama stands there, his brain short circuiting before he stutters a response. “U-uh” You watch in confusion as he turns his head away, his gaze immediately falling on the revolving heater filled with curry buns, just besides the cashier. “I-I’m in love with curry buns!” He blurts out.
You realize, everyone gave you a script to read when you asked, but Kageyama.
Taking his script into your hands, you graze your finger over the writing before bringing your touch to the beautiful necklace in the elegantly wrapped box in front of you.
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A/N 2: AAAAHHH! Buckle your seat belts because Kageyama’s rollercoaster has just begun! Thank you so so much again for reading and sticking around for this chapter💓! I have been on the edge of my seat, so excited to post this! Anyways- I’ll see you guys in the next chapter!!! I have to go take another exam now oh my god... LOVE YOU MWAH!!!💖💞💘
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Love, Ani 🌸
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TAGLIST: @cvlliesstuff , @strawberries-en-cream , @beanst0ck , @kimiiiiiiiiii, @lucyheartfilias-wife , @lanatheawesome , @owlnymph , @poggerschampers , @nachotrash , @kac-chowsballs​​​
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“A LOVE SO BEAUTIFUL” Masterlist 🌸
61 notes · View notes
ANOTHER SAD IDEA MEGG!! Astraeus always gives me sad iDEAS UGHGHG. Looked at your screenshots and uGHHHH. IDEAS!!
Now listen idk what Aphrodite or Hades do in Astraeus route,,,but I took the idea that they didn’t rlly try to stop it and I ran with that idea so Yh-
EDIT: BY THE WAY TO MAKE THIS SADDER, I was listening to “Fight For Me” by the Heathers musical AND UGHHH!! EMOTIONS DBBSBD. anyways yeah-
I’m just looking at those Astraeus screenshots and I’m like,,,
MC dies bc the Hera thing goes wrong,,,Alex finds out and so does Josh and so do many agents,,,many Agents quit,,,Aphrodite and Hades see how Josh (since I think they both know him) and see how empty he is on the inside,,,but the face they don’t get the right to see anymore is Alex.
They left. They said their goodbyes and their I loves you (even if they were very angry...they still loved their mother and Hades...) and LEFT. Won’t face their mother, Hades, anybody. The gods find them, but then they’re gone within a second. Refusing to see Olympus or even SEE their mother or anyone. And just imagining them giving up their locket bc it’s another reminder of MC and their life with her and Olympus. They leave it with their mother and they sometimes miss it, so they get a heart necklace,,,it’s just not their heart. The one they miss. But they missed MC even more and couldnt be at Olympus anymore. The memories of them being raised there and seeing MC and trusting their mother with everything in them.
But one day,,,they run into a girl in some state they’re in (didn’t go to Greece or Cyprus. Not wanting to be found) and she’s lost. I imagine it as the cliche run into each other they fall over and jsferf. They help her up and they hear her voice and their heart pounded harder than it has in awhile. They finally look at her.
And it’s MC.
She’s here.
Alex stares for a few seconds but stops when she laughs at them. Gods how they love that laugh...
They show her around (definitely knowing everything about where they are) and they show her a nice cafe. She decides to get something and asks if they want to join her. Now,,they know she was with Hades last time,,but they can’t help it. Its just in a best friend way. Yeah. Totally. So, they go, have a nice time, she finds out a lot about them and laughs A TON!! But not at them, its with them. And they smile so hard and they haven’t smiled this much in a long time. They had fun and new friends, but the pain of her still wiped the smile off their face. And the pain of their mother and Hades makes the frown worse, but they stop that today.
They’re here with MC. Things are fine for right now.
AND MC DOES THAT CLICHE THING BY GIVING THEM HER NUMBER AND THEY KEEP MEETING UP!! They feel a bit guilty somtimes since they know Hades loves her and knows that he misses her, but then anger gets inside of their heart.
Hades didn’t cherish her.
Hades didn’t fight for her like they would have.
But they tamper those thoughts down. They know what it’s like to miss someone they love, so they tell her about themselves. AND MC BEING MC CONVINCES THEM TO SOMEHOW GO BACK BUT SHE GOES WITH THEM!!
They’re a couple and MC doesn’t know how she will feel the day when she sets eyes on everyone again (She doesn’t know what happened, but she’s scared to see the Gods), but she wants to face it. And when she does, APHRODITE STARTS SOBBING AGAIN!! Alex literally left her their heart. The heart she knew they loved, yet they left her because their heart was crushed. I imagined them slamming it onto a table and it literally cracking. It made them weak a bit since that’s how artifacts work, but it slowly healed, but Aphrodite always saw a little crack at the top still there, and she hated how she basically put it there.
They take her up there and gODS APHRODITE IS EMOTIONAL, SHE WANTS TO HUG ALEX SO BAD!! But she holds back. But Alex talks with her and they both know they want to hug. They want to see each other again. But only one of them is ready to. But Alex finally gives in and hugs her when MC whispers, “It’s okay,” to them. Emotions are everywhere. They’re BOTH crying and then MC CRIES TOO! And Hades hears Aphrodite’s cries and he’s used to it. He’s cried just as much as she has (maybe even more...) and he goes to comfort her and stops in his tracks in front of Aphrodite’s pink curtains, when he sees the love of his life. The one he betrayed. The one he doesn’t deserve.
He’s stuck in shock and doesn’t move when he sees MC turn around and look at him. He knows reincarnation happens, obviously...but they almost never look the same, but she did. Her body was the same, and her voice was the same when she said “hi”, and she was herself. 
Hades looked over to see Alex looking at him with anger. The cool, kind hearted demigod that he knew (he still loved Alex no matter what and especially now) and loved was now filled to the brim with anger, and he deserved it. “Alex who is this?” MC would ask, not knowing shes in the room with her ex-fiancee and the man who did nothing to stop her from her death. “This is Hades.” 
MC would look over at him with fear in her eyes. Did she know? “Oh, hi, Hades, sir!” Her voice was now low and fearful of him. He looked towards Alex and they shook their head. “So she doesn’t know,” Hades thought. “Hello, Mrs?”
And she’d say her last name. I was gonna make it Mrs. Cyrpin bc like,,YEAH!! THEY DESERVE HER! But he’d shake her hand and she’d smile at him as he put on a smile. He missed the feeling of her soft hands, the way her eyes were filled with love and care...even if he didn’t deserve it. Now, she turned to Aphrodite. “Oh! I didn’t get to shake your hand. I learned your Alex’s mom.” She reached her hand out, her voice filled with kindness and love...
The love Aphrodite failed to show her all those years ago...The Goddess of Love failed to show love where it was deserved...She failed her, Alex, and MCs mother...GOD THAT HURT HER EVEN MORE!! SHE FAILED HER MOTHER WHEN SHE DIED AND THEN SHE FAILED AGAIN WHEN MC HERSELF DIED!! Meg Im crying...
Anywaysss, Aphrodite shakes her hand as tears continue to fall. “I’m not sure what happened between the three of you, but I got Alex to come back and I hope you all can work it out?” MC looked around hopefully, but everyone was looking at each other. They didn’t think it impossible, but would it be now? MC would walk up to Alex and hold their hands. “Can you try for me?” Alex would nod with a smile. They would always try for her. Then, she would start to leave the room, wanting to give them space, but Alex calls to her before she could leave. “I want you to stay. There’s something we all need to tell you, but it’s not good. You’ll probably hate us.”
MC looks at them with a confused look. “Alex, you know it takes a lot for me to hate someone,” she said with a smile on her face. All of their hearts broke at that statement. They all knew her, but they didn’t know how she would react. This is MC, but a different MC. They don’t know her, so they can only pray for the best. And when they all tell her everything (about her mother, her life before, and how she died), MC is silent the whole time. “MC...?” Hades would ask her. It was the second time he’d said a word to her. She would look at him but it wasn’t just anger. 
It was sadness
“You threw me to the wolves? You had my mothers blood on your hands and then added mine??” MC’s voice was almost shouting and they all winced at the hurt in her voice. “You promised you would fight for me, right? But then you didn’t? What kind of fiancee does that? No. What kind of man does that?” MC looked towards Aphrodite. “And how does a friend do that? A parent figure?? You love my mother and claimed you love me, but then just...let me DIE?” Her voice was now shouting, she tried to stop it, but it couldn’t be stopped. She was shouting her anger at them, and it only stopped when Alex grabbed her hand. “It was also my fault.” MC put a finger on their lips to silence them.
“You did everything you could, Alex.” MC would be silent for a moment and would take a deep breath. “I need a few days, please.” She looked at Aphrodite and Hades and they both had tears on their face and MC only noticed the tears on her face when Alex reached out to wipe them off her face. “Take all the time you need, my dears.” Alex and MC would leave, and she would notice they had a golden heart on. “It’s my artifact. Something I gave up long ago. It was too painful to wear.” MC wouldn’t ask questions, not wanting to pain them even more right now, she just hugged them as they stood outside of HERA.
They take a few days apart (from Hades and Aphrodite I mean), but Alex did promise their mother that they’d come back. They missed her and Hades and would try for them. MC promised she’d come back as well, even if it hurt her. But yeah...they go back one day and see Aphrodite and Hades. They didn’t notice it before, but Aphrodite’s glow is gone. She’s a goddess, someone who has a glow around them, you can feel power radiating off of them, but that was gone for her. It was dampened by her sadness, and that hurt Alex even more. Hades was dampened as well. It was still there and could be felt since he was the God of the Underworld. Shadows followed him and would always be there. But anywayysss, they’d go back and try to talk things out. Hades and Aphrodite couldn’t think of an excuse. They should’ve fought for her, but they didn’t
There was no excuse, no defense, nothing. They just gave her all their apologies and hoped she’d come back and give them one more try. This time, they will fight for her if something goes wrong, they promise her and Alex that. And she decides to come back, she’d give them a smile and a promise as they give her one, but Alex isn’t so convinced. They look at their mother and Hades with a suspicious look, and MC would grab their hand tightly. “Hey, let them try. You miss them, so lets give it a try.” Alex would look at MC for a few moments. They love her with all their heart, but its hard to listen to her this one time. But they know she only wants the best for them, so they nod and promise they’d see them more often.
Aphrodite is ecstatic. She’s congratulating them, giving them both tight hugs, and that glow is back and shining bright. Hades is the second person to find out and he’s proud for both of them. MC says, “I’m sorry if this hurts since we were engaged, but I just...I love them so much and I’m sure I loved you so much, too. But, you’ll find someone again, I promise!!” Her smile was bright and reassuring, but he didn’t know if he ever would. He believed he didn’t deserve love anymore, but when she saw his sad face, she gave him a little pout and put her hands on her hips, like she did when she was a little girl with him.
“No frowns here! I’m sure you will! You’re an amazing man and you’ll fight for that person! If not then I’m sure Alex will probably kill you,” she said with a nervous laugh at the end. Hades would do a soft chuckle and ruffle her hair like he did so long ago. She’d smile and walk away and he’d felt his heart break, but also swell in joy. She’s happy. Alex is happy. It’s all he ever wished for.
AND THEN YA KNOW THEY GET MARRIED (not on Olympus bc we hate almost all the gods OTHER than Hades and Aphrodite for right now-) AND EVERYONES HAPPY AND THEN THEY HAVE KIIIDDDSSS!! THEY HAVE KIIIIDDSSS!!! And when Aphrodite and Hades get to hold Jason they’re in awe. This tiny child is now someone they get the blessing to hold. They don’t deserve it, they don’t, but they thank MC and Alex for forgiving them. It’d been around 200 years since MC died, but they’d wait this long again if it meant they’d be able to hold Jason and see MC and Alex again.
And sometimes Hades wonders what would’ve happened if he did fight for her. Would they have kids of their own?? Would they be married to this day? Would he be able to hold her in his arms and tell her how much he loves her? He doesn’t know and he doesn’t want to think about it, he’s just happy to have her in his life again. And he hopes one day he’ll be able to see MCs mom. He’s assuming MCs mom isn’t the friend he once new, now just a woman he didn’t know, and he hopes one day his friend will come back as well...and maybe she will forgive him.
UGHHH MEGGG IM SO SAD!! I NEED TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST SO I CAN STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!! BUT YEAH,,I’m sad😭. And if it wasn’t Alex who gets with her, then Apollo would get with her bc Apollo deserves happiness and in this AU he did NOT vote for MC to become Hera since MC would be Rose and nOoOo. But yh I hope you liked this bc it had me crying at 2 AM in the morning,,,
Some proofreading but not much so :’)).
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