#anyway i don't know honored tumblr user and i don't want to start a fight
tunemyart · 2 years
sometimes... I’m in a tag... and there’s someone yelling “UPDATE YOUR [name of tag] FICS” in multiple posts... and I want to be like
honored tumblr user
do you really think that this is the way.
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t4tbruharvey · 2 years
Ohhhhh the Maronis are the werewolves ohhh that makes so much sense idk why I didn't figure that's what would be going on but I love that!!! Would Maroni in this case pretend to be an "honorable merchant" and patron of the arts like the Medici? Or would he not care about that and solely work his secret werewolf operations?
Also yess yess yes yes love those identity concepts you talked about, the whole part about him putting up walls and polishing his perfect persona only causing people to get jealous and scrutinizing him even more which in turn makes him wall up even more...fantastic! Also since you mentioned the chivalrous code: since you're tumblr user t4tbruharvey I'm assuming there will be, well, bruharvey content in this AU so would that also follow the chivalrous code? That is, with the whole back and forth of "the knight must always pursue but the lady must always decline or else it would put shame on them respectively" which was basically the only acceptable way of flirting? Would there. Would there be the whole thing of court poem readings where the liege would pay their poet to make an anonymous song or poem about their lover and then sing it in front of the whole audience, but it's anonymous so only the liege and their lover know it's about them? (That was an actual thing they did back then btw in case you haven't heard of it yet) Also "which is a nice contrast to harley who i think doesn't necessarily get to be stealth and maybe wouldn't really want to be" oh does that mean trans Harley? Hell yeah!
Oof so it was deliberate huh? Well then I hope Ivy could get her revenge because Wow that sucks. Also oh hell yeah the greenish-teeth fae thing sounds so fun and creates a very vivid visual design image ! The erlking is ofc a more modern poem though so the poems ideas of the fae don't necessarily align with the actual medieval ideas of them but it's still got some fun ideas imo like the fae looking like trees or mist to the father...
Yep the ideas about conception are very ..interesting and very different from what it is actually like/how it's seen nowadays. It might be a bit much to get into here but if you want I can explain it separately and also go more in depth on the four humor theory because I always think that one is fun and people back in the days definitely would use it to describe someone's personality. OH ALSO ACTUALLY jbdbbd it would play into the "trans woman batman" headcanon now that I think of it because according to the four humor theory Bruce definitely would be a melancholic and that was seen as a predominately feminine personality. Anyways though if you want I could go more in depth with that?
maroni totally 100% pretends to be an honourable merchant and i'm gonna say the falcones have been out of the picture for a while by now so he's one of the main patrons of the arts and he probably does stuff at wayne castle (it's a castle aha) because he has a position of power and he was doing shady werewolf dealings (intimidation to help him bend the law) on the side, which is why everyone was so pissed off about it when they found out.
there is ABSOLUTELY going to be bruharvey i have like half a fight and 2/3s of a kiss written. it's a bruharvey fic i am a predictable beast :-) and i think bc of the circumstances they're in at the start, with bruce already batman and most definitely unaware of gender stuff, i think i might end up having chivalrous code stuff be like... kind of a fantasy bruce used to have before they drifted apart like he was soooo in love with harvey and he wanted to be courted officially (bruce voice oh hey what does that mean for my gender let's not think about that one aha!!) and then his feelings sort of mellowed and they're still there but it's just like a quiet part of him now as opposed to consuming his every waking thought? which, hilariously, is what harvey is gonna be experiencing with batman in a little while which is gonna be SOOO fun for me because he DOES have weird fantasies about like 'the dark knight' courting him and be sort of uncomfortable with where that positions him and like. you know the song howl by florence + the machine? there's a bit that goes 'the fabric of your flesh, pure as a wedding dress' and harvey is gonna mourn his cissona a little bit in that weird way he does
melancholic bruce!!! transfem bruce bc he's melancholic i can DEFINITELY have harley bring up the humours bc it's a thing she'd know about she WILL clock bruce's egg because she's been there before i am indeed doing transfem harley it's just a fun thing for me it's crucial to harlvey bonding and anyway i would absolutely love to hear you talk about conception and the humours if you're inclined to talk about them <3
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