tw0tiem · 4 years
~ Overview ~
This project actually relates close to the heart for me as it's an experience that i had went through, and I would love to educate others about seeing this experience too. Although, maybe not getting back together with them. I wouldn't recommend unless the other partner really DO realise whats wrong with themself, yknow, like how my character Leon is. I think he knows that he's an a$$.
Overall, throughout this project, I did enjoyed myself as illustration is always a happy thing for me,but other than the technical issues on not havign HD photos on my final, audio problems, a lot of money wasted on printing due to printing problems (hey, more extra copies for me?) was a big stressful indulging moment for me . This whole project was a big learnign curve to me as I had to learn a new software- UNITY. My laptop definetly could not support this software as well as i hoped, but i did what i could and made work with what i had. Lecturers and programmer friends had helped me a lot alogn the way especially with C#, a new code i'm barely familiar with! It's honestly.. not as fun as i thought. Maybe during the sem break i'll try to get a more hang of it, but for now, I did the best i could.
I admit i'm still very bad at time management and with the add on weight of quaratine life, not beign able to go back to campus life, it kind of ruined my workstyle as i tend to usually do my work in school, rather than home as i felt too distracted to evrything around me in my house, and also; bad internet. Futhermore to add on, my mental health state was honeslty not as good as how it was the begining of January, and heck, it's gone down a lot worst, but i tried my best to not let it affect my work and people around me but oops , spoilers! it did!
Issues that had dragged my time longer than its suppose to are mainly : sound audio problems and APK exportation to android. Those 2 main problems really suffered my work a lot and stressed me out a ton as everyhting could have went well.
Other than that, it was also managing to map the animation to lay properly on my target image asive asked varies of people from real life lecturere, programmer friends who specialise in Unity, looking up to google, non of them actually works. So due to that problem, i;ve just left most of my animations be, to play as they are and hopefully they works somethings. although some works on first try, soem does not. Im very confused too.
Other than that,,
I admit on this being my first time doing UNity.. it may have gotten far worst.. but im glad i chose doing 2D illustrations rather than 3D cause i'd cry and be stressed out even more !!
Anyway, illustration is really something i've enjoyed working on and im glad i got to involve a new type of artstyle into my work.
Did i felt like a sense of achievement from this project? yes Did i manage to get to my target learning goal? uhhh i guess? Could go better i guessed
I did felt like i did something i’m quite happy of- although many technical issues still arised during my presentation part, im glad i manage to pull it off - somewhat. Maybe.
It's been a tough 15 weeks, heres a summary of what i did throughout the weeks;
week 1 - 6 : projet proposal
week 7: cry
week 8-10: a lot of technical things
week 11: designing of book
week 12-15 : resolving technical things together with the involvement of a book - and lastly not to forget: cry! waa waa
Anyway thank you for following this journey! Here's winnie lee signing out from this project!
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 15
oh snap its submission week already oh god
As this week is the submission week, i've gather everything to work as properly as i wanted! But there is a problem!!!!!!!!!
As i made all my pictures HD, making sure they look as cool as what i see on my laptop, i tried to deploy them into my phone APK to see how it looks!! but!!
I'm not sure why? The APK wouldn't start and only force shuts down my phone!! Now not only am i in a big trouble og not being able to deploy HD images so people could see the expressions of the faces i drew, but people cant tell as well as they should now!!!! Oh god!!
This whole week was me being fustrated at why my APK wouldn;t deploy properly, until the very end where i just gave up, had a breakdown for 30 minutes, went, "okay - no " and decided to just deploy it in the same quality i had during my beta testing, maybe slightly better? hopefully is it works. Literally each deployment would take a 30 minute download, wasting 30 minutes of my time just for an app that wont work!!!!
Although this project relates close to heart to me, i really wish it would deploy in HD so people can udnerstand how much it meant to me!!!!!!
A sad submission week it is.
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tw0tiem · 4 years
Week 13&14
On this week, i had mostly did printing!
they messed up my printing so i paid almost rm24 for nothing.
Angel design house if your watchin........... it’s not your fault your a new staff.
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 11 & 12
mostly technical stuffs doing and desiining a book and inquiring about books. im poor. so poor.
Throughout the past 2 weeks, ive been designing how i plan my book to look like , based off from this design here
This is the end results of the whole 10hours of designing
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Although so, there are a few more pages that are not ompleted yet, ex the solutions for the last photographs and the tutorial page as i wasnt sure how i needed to export the files for other users to see other than me. I will look for inspirations on how to do it.
Futhermore, on technical parts wise,
ive decided on the fifth image for the marker to be;
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oo look at him he reflected himself wih the mirror! its the way i’nm trying to get! ooo okay!
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tw0tiem · 4 years
This week; i worked on the designing phases for my book/physical artifect!
This is the draft for my book; after discussion with my lecturer, i have also decided to change from my original proposal of having ring binding to japanese book binding as that give more of a product feel rather than an actual scrapbook seen from the bookshelves of your partner’s bedroom.
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These are the examples of the book binding techniques i may want to use, alothough time constrains might withold me from doing too complex designs, hence ill probably be doing the most basic stitching style, which is the one on the far right on the last picture.
Ive also inquired with a couple of printing shops on Japanese book binding and although sending to shops may save me a lot of time, my book is not the minimum pages required for this style of binding therefore, im forced to do it myself. :(
The minimum requirement for botht he rpinting shops i’ve enquired are 40 pages minimum and i only have a maximum of only 20~ ish pages therefore i found this quite sad.
Other than that,
ive designed all the other 4 solutions required for my book to function correctly!
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These are the 4 other components other than the photograph that can be scanned via AR, which would be the solution section for how my book is going to work!
The only problem was my final solution due to it being too simple, having no edges for vuforia to target properly; these are some of the outcomes that i made for the 5th but couldn’t work out.
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I wanted the last image’s solution keyword to be mirror hence why the mirror is a key for the final solution. Although due to the mirror being such a simple and rounded object, there isn’t any specific edges needed for Vuforia to capture :(
hence, back to the drawing board i go for the 5th solution.
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 9.b
audio post will go here.
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 9
Hello ! welcome back to the blogggg
This week, i thought hard and reviewed all the audio i had worked on fo the past week, and felt unsastified with all the audio i had recorded and mixed, therefore i decided to go for the decision to discard audio overall in my project, as i felt like that actually took a large part of my time rather than working on the main focus which is the animations.
i will upload all the separate unused audio in another blog post, showing all the rejected audio’s ive made.
So with that, im going back to my normal picture by picture animation which is this: x ; Ive reference my after effects animation based on this one, although not all timing will be right but it will be estimated like this.
Other than that I've finished all the  after effect animations but have yet to make finish the solution parts.
Furthermore, i plan on printing the pictures/illustarions next week to test on real object rather than seeing the AR through my phone only.
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 8
After consultation with my lecturer, ive decided to switch and rework on some of my storylines  and colour schemes for the storyboards, 
Some of the colour schemes that iw worked on are conveying the mood of a scene through colour usage like blue and purple indicating a stressful, jealous and sad tone etc.
Other than that, my lecturer has told me about my storyboards, that my storyline could also be conveyed trough a much more simpler interaction, or in a positive limlight tone.
Here are the fixed storyboard versions;
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tw0tiem · 4 years
0:00 - first photograph; communication
0:08 - solution for first photograph
0:14 - second photograph ; clingy/ controlling
0:20 - solution for 2nd photograph
0:24- third photograph; being understanding/communication
0:34 - solution for 3rd photograph
0:40 - fourth photograph; manipulation
0:54 - solution for fourth photograph
1:00 - final photograph; a type of language of love
1:11- solution for fifth photograph
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 7
henlo welcome to this update
i finished illustartions and making animatics that all ui can update my doods.
heres the like, the full art for all 5 of the illustarations; all of these illustrations are placed with credits incase of being stolen due to putting this into the worldwide web.
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All of these images will be cropped into polaroid size: 2.890 x 3.574 inches .
animatic for each of them, togther with the storyboards of them:
I fit the solutions and main storyline together into one storyboard as i felt it was convienient for me; most of the main storyline storyboards are the first three(exception of 3rd’s) ; whereas the solution’s storyboards are the last few ones(4th - 5th-6th panels)
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The last storyboard is seperted into two as it was quite lengthy.
This is the main storyboard;
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After solution is applied; this short animatic animation is played for the users.
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The animatics  will be slapped on here as a whole instead; due to it being much more easier to tumblr due to its format.
individual animatic files will be placed in another folder somewhere, ill think of where to upload it.
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tw0tiem · 4 years
hi :)
So on this week  i decide to trial with Uniy AR and test how well would it map on my imgaes
I finished one of my main illustartion artworks and this was the result
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Seemingly, my style for this project is going to be blocky looking and  would probably map well? Hopefully!
Anyway, this was one of ym results that ive manage to got while messing with AR:
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It mapped :D
bu of course i displayed my thing a bit way too far, and have yet to code any C++ codes into it so itd be intractable function, but overall im happy i manage to do something through unity and it managed to work as i hoped!
Hopefully, all the other 4 artworks would work as well too!
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 5
Hi! Week 5 ahead as i talk about more storylines!
Okay! so i’ve drawn draft fr all the photographs and manage to get on what how to work with Unity AR, especially animating on it.
But turns out, i dont havw to actually animate on Unity itself as i foudn a plugin that could translate my animation from After effects to unity instead! rather than learning how to animate for unity itself!
link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTBOahrXTBE
Other than that; heres the drafts for the still photographs made:
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All of these are drawn form procreate on the ipad;
Onto storylines; and why i chose some of these storylines compared to others
AS seen from week 2.1′s journal, and last weeks journal on story writing
I had searched up a few topics on what i decided and felt like i should focus on, havign the main topics being:
clinging / controlling / manipulative
trust issues
The type of languages of love.
These type of contents are the type of contents that i had planned to base my storylines off,
From these storylines, these are the main ones that i had chosen to go with and develop, the ones that i did not develop are under these 5 scenarios.
Photograph Scene: a bubble tea date where Kei where shes shown signs of stress eating/drinking, and is comfortable showing her bloated stomach from the drink
AR Responsive Content (animation: 2-5s)
Leon: “ Y’know i like you when your skinnier right”
Kei : ( annoyed stare)
Trigger for Responsive content 2: A speech bubble (Solution) The change of cause for the story:: Putting more effort into knowing what's with the sudden changes in diet? “So whats up with the 2nd bubble tea today? Are you okay?You stressed?”
Clinging vs controlling
Photograph Scene: Leon has been busy playing a game for the past few days while Kei is just watching him, wanting a bit of attention and  from her partner.
AR Responsive content( Animation 2-5s):
Kei: “ Hey-”
Leon: “[inaudible screaming of wildness at game]”
Kei: “ :( “
Trigger for Ar Responsive content: Pause button
Giving Leon the pause button so he could hug her- giving some attention she seems to be craving
Communication / being understanding
Photograph Scene: Leon and Kei are chilling together on the couch, Kei just seems pretty annoyed in general, maybe a pms day?
AR Responsive content( Animation 2-5s):
Leon: “yo what's up with The attitude? PMS?”
Kei: “seriously?!”
Leon: “yikes im just small talking..”
Trigger for AR Responsive content;
Solution: a chocolate bar
Leon could pass her a chocolate bar in his pocket and comfort her, instead of jumping to conclusions. Telling her that he’s here for her always.
 -manipulative / guilt-tripper
Photograph Scene: Leon calls Kei if she’s free tonight- Kei responds that shes already has plans with a couple of friends
AR Responsive content( Animation 2-5s):
Leon: “wow so im not important to you?”
Kei: “You are.. But i have planned this meetup a few weeks ago-”
Leon: “wow i guess i see where i stand in your priority list now”
Kei: “  are you serious? ”
Trigger for AR Responsive content;
Solution: a puzzle piece for a speech bubble
A two piece puzzle that connects Leon’s basic common sense to respect that his gf has plans other than him, that makes him apologize
- the languages of love
Photograph Scene: Kei accuses Leon for not being able to connect with him anymore
AR Responsive content( Animation 2-5s):
Kei: I dont feel any spark in us anymore
Leon: neither do i ugh
Kei: So you’re agreeing with me on this, really?!
Leon: If your so unhappy then let’s just break up?
Trigger for AR Responsive content; 
Solution: A mirror
Pass Leon a mini scale version of this journal / or a mirror / to let him reflect his mistakes, educate himself and allowed himself to mature.  Another cutscene begins  where he apologizes- ~“I recognize you are upset, I recognize why you are upset, I will make an effort not to allow that to happen again.”~(Will paraphrase ish) as Kei is seen pouting, realising that Leon is trying to mature and actually putting an effort into the relationship rather than fighting back or screaming as a response. The two hug and apologized -
There were a few different scenarios that i wanted to input into it but at last i decided not to pt those as i felt like they didnt fit or matched up with the characters personality or traits.
- trust issues
Kei felt distrusting towards Leon as his constantly on his phone lately and became manipulative over Leon’s friends and didnt allow him to meet his friends
- Language of love: Touch starved
 Leon forces Kei to do something she doesn’t wants to do and he blames her for not loving him anymore in that type of affectionate way, Kei digress, and couldnt object as she didnt want to make Leon feel bad
- Communication
One sided communication ; Leon refuses to communicate with Kei because of soemthing small, throws in the silent treatment and abuses her mentally through this
I decided not to go with these few topics/sub scenarios because i felt like they aren’t really capturing enough and some of the might be too 18+ for my target audience.
On the puzzle parts, i have thought of a couple of ways to solved them as i didnt want the puzzles to be too brain wrecking and lengthy. I wanted the animation for each of the scenaruos to be short sweet and simple enough for the viewers to understand, and the puzzles to be easy and short so it wouldnt pull too much attention away from viewers.
The story and art style is the main part thats needs to be attractive enough to match the theme of this story.
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 4
Im at the point i dont almost dont knwo what week is it also at this point- but also happy july :)
So im gonna write what im suppose to achieve this week like stated from my time-bound learning plan: Week 4: art development and concepts ,storyboarding, planning for voice effect and music
Onwards to words!
Okay so i havent showed my proposal To my lecturer Louise yet (1/7/20)
But i just want to slap all the references and case studies about other peoples relationship that i’ve been studying to get a better perspective or understanding and knowing
Okay thats all
ok i went through my proposal with louise and this is what i came back with :)
- apparently i do not understand what project background means, ive gotten it confused with the mechanics of project rather than bakground undertsanding of this project oop
- i also do not get my project purpose as im suppsoe to relate it towards the background oop
-I need to do research on my audience needs to engage in this book? why would they choose this?
- would audiences interact with this project? what is the relationship of this project with my target audiece? how woudl they capture more information/experience with this this type of mechanism
I also did more research on why i chose AR mechanism as a target on presenting my project
research on AR experience:
( Interactive packaging technology ) eg:
https://customerthink.com/new-study-reveals-importance-of-innovation-to-consumers/ (customer innovation)
How ar packinging has increases experience in memory:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=66&v=8NNYgCks72I&feature=emb_logo (https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/ar-packaging1 (trends of the packagaing)
https://customerthink.com/is-customer-experience-still-relevant-yes-with-these-3-strategies/ ( customer experience is still relevant)
- it gives a unique experience through innovation
-” Augmented reality gives your packaging a completely new dimension that is virtually limitless. “
storybook / book designs studied
source for book deisgns
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 3
hi! Welcome back!
So on this week, i reviewed more on to what software i should use for my AR and what organising a clearer storyline for my storybook,
I decided to discuss with the lecturer that my lecturer, Louise referred me to which is Tan Ming Ken
He told me he’ll try to teahc me some Unity AR with Vulfora on monday so i’ll wait until then :)
For storyline based, I have to educate myself on more story writing/ story boarding to avoid cliches.
I tried deconstructing a few of my favourite characters to avoi this, makign sure their not a mary sue in eitherways,
a few research on helping me prevent myself from doing so:
x x x x x x
“ By slowing down and taking the time and trouble to imbue our stories with authentic, rich, specific moments and details, we achieve real drama and avoid its floozy cousins, sentimentality and melodrama. “
“ These descriptions are clichéd because they use stock phrases and images. They tell the reader without showing them. “
“ Firstly, by drawing out of your own well of human emotions and experiences. “
“ Cliches were not always cliches. Once upon a time, they were each fresh ideas. Just like those writers of yesteryear, you can come up with your own unique spin on storytelling. Challenge yourself to come up with different ways to tell a timeless tale. “
Case studies on games/movies with short simple storylines(which may stand in a cliche but also, doesn’t feel cliche at all), that has a connection with emotional simplicity
FLORENCE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaB7kJA2wmg)
FRANKEWENIE (begining scenes)
article case studies : x   x x x  x x x  x
Other than i did research on why would someone read my book - why woudl someone be intrested into reading a love story of someone else? but it gathered me into a couple of other questions-
- why would people read
- Why would people read advice books
- How are people
Some intresting answers that i’ve found:
“ literature does provide a way for people to experience the world in a different way. When readers are willing to identify with a character, it can change attitudes and behavior. Readers who identify with a character will feel more favorably toward that character and may also take on goals of that character. “
“ They take us beyond our world and into someone else’s real or imaginary one. They satisfy the curiosity of the elusive “What if?” “
So using my research that ive done, ive decided to draft out my characters into people with their own pros and cons
Storywritting references :
sketches :
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With this list, ive learnt how to develop them more as characters rather to fit a stereotype person. Like what ive read about, giving personalities and making them seem more like real humans a can prevent cliches, giving them actual personalities, not everyone is perfect and shoudl have some weakness and powers in their lives.
I feel like, i should add some of these infos when introducing the characters in the beginugn of the journal rather than leaping straight into a stroyline so users can understand who and where they stand on [ their relationship].
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 2.1
i decided itd be easier if i wrote the plotline for the storyline on a different post so here it is :)
Kei and Leon(working names) has been dating for 2 years and are each other’s high school sweetheart.
The couple spent their last summer together and as the summer seems to end, they had a huge fight that ended them up in breaking up and hurting each others. There were so many things Leon wished he could say and done to prevent the break up. He knew there were things he could have done but he never gained enough courage for it. Would you, the reader be able to show him the courage he needed to help save their relationship?
There will be 5 intractable photographs and another 5 more photographs that are not intractable. Each photograph contains a certain red flag/a reason why she felt distant from him and not enough. These are the few topics that the photographs/memories will touch on:
- communication is key / being understanding
Sometimes we have to compromise with your partner’‘s emotions. A subtle little validation for their feelings mighe be enough to put them in a better mode sometimes.
- dont be a put-down artist.
Although sugarcoating isn’‘t good either, being too honest sometimes hurt. Try to follow the 5 minute rule, if its something that cant be changed in 5 minutes, it shouldnt be said. Furthermore, like your partner for who they are, forcing them to become the ideal way partner you want may seem manipulative. A person would change if both sides feel like its for the better, not because only one of them likes it that way.
- Clinging vs controlling
Understanding the line inbetween it, everyone would love some attention sometimes. Making your partner the no1 priority is always the best choice but not when theres major events happening or either when you just need some alone time to balance life out. Forcing your partner to meet them despite saying that your busy on that day and then even threatening them after they said no? Sounds pretty controlling.
“ if it doesn’t feel right, it’s not right. No matter what, if you feel suffocated by even slightly clingy behavior, it may be time to re-evaluate your relationship. “
- the languages of love
the 5 languages of love; words of affirmation,quality time,giving gifts,acts of service,physical touch. Find the best one that works with your partner. Remembering what your partner likes more is a start. (like knowing common things about them- their favorite colour, food, etc)
“I remember she likes..”
- communications again / Trust issues
This rule doesnt apply just to partners, but to everyone. Apologize to your mistakes after learning that your the one actually in the wrong after being educated about it.
“ • Lying. • If they’ve cheated more than once. I know for a fact people make mistakes and a cheater can change, but if they just keep doing it with every single relationship that’s different. • Saying you’re crazy if you get reasonably upset about something. • Refusing to respect any boundaries you set. • Saying all of their exes are horrible. Sometimes people do have a bad streak but sometimes people don’t take responsibility for their own actions in a relationship. • Being jealous or controlling • Trying to be who they think you want instead of themselves “
working summary 1:
a journal/storybook with photographs inside about a couple who has broken up, the photographs are scannable AR memories - each memory have an individual storyline of how the one of them have hurt each other and you, the player whos looking at the memory can change the course of the storyline by giving them something they wished they had given each other during that time.
The objects will be physical objects and will be hidden in the same pages or around the book, wishing they could change the course of their relationship
working summary 2:
This project uses an interactive AR storybook to tell the tale of a modern day couple who spent their whole summer together. On the final day of the summer, the couple broke up because they found themselves not being able to communicate to each other anymore. This storybook journal is about a boy reminiscing his summer with his ex-girlfriend using the pictures they had photographed together throughout the entire summer. Each photograph contains a different memory, mostly bad memories. Scanning each photograph memory through the AR app allows the user to witness what happened during that moment, through a small 2d animation video. Using this journal, the boy reflects himself, hoping what he could have done better and should have done during that moment rather than what he actually did, maybe hoping they wouldn’t have broken up by the end of summer?
The user, which is the audience would be able to help change the fate of the boy by helping him throughout each memory by giving him the object he wished he could have given or should have said instead of what he did during that moment. The objects or bubble text words will be hidden around the same page of the book, making users find for where he had hid the object. Using them, it could change the course of the storyline and fate of the young couple.
case studies biblio:
relationship red flags
https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/52gphf/what_are_some_subtle_relationship_red_flags_that/d7k4k7y/ ***
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 2
okay here we go again! This weeks coverage is gonna be:
research / seeing a clearer picture and also
more research on AR methods!
link to week 2.1 where id be talking about artstyles and also storyline plots cause i feel like that deserves its own blog post :v)
So reflecting on my last one on one session with my lecturer Louise, i decided to enhance more of my research so i can see a clearer picture of what i’m doing and also fixing my words document-
so due to that i guess it’d be easier if i draw out 3 personas to help me guide what they wanted and how i can fix their problems with my project:
meet my 3 personas!
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My goal for this project is to allow players/ users be immersed into this project so they could reflect themselves or their loved ones better , hence why the attention span is important for this project. Other than being attractive through eyes, i too hope to capture hearts and allow players to feel empathy towards my characters. Those are the few goals that i needed to capture for this project.
Other than that, i had reflected my target objectives, notable parts of the stroyline and tried to carve out convincing points for my learning target/project outcomes.
I have updated all of them in my words document hopefully its alright :v)
Also, other relevancy; for some reason during this pandemic almost 50% of real life couples that i knew broke up due to communication, trust issues and problems so, maybe thats relevant too?
Anyway, on research onto  AR softwares--
---------------------other than doing research for my main topic, ---------------------------
ive also done some side discussions with people close to me and has experience making VR/AR/programming , one of them suggested and recommended me on using either Artivive or A frame as they had used that on their previous projects too,
-seems easier to use, like Adobe Aero -allows MP4 files rather than slapping the image directly on the app and managing the animations from there
A Frame
-more coding based like unity i guess
After doing more research and finding more videos about hwo the to tools work, i lean more towards on leaning Artivive but i also fear because the app is also not available in our country so itd give a lot of restrictions for other users.
I’ll probably try to play around with it tonight and make an update afterwards!
- Although so,talking about adobe Aero, i tried playing with adobe aero through my friend’s Ipad but it couldn’t map the flooring as well as i thought i seen it done in videos. Not sure if it was my problem or whatnot.
my experience with Artivive with old artworks and random images that i saved in my laptop :))
So i guess i cant make it interactive as how i wanted it to go- but if i’d like it to be just still video based i guess that would be my no.1 option because of how easy it actually is to use! All i needed to do was slap an image and put my video and it was done! so surprisingly easy :o - Also, layering another image isn’t possible as duplicates are not allowed on the website so there goes that idea once again. Theres so much that i need to underlay for each AR tools that i’d be using.
i need a table cause theres so much cons and pros for each of the platforms after learning each about them and messing enough with them :( i have also recently signed up for unity AR so i could test on hwo t use them first hand (hence why i would need 5 working days for them to comfirm my student account too lol) but onto the table i have mapped out; will be updated when i learn more information!
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UPDATE 22/6 and :
i have just found out about unreal engine has AR components. Ill check it out for week 3 update.
I have also recently manage to download Unity from another friend who has an existing account due to my impatience for waiting for my own but im struggling to understand how it works actually i need to try harder and find more tutorials and seek help :(
Reference for artivive
https://artivive.com/register/ (website)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9StZg6NfJg (how to use it)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9StZg6NfJg (advance version of formating 3d)
References for A FRAME
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPGRNZqXX10 (adding cursor for interactvity)
More references for UNITYAR
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIM5Vsds84k  (2d psd files to be slapped on unity)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_z_Eb8Yh2g (mapping to an image)
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/index.html (supported pakages)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWQYx-0XfTw (importing psd to unity)
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 1
Hi! Welcome! This will be my independent project blog where i would be updating about my thought progresses and ideas :D
heres a short introduction - im winnie lee, a digital media design student in year 2,
so anyway onwards to my brain farts-
So reviewing what ive tried and done before- mostly graphic based works . Im feel comfortable leaning onto that side as that is mostly my forte, although so i wouldn't want to be afraid of playing around with technologies too but due to y weakness in motion graphic, i really have to limit myself a lot in certain areas.
So,brainstorming ideas on what i can actually do:
- coding, i enjoy coding and have more than enough mentors if i am stuck on it. - animation / illustration (2d based)
Although while trying to come up with ideas, i really am not sure what CAN BE DONE and what CANT BE DONE. I can’t find any research on google about the ideas im thinking of, or either im just looking up the wrong things. Eitherways, heres a short proposal on what i felt like i COULD actually do?
- 2D AR animation game
i rather chose this instead of a heavy coding based website because MWAD is going to be a more heavy coding based and i feel like if theres way too much coding within the same 15 weeks i probably would become illiterate, so i decide to be more animation art based, something that i too have passion and enjoy doing too.
Although illustration / animation is something im comfortable with doing, i am very illiterate about AR based games / interactive projects so this is going to be quite a learning curve for me.
- make the game interactive with other objects? (i wish i knew how to explain words hah)
idea concept to get an idea of what im talking about:
a journal/storybook with photographs inside about a couple who has broken up, the photographs are scannable AR memories - each memory have an individual storyline of how the one of them have hurt each other and you, the player whos looking at the memory can change the course of the storyline by giving them something they wished they had given each other during that time.
The objects will be physical objects and will be hidden in the same pages or around the book, wishing they could change the course of their relationship
The whole concept is probably going to be 2D based, like the only 3d AR part is the photograph poping out as you scan it? or if i could make that 2D too that would be alright. I just really don’t know what can be done and what couldn’t.
quick rough sketch of idea:
Tumblr media
some research/ annotated citations that i have done about 2D AR/ AR GAMES:
https://youtu.be/eI-paDBwrDA  (2d ar storybook)  (not the style im looking for but 2d based)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=15&v=bO_t4lFjO_Y&feature=emb_logo / https://www.crunchfish.com/what-is-augmented-reality-ar/consumer-devices/ (gesture motion based ar)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8YvOWoqik8 (interactivity with objects? thru AR)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5uuwAe6BX0 (INteractivity with other objects also?)
AR development resources?
ADOBE AERO (2D animation ar) (seems like i would pursue in this more cause it contaimns more of the 2d elements that i would like to use?) 
https://www.eyedesyn.com/tutorials/using-adobe-aero-cinema-4d-to-create-augmented-reality-experiences/ (+C4D) / https://www.behance.net/gallery/89635267/Adobe-Aero-Cinema-4D-AR-Sumo-Animation?tracking_source=search%7Caugmented%20reality
https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/4/20938316/adobe-aero-augmented-reality-app-ios (FIND DETAILED ONE LATER)
ARfoundation / unity
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn4tIJZRVOE (animation on vr /VUFORIA)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR4eSmmPCxg / https://www.layar.com/
not very related to my topic but intresting look on AR and UI:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OC42XQM9kY (SPARK AR )
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