#anyway i haven't seen 6x06 i'm sorry
cyclone-rachel · 3 years
Are you still writing about Karadox? I had that idea and I wanted to share with you 😊 What if Brainy had accidentally bound with young Kara in this past travel (platonicly) and she recognized him when they met again in the future cause Reign? She said something like "Hey, Brendon, I missed you" 😂
I SURE DO STILL WRITE ABOUT KARADOX, I am so sorry that it’s been such a long time and people got the impression that I don’t write them anymore.
But anyway, you brought me out of my writing slump, thank you so much, anon friend. I’m probably going to make this longer soon so I can put it on AO3, but in the meantime, here’s this.
At first, she couldn’t remember anything outside her apartment.
Maybe she had always been there, in those clothes, asleep. Maybe if she opened the windows, she wouldn’t see anything outside the glass. Maybe the apartment wasn’t even hers. Maybe she was dreaming, and the real world was nothing like this.
She didn’t even remember her own name, for a little while.
But she was awake now. Her name was Kara Zor-El. Kara Danvers. She knew that, at least.
And she knew one more thing, or more accurately one more person, when she opened her apartment’s door.
It wasn’t immediately obvious. The face that greeted her wore what looked like three blue circles on his forehead, and his hair was completely white. His skin was blue, and he had the same symbol from his forehead on his shirt, just in black.
But his eyes she knew, and could imagine them on another face. Could imagine him wearing a tuxedo, and glasses- or even maybe a baseball uniform.
“It’s… you.” He said, once he’d turned around.
And that confirmed it for her- it had been a long time, but she still remembered many things, like her mother’s perfume, or the last words her parents had said to her before she left Krypton, or everyone she saved. And she remembered his voice, when she met him and his friend the night before prom, and he said her name.
“It’s you.” She repeated, awestruck, as she pulled him into the apartment, shut the door behind them both. “Hey, Brandon. I missed you.”
“My name is Querl Dox.” He said, confused. “Or Brainiac 5. The Legionnaires just call me Brainy. Who is “Brandon”?”
“You don’t remember?” Kara asked. “You were. You and this girl, you crashed to Earth in your fancy ship… you said your planet was dying, and you just barely escaped it. You stayed with Kenny that night, but we did end up talking, and… you inspired me. I guess you could say we bonded, even though you had to leave after your ship was fixed.”
“Who is Kenny?”
Kara sighed.
“Kenny Li. My boyfriend.”
“You really have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?”
“No.” he said. “You must be confusing me with someone else. Mon-El sent me, to make sure your neural pathways are clear and intact- and it is clear to me that they must not be.”
“Excuse me? My neural pathways are fine. You’re the one who’s remembering wrong.” Kara shot back.
“Well, before this conversation, I was going to tell you that your brain was in remarkable health, for someone languishing in a coma.” Brandon- Querl- answered. “But it seems as though I need to reconsider that position.”
“I’m sorry, did you say “coma”?”
“Did I bury the lede?” he asked. “You’ve been in a coma for two days.”
“I’m in my loft.” Kara insisted.
Querl looked around, before answering.
“Oh. You mean the physical manifestation of the place in which your subconscious feels most comfortable? That loft?”
“Yeah. That one.” Kara said. “If I'm in a coma, how are you here?”
“Mon-El woke me up from hypersleep to communicate with you on behalf of him and your DEO compatriots.” Querl answered, as if it was obvious. Which it was, for him. She was trying to catch up, and still couldn’t seem to reconcile that someone she met almost a decade prior knew who she was- but couldn’t recall meeting her in person, when she remembered it so clearly.
“31st century technology. It's also what's keeping you alive.”
“Reign defeated you. Don't you remember?”
She did- the memories came flooding back, all at once. Kara could practically feel how Reign’s heat vision had scorched her chest, the symbol for El Mayarah becoming ashes as she fell. How Reign had brought her to her knees, made her believe that when she woke up, it would be in Rao’s light, with her family. How she had been ready to be cold, and alien- but hadn’t expected that Reign would be even more of both.
“It seems like we both have a lot of things we should remember.” Kara said, sitting down on her couch, as he lingered, still standing. “Where do we start?”
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