#anyway i may be missing someone i just can't remember atm rip
gossamer-green · 2 years
any characters (beyond the Obvious, o7 Ashe love you) that you want to see return for pd s3? or any ideas of HOW you want them to return or scenes/events you want to see happen w them?
ohohoho well
i do have another obvious character i wanna see again, and that's tide. i'm really sad we didn't get to see any of the past 10 months, including william and vyncent finding out that tide had been depowered. i want to learn more about that, but from his end, and i want to know what's been up with him since. bizly better have made that one tweet just to be mean...
and on a related note, i wanna see the prime force again. or any of the other heroes who showed up at the end of s1 who william and vynce told to fuck off. it got brought up in one of the rolleds that if the issue with the chaos demons spreads enough, it might draw the attention of the prime force/other major heroes the boys know. i’d love love love for the PDs to have to team up with them again and to see some tensions between the heroes, a hostile william and vyncent, and dakota—the only one of the three who accepts the reasoning that the heroes were all always too busy to help them before. (i am lightheartedly shaking my fist at grizzly for the ending of the zeroes to heroes oneshot bc oof he wasn’t kidding in the rolled for ep24 he doesn’t get itttttt)
i wanna see summer again too! william kept going to school after s1, but what happened to her? the PDs tried to warn her how dangerous getting involved with their superhero business was, but she still viewed it as mostly something to spice up her otherwise boring normal life, and so she poked her nose in anyway. and then she got kidnapped. i want to see her again so we get even just a glimpse of how she’s holding up and if she’s been deterred from inserting herself into superpowered situations now or not. or maybe her memory got wiped, so she doesn’t even remember anything that would endanger her? (idr, was there a time range limit on the use of the memory devices, or no?) i think it’d be cool if she was put into some sort of witness protection program and the boys ran into her living under a new identity. (i don’t expect that to be canon or anything, just throwing it out there as a cool hypothetical bc we literally have no clue what happened with her!!)
and!! i wanna see mark again!!! really really bad. i know all of the guys hate mark, but i like him and i wanna see him again in s3, although idk what the context will be. i was really confused when he winked at the boys in the supermax?? because with the way the woman who was walking them around the prison spoke about him—that he hasn't spoken much and it might not be a good idea to let him have visitors—it made me think "aw man, he's in a horrible place. makes sense." i'm positive that mark is gonna come back, since bizly hinted at it when someone (i think charlie) brought up that they don't know what happened to him since the prison break, and surely he's not dead. i was hoping that we might have a confrontation with him later on where he blames the boys for ashe being gone, but that doesn’t add up with the wink. hey, beebo?? what was with the wink???
then there’s. mal. he’s definitely gonna show up again, and i’m excited for it, but in the “i’m excited to be pissed off” kinda way. i want to see mal looking even rougher than he did in his appearance in s2 so i can shout “L!!” and make the L gesture at the screen, because yes it’ll technically mean bad things because the trickster will be gaining power but also get FUCKED, mallard conway. smarmy bastard. also also, if he touches william again, i am going to Scream. i need that man to evaporate.
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