#anyway i promise that link isn't traumatic but it is scary lmao
theodore-lasso · 2 years
2 and 9
From this ask meme thank you boglady xoxo
2. What was the film that scared you the most?
This is SO HARD because horror is my favourite genre so they don't really tend to scare me anymore. I'm taking out all of the like, frankly unwatchable horror movies that I've seen bc they're usually boring to talk about.
A Tale Of Two Sisters is probably my answer. It's a movie where the entire thing is scary, not just individual scenes and it doesn't rely on jump scares. It's a fucking 10/10 movie I really recommend it!! It like rests in the tension and doesn't give you the payoff of a jumpscare and at the same time it's beautiful and incredibly composed. There are a lot more horror movies that I probably like more, but in terms of overall scare factor this one is top of the list.
(also quick rant on jumpscares because if not here then where. I genuinely think they're so lazy. I think they're fun, because it's, I mean listen it's kind of like an orgasm where there's all this build up and then whoop there's your massive release and you get this rush of adrenaline that lights your brain up. But in terms of actually trying to create a scary movie, it's lazy, because of course someone's going to jump and be scared at a sudden loud noise and a scary image onscreen. But like idk watch this for instance (it's just a woman/ghost creepily walking towards a camera and the main character, there's no jumpscare or gore or anything.) The main character is looking directly at the scary thing the whole time. There's no jumpscare, it's creepy because of how unnatural it is!! Her movement, the way the shot is framed means that in relation to every other movie you've seen - she's in the wrong place in the frame, which your brain unconsciously picks up on and is like "oh my fucking god something is wrong here". We want a jumpscare because it would free us from this slowmoving torture of anticipation and we expect a jumpscare because of how cinema has trained us. But we're not allowed to look away! they do not break the tension!! That's wayyyyy scarier than one quick moment of "Ah!" and then moving on. And tbh I don't think gore is scary I just usually don't want to see it lmfao)
anyway there's my essay hope you enjoyed it tldr jumpscares are overdone + it's usually scarier to refrain from a jumpscare + rest in tension (which western cinema is really really bad at)
9. Which film is objectively the greatest ever?
I've already spoken for too long. If i can submit a trilogy it's the lord of the rings movies because duh, if not it's gonna be Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon <3
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