#anyway i was writing this essay and came across certain images of this child with a knife in his back and i got very angry
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some super speedy sketches cuz I can only think creatively if I’m drawing the thing (excuse the anatomy)
anyway - sylvair and mutations! (cuz sniffing at chimera’s and somantic mutations wasn’t enough for my grubby mitts!)
Also, hey big warning; if eyes, body horror, dead bodies (animal and human), and stuff like that isn’t your kinda thing - DO. NOT. GOOGLE. THE. TERMS. USED. HERE.
(if anyone’s desperate to read the wiki or look at images while dodging the more distressing ones hmu and I’ll help!)
I’m gonna shove my ramblings under the cut cuz A) I’mma write an essay for each and B) due to the nature of these mutations I am gonna touch upon body horror, and death and these are real mutations that do affect people!
Alright, strategically put the ones that are the least likely to throw people off at the top so I’m gonna ramble in order (top to bottom, left to right!) I’m also gonna be trying to summarize, generalize and describe these without writing a whole page so my info might not be 100% spot on!
Warnings for Animal death, body horror, death mention, infant death mention, eye horror mention, and bodily fluids and mess.
Harlequin Ichthyosis - this is a genetic disorder where the skin on the outside of the body hardens and cracks, leaving a jagged pattern across the skin of hardened plates which go a pale cream colour (and if I rcall correctly, possibly calcify?) ; this usually results in death within the first few months to weeks of life, after which the plates fall off, leaving tight, pink skin behind (essentially, the person almost has the appearance of being turned inside out). Recent developments in medicine mean that cases of people surviving this and living the rest of their lives with Ichthyosis are more common (granted alot of intensive care is needed). Breathing cna be restricted due to the tight skin (especially with the plates) and unfortunately ear or noses sometimes do not form on the infant.
For sylvari, I imagine this is probably pretty dangerous, as they can’t synthesize and, like the human counterparts, are very sensitive to the sun and other skin damages; I imagine the skin is like the inside of a plant, paler in colour to the sylvari’s actual skin - possibly with different texutres depending on type, where as the plates form as hardened bark or hard, dead leaves on the sylvari. They have to rely on other cultures for nutrients and clothing, and possibly may not glow at all.
Sirenomelia - (also known as the one I couldn’t draw to save my life!) This is where the individual is born with their legs fused, like a mermaid tail; hence the name. Degree of fusion ranges and can go up into the spine, and the person is unable to walk. While most notable individuals have passed, partly due to the fact this mutation can cause internal organs to not form (if I’m remembering correctly!), individuals do survive into adulthood and some have surgeries to improve quality of life!
For sylvari, I like to imagine this effects water-based plantlife sylvari more, with it varying from fused legs, to a fusion of the legs morphing in a way that it can act as a tail! Wheelcharis are used for land based adventures, and dresses and skirts may be more favoured! 
Also, if I’m remembering correctly, sylvari possibly have their brains in their lower back - which could mean that this could be the most potentially fatal mutation for sylvari, making surviving individuals rare - but also they’re sylvari and rules do not apply!
Polymelia - Simply put, polymelia is where an individual is bron with extra limbs - most are left over from a merge or conjoining twins - but there are cases with several extra limbs. Often these limbs are underdeveloped or deformed. usually this is not fatal, and these extra limbs can be safety removed if necessary.
Because this is sylvari, I thought that there’s bound to be those born who have working limbs, and those who came without (the kiddos in the pic share a nice mix between them) - and I like to think sylvari grow the same as humans (infant - child - teen - adult) in their pods, so limbs could be fully formed, or from one of the other stages! 
Cyclopia (the pink sylvari) - Cyclopia is a mutation where the eyes do not split and form a large eye in the centre of the forehead, and is often accompanied by no nose being formed, and organs may or may not form correctly; making the mutation fatal within a few hours or birth - the longest surviving creature with this was a goat, which reportedly survived up to a week after birth.
For sylvari, where organs don’t matter and the nose is a myth, cyclopia is probably survivable - assuming there’s a lid able to close around the eye and keep it moist. Emoting would probably be the biggest challenge, and bullying from other races may cause the most issues.
Now to tackle the three remaining vari!
These three are all various forms of Polycephaly mutations, sometimes known as two-headed. From left to right;
Wine and gold sylvari - this is a form of polycephaly known as Craniopagus (full name is often craniopagus parasiticus) Where the merging of twin embryos has occurred at the head, and the living twin has the underdeveloped twin’s head and even possibly torso attached to their head. There are even reports of individuals where they have a secondary face on the back of their head, that can function enough to smile. These cannot exist independently of each other, unlike conjoined twins. 
For sylvari, they could function with a twin attached to their skull (assuming it’s just their head, and not other parts - that could cause stress on the body) assuming the brain is not in the skull - or even if it is; theoretically the sylvari twins could function together!
Green twins - These represent a more common, I’d suppose, form of Polycephaly, known as Dicephalic Parapagus and function visually somewhat similar to conjoined twins. Survival depends entirely upon what factors the body has - seemingly those with more than two arms have a higher chance to survive to adulthood, but this is not necessarily a hard truth, as having two hearts and an individual spin attached to each head seems to be the most important factors for survival; as such, survival numbers are low. Interestingly, once helped through certain challenges, most twins can thrive on their own, although we are still learning more. Seemingly, most twins get control of one arm and one leg, although this may vary.
For sylvari, I imagine this isn’t much of a problem unless something happens to one of the twin’s heads - in which case the other twin could be at risk unless the other is removed (gotta get that angst in somewhere!) Granted sibling fights and getting along are probably a big deal for these sylvari, and they may need more nutrient to power their body. Also the fact they control separate sides of the body may actually aid them better in Tyrian life
Blue and gold sylvari - this is another form of polycephaly that is well known - Diprosopus - which is where the facial features are duplicated on the head of one body. While considered to be conjoined twinning, this is actually accused by a abnormal activity in the protein Sonic Hedgehog (stop laughing it’s a real thing). This often occurs with other congenital diseases, and individuals often don’t live very long, as other illnesses or issues are usually the cause of fatality. But there are instances of animals surviving with this, including a cat who lived to be 15 years old.
For sylvari, I imagine the issues that surround humans with this mutation, aren’t as fatal? They may have poorer health, or they may not! And while I’ve displayed one with a more textbook version of Diprosopus, this isn’t the only option, and a variety of features can pop up!
(fun fact! Low Sonic Hedgehog protein causes Cyclopia, too much Sonic protein causes Diprosopus! Sonic controls the width of facial features!)
Hoo boy I think i got them all I gotta go lie down, I read about Sonic protein and got dizzy bye ya’ll
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myselfinserts · 4 years
Perhaps, if he’d paid attention in class, he wouldn’t have been remembered as such a failure.
The end of the quarter was coming. The break before the summer sessions would be starting soon. As a result, everyone was rushing to get study time in the library. The private rooms were booked out until the end of finals. And Regi was struggling to get his work done in French. 
So when Lisette came by the other day to help with the kittens and asked if he wanted to join her study group, he jumped at the chance. Most of his friends were already in it. At least, he considered them all friends. Henri and Grégory for sure. And Blanche, of course. He still wasn’t certain on where he stood with Allard, but he was sure it wasn’t outright hatred. Massive dislike and reluctant acceptance? At the very least, he was certain the man didn’t hate him nearly as much as he did before the Perun tour.  
Better than nothing, he supposed. 
He’d arrived to class early, prepping the seats with school approved study books for the upcoming assignment, when he’d gotten the notification on his phone. Lisette had sent him a link to the study group’s chat. 
Smiling, he clicked the link.
>  'Grumpy Cat Owner' added 'Reginald Gladstone' to the group.
>  'Vast Queen' changed 'Reginald Gladstone' to 'Otter Child'
Otter Child: Wait. Wait, why am I 'Otter Child'.
Vast Queen: This is why.
Regi felt his ears burning as he saw the image of himself be uploaded to the group chat. He hadn't realized he'd been photographed. His last hair tie had snapped that morning, so his hair was down the entire day yesterday. He'd also happened to be studying. In the quad. After having found a really nice, smooth, perfectly sized rock just the day before. Marianne had talked to him about 'stress stones' and their uses. He thought it'd be a good one for it. And it was.
Until he was photographed using it to run through his hair like a baby otter.
Otter Child: Okay. I think I earned that one.
Étienne Allard: I hope you cleaned that rock before putting it in your hair, Gladstone.
Otter Child: Of course I did!
> 'Vast Queen' changed 'Étienne Allard' to 'Delightful Sunshine'.
Delightful Sunshine: Must you change my name every time I log in.
Gay-zer-Beam: Get used to it Allard.
Otter Child: There's no icons, who is who?
Gay-zer Beam: It's Didier, dumbass.
Otter Child: Seriously?
Gay-zer Beam: I make one mention of liking 'The Incredibles' and this has been my nickname since.
Grumpy Cat Owner: To be fair, Edna Mode is a mood.
Otter Child: A big mood.
Delightful Sunshine: What the hell is an 'Edna Mode'?
Otter Child: EXCUSE ME?! I’m shocked YOU of all people don’t know about Edna!
Vast Queen: Looks like we’ll have to watch it during break.
Delightful Sunshine: Absolutely not. And Gladstone, aren’t you supposed to be in class doing prep work?
Otter Child: You remembered?
Glitter Princess: Who would have guessed.
Handy Man: They shall have a summer wedding.
Vast Queen: Oh, how sweet~
Otter Child: Please don’t.
Gay-zer Beam: Always pictured Gladstone as more of a Winter Wedding man, but Summer makes more sense for Allard.
Delightful Sunshine: I hate all of you.
Otter Child: Please no talks of weddings while I’m having girlfriend trouble. 
Glitter Princess: girlfriend trouble?
Handy Man: Sorry Regi. That’s gotta be tough. 
Delightful Sunshine: Can’t relate. 
Gay-zer Beam: Same. 
Otter Child: The Subject. Change it. Please. 
Glitter Princess: Okay. New Subject: I heard one of your classmates tried to kill Perun. That true?
Otter Child: NO
Delightful Sunshine: Just his assistant. 
Gay-zer Beam: Pity. I heard the guy was a potential drop out and a hopeful for the Perun internship. Double duty failure.
Grumpy Cat Owner: Pretty sad he won’t be remembered much now. Heard he had a pretty nifty Quirk.
Handy Man: Oh how the hopeful fall fast. 
Delightful Sunshine: Perhaps, if he’d paid attention in class, he wouldn’t have been remembered as such a failure.
Otter Child: Pretty sure I’ll be remembering him for more than his class placement. He owes me a pair of glasses.
Delightful Sunshine: As if he would pay for those. 
Gay-zer Beam: Anyway, I gotta go. I have Dolce’s class next. We on for next week, Lydie?
Glitter Princess: Only if you found me a tutor for Japanese like I asked. No tutor, no treats. 
Grumpy Cat Owner: We got you one, don’t worry. 
Otter Child: Wait, is that why you invited me to the group?
Grumpy Cat Owner: No, I also want you to learn better French. No offense, but you suck at it. 
Delightful Sunshine: Finally something we agree on.
Otter Child: Okay, fair. So what are we talking? Just writing or speaking Are you learning common or standard? Particular dialects? I have tons of work books we can look over but it’ll help if I know where we’re starting from.
Glitter Princess: .......
Gay-zer Beam: We’ll show you the worksheets later. I need help too. 
Vast Queen: We’ll send you the date and time for the study session. It’s at the same cafe we usually hit up.
Otter Child: Okay. 
Hearing the door click, Regi sighed, shooting a quick goodbye before putting his phone away as Rosine walked into the classroom. She was rolling in a couple of boxes, all of which he recognized from the office just two days ago. He fought the burning of his ears. 
“Can you place these files to the assigned numbered student please?” Rosine asked. “Last big assignment before the end of term and it’s vital that no one gets missed.”
“Sure thing, Madam.” Regi took one of the boxes, opening one up and smiling as he got to work. “Is this the ‘Two Sides, Same Coin’ assignment?”
Rosine nodded. “Yes. And this year because the pool is so large, this assignment is crucial. So don’t screw up the pass outs.”
“Got it.” He paused. “Mind if I ask who I got? Or do I have to wait for my cake like the rest of the kids?”
She smiled, letting out a small snort. “I gave you Chimera Third. Figured that would be a good challenge for you.” Rosine started writing on the board. “By the way, about last night-”
Regi winced. He’d been trying hard to forget about it. A robbery in progress that he was about to take care of on the clock, and Mary swooped in and not only finished it for him, but did so off the clock, forgetting her permit to operate in Paris back in her hotel room. A room which was no doubt racking up a lot of money. And no doubt the person behind the robbery would use that fact to get the charges dropped. 
How am I going to deal with her? 
“I swear, Madam, I had no idea Mary would-”
“I’ve already sent a complaint to the EHA on behalf of the agency. They said they’ll arrange for Mary to go home by the start of next year.” Rosine’s nose wrinkled. “I was hoping it’d be sooner, but it’ll only be sooner if the Geodes decide she’s worth scouting.”
“I’m sorry,” He muttered. 
“Don’t apologize, Regi. I’m glad you handled the situation as well as you did. You’re rather brave.”
This made him pause. “What’s so brave about telling off my girlfriend for interfering with work?”
Rosine stopped writing, glancing over her shoulder with a soft, forlorn look. “Reginald, speaking up against loved ones can be far harder than speaking up against an enemy. And I’ve seen McMiller. If I were to be honest...you could do better. You should do better.”
This took him aback. “Huh?”
Rosine simply shrugged and turned back to the board. “Sorry, I overstepped. You’re a smart boy. You’ll figure it out.”
Regi said nothing, and continued to pass out the files, struggling to focus long enough to get it done. Mary always had a way of screwing him over it seemed. 
At least I have the study group now. And Meatloaf. And Luci’s visit coming up next week. Yeah. Yeah, I’ll manage. Just one day at a time. 
The students started filing in not long after Regi finished passing out the folders. He made himself comfortable, feeling a slight sense of unease at some of the students’ reactions to the files. No one touched them yet, but they seemed rather stumped. 
After role call, Rosine stood up front. “Before you are files on Heroes who have been well known in international circles for the last fifty years. You will not know who you’ve been assigned until you open your files. Your job is to create an essay on the Hero you’ve been assigned, going over how their involvement in the world of support affected it and vice versa, and then by the last week of the term, I expect them all turned in. Extra credit will be given to those who also do a presentation.” She glanced across the room, taking in the piercing gaze of the students. “As you’ve seen after our little field trip, one of you has already been knocked out of the running. This assignment is crucial to your moving on in my courses specifically. To those who are failing, this essay will bring you up to a passing grade and allow you to move up with any teacher you pick. However-” her eyes narrowed - “only 60% of you will be able to move on to my advanced classes. Even less if you get subpar marks.” Rosine smiled. “But most of you are passing, so there’s no need to worry too much.” 
Regi remained quiet, his mind still wandering away from him slightly after the previous night's patrol. He was too tired to pay attention to anyone else complaining. And there were complaints. He could hear the occasional groan or gasp of disbelief. This was considered one of Rosine’s harder assignments, rather infamous among the school. 
“Alright. Your syllabus is with your files, please take the rest of class to read them over.” With a turn, she headed back to her seat to start in on some paperwork. 
"Madame! Can I switch with someone for this essay?!"
Here we go, Regi thought, flipping open his file. 
"And why," Rosine started, "would I allow that, Monseiur Dosier?"
Dosier held up his hero file. "You gave me some no named D-lister from a little island off the coast of the UK. How the hell am I supposed to do an essay on his support tech escapades?"
This caught Regi's attention.
Rosine gave Dosier a hard stare. "That hero whose profile you hold was the number three on his hero association's leaderboard for a little over a decade and only just recently retired. Not to mention he's relatively respected by the Canadian branches of support design, particularly by Matsumoto Inc. I'd hardly call that a 'no named D-lister'."
Dosier did not seem to want to listen. "But no one even knows how to get any of the info on his tech! This file is just two pages! No contacts, no hero agency, nothing! You're setting me up to fail!"
Right away, Regi knew who he was talking about. And it would be an easy A for him. But he remained quiet. He wanted to actually feel like he earned this grade. 
"If someone is willing to switch with you, then fine. I won't stop you." She turned back to her paperwork. "Just know that who you get in return might end up being tougher on your skills than this one. Though I don't know anyone else brave enough to research the bastard. Probably the most difficult profile I assign when this essay comes about."
"Then why assign it?!"
"I'll take it." 
Much to everyone's surprise, Étienne stood up and walked over to Dosier, taking the file before dropping another, much larger stack of files, on his desk. Regi watched him carefully. He seemed almost excited. A glint in his eye he rarely saw. 
"I'd gotten All Might. Frankly, his foray into the world of support items doesn't interest me. I'd prefer a challenge." Étienne returned to his seat, leaving Dosier gaping like a fish. "Now will you kindly shut the fuck up?"
Regi tried very hard not to snort and turned back to his file, already making notes on some of the topics he’d cover. He’d never really explored much into support design and Beast Power quirks on his own before, but he wanted to. This would be the perfect chance. 
About ten minutes before class wrapped up, Regi got a text. 
> Last I checked, your uncle’s name was supposed to be Elbert Silverson, correct?
> That’s right. He’s technically my half-uncle. He’s my mom’s half sister. 
> Then why the hell do some of these early files have his name listed as Manabu Hirano? 
> Ah. That’s a bit of a long story on the why part, but the short of it is he took his mother’s maiden name when his parents divorced and decided to go by his middle name instead.  
> Stupid decision. Elbert is a stupid sounding name. 
> Better than Reginald tho, right? My grandparents used to call me “Reiji” if you’d prefer to call me that. 
> Fucking stuff it, Gladstone. If I need anything else for this assignment, I’ll message you. 
> Not a problem. Oh, and here’s a photo of Amber from this morning. She’s in a bit of a milk coma. 
> Sorry!
Regi winced, but still glanced down at Étienne from his spot in the back. He could just make out the tiniest of smiles. Not enough to be noticed by anyone else in class, but enough that he could distinct it from his usual grimace. 
He resisted the urge to text Étienne further, and turned back to his work. 
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wearenorthernlights · 8 years
Essay 001 // Books
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The above image stirs something in me. Me, a fairly emotional retarded man at the best of times, so much so I was eager to delete it from my posts. This tumblr had been forgotten about, the grass had grown wild in its garden, the huge variety of vermin and insects often chased out of our abodes had made themselves quite at home. I came back, dusted the place down, and put it to use for posting some writing prompts my younger brother had often told me about, and vouched for their usefulness. Having read my brothers’ work of late, thankfully finding it well written, engaging and interesting, as I would have pretended it were, even if it wasn’t. Now I can bestow glory upon him and mean it. Anyway, I digress, let’s get back to it.
I have an odd thing that seriously pains my heart. My friend Rhys has something similar, his is coming across a lost glove, shoe or sock. Which can bring a tear to his eye. Mine is when a child in a shop doesn’t have enough money for their purchases. It may mean they have to put one sweet back, and it breaks my heart. I have often, when overcoming my nervousness in doing so, stepped forward to add the extra 5 or 10p needed to save their sweet for the chop, while querying the cold nature of the person serving them who would allow it to happen. 
The above picture came with a Spanish line underneath it, while I don’t speak Spanish incredibly well, the gist was the girl is querying if she has enough to buy the book. The line went on to say such a situation would never happen in a library. The decline of libraries could ensure a future in which children are unable to purchase books, or parents are driven into spending scant resources to avoid the pain I feel to make sure they can, but as economics teaches us, life is about tradeoffs. Spending money on a book, when electricity is in need of a top up, means a fractious atmosphere for said child, as they try to settle down and read. 
Libraries are declining and it should not be allowed to happen. Yes, people may argue they are a bit stuffy, not inviting in this age of kitsch bars, and bookshops that come with hipster coffee shops included. These are not faults, those are not the duties of a library. A library is solely there to redress the imbalance of society, to ensure that those who want to, can read and do so freely. They should be protected, and valiantly so, for providing entertainment, a place in which economic means does not factor in your ability to procure reading material, and for ensuring that all are equals when crossing their threshold. It is a meritocracy, for those who want to read, who pre-order books, who get out and rush down to renew and return books, are the ones who get the most.
I, to some, will undoubtedly sound like a bleeding heart liberal, a big leftie softie, and I could not care less, I would say to them. Do we want to live in a world in which a poor child, fascinated with the little worlds in which they discover, and lose themselves in, steps into a bookshop. Perhaps they have already worked their way through the school’s scant library, and with what money their parents can afford to part with they go hunting. When they get to the counter, and the person serving them tells them, no. No, you cannot have that book because you don’t have enough money. Go put it back and leave. Who wants to see that happen?
The left and right should be in arms in this. The right are always about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, getting ahead on your own, no matter what hurdles lie before you. Is this challenge not aided by a free source of knowledge? A place to study, improve yourself and knowledge, to have access to books, the internet and people there to help you in any way they can. The left should be protecting it because it helps, in some small way, the poorer people in society. To merely give enjoyment to those who cannot afford other forms of entertainment should be reason enough. We should not be putting a nail into the coffin of language and literature. Neither should we be denying people the immense knowledge secreted between those beautiful yellowing pages.
I will sign off with this little anecdote. Jimmy Reid, the famed trade unionist who led the Clyde Shipbuilders work-in, a man famed for his oratory skills. So much so the New York Times printed his ‘rat-race speech’, given when he became the rector of Glasgow University, in full. A small sample of the speech gives you a sense of this man’s immense skill for language and oratory...
Reject the values and false morality that underlie these attitudes. A rat race is for rats. We’re not rats. We’re human beings. Reject the insidious pressures in society that would blunt your critical faculties to all that is happening around you, that would caution silence in the face of injustices lest you jeopardise your chances of promotion and self-advancement.
Jimmy was a well-to-do function, the great and good of society were there. A journalist fired the expected question at Jimmy, the question that certain people use to categorise someone’s worth and character in one fell swoop. ‘Which university did you go to?’ and Jimmy, without a momentary pause replied. ‘Govan Library.’
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