#anyway i’m fucking your grandson george you can’t do anything to stop me
silent-partner-412 · 1 year
it’s george’s birthday. i have a nice silver quality pomegranate with his name on it. i deliver it straight to him, he smiles and says thank you for remembering his birthday. he IMMEDIATELY follows it up with “how can two men get married? it’s not natural! i guess i’m just old fashioned.”
that’s cold.
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anigodd · 4 years
Snippet of next fic
It’s not the sbi fic sorry
another jordad and tubbo pls stop me. inspired by an anon from @transandor
also, read this for some context. It’s by Nicoforlife so show them some love https://archiveofourown.org/works/26883136 
“Tubbo, just remember, this is your punishment for trying to go against me,” Dream mocked before dropping the match onto the boy’s house.
Tubbo’s house was immediately engulfed in a wall of red flames, smoke billowing from the delicate wood as all of the boy’s possessions were set aflame. Tubbo fought harder against George’s grip and began to scream and beg.
“DREAM WAIT PLEASE! YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND! STOP! STOP!” he cried. Screams turned to sobs and wails as the boy desperately tried to escape George. His face captured his desperation as tears ran down his face.
Dream paused. Most of the time, people just watched their house burn or put it out with water at a later date. Why was Tubbo reacting so strongly? However, he had no time to ponder this when Tubbo head-butted George and began to run into the house.
“Tubbo-WAIT,” Dream yelled.
Dammit, he wasn’t supposed to get hurt! Dream began frantically typing in commands to stop the fire while Tubbo tried to get into his house. He ran circles around the perimeter, trying to find a viable opening when suddenly, the fire was out. Tubbo stood still for a second, breathing heavily, before running through what remained of his house.
He rummaged through burned wood and ashes, remnants of picture frames, glass bottles, and memorabilia all tossed to the side as Tubbo frantically dug through the debris.
‘The chest. The chest. Where’s the Fucking Chest?!’
Dream watched from the side; his curiosity getting the better of him. Was Tubbo just acting or was he genuinely distressed?
George came to stand next to him while trying to stop his nose from bleeding.
“I can’t believe I just got headbutted by a 16 year old...” he muttered.
Dream chuckled. It was pretty funny. He was pulled from his musing however, when wails started to come from Tubbo.
He was clutching burned pieces of what looked to be a chest, piles of ashes on the ground, and an....old red cape? The boy cried and screamed, rocking back and forth while clutching the cape.
Dream hesitantly approached Tubbo and tried to place his hand on the boy’s shoulder but was immediately shrugged off.
“Get-get off of me you bastard,” was choked out.
Dream was confused and he hated being confused.
“Tubbo, why are you so upset? It’s just—I don’t know—stuff?” He reasoned.
Bad choice of words.
Tubbo’s cries faltered out to hiccups and he carefully set down the pile of ashes and cape. He sat with his back turned to Dream until he spoke.
“Do you know what you’ve just done?” His voice wavered.
“Do you KNOW what you’ve just taken from me?” Tubbo turned and started to yell. For the first time, Dream was uncertain about the choices he made.
And Tubbo did not care. His face was red from crying and his rage, his breath was ragged, but he was pissed.
“You’ve just taken the only things I had of my FATHER. My father, Dream. Do you even care about anything you destroy? Or is everything just a game to you? How an I supposed to tell that our years of conversations, hand-made gifts, his CAPE—“ his voice breaks as he starts crying again—“is all gone?! How am I supposed to tell him?! And here you are as well, just calling it stuff...”
He covers his face. God, will the Captain be mad at him? Or worse, disappointed that he couldn’t keep his letters safe?
Dream knew he wasn’t wanted there but even more so, he really didn’t know how to comfort Tubbo in this situation. He messaged Tommy to come find Tubbo, took George, and left the scene.
Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno arrive minutes later to find Tubbo kneeling in his burnt house, staring brokenly down at a pile of ashes while wrapped in a singed red cape.
He didn’t talk for days.
It’s a week later when Tubbo gets another letter from his father. It sits on his bedside table for hours, taunting him, waiting for him to open it and see his father’s words.
Eventually, he decided to rip off the band-aid, so to speak, and opened the letter. What he immediately noticed was that it wasn’t his father’s handwriting but a...woman’s? Now he was curious.
    My dearest grandson, I’m so sorry about your possessions that you saved from your father. I understand that you are very upset, but your father is not angry or even disappointed with you (he told me so, do not fret). I had to convince him to stay here and not go to your world, as Tom says, “guns blazing”.
So no, my dear, the Captain is not upset with you. We actually have prepared a gift. It is near where you keep your bees if I recall correctly.
I look forward to meeting you someday, Tubbo. You’re father misses you greatly.
With love,
Tubbo noticed his father’s handwriting next to his, or he assumed to be, his grandmother’s signature. The boy was relieved, but now he had conflicting emotions.
Why hadn’t the Captain told him about his grandmother? Was she nice? What was the gift? And the most apparent emotion: excitement.
His dad wasn’t mad, and he even got him a gift! His father’s gifts were always home-made or thoughtful.
Tubbo jumped from his bed, put on shoes, and made a beeline towards where he kept his bees. He didn’t have to try to look long. Right in the center, there was a chest with a sign that said ‘For Tubbo.’
When he opened the chest, he gasped and teared up.
Right there in the chest were all the letters that were burnt in the fire. All of them, from the earliest to most recent, the longest and shortest. There were the small bracelets that his fatger made him, blankets and pictures from when he was small.
There was a new, unopened letter on top of the pile and with shaking hands, he picked it up and opened it. It was from the Captain.
‘My son,
I heard what happened to your possessions, but I am not angry at you, I am angry at Dream. I am not disappointed either, don’t worry, Tubbo. I could never be disappointed in you.
Anyway, you’re probably wondering how in the world I managed to get all of this stuff back. It’s pretty simple: I just made copies of everything. Yeah, it’s kind of lame, but hey, it came in handy, right? I’m pretty distrustful of the universe and I just wanted to make sure I made seconds of everthing in case something like this happened.
Also, m’lady did some pretty swick magic stuff, so the chest is fireproof and resistant to most other things.
How have you been doing, though? I hope you’ve been well. I heard that things in Dream’s land weren’t going well and I just want to make sure you’re okay. Remember, you can always say the words and I’ll be by your side, consequences be damned.
I do miss you, Tubbo. I can’t wait to see you again. Stay strong.
I’m proud of you.
Love you,
Tubbo tried to dry the tear stains on the letter but ended up smudging some of the paper. It was okay though, because the Captain was proud of him.
He took out the new cape, but decided to wrap the old one around his shoulders.
If he imagined hard enough, his dad was giving him a hug.
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amnachil · 4 years
The College Society Chapter 4 Part 9
Next part!
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey Saturday April 20
What had he said again ? I won't protect you anyway. Right. Fucking joke. Who the hell had he tried to fool ? His past self would've laugh so much at his actual self. He was fucking ridiculous. He perfectly knew Lucy the whore had something in mind. She and bitchy Miranda wanted to catch Liam, he had no doubt about that. Pretty obvious that the loser would take Doll man. They even bring along a third weel for Fatty roommate. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey had all the reason in the world to go there and fuck the two dickhead right away. So why on earth was he hidden behind a fucking tree ? Why the hell was he only watching for afar uh ? Oh yeah the plan. Because Liam thought he could deal with that alone, the Dean's grandson had decided to trust him. What an idiot I am. Anyway, it would be good for his boyfriend if he was able to do something by himself. It would help his confidence. And a confident Liam was a ballsy and naughty Liam. A win-win situation. If only the baboon manage to escape the so-called witch, that is. The group headed towards the subway and he followed suit. He observed them through a newspaper, which attracted the attention of two old hags. Want to suck my dick ? I'm already dying of embarassment, don't make it harder. For now, Lucy was doing most of the conversation. Miranda tried to cling on to Liam, but he slipped away. Nice one babe. Eventually, they arrived at their destination : a fancy restaurant, which also had a dance hall. Would you believe ! Fuck the site which had revealed the baboon was a walking stomach.
"Sir are you alone ?"
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey glared at the waiter.
"What do you think moron ? One table, and not far from this group."
The idiot looked at the pointed direction and made a face. Oh please.
"I'm sorry but..."
"Here's my ID. My family owns this place. Any other remark ?"
"No of course not. Follow me sir."
Yes, the junior knew this poor waiter only did his job. But damn he was just so pissed. I'll contact him later for sex. Hope it will make it even.
To say Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey was interested by the way Liam ate was completly wrong. It just happened in front of him so often that he became used to watch. Speaking of, watching the baboon from afar made the junior almost moan in public. Almost. Fuck that. I hate this world. Liam wasn't a messy eater at all. Quite the opposite actually : he had a certain charm and timidy while eating. He always started by his less favorite dish, and at a slow pace. Throughout his meal, his speed would increase. The baboon made always a point at being well-groomed and now wasn't an exception. From his spot, Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey observed him licking his lips several times. And damnit that was hot. The idiotic girls gave many plates to the baboon but they didn't feed him, which probably saved their life from the junior's wrath. Liam's body language was graceful, with no useless movement. His eyes. They're shining so much it blinds me from here. Damn. Damn. The waiter didn't comment on the Dean's grandson weird behavior, but he obviously saw his hard-on. You would be aroused too if your boyfriend was that hot ! Fuck you. Around the fourth or fifth plate (nobody counts those), another thing happened. Liam's belly started to grow. It was nothing but Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey was staring too much to not notice. The baboon had always been attractive. His recently acquired chubbiness made him even more handsome. And when he started to get stuffed... This is terrible.
"Sir, do you want anything with your coffee ?" asked the ever-patient waiter.
Man. I just... Fuck.
"You. Me. Bathroom for a quickie. Is that fucking alright ?" the blond lad suggested.
"We can do that." smiled the other.
When he came back in the room, he felt calmed. His desires were temporaly satisfied and the waiter had been nice enough to forgive him for his rudeness. After that, I'm sure he would've offered me the moon. Fatty roommate was still at their table with Third weel. As for Liam, the two bitches dragged him and Doll Man to the dance floor. For now, the baboon was barely moving, just watching them wriggle like two turkeys. Maybe I should go there and put an end to this ridiculous date ? Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey's phone suddenly rang.
"Best spy of the world to biggest penis of the world." said Nancy when he answered. "Got news for you."
"I'm listenning."
"I managed to track the IP of the moderator of the site in Canada." she revealed. "His name is George Blikes."
One dead man. I swear once I find you dude.
"But that's not all." Nancy continued. "I did a check of his background and bingo ! George is Samy's ex from highschool. Officially they're not in contact anymore but it's easy to keep these things secrets now."
"Samy." Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey muttered.
This... Fucking braindead asshole. Stupid fuckup. She would never see the light again. I need to call D.R. That could wait. Once his boyfriend safe, he would pay the asshole a visit. A very awaited visit. However, he had another problem at hands. Because his boyfriend just broke Lucy's nose with a probably deserved but yet violent punch in the face.
Liam Saturday April 20
"Are you sure you don't wanna dance ?" asked Lucy for the third time.
"I'm fine thanks." the lad politely declined.
Throughout lunch, he had understood two things. Firstly, the witch intented to charm him in order to corrupt his energy. This way, she would poison the unicorns and kill them. Secondly, the force of lights were stronger than he had imagined. It's no surprise the unicorns sent Colton to help me. His friend's dance was so graceful that it fascinated the human sacrifice named Miranda. And Nick was distracting the other, a girl Lucy introduced as Velma. The chestnut lad himself was well-fed and in top form. I can focus on our main ennemy : the witch. She smiled to him.
"Tell me pretty boy, I heard from a friend you were into food games a lot. I have an offer for you." she suggested. "I'll let you do things to me for each additionnal plate you eat. How does it sound ?"
Very evil ? He had yet to find a way to defeat her without violence. Maybe he needed to reason her...
"It's tempting." he lied. "At least the food part."
I wonder what Damian would think about that. Liam could do many things to him while stuffing his face with delicious cuisine. Maybe stripping him one clothe after the other for each plate he finished... And why not make bolder and bolder caresses, going closer to his intimate parts...
"You're dribbling." Lucy hissed. "Are you that much of a feedee ?"
The young lad blushed. Whatever he had been thinking was better forgotten. Or not. (He mentally decided to keep the idea for latter). Anyway back to the main topic. He had a witch to beat.
"Why're you doing this ?" he asked. "What did they promise you in exchange ?"
She blinked, seemingly confused.
"Can't a woman woo a man she finds attractive ?" she countered. "You're my type you know ?"
"C'mon I know you've a purpose... Do you know this is bad ? You shouldn't force people to do things they don't want. You look like a nice girl, you should follow the right path."
He was kinda proud of his little speech. Let's hope it'll make her change her mind. Lucy frowned and took several seconds to think. Maybe something was bothering her ?
"Is it about the money ?" she finally asked. "We can share if that's what you want."
The forces of evil hired her of course. Maybe it was Liam's own father who did such a malevolent thing ?
"Sorry but you won't corrupt me that easily. I don't want any dirty money. And you neither, it only brings problem. What if the cops are after you ?"
He was convinced the police were an army enterily built by the unicorns to maintain order. Lucy grunted.
"Nobody has to know. It'll be fast, just some photo and we're good..." she mutterred. "Don't be a prick."
The chestnut lad was about to decline (again) when his phone rang. Surprisingly, it was his sister Chloe. What is it ? She never calls unless it's important.
"Sorry but I need to take that." he said.
He entered in the bathroom to talk peacefully. A groggy waiter was leaving, but otherwise, it was empty.
"Hi sis." he answered.w "Is everything okay ?"
A muffled noise told him it was not. He had been knowing Chloe for the fifteen years of her life and he could count on one hand the times she had cried. Even as a baby, she had been way more tough than Luka or him. The last time he heard her sobbing was when he had been accused of manslaughter. It was a sound he resented. A sound he was hearing now.
"Chloe ? What it is ? Can you talk ?"
She only cried louder. He cursed his own helplessness. Why was he here and not with her ? What a stupid big brother ! Stop that Liam. Now is not the time to lament on yourself. She needs you.
"I'm here sis. Right here." he assured. "You can cry as much as you want, I won't leave until you're feeling better."
"It's silly." she mumbled. "Sorry for worrying you."
Don't be. Don't do that. She had always been very mature and serious. A commom joke between them was to call her mother number two. But Liam would always worry about her. She was still a teenager. In light of his past actions, she had often kept her feelings for herself to not put any additional pressure on him. That was his beautiful and strong sister, who always protected him.
"I..." she whispered. "I just miss mom. That's stupid isn't it ? I lost a race today and I was so disappointed. I needed someone to talk but heck, all my friends are in another town. My mother is in another town. And I can't call her when I'm like that. She'll blow a fuse and come right away."
He never hated his family's situation more than at this moment.
"Can I tell you my day ?" she asked. "Just for a moment and I'll be fine."
"Whatever you want sis. Whatever you want."
When he left the bathroom, Liam had only one desire. To sleep. Even if it was only three in the afternoon and he had work later. Chloe was feeling better, which was a plus, but it only made him realise how everything was still so... wrong. She's way stronger than me that's for sure. However, the freshman barely got the time to breath. Lucy alsmot went for his throat.
"Welcome back handsome." she chirped. "What took so long ?"
"That's not your business." he replied. "And I'm sorry but I need to go."
He could feel an headache incoming. I'm so tired.
"Certainly not." the girl said. "I didn't suck my ego to hit on a dumbass like you for nothing. Come here."
She grabbed her arm and tried to lead him towards the bathroom. Which was ridiculous because he was bigger and heavier.
"Let me go please." he asked. "I'm not in the mood for anything you want to do."
Lucy ignored him. She strengthened her grip, making him wince in pain. He tried to free himself, but the girl suddenly pushed him on the wall. Her hands find a way to his crotch. And that was the final straw. He has enough of her, her scheme and her rudeness. Couldn't she let him alone ?! Pushed by his instinct, he did what he thought necessary to made her back off. He distincly heard a loud crack when his fist smashed her face open. He felt more than he saw everyone looking at them. He heard her scream of pain. And his slow brain realised he was doing another panic attack.
"You hit me in the face !" she yelled.
All he noticed was the blood. He heard thunder. Someone shouted.
"Kilian !"
No. No no no. A familiar head of blond hair ran towards him. He was back one year ago on this road. The young lad paniced. He knocked whoever tried to grab him over. He glanced at the exit. It wasn't far. Maybe he could go for it.
"Liam Strucker, you're charged of manslaughter by the present tribunal. What do you plead ?"
The chesnut lad ran. His legs moved on their own.
"What do you plead ?"
The crack of Lucy's bones resonated in his mind. He pushed the door and hurtled in the street. He had no time to lose. He needed to go the farthest possible.
"What do you plead ?"
Guilty. I'm guilty of everything. I hurt Kilian. I destroyed my family. I hurt Lucy. I did all that.
Nicolas Saturday April 20
The not-a-date rendez-vous went from 0 to 100 in a split second. The young lad was discreetly trying to play at pokemon while Velma was making the conversation when they heard the scream. The first thing he noticed was Liam's fist, covered in blood. Lucy fell on her knees, writhed in pain. Holy shit. Everything went crazy. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey left his hideout (not that he was very discreet to begin with) and rushed towards his boyfriend. But this one didn't hear him. He jostled a waiter and ran to the door. Nick barely had the time to get up before his roommate disappeared in the street. What the hell was that ?
"He hit me !" shouted Lucy. "That fucking moron hit me !"
Her friends were already at her side. Miranda was agitated, while Velma only watched from afar. Something is wrong.
"What took him ?" asked Colton. "He's usually better at handling his emotions."
"Dunno dude." the geek replied.
They both came closer. Her nose is broken. That's not pretty.
"He'll hear about me !" Lucy assured. "I swear to god, I will report him ! This prey is crazy ! The hunt is not worth it."
Nick froze. What did she just say ? Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey ordered her to shut the fuck up. He then turned to the boys.
"Doll man, Fatty roommate. We need to find him before he does something even stupider. Any ideas ?"
Colton answered, but the dark-haired freshman didn't listen. The hunt ? His brain was thinking fast. Imagenius talked about a reward. And Beauty admitted her boss was Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey... Is it possible that Liam is the prey ? Is he being used ? It would explain why a lot of their fellow students were interested in him. (Yes Liam was hot, but nobody was hot enough to interest that many people, except maybe this soccer player Muller something).
"Earth to fatty roommate !" yelled the Dean's grandson to get his attention. "Colton is going to the park and I go to Pasta's Place just in case. You go back to your apartment. If he's not here, check with Nate if he has any idea. Okay ?"
Nick ogled him. Could he be only involved for the reward ? Now wasn't the time to think about it. They needed to find Liam. But I will clear that mess up...
When he arrived at the apartment, the dark-haired lad knew Liam would be there. A trail of broken trash can said it all. He entered silently, hoping to find his friend in a better mood than half an hour ago.
"What the hell happened back there dude ?"
Nick shrieked like a girl when a tall shadow blocked his view. A monster !! He heard the sound of chewing.
"Woah chill pal. It's me."
He finally noticed Archie. For someone his size, this damn footballer could be very discreet. He scared the hell out of me that bastard. It wasn't unusual for him to come over and talk with Nate when they were away. He's a friend of Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey... I wonder if he's a hunter ?
"So ?"
"Liam freaked out because of what Lucy did." explained Nick. "I don't know the specifics, but it was related to the hunt or something ? He paniced."
If Archie knew something, he hid it well. He looked at the geek with his two big eyes and grabbed an handful of crips.
"Damn that sucks." he said. "Nate is with him right now so Imma get going. Text me if there is anything I can do."
Nick waited an hour before he sent a text to Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey. To let my poor roommate breathe. Then, himself knocked at Liam's door. Nate opened and outlined a brief smile. Behind him, it was pretty clear that their friend had fallen asleep. He had work tonight, but maybe her boss would be cool about it. Once he was sure everything was under control, the dark-haired lad headed to his bedroom. He heard the Dean's grandson strom into the apartment, but it wasn't his problem anymore. I have a more urgent business. There is something really weird going on and I want to find what. It was for Liam's safety but also to satisfy his curiousity.
*TheSavior opened a private chat with Abeautifulwoman*
< TheSavior : Yo. >
< Abeautifulwoman : You put a period ! Is it your diet ? Look idk how fat you are but I'm sure you can get rid of a few kilo easy peasy ! I believe in yu boss ! >
Yeah I'll come back to you about that. Until now, he hated this whole diet idea with his whole being. But it was necessary.
< TheSavior : It had nothing to do with my diet. I want you to tell me what the hunt is about. >
< Abeautifulwoman : Not you too... Bro I swear this is a dangerous thing. You don't want to be involved >
She already said that to Imagenius. But Nick had more or less understood what it was about. He only needed confirmation.
< TheSavior : Look beauty. My friend is Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey's boyfriend. From what I witnessed today and in the past weeks, I can tell there are a lot of people after him. I know your boss is a hunter, and I know he's not very sympatic, but I do hope he likes me a bit. All I want is to know what is going on. Is my roommate not safe ? Is it Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey's fault ? >
< Abeautifulwoman : ... Who are you ? How can I be sure you're Sav ? This is too much of a coincidence. Are you working for Samy ?! Just know that we're after you. D.R and us won't let you get away with it. >
< TheSavior : are you serious right now ? >
*Abeautifulwoman is disconnected*
The fuck ? Seriously ?! Nick grunted. That idiot ! But if it was a big deal, he could understand her distrust. It hurts, but she gave him some info to work with anyway. Samy uh ? And D.R... He didn't like the idea of Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey being a manipulative asshole who was using Liam. He doesn't even look the part. But it was a possibility. He needed to investigate more... Nick would know everything about the hunters and the famous hunt.
To be continued
When you’re hunting, and the prey is way stronger than you.
Lucy is stupid but no, I don’t encourage violence of any kind. Liam wasn’t right, but he’s human, and it’s well know he can’t control his emotions very well.
Nick is going to the end of it. He will. Maybe! 
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