#anyway i’m just being a bit resentful bc someone in this situation ship with me asked for money for food and
nimueries · 3 years
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Nimue’s parents. I have an entire post for this but if you write either a Lancelot or Elaine and don’t feel comfortable having Nimue as a child I’m more than willing to go with an alternate parent set for her. This tends to drive her story in a far more Malory-based and Post-Vulgate type direction but I don’t mind it.
Morgaine as Nimue’s mentor/foster mother/Mother Gothel, basically. I love Morgan/Morgana/Morganna/etc. as a character and there are situations where I ship more typical versions of Morgan and Nimue. In this instance I have no problem redirecting Morgaine’s involvement to Viviane who was the Lady of the Lake before her, Lancelot’s actual mother, Morgaine’s original mentor and Nimue’s grandmother.
The story of the White Hart & Nimue’s resulting kidnapping. I have no problem including this or removing it.
What exactly happens to Merlin. I’m mainly a stickler for the fact that Nimue is the reason he’s gone. She won’t tell anyone what happened ( unless they’re really close and she’s actually sharing everything she’s bottled up with someone ) and so the vagueness/alternating theories are more than welcome. 
Merlin. Unless you specifically play a Merlin and come to me with an actual plot idea for them that I can work with and want to play with, the Merlin in Nimue’s story is a groomer, narcissist, and abuser on multiple fronts. This is an integral component ( albeit not a singular one) to Nimue’s tale as a survivor and how she grows as a person.
Nimue coming back to Camelot to consistently keep saving Arthur & the kingdom’s asses. I don’t mind adding elements of this to any interaction if it helps build up to something. Nimue may come to resent Camelot but her moral compass / alignment as a lawful neutral could very well play a larger role in what she’s willing to do and what she considers just.
Nimue is powerful. Nimue is arguably one of, if not thee most powerful creature in the realm. I will not downplay this and I will not tone it down. I go out of my way not to write her using her magic on others for the sake of interaction but her magic is always there and it’s likely demanding to be felt in some way.
She does not use or give others love potions/spells. ( That being said, if you want contraception you can absolutely go to her for help with no judgement but we digress. ) Anyway, Ettard deserved better than the Malory ending and we’re not vibing with the cattiness of it so that part of the story doesn’t happen. No ‘come look at this poor boy you’ve broken’ and no reversal of emotions that cause Ettard to commit suicide. Nimue is a woman who supports other women and that entire mess-up has just as much to do with Pelleas being a dumbass as it does Ettard being a bit vain. But we’re also not over here vibing with the Howard Pyle version where Nimue gives Pelleas a necklace that causes the whole debacle bc that’s just pushing the blame in a stupid way and reeks of Merlin shenanigans.
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justavengeit · 7 years
Your about page says that 'tumblr user justavengeit is like if bucky barnes started writing fic' and it made me think of like. Like Bucky started writing really fluffy Tony StarkXReader and WinterIron fics and they're really popular 'n just like. Trying so hard not to let on that he has a crush on Tony and is in fact writing a whole bunch of fanfics about him lol
I’m cryin bc like, there must be so much Avengers fanfic and no one knows for sure how they feel about it but like Tony has a love-hate relationship with it. When he’s not being hassled about Stark Industries or iron man, the paparazzi and interviews love to bother him about the fanfic. Most of it he just makes cracks about, and he kind of gets a sick kick out of MSTing tony-bashing fics (even though it’s kind if crushing at the same time, I mean, the characterization)
And then there’s ship fic. And most if it’s harmless. He’s a bit perturbed by the amount of hatefuck fic featuring him and steve, but when asked about it mostly just says about how it’s healthy that the authors are working out their urges in a safe fashion or this and the other. He’s a bit annoyed about how pathetic those fics characterize him, but ultimately, it’s fiction, whatever, right?
And that’s when the upward surge of winteriron starts to make itself known.
“What,” he says when Pepper mentions it to him (she may no longer be his PA but she still keeps a better eye on what the media and popular opinion about him is that he does).
“Don’t ask me, I don’t know where they got the idea for it,” she says.
They should have no ideas about it is the thing, because Iron Man and the Winter Soldier have nothing to do with in another. They barely exist on the same public sphere. War Machine works with the Winter Soldier more that Iron Man does. It’s not like it’s entirely intentional - but it’s also not unintentional. Tony more or less stays away from Bucky in public, because he’s pretty much the public face of the Avengers and lots of attention makes Bucky’s trigger finger itchy.
After a few days, FRIDAY has more or less tracked the rise of ‘Winteriron,’ and funnily enough, although there has always been some fic about the pair of them since Bucky was first discovered to be around and kicking(Tony isn’t surprised, people will pair him with literally anyone; there’s a whole community dedicated to writing him in a relationship with fictional characters from the Dragonriders of Pern to Supernatural), one author in particular has given rise to the popularity of the ship. Which is. You know. Whatever.
Or it should be whatever. If Tony can shrug off the massive amounts of ironcaptain fiction without it impacting how he works with Steve, he should be able to do the same with Bucky. Not even the most epic winteriron fic even approached the word count of all the ironcaptain fics. He doesn’t even read any of them, unlike the other fics about him and his friends, coworkers, enemies, and even Justin Hammer. For good reason, really. Tony still isn’t entirely sure how he feels about Bucky Barnes given everything, but he knows asking him to leave Bucky alone would be like trying to put out an oil fire with water. It’s just lucky that Bucky doesn’t seem to be bothered by him, for all that he’s a lot quieter and warier around Tony than the rest of the team.
It’s a situation that Tony decides requires vigorous willful ignorance.
Unfortunately, the surge in popularity won’t let him get away with that. A few months later, he gets cornered by an interviewer who had previously checked with him if he was fine with the whole fanfic thing being touched on, and even with examples put up on the the screen. Tony, accustomed to this coming up often enough given the drama of celebfic, says sure.
“So tell me,” the host says, “what’s your opinion on the SS Winteriron.”
Tony, on live television, manages to actually stall out. “Uh,” he says after a second too long - he can tell by the subtle widening if the host’s smile and eyes - “well, I think that’s probably an interesting variation on the whole ‘American icon seduces Soviet agent’ theme that’s been popular ever since the beginning of the Cold War.”
The host laughs. “You’re talking about Star-Crossed, right?”
Tony shrugs with a smirk. It’s a lot more poetic than most of the handle-smushing names that usually get assigned to pairing. Slightly more obscure, he guesses - it only makes any sense after the connection between Bucky’s red star and Steve’s white is made. “Well, that’s the obvious one, right?”
“That’s right. But that’s actually not the usual theme of the stories that get written about you and the Winter Soldier.”
Tony nods along, even though he has no way of knowing that. This is being aired live on national television, and so, a bit desperately given that he usually jokes about the fanfic with the victim in question before talking about it on TV, he says, “I actually haven’t read any of it myself.”
He deeply resents the way the host’s face lights up. “Really,” she thrills. “Well, let’s get your reaction in real time.” She turns, gesturing to the screen slightly offset from the chairs.
With no little dread and resignation, Tony twists in his chair to see the excerpt from the fic they’ve chosen. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve carefully selected some of the more - racey content to throw in his face. He quickly skims the paragraph, sharply aware of the cameras fixated on him to capture every muscle twitch he might give in response.
It’s thankfully nothing explicit - he’s honestly a bit surprised to see that this appears to be a scene where fic-Tony is working on fic-Buck’s arm. It wouldn’t even be exceptionally shippy if not for the way the narrative lingers lovingly on fic-Tony’s eyelashes and mouth, the focus fic-Tony pays to his job while cracking an awkward joke. The narrative, clearly written from fic-Bucky’s perspective, is smitten.
Tony is vaguely aware that the tips of his ears are burning as he falls back into his chair with a devil-may-care expression. “Well, I can’t really vouch for the accuracy of that characterization, if the nation’s favorite freezer pop is that poetic it certainly doesn’t show, but -” he aims his best doe-eyed look of adoration at the camera, “if the author of that story would like to hit me up for a date, I am all yours.”
The host laughs, and that easily, the balance of power tips back in Tony’s favor. He spends the next several minutes cracking jokes and charming the host and the audience, and as soon as his time is up, Tony beats a swift retreat. Live, national television. What a disaster. If Bucky happened to catch that - and Tony is sure he did, Bucky watches all of their appearances on TV, he gets nervous when he can’t keep track if the team - then he has some desperate damage control to do, probably. Bucky’s adjusting well to the future, but the idea of people writing about him, even fictional stories for their own indulgence, will probably freak him out.
Tony is doing a great job of appearing calm and collected when he shows up to the Compound, but Natasha takes one look at him and says, “he did, and right now he’s looking for the highest possible roof available to jump off of.”
“What,” Tony says, “why? Why are you so calm about this? You should be stopping him!”
She gives him a very pitying look. “He’ll be fine.” She pops a bright raspberry into her mouth as Tony moves by her, already pretty sure he knows what roof Bucky has picked. “That detail about the workshop display screen was interesting, wasn’t it?”
Tony barely acknowledges the remark. At least until he’s already left the lobby far behind and then it clicks. No one should know about a detail like that. Not anyone who hadn’t been inside the workshop in the first place, anyway, which narrows the possible authors down considerably unless there’s been a leak and - oh.
Apparently he has someone he needs to invite down for arm maintenance - and this time he’s not taking ‘in your dreams’ as an answer.
side b now included
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fidgetheart · 7 years
leafpool and/or brackenfur!! for tha ask meme
send me a character and i’ll list
@shitsstorm​ ((thank you!! :D))
okay so I’m gonna post it under the cut after Leafpool’s bc it’s gonna be long otherwise ahah
favorite thing about them
hhh I just?? really enjoy her character bc she’s flawed but she means well and, and she’s just… a rounded character which is, tbh, not easy to come by in the world of murder cats
but also the fact she willingly punished herself for having kits says a lot about her character - she willingly stepped down from the position she adored, the only position she ever loved, and did her very best to be a decent warrior
least favorite thing about them
uh…. from what I understand about Leafpool’s Wish, she seemed kinda ooc?? and I’m not digging the idea that she pressured her sister (guilt tripping her?? idk) into taking her kits instead of claiming they found them abandoned or somethin’
but like… I feel like that’s more on the authors/editors? bc, again from what I understand, is that she was acting ooc and ooc is gonna be more writer error than character intention (depending on how it’s handled/the situation)
tho, of course, even if it’s not ooc, I still don’t like that :/ 
favorite line
hmm… “”It was my fault alone. You are wrong to blame Squirrelflight. She was just being loyal to me.” (The Last Hope)
I mean, there’s more to the quote, but that bit I just really love bc it shows Leafpool knows it was her fault and does her best to try and restore the trust Squirrelflight lost
her and Sorreltail!!
her and Mothwing ofc
lmao, her and Crowfeather
their relationship is just… Not Good™ considering that both were probably… just really lost/lonely?? like, we know Leafpool was desperate for someone bc she was feeling like she was being pushed out of her role/her Clan, and I’m sure Crowfeather wasn’t in a great position himself considering he lost Feathertail and I’m sure his Clan was still sour with him up and leaving like that despite it being a StarClan thing (not to mention, I don’t think Crowfeather choosing his name was taken lightly with his Clanmates asdfjhdsfj)
random headcanon
um… I like to think that she really cares for Puddleshine like a son after living in ShadowClan for the few moons to train him. like, I feel like almost every apprentice and mentor have a really close bond with one another?? something that differs from kinship, so I feel like that especially goes for those two, even though Leafpool didn’t train him for as long as she should have and that they’re now in separate Clans
unpopular opinion
oh heck if I know I don’t really pay attention to popular opinions sadfjsfd
I guess that a (arguably) popular opinion is that she and Crowfeather should’ve stayed away from the Clans to live together permanently?? like… I just can’t get on board with that ahah
I feel like Crowfeather would be just fine as a rogue/longer, but Leafpool needs a Clan structure and does better surrounded by family/Clanmates than she would depending on one cat for the rest of her life
song i associate with them
idk, tbh?? like I’m sure I had a song associated with her at some point but I can’t remember what now asdfhfashk
aCTUALLY I associate her with “It’s Your Life” by Francesca Battistelli that’s just something I haven’t thought about in a few years holy moly
favorite picture of them
I love basically every design I’ve seen with her, but I really love seeing her with a brown pelt (instead of a red/ginger based brown) with a white belly!! like, the white pops nicely against the brown?? so definitely an aesthetic thing
favorite thing about them
asdfjhsdafjhs I mean that’s an overstatement, but I just??? really love him he’s just a great character despite something bland moments (see below for a bit more detail), and he’s just a sweet guy?? like, poor dude was ignored by his actual mentor (thanks Graystripe) but never held resentment toward him, he was determined to help Snowkit become a warrior and ran after the hawk that took Snowkit despite everyone else giving up the moment the hawk took off from the camp, and he just… always does his best
least favorite thing about them
again, it’s less of a character thing and more of a writer thing, but I feel like he has a lot of untapped potential and is… just kinda there?? so he’s just… not really exciting tbh bc he’s often just shoved to the side and ignored
likewise, I just… don’t see him to be the deputy/leader type?? I’ll explain more down in the unpopular opinion part
favorite line
“Every leaf and every blade of grass reminds me of her. I know she’s watching over me and her kits from StarClan. One day we’ll meet again. I would wait forever to see her face once more.” (Bramblestar’s Storm)
hhhh like rip my heart out sdafjkdasfhjafs
he just?? loves Sorreltail so much and can’t wait to see her but he’s still just truckin’ through despite his pain and hhhhhhhh
him and Cinderpelt!!
absolutely him and Sorreltail
uh… idk of any other ships with him tbh??? so I don’t have an answer for this whoops
random headcanon
he used to only be close to Cinderpelt bc they were apprenticed together, while Thornclaw and Brightheart were made apprentices until he was basically a warrior. bc of that, he did everything he could to help Cinderpelt adjust to her new life as a medicine cat, and when Brightheart was mauled, he did his best to help their mother and Cinderpelt cope with the event. it was after Brightheart and Thornclaw were made warriors that he began to connect with his other siblings again, and the three of them are very tight, especially after Cinderpelt was killed
unpopular opinion
okay, so I know a lot of people want him to be deputy/leader, and I do like that idea, but I feel like… he’s just no that type of cat
like, I feel like Brackenfur is content with just being a warrior - I feel like he doesn’t want to be moved to a higher position, and I think he would be uncomfortable as ThunderClan’s deputy (though I doubt he would express that discomfort and do his best anyway)
song i associate with them
“King” by Lauren Aquilina! bc of that MAP based on him with that song ahah (which you can see here)
favorite picture of them
hmmm… I really love every design I’ve seen for him so far?? but I absolutely adore @nmirah‘s design for him!
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sovtwords · 3 years
i just read you found me and bestie 😳 i sat here for a good three and a half hours and read the whole thing in one go AND IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT AND I LOVE YOU FOR IT !! kind of a rant ahead so i’m sorry in advance hehe
the whole story was so beautifully thought out and i absolutely fell in love w each person’s characterization. the time atsumu frowned when he saw lilies on mcs desk flew over my head but i later on noticed and gasped so loud my dog woke up LOL i just realized you never used y/n (right or did i just never notice) and i think you are powerful for that. it just gives the mc more freedom and room to be interpreted in whatever way while still maintaining a personality that fits the story. also himari’s my absolute fave and she’s best girl sorry i dont make the rules
in you should have found me my heart absolutely broke for osamu because it’s so clear how different the twins reaction would be depending on who got the girl. osamu was always a bit more selfless in general but in that fic the way it was established that even years later atsumu would still be affected by it just screams ab how different they really are. i hope osamu got a happy ending w someone he loves and loves him back, he deserves it
the whole thing was a ride, the way that there was so much push and pull and frustration made me scream omg. the situation with tomi was so stressful and nobody should have to go with that kind of abuse (bc it is abuse no matter how anyone looks at it! and i love that you recognized it as so) and blackmail. the fact that mc didnt blame atsumu for getting with tomi because she too was with someone else (fuck daishou and mika too lw i thought she was cooler than that 😡) so its nice that she didnt outright blame him, bc i sure as hell would LOL but anyway. the way that these two felt so strongly ab each other and were so patient and still loved each other thru all the shit theyve gone thru makes me so happy bc a love like that is so pure
high school tsumu was a little shit and he (respectfully) needed to get decked but the way that he learned and did better and even tried to make tomi realize that too was much needed and appreciated. the thing with this fic tho is that no one can really blame anyone for how they acted (except tomi and daishou like cmon man do better) bc its so raw and human of them. atsumu was young and in love but didnt know it and was terrified of what everyone would think of him, which is valid esp bc his whole life, people have been telling him that osamu is the better twin with a better personality and whatnot. and you cant blame mc for leaving bc getting bullied like that and having the one person you trust turn their back on you hurts
still my heart absolutely goes out to osamu. i saw somewhere that atsumu is the one who gets seen and osamu is the one who is liked, so they both have this underlying resentment (i dont think thats the right word. jealousy?) to each other. bc when you heard miya youd think of atsumu but once they got to know both twins, it’s osamu they like. i feel like osamu is more known as atsumu’s twin sometimes bc he’s just the one thats more out there, yk? but atsumu just being grateful for osamu made me so happy and osamu being happy for his twin and mc made me even happier even tho he was hurting inside. give him a happy ending im begging you my tiny heart hurts after you should have found me pls tell me he’s happy and moved on
also let’s all thank yuta for getting along w mc to begin w LOL he’s second best after himari 😌 bokuroo dynamic was a much needed addition and i love them more than anything, same vibes as hanamattsun like chaotic gay bros who’d tear down the earth for the ones they love 😪
i feel like i still have so much left to say but this is already super long and im sorry for that. you found me is now one of my fave fics (probs my fave atsumu fic i loved it that much) ever and im so grateful you took the time to write it. thanks for the journey and im looking forward to your fics (im gonna binge rn 😈) and future works! stay hydrated <3
Firstly thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a long and detailed message with such kind words, i literally did not stop smiling the entire time I was reading it oml i was so giddy reading it
I'm so glad you caught onto those little tidbits i left in the story, i tried to have meaning in every tiny details so it makes me happy that you caught onto them! And you're right! I didn't use Y/N in the story at all, or any of my stories! I kinda feel at times using anything like Y/N or (name) feels a bit clunky? It kinda takes me out of the story, so I try not to include it in my stories at all, and either use a nickname or nothing! ALSO I'M SO HAPPY YOU LOVED HIMARI AND YUTA!!
Your analysis of how different the twins are and their dynamic with each other in not only HQ but my fic is just CHEFS KISS MWAH it's so good and you really hit the nail on the head. Like you said they're both winners in different ways; Atsumu is the star boy who gets noticed for his talent and charisma but Osamu is the better liked twin in the end because of his personality and calm nature. I think the twins are just so interesting to write about that way, how they love differently and approach life dasjfhasd will definitely write more with the two of them in the future
I really screwed over Osamu in 'I should have found you', didn't I? LOL I need to do my boy some justice in future stories i write, whether they're related to You Found Me or not. But rest assured he had a happy ending regardless of whether he's in a relationship or not! He's taking life step by step and finding success in his job and with his friends! <3
I guess the thing I wanted to focus on in this fic is that everyone goes through some sort of struggle in some way. Even someone like cocky, hotheaded atsumu feels the weight of pressure and to act a certain way because its expected of him. He may not have dealth with it well at first (he was a kid tbf!) but what matters is how he grows from the hurt and learns how to do right the second time. I am a sucker for 'right people, wrong time' tropes after all hahaha everybody deals with shit, so it's important that they all found someone to lean on
I don't ship much but Bokuroo is my SHIT i just love really stupid bros that are in love and every day is a wild ride, like matsuhana too ajhsdfhsd
Seriously, thank you so much for even reading my fic, let alone sending such a sweet message. I'm beyond happy that you loved it, and to call it one of your fave fics just makes my head explode LMAO
I do hope you enjoy the other fics (trash) I write, my mind goes in a million directions and I can only hope ppl understand what i write HAHAHA
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