#anyway i'm down to talk about all of these but especially ludcesca and barco
marciego · 2 years
Can you tell me your top 3 m/f, f/f and m/m ships for Violetta?? And Soy Luna too?
for sure, i sure as hell don't ship 9 different pairings in sl but i tried my best to fill everything with what i have and i'm pretty satisfied with it <3 and i'll also let you know that this ask kinda broke me because it made me realize i do not, in fact, have three mlm violetta ships and i definitely thought i did so thank you for the realization i guess
m/f ships
leonetta, for obvious reasons, i'm not gonna spend forever saying what everyone already knows but i love me some love on purpose ships. leonetta have me by the throat, the way they care for each other through it all, the way nothing with them is accidental, how their love for each other gets through everything because every day they make the choice to love the other on purpose, because they WANT to be together and to love each other, it gets me it gets me every single time, you can't give me podemos and expect me not to want to give my life for them
fedemila, once again for obvious reasons, i've fallen for them the moment i saw ludmila being head over heels with her ridiculous ass crush on him in s2, like honestly, s2 ludmila has always been my favorite, i do love her in s3 i adore her i would give my life for her, her arc is really really good and i'm so happy she's finally getting the help she needs, but man.....her diva energy, the supernova metaphor, all the layers you could see, her over the top attitude at all times, her ridiculous ass plans, like when i think of ludmila i think of s2, and s2 fedemila is genuinely one of my favorite things in the whole show, her feelings for him being so over the top but so so genuine at the same time, federico's arrogance and diva attitude matching perfectly with her, the way he sees her and loves her and doesn't try to change her but wants her to become a version of herself she'll be happy with, they mean so much to me, and i adore their relationship in s3 too but rn i'm really in my s2 fedemila feels, i love my binary stars so much
this one is actually super hard like i want to say both naxi and marcesca?? i think if i had to choose by how giddy i get by watching their scenes it'd be naxi because they're just the cutest and s1 naxi >>> actually, every time i remember s1 naty i want to cry because of how much she was going through and i'll never not be thankful for maxi for being there for her always, but if i was ranking these ships by how much i'm rotating them in my brain definitely marcesca, like i have much more thoughts on marcesca than i do on naxi but i'm not sure that means shipping them more you know? this one is really really hard, but yeah marcesca are always in my brain, i have a whole ass essay on them half written in my drafts, the ana/diego parallels with marcesca and their break up are some of my favorite things to think about in this show and i adore them, and outside of their break up (because it IS what i mostly think about with them 😭) i'm just so glad for fran that she could have marco after the tomas disaster, she deserved it so much, and also marco's introduction remains the only character introduction ever, so yeah depending on how you see it it could be either naxi or marcesca i guess
wlw ships
jadangie, OBVIOUSLY, i love everything about them, their potential is one of my favorite things in the whole world, i'll never say this enough but these two went through so much and they deserve their happy ending more than anyone else, they were never given a chance to just be around each other and i'm absolutely convinced that given just that they could be extremely compatible, not a day passes where i don't think about what would have happened had jade not rejected angie's attempt at friendship in s3. but like genuinely, these two growing closer is the only thing i want in my life and i find it so so so beautiful how a relationship that started like theirs could bloom into love, like it's just so beautiful to me to take these two women that were never given the chance to get along and to give them the opportunity to find comfort in each other and to become in the end so much more than what they thought they could ever be
natila, s3 was THEIR season and genuinely from a strictly canon pov, them and dieleon are 100% the gayest ships in violetta like they have no competition, they are DATING and they'll make it everyone's problem if needed, i love love love them and i should definitely talk more about them because my girls are underrated as hell, they genuinely perfect i love their relationship so much, like they're just. i watch any natila scene and i believe in love again, i just think they deserve the happiness they're bringing each other so so much, i love how they're so so sweet while staying a ship involving both cami AND naty so like it has to be chaotic somehow, i love how they constantly show each other all sides of themselves, like they're just....they're goals honestly like i want that relationship, it's so easy and fun and playful and nice they're everything
ludcesca, now this is the first time i'm mentioning them outside of discussions with friends, but i actually love them so so much they've lowkey been constantly on my mind for the past three months or so? i genuinely see so much potential in them and i'm not gonna elaborate for too long here but basically when marciego is your favorite ship considering ludmila and fran's dynamic is kinda something that just happens you know, and it's a dynamic that i actually find SO fun and that progressively became less "look at marciego's besties being done with them" and more "ok but what if they kissed", i have created a whole timeline for them in my head and incorporated so many tropes i love, but what i love the most about them i think is that like, i think that it falls in very nicely with the show's views on love? like what i love about violetta and romance is how the show doesn't take itself too seriously and lets relationships evolve organically without trying to sell you this One True Love thing, diecesca doesn't matter more than marcesca and even dieletta and leonara were genuinely respected for what they were, the endgame ships (outside of leonetta) don't try to make you believe they'll stay together forever, maybe they will, but what matters is that in this moment they're together and happy, and the friend group is so tight that there's no doubt in anyone's mind that if any of the couples breaks up, it'll all work out, because they're friends before anything else and nothing can change that. ludcesca falls exactly into that for me, a love that doesn't take itself too seriously, that brings happiness to the girls and will last for however how long it lasts, and in the end it'll all turn out alright because they're friends before being gfs and it'll come back to that eventually, i really really enjoy this type of love. anyway i'm gonna shut up about them, in the end i didn't really about about their dynamic but know that i'm definitely planning to write about them and that diego is THE ludcesca supporter out there and that he'll also never stop making fun of them for it
mlm ships
marciego, unbelievable right? i just love them so much man, like i know i said natila were relationship goals, and they are, but marciego are just my perfect definition of love honestly, or i guess one of them, they're just. marco's unconditional love for diego, diego's endless support, but both of them being so chill about it. like, loving each other is so natural to them, they're THE best friends to lovers like no one does it like them, they met each other and started gravitating towards each other, and genuinely the way marco is the ONLY person diego has NEVER wronged in any shape or form, the way he's always tried his goddamn best to leave him out of his mess, and the way marco willingly stayed with him through it all even tho he knew he was fucked but he had accepted he loved him anyway, flaws and all, it gets me like it gets me so much you have no idea, they're everything to me
dieleon, and obviously you cannot do it without dieleon, they're genuinely one of the funniest dynamics in the whole show i love them so much they're ridiculous, like sometimes shipping characters isn't so much about ~love~ as it is about how fucking hilarious the homoerotism between the mean bitch and the bastard visibly turned on by the mean bitch being brutal with him is. but genuinely dieleon have such an interesting and fun dynamic and i love love love exploring it, they're very important
broduey/marco, or as i like to call them barco. i could give an explanation for them, because i do have one, but honestly? i find it immensely more funny to leave it at that
soy luna
m/f ships
lumon my beloved, i'm not a clown i'm the entire circus but at least i can appreciate a good ship when i see one. genuinely lumon completely took me by surprise when i started the show, i really didn't think i'd fall for them but! things happen! anyway i love best friends to lovers, i love how they know they'll always love each other no matter what it'll look like, i love that their romantic feelings were never made more important than their friendship and were acknowledged as just another form of love between them, i love how comfortable and fun they are, i love how genuine everything is with them, i love how domestic they are, i ADORE how they see each other, i just love them so so much this is insane. they should be endgame and actually it's just the tiniest bit ridiculous how the man who wrote valiente isn't luna's main love interest like it'll always be the tiniest bit insane to me when i think about it
pelfi, they're just genuinely so so sweet i care them a lot, the way pedro's immediate response to learning delfi faked being felicity to get gaston to like her was to go "but gaston was dating you, not felicity" means so much to me like he sees her for who she is, completely and fully and it's just what she deserves and i'm so happy she gets to get it, and they're just genuinely so so cute and wholesome and i loved their friendship and i love their romance and i'm rooting for them to keep being cute and lovely
delfi/gaston, ok so you can read a more detailed opinion on them here but basically i don't ship them but i think if this show had good writing they'd be endgame and they could genuinely be a very interesting and fun couple and i also think delfi was the perfect character to have gaston actually evolve as a person and she could fix him, literally, which i would very much like her to do because gaston has potential to be good but he's really fucking annoying and misogynistic in canon. anyway this doesn't count as a real ship i think but i have positive feelings about them and i see their potential which is not something i can say about any non lumon/pelfi m/f ship in soy luna😭
wlw ships
lumbar <3 i care these girls a lot and seeing luna yell at ambar in the s1 finale made me ship them SOO much more it's actually insane, like i've always liked them because you bet the moment i'm getting a sapphic mc i am NOT giving up on my main girl/mean girl ship no matter what, but outside of isolated scenes and a bit of tension here and there i was just really waiting for it to get to me, but this scene when luna finally snapped at her and called ambar out on her shit and genuinely had SUCH an impact on ambar? girl i loved this SO MUCH i watched the final performance so so many times just for them they're so GOOD, like i do have a lot of issues with the way the narrative handled ambar's change of heart but just. the impact luna had on her, the way even for a moment she came like a tornado in her life and shifted everything, i'm so so so SO looking forward to more of their scenes because genuinely this season finale changed me i think i love them so much, i'm gonna rewatch that performance actually because they <3
ana/mora honestly i put them second by virtue of me really being into main girl/mean girl ship and because of the s1 finale but they could very much be first, they're wives they're lesbians they're everything and i genuinely love so much how in your face they are? like everything about them screams marriage they're so GOOD like domesticity is one of my favorite things ever when it comes to shipping and it's like, their entire relationship, i love it so much they're so important and i know they get even gayer in s2 i'm SO excited for it
i don't really have a real answer here so i'm cheating a bit by saying ambilia simply because i just cannot wait to meet them and from what i know about them they seem right up my alley
mlm ships
gastiro, this is partly what i mean when i say i can fix gaston because with a bit of growth and by distancing himself from the annoying and misogynistic elements in his life he could be very good and become worthy of the gay king he once went on a terrible date with, so terrible that it led ramiro to dating a lesbian. but in all seriousness it's the only mlm ship i actually genuinely like in this show and it's based entirely on the potential i see in them because once i started thinking about it i realized they could actually be really compatible, so yeah in my soy luna once gaston becomes a better person and once ramiro lets go of his comphet they're dating and i'm rooting for them
outside of these two men in this show either suck or have a gf
not a ship but i gotta fill three spots and as much as i hate it i feel legally obligated to acknowledge that gastteo are extremely obviously making out off screen
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