#anyway i'm gonna go watch a tv show tha
kazz-brekker · 7 months
like i just do think it's objectively bad that even when you're reading incredibly positive reviews for netflix original shows like blue eye samurai and lockwood and co they're all like "yeah this is really good and you should watch it but there's basically a negative chance that this show will get a satisfying number of seasons or be able end on its own terms." that's just an insane way to run tv shows and yet it's become the norm at netflix.
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i'm been in Shawn's situation with Hailee and it's hurt me so much , i needed so much time to recover from this heartbreak . I feel so bad for Shawn . When Hailee and Justin get engaged , medias kept asking to shawn about what he feels about it , must be really awful
Omg I knowww I noticed how he looked uncomfortable or sad when asked about Hailey.
May 21, 2018 -
“At the Billboard Music Awards, Shawn got really weird when asked about Hailey. He was asked about the Met Gala in an interview with Extra TV and the reporter said “you guys are a gorgeous couple,” then things got really awkward.
He responded with an uncomfortable “ahh ok thank you.” Watch at the 42 second mark to experience the cringe for yourself”
^ And this was after she went to Justin hence his uncomfortableness.
A few days later Hailey tweeted this which shows she left Shawn for Justin, that’s why he was uncomfortable being asked about her:
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May 25, 2018
He looked nervous and the way he sat up after he said he’s single lol I think he was tired of  being asked about it in interviews. (Video: https://youtu.be/gsk_4WGi08k )
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He was so awkward when the interviewer asked if he’s single. She didn’t even asked about Hailey at all but he sat up and kept talking about her like ‘I know you’re gonna ask so might as well jump to it’ and he talked about the Met gala..it’s like he was trying to avoid any question about her so he wanted complete control of the situation,  It’s obvious he had feelings for her but the way he strongly said he’s single was like he’s completely done with whatever he had with her.
July 13, 2018 
Shawn got followed by paparazzi and the guy asked about Hailey and Justin. Shawn looked sad & annoyed and walked away to get away from paparazzi. He was going to cross the street but didn’t want to get asked questions about Hailey so it seems. He must’ve been so hurt. 
An article and video was posted on Dailymail the next day about it. 
 Paparazzi: “What do you think about tha..Hailey and ahh Bieber thing? (meaning engagement) 
Shawn: ignores him and immediately right then said to his bodyguard: “Let’s go back” (back inside, he was about to cross the street but I guess getting asked about Hailey made him uncomfortable) 
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Paparazzi: “What you think about the Bieber ahhh?” (engagement) (Shawn started biting his nails and kept walking off).
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Even though in the media/interviews he said nothing but nice things about Hailey and Justin getting together and their engagement, I see that Shawn was truly hurt by it, he even wrote it in his lyrics that he can’t get over her, but of course he’s not going to tell the world he was in love/ falling in love with Hailey, he’s not gonna be like “I’m jealous”, “I’m hurt”, “I miss her”, because he denied his feeling for her publicly anyway and stuck to the “we are just friends” until later after all of this he finally admitted they were kind of more than just friends.
July 15, 2018 
Around the time Hailey left him for Justin on his snapchat he was listening to skater boy by Avril Lavigne and he turned it up on the part “he wasn’t good enough for her” which fans believe (obviously) it’s about Hailey. He probably think he wasn’t good enough, he was clearly deeply in his feeling over Hailey even months later after this he talked about being lonely and falling in love, heart break etc. (things I’ve already touched on the blog)
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alicedrawslesmis · 5 years
What is going on with BBC les mis hypotheses #5061832 - the structure problem
First things first, this is not comprehensive, this is not deep. I'm gonna try to make it more well rooted next time. I'm judging it from what was given us, so how the characterisation and the events translate from the book is not what I'm concerned with, just the structure of the show.
Hypotheses: BBC les mis is too long for it's own good.
It feels very weird to say this, because it's les mis we assume the longer the series the easier it is to make it more like the book, right? Well turns out that not so much.
They have a story and they have 6 hours to fill, but each hour has to have a compelling structure with a beginning, a middle, and an end (not that the story needs to end but the episode needs to feel like a chapter in itself) that engages the viewer for the full hour plus makes them tune in next week. The brick is not like that because it is a novel, different medium = different viewer engagement. Plus it has lotsa digressions, and that can be engaging to a reader, while a show can't just suddenly stop dead to start a documentary on Argot.
I mean it could. And it would be awesome pls do that
But anyway that's not what the usual BBC drama has and viewers don't expect that, neither do the creators, specially if it's no one's dream project and they don't particularly feel like reinventing the wheel as far adaptations are concerned (that's what I got from interviews and stuff anyway).
So what we're left with is a show that... has timing problems. To say the least. And structure problems. Not considering the bad characterisation, the show has a main structure, and a lot of useless additions to make it closer to the book that honestly get in the way of the main story they are going for. And so the additions feel like padding. They are repetitive and weird. Why have a million scenes where Javert is lusting for Valjean when you can have just one? Or why have Valjean keep being shitty and then feeling bad about it when once is enough to show that yes, he feels guilt? We don't have to have him feel guilt in every scene to understand he feels guilt.
I suspect they did that because there is this truism on television that you need to repeat things all the time for the casual viewer that just tuned in to know what is going on. But like, dude, telenovelas know how to do that much better! Learn from us latinos Andrew, we know how to make things repetitive AND interesting. Also we know how to film it so it's immediately understandable. Come to Brasil, AD! We'll teach you!
This is not really true to TV anymore since people will likely watch the shows via streaming. I mean, I'm not sure about numbers but I assume people rarely catch episodes of things out of context on their TV, and if they do they're probably not gonna be the dedicated viewer you want to captivate with your drama, you want those millennials and gen z's to watch your thing! They buy things and post things on the internet and that creates more interest! Shorter GIFable sequences also go a long way! Not that I like this but it's the state of the world now, peeps
Anyway, again, back to the original point: the show is 6 hours long. There are movies with more plot points from the book and shorter time that feel like they are longer so why does this show feel so confused? Because they didn't know how to neatly pack les mis into six 1-hour-long mini-packages. The result is that the plot and pacing get confusing, the timelines are off-the-rails crazy, and the characters not very likeable...
I know that theme-wise Fantine's backstory was all over, but I think hers plus Georges Pontmercy's backstories were the better made parts, because they were where AD had more creative liberties and the director got to have fun with how they filmed everything, and they invented sets and scenes and characters for the show (granted I haven't seen the latest eps with the barricades yet, possibly won't, we'll see bout that).
Our author VHugs is a man that likes to create theatre scenes, and every element is placed in space and time more or less like theatre is - I'll probably have to expand on that literary analysis at some point in my life, but not in here - and there is really no escape in an adaptation to how the scene is constructed. The tension is built not just by prose but by the placing of certain elements in a certain place and a certain point in time. AD is a smart writer, maybe not a good one but he is smart, and he realises this Hugoan inevitability. He called it bad writing. That's why I think he went on and on about the changes he made, that wet dream, the strip-tease, the pissing scene: because it's a way to challenge to Hugo's control over everything that is happening in the plot. Change of any element has to be very well thought out or else the story breaks apart.
Again, Shoujo Cosette. Knows. How to adapt. It has short episodes dedicated each to a small sequence of events. Even having time to make new stories that further their adaptational needs. Absolutely brilliant. And a catchy theme song.
I also Love how the 1982 Robert Hossein Les Mis makes photographic montages to show the passage of time. Marius and Cosette standing still while the seasons change around them in the garden is amazing. Kudos Robert.
It all boils back to "Les Mis is a difficult book to adapt" in the end. Don't adapt les mis if you're not into it. It's hard work my lads. It'll wear you down faster than you can sing Waterloo
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murumokirby360 · 6 years
GTA IV - WKTT Radio: The Richard Bastion Show - 2nd Segment #4 [Male caller talking about getting off sexual pornography - Part 1]
Richard: Next Caller.
Caller: First of all, I'd just like to say I love the show. Y'know it's, it's great, you're doin' a good job for this city!
Richard: Thank you. Thank you, I agree completely, get to the point.
Caller: Where the hell do these "ie-beral facsits get off trying to censor pornography?!
Richard: Okay. Now, now, okay. Now listen. Put your head up to radio so I can vibrate some sense into that thick head of yours. We need to know who is reading and watching what in order to keep the terrorists out and protect our mo-our morality! That's all that's going on! I mean, mood altering candels lead to heavy petting. Okay? Don't pet me! I-I don't wanna be pet! Alright? I-I'm not a cat! Alright? Now y'know what I, y'know what I say? We're not even supposed to be having sex! I- No! Keep it outta my butt! Alright? With the nonsense o-o-on TV in this country like uh, y'know like that liberal Jeremy St. Ives, filling womens' heads with all these irrational expectations about masculinity, y'know we're, we're all gonna be in trouble. Lis- y'know here, listen, my wife has never had one of those uh, so called female orgasms, and she is very, very h-VERY happy. Y'know, she works out a couple times a day with her trainer, uh a-a-and she's getting very,very good at tennis. Okay now we have our faith! That's where our orgasms come from. That's where we get off, from prayin'. Alright? This life is meant to be shit, so that the next one is good. You gotta have your valleys to appreciate the peaks. It's, y'know it's like an orgy with virgins. Y'know, I mean it sounds like a good idea, then you get in their and you're kind like, no, don't put that tha-, anyway, you get my point.
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