#anyway if i find out that one of you gifted someone else a luvdisc without consulting them/knowing they want one first
sweetbabymantykes · 2 years
Happy Valentines Day
Happy valentine's day! For me it was another day of wanting what Steven and Wallace have while watching this week's league battle analyses but that's fine. Maybe next year.
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Cipher's Event Logs: Goodbye … For Now
Oh, Stella … I am really flustered right now … Suthen kissed me on the lips without warning … I-I can't do anything but to receive it and kiss him back. This isn't the first time we kissed but damn … it sure makes me blush all over still … I need a moment to recover from that because that took quite a lot from me ...
Ok deep breaths Cipher … deep breaths …  Anyways it took me a while to get myself un-flustered and just in time for me to describe the rest of the 'mons I have met.
As if this night couldn't get way more interesting, I have encountered not one but … two Shaymins! Granted one was someone I talked to before but both are equally pleasant to talk to. The first one was Rosemary, I think she was a Shiny? It was pink but it's a cute color scheme nonetheless and the other was Serafin who I noticed was always in his Sky Forme, maybe it was his choice to do that. Anyway, one was interested in what were my favorite refreshments and the other complimented my choice of a date gift respectively. That's three Shaymins so far and honestly, they really should meet Orpheum sometime just to see how they would react.
The next was Leilani, the Popplio kid I had saved from that jerk of a dragon, or at least … I helped save. She seemed rather odd, she was pink but I didn't think she drank any of the liquor there … probably something or someone else made her pink? She was curious as to what my favorite drink was (it was the Pink Lover's Delight). But since I would never buy a kid some alcohol I just bought her some soda at the very least. Wished the kid was doing alright back on her island. Who knows what kind of trouble she got in this time …
Speaking of which, I tried one of the prize claws with a Mew named Cody. Not having to brag or anything but I was an expert at these things back at Kalos so this shouldn't be that hard to win something. All I got were two Pikachu couple plushies (I can tell they are a couple because of the magnet attached to each of their arms) and some Shiny Luvdisc ones. I might just give one to Suthen and one to Elaina when I get home.
Now the next 'mon I encountered was … the dynamic kind so to speak. He was a Nickit with the color scheme of an Alolan Vulpix and was very charismatic. Admittedly, I find him kinda attractive but yeah … he seemed to have a sort of aura that I can't understand something … mysterious and a bit menacing but I just shrugged it off as he seemed nice enough.
And finally, the last 'mon I got was from a Sceptile, and if I can recall … his name was Atxin. Very friendly fellow I must say and he looked like he battled often … that or he just works out. He kinda reminds me of Ark, a Grovyle I was good friends with that I dated once. On another note, I noticed he was pink … probably from the liquor he drank. I would want to see him again sometime, he seemed really nice.
I packed my stuff and before leaving, I called Suthen for a chat outside the venue there I sorta got revenge earlier by initiating a kiss on the lips, this time under the moonlight. I heard things are more romantic that way … it feels kinda different when you are the one starting the kiss but he was happy. We both laughed and hugged each other before finally parting ways. I really wish I could spend time with him again, I never got to say sorry for how I treated him … but there's always a next time.
As for the event well, it was a good one considering this was the first I got to. Got to meet a lot of 'mons again that I already knew and some new ones too. But I guess this is my cue to leave and to end these journal logs … here's to the next event.
[Cipher has officially left the event.]
Featured Characters:
Suthen from @divine--tragedy (again)
Rosemary from @shaymincafe 
Serafin from @seraphic-dark 
Cody from @greedentstripes 
Kether from @dont-dream 
Leilani from @leilani-and-kass 
Atxin from @atxin1 
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