#anyway if this excerpt is of interest i'd love to know bc it's really hard to predict what has an audience outside of me myself and i yknow
kinetic-elaboration · 6 months
April 7: Today's Excerpt
I did a marathon writing session that I think might have topped three hours--not really sure but I don't think I could have hit the word count I did in only 2--which is a good way to finish out a weekend that was mostly Gremlin time. I think this also means my College AU Chapter 1 is finished in draft form. I should not--NOT!!--hurry to post it. I should have self-control. I should give it plenty of editing time. I should get a chunk of the next chapter written. I should make sure I'm fully ready to continue writing this for my own enjoyment if no one else is interested in it, which is a legit possibility. Can't assume anything, you know.
But man. Tempting.
Anyway, here's a bit from today's writing:
"You're not imposing. You're accepting an invitation. Not even a good invitation. An invitation to sleep on the floor and possibly be suffocated in your sleep by paint fumes."
"And then you'll dump by body behind the pizza parlor."
Jane makes a low, clicking noise. "You've already discerned my master plan. Now I really will have to kill you."
Jane's dorm is only a few minutes' walk away, an imposing building nearly as wide as it is tall, which glows a pale white in the gray city darkness. She leads the way up the steps and swipes in with her student ID card, and in the quiet beneath the overhang, a wave of white concrete above their heads, the flick of the lock clicking open sounds stark and clear. The lobby looks nothing like that of Daria's dorm back at Raft: lighter, newer, bigger, and the contrast between where she should be and where she is seems to pull her out of herself, like there's a new her warring to take over where the old her usually is. She is simply not going home tonight. She's spending the night with a stranger, like it's some sort of sleepover of the type she never had in high school, and despite the surreal sheen over everything, she finds she isn't nervous or scared.
In the elevator, Jane pushes the button for the sixth floor.
As they step out, Daria hears the faint sounds of music from the far end of the hall, too distant and too weak to be identified, but otherwise the floor is quiet and empty. Jane stops outside the second room to the right, Room 608. While she rummages for her keys, Daria examines the whiteboard on the door, not unlike her own back at Raft, but bigger, and covered in a wider array of pictures and messages. Most of the space is taken up by art: several sketches of creatures she can only describe as goblins, or maybe demons, a caricature of a man with big ears and square glasses, and off to the left an anatomically correct picture of a penis. In the bottom right corner is a message about Monday night dinner, addressed to someone named "S," and scrawled along the top: Laaaaaane, need your notes for Life Drawing ASAP. Find me...! and a picture of a mushroom that must be some sort of signature.
On the right side, one final message in a neat, round hand: Jane, Staying over at Richie's, see you tomorrow, S.
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thegeminisage · 4 months
Identity Porn for the Never Have I Ever ask game, please?
HIII thank you so much <333
IN FACT I HAVE WRITTEN IDENTITY PORN! i think How Arthur Got His Groove Back 100% qualifies for this trope. merlin himself essentially has all the same beats that a classic comic book superhero does - secret powers that would endanger him and those around him if discovered, secret identity (emrys) that he wants to tell people about and can't which ruins his love life (in the fic, arthur is his semi-love interest; it's preslash, but it centers around their relationship), the object of his affections talking about his secret identity right in front of him (they have MULTIPLE conversations about emyrs even though merlin IS EMRYS), tragic backstory/dead parents that has something to do with his powers (rip balinor), exhausted from leading a double life, a big secret identity reveal, even an old guy mentor! actually if you count the dragon merlin has two old guy mentors, it's just that they both suck so fucking bad. and lots of that isn't even really specific to my fic. favorite identity porn excerpt:
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euhehehe i love to have fun and be evil. i think this is probably objectively the best-written thing on my ao3, aside from of course @cambionverse
i'm not sure how i'd go about writing another - don't really like AUs, so unless that sort of thing is baked into canon the way it is in merlin i don't think i no wait stop the presses i just had an idea. well it's not my idea specifically i've seen it tossed around a lot on tumblr but whatever. essentially common trope/fanon that eliot leverage is still killing people in season 1 of leverage before he decides being good guys is serious business. this is the oldest trope in the world but eliot getting assigned to keep an eye on nate's team bc moreau feels threatened by them (i actually have a hard time buying he would do this, even though it's a very popular fanon, but just roll with it) and he's like getting closer to them but he always has to sabotage them on jobs where their success would hurt moreau in some way (I KNOW literally nothing they do would effect moreau but we're gonna pretend) but they KEEP SUCCEEDING ANYWAY. and eliot is like what the hell. is being good bad guys legit? hey (he's asking moreau this while they're fucking or something) is it legit to be good bad guys? have i made real friends while pretending to make fake friends? and moreau is like if you be real friends with them i will have chapman cut their fucking brake lines. and eliot is like got it and he continues to go to these meetings and wonder aloud who keep sabotaging these random ass cases and then nate figures out the cases are all connected with moreau and eliot is like Oops and then he and hardison do the pool thing and it all comes out and he decides to switch sides because he's in love w hardison and parker and he's tired of doing evil shit for moreau. so like canon essentially except eliot's conscience doesn't start working until season 3 and they spend the first two and a half seasons not knowing the Ultimate bad guy they are tracking has been making them fancy ass dinners and being their bodyguard and being their little pet hitman. and hes just kinda batting his eyelashes like who me? and then going home to stare at his blank apartment walls in all-consuming existential dread. yeah.
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ofieugogyshz · 2 years
Hiya! Its nice to meet another Ancient Magus Bride self shipper! How about Zeus, Demeter, Athena, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Persephone, Calliope, Thalia and Melpomene for Nevin?
I'm over at @sugar-and-pearls by the way
Hello! Nice to meet you! Thank you for the questions, these were actually a lot more fun than I thought they'd be!
I don't have an s/i for tamb despite how beautiful and absolutely magical (no pun intended) the universe is, so I'll do my best to answer them as though I did.
Zeus: How did you first meet your f/o(s)? How did you feel about each other at first?
meta answer: thru the anime!
in-universe answer: idk yet. iirc Nevin's not moved for centuries, but you know, it'd sure be something if my form of magic allowed me to distance connect with Grandpa Nevin thru a tarot reading or clairvoyance or something, idk what. And he thinks of me in a similar way as he does Chise, sort of like a lost bird that's hurt and doesn't know how to fly its way home or to happiness or something, idk LOL.
I'm sure I wrote about that one before, actually, when I was considering adding him...
Demeter: What’s your favorite season, and how do you like to spend that season together?
Mine's either spring or fall, idk tbh which lol. it just changes. lately more towards spring, i guess?
I suppose spring's a good time to see the young drakes being active and playful and most of their growth? and maybe helping Lindel gather spring seasonal stuff if i'm allowed to hang out for his supplies.
Athena: Are your f/o(s) interested in any particular hobby or interest of yours? Have you taught them about it, or let them watch you, or anything similar?
I'd like to think that Nevin is interested in hearing my stories even though most of them are just fanfic. He offers suggestions in the way that one would impart wisdom to a person with a problem, like "why would the [character] do that? would it not be better for them to [suggestion]?"
He's lived a long time, too, so swapping stories (mine fictional, his lived) and asking for permission to share (and being quickly/harshly denied even though i'd vow to write it as fiction and it couldn't sell as nonfic anyways) and getting inspiration from his stories.
also bonus thought while writing this:
me: "...Grandpa Nevin, do you think that there's a spell to bring a fictional character to life?"
Nevin: "That I do not know, young weaver. But, would it not be better to find one's own happiness, than to rely on magic?"
me: .... ;>>
Aphrodite: How do you and your f/o(s) like to show love to each other? Feel free to include your love languages, if you find that helpful.
i'll have to say words of affirmation and quality time, as that's about all Nevin can do rooted to the spot LOL
I don't really got anything else, just him giving a lending ear and mouth LOL
Dionysus: What do you like to do with your f/o(s) for fun? Is there anything fun you’d like to try with them?
Share stories! Discuss magic, too, since I'd probably be self-taught/without a mentor.
I'm terrified of heights, but if he could still fly, I think I could trust him to be the earth beneath my scared feet LOL
Persephone: How different are you and your f/o(s)? How do you deal with each other’s differences?
Other than species? I'm a little hot-headed. Not as much since getting on mood-stabilizers, but when I'm allowed to be myself or get too into myself, I get knee-jerky reactions. Probably bc of the adhd, since we tend to feel things at 100 instead of 10. He is patient and kind though, and waits for me to come back and apologize or talk about why I got so upset or headstrong about something.
Calliope: Do you have any poetry or literature excerpts (or other quotes) that suit your ship?
Honestly, his interactions with Chise hit me pretty hard, especially during That One Scene where he chides her thought/envy. So I'd probably get a similar lecture at some point, especially the first time I'd see him in person. Chise is a big mood throughout her entire growth arc tbh.
Thalia: Discuss any fluff ideas you have for your ship. What kind of affectionate or sweet scenarios do you like best for this ship?
I don't really have any ideas. Just hanging out and enjoying the breeze and tranquility. Swapping stories, real and fake. Legends he knows of. etc. Me trying to hug his huge ass tree trunk of a leg.
Melpomene: Here’s your dedicated angst question: discuss any angsty or hurt/comfort ideas you have for your ship.
see aforementioned Chise Moment but altered to what I was going thru back then.
Now I miss grandpa Nevin and his energy :(
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hematomes · 3 years
*takes breath* *clears throat* uh. hi<3 it's probably only been like a week since my last ask, but it truly does feel like an eternity. unfortunately i haven't gotten to play genshin at all, and tbh i might quit soon bc last time my laptop was struggling so hard i barely even managed to get through commissions. I'm planning to buy a new one,,, but that'll have to wait until summer at least.
what that means, is i don't know what to talk about, since i haven't been keeping up with genshin at all, and i haven't done anything interesting either. and if i was to talk about my life lately, i'd just end up complaining.
right! over Christmas break i wrote at least like 5 emails to my future self, since i rediscovered that website for it (futureme). i hope future me will have the patience to go through all those pretentious blocks of drunk-ish writing. it's a really cathartic thing to do though, both the reading and writing. i recommend it lol
sigh. anyways. here's a poem excerpt I've been reciting in my head, except i don't remember what the original poem was:
the woods are lovely, dark and deep
but i have promises to keep
and miles to go before i sleep
and miles to go before i sleep.
goodnight sweets<3
soup my love my baby my angel where have you been
wait wdym a week it literally felt like at least 2 im confused I MISSED YOU
oof yeah i see can you try on mobile? or if you need someone to farm primos for you/pull on banners don't hesitate either <3 EITHER WAY im rly happy to hear from you, and you're free to complain/rant obviously /gen
OOOH omg that's such a good idea, i think im gonna try and bully myself into studying for this semester's exams lmao and also to take a few appointments ive been postponing like a coward
how did you sleep you sweet little thing? <3
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