#anyway it's about two upper-class sisters who fall on hard times when their father dies in debt
konstantya · 1 year
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This guy fucking gets it.
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Let The Little Ones Sleep!
Master List 
Luka still remembered the day Juleka had pointed out the words to him. He was trying to play a chord on his small guitar when she had stopped him to point out the thing on his upper arm. He was around six years old when he took a good look at them. They were foreign and unfamiliar, written in another language that he did not recognize. 
He had gone to his mother, questioning her about the strange words on his upper arm.
“Those are the first words your soulmate will say to you.” His mother told him. The song he always heard, no felt, changing it’s tune to become less energetic and more soft.
“But I don't understand them, what do they say?” He asked. 
"Now where is the fun in me telling you that. Those words are written in English, which means that is the language your soulmate speaks. If you learn English then you can find out what it means and be able to talk to your soulmate when you do meet them." His mother explained. And the energeticness was back.
"How am I gonna learn English?" He questioned. 
"I will teach you! You and Juleka!" His mother proudly announced.
And that was how his lessons started. For the next 5 years his mother taught him and his sister English. And by the time he was 11 he was fluent in it. 
He now knew what the words on his upper arm said, and he could not be more confused. “I’ll go wake them up.” Wake who up? Why couldn’t his words be simple like Juleka’s? 
Speaking of Juleka’s words that brought on a new question, why were his words on his upper arm while Juleka’s were on her hand? And this time both him and Juleka went to ask their mother. Well, it was more like he asked and Juleka waited patiently behind him for the answer. 
“Such curious children you two are, never change. The place where the words are, is the first place your soulmate will touch you.” Her song turning slightly amused.
Curiosity peaked, Juleka spoke up, “Where are your words mom?” What are your words?” 
Their bright and energetic mother seemed to shrink at the questions. Her song turning sad and muted.
“Well my children, some people are born without soulmates. And I am one of those people.” 
“Oh.” Juleka mumbled at her answer. Her song turning slightly guilty before perking up again at her mother’s next words.
“There is nothing to be guilty of Juleka, it isn’t you fault I have no soulmate now is it?” Juleka shook her head, “ Exactly, but I don’t need a soulmate to be happy because I have you wonderful children. Now I think there are two wonderful children who need to do their homework. Hmm.” 
“Going right now mom.” Luka grabbed Juleka and started dragging her to their room so he could help her with math. Juleka didn’t protest. 
When he was fourteen and Juleka was twelve he got his first look into how exactly the bond worked. Not that at that moment he knew. 
Juleka had come home from her first day at collège a nervous, lovesick mess. He didn’t even need to listen to her song to know that. She had gone on and on about this one girl who was in her math, science, and English class, her eyes practically hearts. 
However when Luka asked if Juleka had talked to this mysterious girl, he got a stuttered out no. 
And this exact story played out for two more weeks. Juleka would gush something about Rose, he had finally found out her name, but had never gotten the courage to talk to her. It always ended with a sad Juleka and his only way of cheering her up was to play the happy, energetic song of their mother. 
It seemed that this would be her love life from now on, with Juleka too scared to do anything about her crush. But, thankfully, he was wrong about Juleka’s love life. 
Because on one fateful day when he went to pick her up he witnessed something magical. 
Juleka was walking down the steps towards him when what he could only describe as a ball of pink happiness and energy bounded up to her. She called out, “Hey your Juleka right?” and both Couffaines froze. 
But that didn’t stop the ball of pink positivity. She went right up to Juleka and grabbed her hand to shake it, and he could see the blush that was currently gracing her cheeks. He walked closer to the pair just in time to hear Juleka stutter out a, “Y-yeah that’s me.” 
If it was possible Rose’s smile got even wider at those words but before she could say anything was when it happened. Rose had to suddenly take a step back as bright purple and pink lights emerged from both their hands. Hovering in the air just long enough to create a heart shape before disappearing. All those around, including Luka and the two newfound soulmates, could only stare. 
“Wow you’re my soulmate!” Rose finally exclaimed, breaking the silence. 
“Oh I-I guess I am." Juleka mumbled. But Rose didn’t hear her, as she started pulling her away talking so fast that Juleka couldn’t understand her. Yet despite that being with her just felt right, so when she turned to lock eyes with her brother, she shook her head. That day Luka went home alone as Juleka got to know her soulmate. 
And that was his first and only look at how a soulbond worked. While it was definitely memorable and something he would never forget, soulmates were not his priority. 
As seen by his crush on Marinette, who was definitely not his soulmate. But despite knowing they could never be together, his heart always hoped. And when she did get together with her soulmate, he couldn’t be happier, because one of his best friends was happy. Even if the pairing was unexpected, he honestly had no idea that Marinette and Kagami would be soulmates but their songs work well together so he should’ve expected it.
However lately he had been feeling weird. The songs that he heard from every person became so much louder than usual, he could hear every mood change, every spark of surprise, happiness, sadness, fear from all those around him. It was starting to get overwhelming and he didn’t know why. This had never happened before. 
It all reached a high when he got introduced to one Damian Wayne, who was staying at Chloe’s father’s hotel and Chloe had to show around Paris. Well sorta introduced. He was having a major headache that doubled when he got inside the hotel and Chloe only said a quick Damian meet Luka, Luka meet Damian, before taking off with Damian to show him something he couldn’t recall. 
He went to their usual room in the hotel they would hang out in, closed all the blinds, and took a nap, hoping that his headache would go away with sleep. 
He wasn’t wrong, but he wasn’t right. He woke up but his headache still hadn’t fully gone away, yet it was still much better than it had been before. He grabbed a water bottle from the secret fridge and slowly drank from it as he waited for his friends to return. 
He didn’t have to wait long as soon the door to the room burst open and in walked his friends, including Damian. Suddenly his headache came back full force but he didn’t let it show. The last thing he needed was his friends worrying about him while they were trying to have fun with Damian. 
Time quickly passed and it was hard for him to keep up with everything that was going on, but as the day got later, one by one his friends started falling asleep. Until it was only him and Damian awake. Neither wanted to start the conversation, so for a solid hour awkward silence flooded the room. 
It seemed that Damian was starting to get tired of the silence as he moved to go past Luka to the others. However, what he said as he was about to pass Luka almost had him frozen, almost. "I'll go wake them up." In English, the exact words that were on his upper arm.
Luka's eyes widened in shock from three things. The first was that this guy was his soulmate. The second was that the major headache he had been having was probably the result of his soulmate being here and that must have interfered with his ability to hear people’s songs. The third was that Damian was about to evoke the wrath of his friends when they're woken up from their sleep. Not wanting to have another incident like that occur again he stepped into Damian’s path. 
“No, let the little ones sleep.” Right as he said those words Damian moved to push past him, touching his upper arm in the process. However the second Damian did bump into him he seemed to come to his own conclusion as he suddenly jumped back right as blue and green burst from where they touched. Just like he remembered from all those years ago the colors hovered in the air for a minute, just long enough to create a heart before disappearing. 
The others seemed to remain undisturbed in their sleep as Luka and Damian stared at each other with wide eyes. Finally Damian got the courage to speak up. 
Damian really didn’t know what to think. The words “let the little ones sleep” had haunted him for his whole life. In the league having a soulmate meant having a weakness, and having any weaknesses would get him killed. So he had it drilled into his head from birth that the second he met his soulmate he was to kill them immediately. 
Of course he really didn’t want to, the stories his mother told him in secret of how special soulmates were wanted him to meet his and not kill them. But not killing his soulmate would be seen as a betrayal to the league, which would lead to serious consequences. 
So he kept quiet about his soulmate, even when he was permanently sent to live with his father. The only reason they knew was because he had been working out in the batcave with a tank top on and Dick had seen the words on his upper arm. And Dick being Dick proceeded to tell the whole family about what he had discovered. Which resulted in a lot of teasing about his soulmate and what their first words to him would be. 
After a while the teasing died down and he honestly forgot that he had a soulmate. He had more important things to prioritize anyways. Like how he was in Paris to oversee if there was any damage left from when the magical terrorist Hawkmoth had been defeated a few months ago. His father had wanted to come to but he had things he needed to take care of in Gotham so he was there alone. Which wasn’t that bad in his opinion, it meant he could get more done, especially since his siblings weren’t here. 
Unfortunately his father had contacted the mayor of Paris and asked him to make sure that he ‘didn’t get in any trouble’. And so the mayor had his daughter follow show him around Paris. 
She also had her friends tag along with her on their tour of Paris but there was one friend in particular that he couldn’t get off his mind. Luka, Bourgeois had introduced him as, he didn’t look well and it seemed she knew that as she didn’t push for handshakes or proper greetings like she did with her other friends. 
Luka had walked off to what was apparently their hangout room as Bourgeois and all of her other friends left the hotel and gave him a tour of Paris. It didn't take nearly as long as he thought it would since they skipped over big tourist attractions and took him to what they called "local treasures". But the weirdest part was that he could get his mind off if Luka, and that frustrated him to no end. He barely knew the guy so why was he so infatuated with him.
They returned to the hotel to find Luka looked a little better, but that didn't stop his friends and him from worrying. There seemed to be several conversations going at once and Damian couldn’t keep up with all of them, so he tried his best to keep up with a few. However, something he noticed was that despite Luka keeping a smile on his face and nodding along to whatever conversation he was a part of, all the others including him would constantly cast him worried glances that he seemed to not notice. 
As the day turned to night, one by one, more of the group fell asleep. Soon it was only him and Luka left awake and neither stepped up to break the awkward silence. It irritated Damian to no end, even though he liked silence, he did not like this type of silence. But it seemed that neither him nor Luka was going to be talking anytime soon, an hour had already passed, so he decided that it would be best to wake up one of his friends. His best bet would probably be the optimistic one, Marinette.
Unfortunately in his thinking he had reverted back to English when he said, "I'll go wake them up." Instead of in French so Luka could understand. Out of the corner of his eye he was pretty sure he saw Luka's eyes widen in what appeared to be shock, but he wasn’t too sure. 
However a second later Luka tried to block his path also saying in English, “No, let the little ones sleep.” The exact words on his upper arm. 
His mind registered this discovery and he realized that must have been why Luka’s eyes had widened. However his body was already in the motion of walking and did not register that piece of information so he ended up bumping into Luka. Specifically his upper arm with Luka’s upper arm. The realization caused him to jump back in shock right as blue and green lights emerged from both their upper arms and formed a heart in between them.
They both stared at each other with wide eyes in complete silence before he finally got the courage to speak up. “I-” Curse his luck or thank it, Bourgeois interrupted him before he could get a sentence out.
“Ooooh are you guys soulmates?” She questioned, seeming much more awake than she should. 
“What’s going on?” Marinette asked with a yawn, her eyes fighting to stay open.
“It seems that Mr. Frowny Face and blueberry boy are soulmates.” Alix spoke up from her spot on the couch.
“Wow, didn't see that coming.” Nino said sarcastically as he slid Alix twenty euros. 
Almost everyone slid Alix and Bourgeois various amounts of money, the only ones that didn’t were the ones that didn’t take the bet. Aka those who knew better than to bet with Alix. As Kim slid his thirty euros he grumbled something along the lines of “Stupid time traveling bunny seeing the future” but Damian was more shocked at the fact they betted on him and Luka being soulmates. Despite only having one interaction before this. Luka, on the other hand, seemed much more calm and only shook his head at their antics. 
“Would you prefer if we gave you boys some privacy?” Marinette, the only one besides Kagami that didn’t bet asked. 
Damian and Luka exchanged a glance before Luka answered, “That would be nice.”
Marinette and Kagami dragged the others out of the room, with Marinette instructing Kim to pick up Rose and bring her to wherever they were going since she didn’t want to wake the girl up. Something about her being the baby of the group and how the baby is always allowed to sleep. No one objected to that so he assumed that was normal, or maybe no one objected because of Juleka giving everyone death glares.
Once everyone had left Damian turned to Luka, “So we’re soulmates.” He stated.
“We are.” Luka replied. Both stayed silent once again, Damian wasn’t good with talking about this kinda stuff and Luka was just as clueless about what to do. 
“How long are you going to be in Paris?” Luka asked, his fingers silently twitching and he wished now more than ever that he could play his guitar to relieve some of the stress he felt. He did not think that talking to your soulmate was supposed to be this stressful. 
“Another week,” He instantly answered, but at seeing the slight frown on his soulmate’s face he quickly added, “But I can always ask my father for more time. I am sure he would understand.”
“That would be nice but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” 
Damian was about to reply but he stopped himself for a second to think, he would never hear the end of it from his siblings if he asked for Luka to come back to Gotham with him. Plus Gotham was not the best place to bring one’s newfound soulmate. His mind decided he replied, “No I want to get to know you.” 
Luka tried and failed to hide his smile at his soulmate’s words. That is until he came to a quick realization, “I don’t know your full name, we haven’t even had a proper introduction.”
Damian was surprised by that as well, he went back through their interactions and realized that Luka was right. Then he realized that he never got the full names of any of Bourgeois’s friends. He had been referring to them all by their first names...he couldn’t ever let his family find out about that. 
Breaking him out of his thought process was Luka sticking his hand out to him as he properly introduced himself, “Luka Couffaine.” 
Damian took his hand and shook it as he introduced himself, “Damian Wayne.”
“Wait Wayne as in Bruce Wayne? The billionaire?” Luka stared at him curiously. 
“Yes.” Damian hesitantly answered. 
“No wonder Chloe’s been acting so weird, a billionaire’s kid is staying at the hotel.” 
“HEY I DON’T ACT WEIRD!” Someone, definitely Chloe, shouted from the other side of the door. 
“Have they been listening this whole time?” Damian questioned Luka, he seemed more likely to know. 
“Probably,” He answered as he walked over and opened the door. All of the friends that had previously left the room to give them privacy fell when the door opened, most of them having the decency to look a little guilty for eavesdropping. Luka fondly smiled at them before turning back to him and stating, “Welcome to your week, or longer, in Paris.” 
Damian, strangely, found himself smiling back at him. “Can’t wait.” 
Alix, the first to have gotten up, looked between the soulmates who were currently staring at each other with lovesick grins and fake gagged, “Great another lovey dovey couple.” Juleka and Rose both threw pillows at her, while the others laughed. Yeah, Damian didn’t think it would be so bad.
So this is my last contribution to the trope tussle! I hope everyone enjoyed the 3 fics I put out! Hopefully for the next event I will be able to post more works because school will be less of a pain! 
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Yandere! Shigaraki x Reader; All An Illusion
tw: kidnapping, messed up relationship, parental abuse, eating disorder, knifes, gayness, depression, stalking
❤️ Enjoy the series! one two
I know heroes are supposed to hate villains with a passion and don't get me wrong, I do. But, my alarm clock comes close in second. I slap that sucker with my fist, sending it to the ground and unplugging it. " I hate Mondays," I tell myself, dragging myself out of bed and putting on my white fuzzy socks. As I walk to the bathroom, I take my icy blue, almost white hair out of the ponytail that is half undone. 
Looking into the mirror, I almost am scared of myself. I look like a zombie. I put on some music and wash my face before going to the closet. My dorm room isn't huge, but it's nice. Especially since my roommate is one of the gayest, most fanboyish guy in the world. "Deku! Did you take my concealer again?" I shake the broccoli headed boy, waking him up.
"Wha- oh, ya. Sorry Y/n, it helps cover up all the bruises from training. I don't like anyone worrying about me, and with all the news reporters, I'm scared my mom will see." I think of Deku's mom. 
So nice, so sweet, and such a good cook. 
"Yea, you're lucky about that one." I sadly smile, taking it from his bedside table. "Just let me buy you your own, or get your boyfriend to buy you one. What if you wake up someday and you're tan?" I tease as he throws a pillow in my direction. "Todoroki isn't just my boyfriend Y/n, he's my soulmate. Don't be jelly." he jokes. "At least my eyes didn't look like Christmas colors until this year." We both giggle hysterically.
In our world, everyone is born with two different colored eyes. Our left color is the one of our soulmate, and the right one is our own color. Once we make eye contact with our soulmates, they return back to their original color. My eyes are red on the left, and then purple.
 I go to the opposite wall and open the windows, letting the sunrise fill our view. Even though Deku covers his face with a pillow, I can't help but watch the birds in the distance. They're free to go wherever, be with whoever. They're not stuck in a certain place, they fly everywhere and anywhere they want to.
I do some makeup and curl my hair a little bit before slipping into my uniform. "Y/n, you've been getting skinnier. Are you okay?" Deku asks, waiting for me by the door. He's already in the UA uniform and is currently eating one of the donuts his mom brought for us yesterday. "Oh ya, I've just been training so much it's hard to find time to eat. But I'm fine. See?" 
I grab a donut and take a bite, chewing it slowly and giving him a fake smile. He smiles back, relieved as I slip on my shoes and take a final look in the mirror, trying not to throw up. My eyes are purple, but today they're looking extra vibrant. Maybe it's the sunlight filling the room, or the fact that I cried myself to sleep last night. Either way, they look different. Deku and I walk down the hall as I try to find a way to get the bite of donut out of my mouth without him seeing.
I haven't eaten anything for over 48 hours, and I can't have the first thing be full of calories and sugar. Finally, we get to the classroom. When Deku walks in, I immediately spit it out and stuff the donut into the nearby trash can where nobody can see. I feel bad about wasting food, but I would feel worse if anybody knew about me not eating. I sit down in Bakugo's seat so I can talk to Deku, eventually talking to Todoroki and Mina. 
Finally, Mr. Aizawa comes into class, followed by someone I don't know, and we all sit down. "Today we are going on a trip to the USJ for some training. Go change, and come straight back." I quickly go up as Mina and Asui join by my side to walk to the girls changing area. I hate this part with a dying passion, letting everyone see my scars, bruises, and ribs. It always starts a conversation that I don't like, making people worry about me. 
"So Y/n, I've been thinking. You haven't told me about a single crush that you've had since we got here. What's up with that?" Mina looks at me with curiosity. "I just don't see the point in dating someone who's not your soulmate. It seems like a waste of time." Mina laughs at my response, taking off her uniform and changing. 
"I've noticed that too, actually. I-" Uruaka stops talking as I take off my shirt. Everyone's eyes bug out, looking at the colorful display on my body. A large gash is in the middle of my shoulder, and another as my hip. There's a new scar near my collar bone and a large bruise on my upper stomach. " Y/n... What happened?"
Ururaka steps closer to examine me, before reaching out to touch the large scar on my arm. "Uh, Sensei has been training me extra hard lately. It's fine." I quickly put on my uniform outfit and fix my hair as Mina tries to start up the other conversation. "Anyways, do you really not like anyone else? What about Kirishima, or Sero? Personally I thought you'd be cute with Asui, or Momo. But Momo already is soulmates with Jirou, and Ururaka is soulmates with Asui." 
I laugh, thinking about how all my friends have been able to find their soulmate in our class, except me. It's kind of sad honestly. Is it impossible for me to develop feelings for people? Am I that hopeless? Maybe my soulmate is gone, or has found someone else. Maybe I’ll never find them.
Ururaka chimes in, but I blank her out mostly. "Maybe Tenya, but he gives me asexual vibes. I think you'd be cute with Shinso but..." I stopped listening as we walked to the courtyard of UA, where everyone else waited. "Fashionably late is not acceptable ladies. I expect you earlier next time." Aizawa told us as they stopped talking. "And ( y/n ), take your contacts off." 
I slid the contacts out and into my contact case. We all loaded up on the bus as Lida gave all the boys a hard time about the seating chart. I sat between Mina and Asui near the window, playing footsies with Momo for a little bit before I put my music in. Just loud enough to drown everyone out, I rested my eyes.
I guess it would be good to tell you about myself. Well, you already know I have icy blue hair that turned even lighter since I've been in the sun so much. My skin is darker than my friends, but I wouldn't call myself tan. I'm Y/n Kayama, the daughter of Kora and Magazaki Kayama. Kora Kayama, my mother, is currently in rehab for her addiction to her meds. The nurses at her facility tell me all the time that she says terrible things about me. It's not a surprise to me though, she always hated me. My dad wasn't any better though, as he drunk a lot and hurt me a lot before we got the dorms system.
 That's what all the bruises were from, not training, but my dad's fist. He was a gang member, who went to prison for trying to attacking a fellow gang member, and sent my mom to rehab because she was the only one in his way of having complete custody over us. He was obsessed with completely controlling us... well, I say us, but it’s just me now.
My sister killed herself last fall when I got into UA, she knew I'd be able to take care of myself and wouldn't need her to live. She felt her only reason for living was to keep me safe, and when we got dorms, she felt she was finally free. I remember watching her jump off the large red bridge downtown, the smile on her face. She hadn't smiled like that in a while. 
When my dad showed up to the school and demanded to see me, his breath smelling like alcohol and his tattoos showing, Aizawa knew something was up. Aizawa and my father had been acquaintances when they were kids, but my dad went down the wrong path. Aizawa knew about the drinking, smoking, gangs, and his violent attitude. Aizawa instantly looked over me and my sister from the moment my mom went to rehab, knowing that my dad wasn't a good parent. 
Aizawa and eventually Present Mic gave us rides and cared for us in general. I had only seen Aizawa cry two times, once when Mic almost died in a villain attack, and the day of my sister's funeral.
Oh right, my quirk. Silly me. My quirk is theft, which means that when I look someone in the eye, I inherit their quirk for 24 hours. The best part is that I can use multiple quirks at once.  The bad part is that when I accidentally look at someone, I end up using their quirk. I once looked at Ururaka and began floating. I also looked into Mina's eyes and turned pink. We looked like sisters though so it was cool. I do have a bad memory though, so I often forget my contacts. I didn't take the entrance exam since my quirk can't work against robots without me using someone else. 
Instead, Aizawa recommended me to take the special exam. Deku idolizes All Might, but I idolize Aizawa. Aizawa has known me since I was born. I think about what Mina said, and I can admit that I've never felt love like that. Maybe it's because I was never loved as a child, or never saw a loving marriage except for Aizawa and Mic, but I've never felt for someone in that way. 
Sure, I love my friends to death and would do anything to help them, including risk my own life, but it's different. I've never felt connected with someone, even if they've ask me out or something. Lida asked me out once in middle school, and Denki perused me multiple times before he found Sero, but I never was able to say yes. Mina and I made out at spin the bottle once, but it was more fun than romantic.
" Y/n, we are here. Please wake up." I woke up to Lida playfully poking my face as everyone else giggled. Immediately Lida's quirk registered in my brain. It was okay, I had used Lida's quirk before. "O-oh sorry, I must have fallen asleep." The class laughed as Lida smiled. "I recommend that you get more sleep immediately. Deku has told me about how you lay awake watching makeup tutorials, so maybe you can go to Recovery Girl and-" 
I cut him off by pushing my finger to his face. "I'm good, thanks." I walk past him to Mina and the girls who are waiting for me. Immediately I inherited Ururaka's quirk. It was hard to control, but I had an effect on my shoes that kept me stuck to the ground until I used her quirk. As we walk up to the USJ, I see it's a large dome with different areas of natural disasters. I hope I get the building on fire or the ocean. I can run on water with Lida's quirk, and float above the fire with Ururaka's quirk. 
"Hello 1-A students, I am Thirteen. I've looked at your files here for recommendations, and right now we will be working on rescuing people from natural disasters." Thirteen sets down files with our profiles. I can’t help but be curious about what’s in mine.
" Now, I want to send you all to the biomes that will challenge you, and challenge the way you go about rescuing others. Now if I can have Shoto Todoroki, Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, ( y/n ) Kayama, and then Denki Kaminari to go to the mountain land. You will be dealing with an avalanche, and then getting people to the bottom safely with no equipment. Go ahead, and wait for the buzzer before you start."
I linked arms with Midoryia, registering his quirk, as we walked towards the mountain, eventually joining up with Todoroki. As I made eye contact with Todoroki, I felt a cooling sensation on my left and a heating sensation on my right. "Nervous?" Todoroki asked, grabbing onto Deku's waist romantically. " A little, but at least broken bones aren't an issue anymore. I am worried about the-", "Ugh, you guys make me sick!" Bakugo yelled out from behind me. I try not to make eye contact with Bakugo. I don't like his quirk. It makes me sweat, and it’s way too sweaty.
"You're just upset that Kiri isn't here," I smirk as his face turns pink all over. "At least I have someone who likes me." he snickers before walking over to Denki. I watch him walk off, and realize he's right. I'm unlovable, or else my parents would have liked me. I might have someone by now if I wasn't so broken. Maybe I'll never find my soulmate, or they won't like me. I finally come to my senses and realize that the buzzer hasn't sounded yet. Is everything working right? 
I look around to see that everyone else is confused too. Even the volunteers I can see on top of the mountain are looking around. Suddenly, a large boom comes from the middle of the USJ. I begin to go up the mountain towards the volunteer when I hear screaming. I turn around and see Deku, looking down at the center. I gasp, watching a large purple portal open in the middle and many people walking out. 
"Is this part of it?" Denki asks as Deku shakes his head. I register Denki’s quirk. Now is not the time! "No! That's the League of Villains, I've seen them on the News! They're not good news!" Todoroki suddenly grabs me and Deku, building an ice tower high off the ground with us on top. "We need to stay safe up here, who knows what they want."
Before I can even gasp, I look out into the center to see the entire league running towards the mountain area. "Bakubro, what do we do!?" I looked behind myself to see Denki and Bakugo on one of the mountain ledges. "I don't know, but they want something." I can hear my teeth chattering, and I can't help but feel dizzy already. Luckily, Todoroki has me and Deku in his tight, protective grip. I never thought Todoroki liked me, since me and his boyfriend spent so much time together. 
The league is now under us though, and I can picture out two familiar faces out of the group. Toga Himiko, a villain with a quirk for blood cloning, and Twice, a guy who can make copies of himself. We can take them and a bunch of villains I've never heard of. We are about to attack when I hear something that makes my legs shake. "Y/n~Senpai! We've come for you!" Toga yells up, making direct eye contact with us.
Todoroki and Deku look at me, as I can feel Bakugo and Denki staring at me from behind. "I don't know what's happening," I whisper to them, and they nod. They trust me, and can probably read the fear in my eyes. "Come up here and fight us for her you reject!" Bakugo yells down as them as Toga giggles. 
"Orrrr... you can come down here!" She yells as one of the random villains touches the ice tower. Immediately the tower begins to turn into melting sludge as we begin to fall to them. Todoroki grabs Deku and me, jumping and creating an ice path for them to walk on. The only issue is that Todoroki grabs my hair instead, and I begin to fall towards the villains.
Luckily Denki's hand is there to grab me and pull me up. "Get behind me," Bakugo commands as sparks begin to fly out of his hands. "No, I can fight for myself. I don't need y-" Bakugou and Denki physically push me behind them. "No, they have a portal quirk with someone. They get their hands on you for a split second and you're gone." Denki explains as I sigh. Boys. 
"Now stay back," Bakugo growls, scaring me a little bit. I wonder how Kirishima deals with this all the time. Bakugo and Denki step towards the front of the ledge, making me step towards the back. I sigh, still shaking from fear and nervousness. Why are all these people here for me? What do they want? How do they know my name? What did I do to deserve this? Do they want to kill me?
Looking out into the center, I can see all of my classmates are fighting villains while Aizawa and Thirteen are trying to get to us. But they can't, with a weird creature that looks like a bird but has an exposed brain and is purple. It's kicking Aizawa's ass too, which is depressing. I back against the wall and shut my eyes tight, wishing they would let me protect myself. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my neck, and look to see Toga, right next to me, holding a knife to my neck. I register Toga's quirk accidentally. 
"Oh, boys. Some protectors you are." Bakugo and Denki look behind them to see us, their eyes wide in horror. "Y/n! Let her go Toga!" Deku yells, trying to get to me, but Todoroki holds him back in fear. Everyone looks scared out of their minds, which they probably are. I know I am freaking out, trying to think of some way to get out of here. Some hero I am! 
"Toga, don't hurt her," Denki whispers, trying to inch closer. "Not another step lightning-boy!" Toga threatens, pushing me closer to the edge of the mountain. I look way down, seeing how deep the side of the mountain goes. That's surely a deadly drop, and who would save me? Nobody. "You won't push her off, and I know it. Not after you all did all this work, just to kill a random student? Seems pretty useless.", Bakugo begins to take a step.
"Kacchan don't!" Deku yells, right before my life flashes before my eyes. Toga pushes me off the cliff, and I plummet to the ground. I look up to see Aizawa and a few other students watching me, their faces filled with sorrow, regret, and fear. I'm going to die right here. At the hands of an amateur villain attack. How pathetic. They know I'm going to die too. 
As I hit the ground, I fall into a purple void that consumes me. I hear yelling, screaming, even blood-curdling screeches as I enter a dark room. Immediately the portal closes behind me, and I'm left inside a dark basement. I try to look around, but the moment I move, a thick cloth covers my eyes, and a towel is stuffed into my mouth. 
I can feel picked up, and thrown into a room. I hear a door slam, and then laughing. I smell something weird, and before I realize it, a gas fills the room and puts me to sleep. I've been kidnapped by the League of Villains, and now I have no idea where I am.
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247krp · 6 years
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— Rejoice, little lambs! We have recovered our own Wang ‘Jackson’ Kayee, spotted prancing about in the Southwest Side. I don’t remember seeing him with any clique back in high school, but I’m not here to spill yesterday’s tea. So straight to the rundown: can you say attractive and aggressive? Apparently now he spends time as the owner of PJJ Publishing, and keeps skeletons buried at Geumsang Apartment Complex, A204. But those won’t stay hidden for long, if you and I have any say on it. Welcome back, Mr. Hyde; we missed you so.
TW: mentions of death, abuse and violence
In case you don’t remember the devil’s name, here’s to refresh your memory:
Jackson’s high school life wasn’t that dramatic since he had no friends. Jackson always had this blank look on his face and he avoided speaking to other peeps. Everyone believed that he was a rowdy dude who got into fights with people because of the bruises that were spread all over the man’s body, thanks to his elder brother for the lovely gifts. Jackson was also never a part of any clique, nobody knew a thing about the boy and he would always be so distant that nobody bothered him to approach him. The only people he would actually talk to were his fellow members of his fencing team and he slowly became close to them. That was until Gossip Girl managed to get her hands on Jackson’s past records and how he beat up a man due to road rage and almost went to jail because he broke the man’s nose and jaw. This “rumour” made him lose all his friends and it pissed him off even more. The loneliness and stress from his school life ruined Jackson’s nature even more. He became more hot-headed and ill tempered. He also earned the nickname of “Mr. Hyde” from GG because of his aggressive nature.
The boy’s anger issues made him involve in another scandal. He once beat up his math teacher in an alleyway when the man was walking home from his work because he always failed Jackson in almost every test, no matter how hard Jackson studied. The poor teacher was so scared that he left the school and moved out of the city. He could’ve gone to his principal but he knew that the old man would side with his colleague anyways.
Nevermind the memory lane though, the present is always the ripest fruit:
After Jackson lost his father, which was at the age of 21, He moved out of the old house and started living in Geumsang Apartment complex, his mother decided to go back to china and live there with her widowed sister. Since Jackson is still quite young, his assistant helps him out with his work. He was the one who cleared out jackson’s records and refresh his image as a CEO. Since jackson’s life is still in danger, the secretary hired a bodyguard 24 hours body guard who would accompany Jackson everywhere and make sure that the boy’s life is not endangered. This was annoying for Jackson but he didn’t care, as long as the bodyguard won’t bother Jackson and get in his way. Jackson had forgotten most of the scandals that he gotten involved during his high school, deciding to start his life with a fresh start. He managed to control his anger and aggressiveness but he still had zero patience and would get pissed off very easily. Jackson is quite respected in his workplace and in the society in general for his dedication and determination, his hard work and impartial attitude helped him gain a lot of name and fame in the society. Even though Jackson is one of the upper class men, he is also humble and he never treats his employees with disrespect, that is, until they don’t make really dumb mistakes. He acknowledges hard work and makes sure that it is rewarded. Jackson knows that his dark secrets and scandals will one day comeback to him, he also knows that one day he will have to be face to face with his brother but he hopes that it won’t be any time soon.
But we are nothing if not open books – my job is to ensure you get to the best pages:
Wang Kayee or most commonly known as Jackson was never so ill tempered and aggressive. He was a very happy and friendly boy who loved laughing. His childhood wasn’t really that bad, he had two loving parents and a protective elder brother who was like his best friend. Jackson and his family lived in a medium sized house which was quite spacious for a family of four. His father, being the ceo and owner of PJJ Publishing, was quite rich but he still decided to live in a small house because according to him, “Big houses brings big gaps between the family.” (oh how wrong that man was). Things were good until his brother hit puberty. Just like any other teenager, his brother wanted to live a free life. He got addicted to alcohol, smoking and drugs. He started ignoring his studies and his grades started falling drastically but he didn’t care for he was sure that his father would make him the the next heir of the family business. Jackson noticed all this, the distress in his family and how his brother became more distant to him. The two inseparable brothers now barely said hello to each other and this deeply hurt the boy’s heart. What made Jackson even more sad was how his father was starting to get more stressed because of his elder brother. His elder brother barely listened to what their parents said and became very disrespectful towards them. This annoyed Jackson and he slowly started getting more frustrated. He could see how his brother was treating his parents and there was nothing the boy could do about it because, apparently, he was just a child. To distract himself and lighten the burden on his parents, Jackson focused all his attentions towards his studies. He even started learning fencing and joined his high school’s fencing team because that was his father’s favourite sport.
Seeing his brother do so good and his parents’ inclination towards Jackson made his elder brother really pissed off. His brother started being abusive towards Jackson, both verbally and physically. Every night he would abuse Jackson, tying his arms and taping his mouth so that his screams won’t leave the room as his brother beat him up until his own hands ached. Jackson was quite strong for his age and he knew it, that’s why he didn’t fight back and let his brother take out his frustration on Jackson. He was desperate to keep the family intact and he would do anything to keep his family together, even if he had to bear the abuse from the man who he thought would never even lay a finger on him. Jackson’s parents noticed the bruises and cuts on his body and would always ask him about them but he would always lie about them or would dismiss the question. His parents knew who was causing them and they had to take an action. They couldn’t lose another son.
When Jackson was chosen as the heir of the company. His brother completely lost it and he grabbed Jackson’s collar, shoving the boy against a wall and punching his face over and over again. Before Jackson could react, his brother was pulled off him and he was thrown in a mental asylum, since then he never heard from his brother. With his brother out of the picture, Jackson and his parents lived together peacefully until his father died in a car accident. Well, that’s how it was ruled out. In reality, his brother planned this whole “accident” with the help of his connections in the underworld and he is now after Jackson’s life.
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porthavenhq · 4 years
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Welcome to Porthaven, Rika! We can’t wait to meet Elsa Àrnadalr!
Please look over the acceptance checklist and submit your blog within the next 24 hours. If there is a problem or a prior obligation and you need more time than provided, just message the main and we will gladly extend!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  OUT OF CHARACTER  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Name: Rika Pronouns: she/her Age: 20 Timezone: EST Activity Level: Probably around a 5. I’d love to be more active, but between online classes, an internship, and admin duties I think giving myself a 5 for rping activity sounds reasonable.  Triggers: None Anything Else: This rp is my baby and I really hope everyone loves it just as much as me!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  CHARACTER INFORMATION  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Name: Elsa Àrnadalr Age: December 21, 1998 Gender: Cis Female FC: Milena Tscharntke
Character Biography
Elsa Àrnadalr was born on a winter solstice during the worst blizzard Norway had seen in decades. No one seemed to think much of it at the time, but it certainly was a sign that the baby would grow up to be anything but ordinary. For how could such a sweet little girl have anything in common with the storm that raged just outside her window? It didn’t take long before Elsa began exhibiting magic. They were just little things - a lack of reaction to the cold or a few snowflakes billowing around her room - but as she grew older those little “quirks” grew stronger as well. Her parents found themselves at a complete loss as to how Elsa had magic running through her veins. It was decided that as long as only the family and a few trusted friends knew about her powers it would be okay for Elsa to use them. Just as long as the public never found out there was a Mage in the Àrnadalr family. Iduna and Agnarr weren’t anti-Mystique by any means, but wanted to protect their eldest daughter from any kind of discrimination or bullying. Who knew what kind of nasty rumors and gossip would emerge if the public found out.
The young girl never really minded having to hide her powers from other people. It wasn’t like it was difficult to keep from conjuring up a snowstorm at the drop of a hat, and she knew the reasons she had to keep it a secret were valid concerns. Even as a child she never wanted to do anything that could bring criticism upon her family or tarnish their reputation. Besides, those closest to her were the only people she truly cared about showing her powers off to anyway. She and her younger sister would sneak around the manor at night leaving ornate ice patterns and snowmen in their wake. 
It was all good fun, until one night everything went wrong.
The two girls hadn’t given a thought to whether what they were doing was ever dangerous or not. They were still just children and fear was a concept they were yet to learn. Anna had been jumping between snow piles, each one growing in size as she leapt higher and higher. It wasn’t long until Anna became too quick for her sister’s magic. She didn’t notice Elsa struggling to keep up - nor did she see the elder girl slip. In a moment she will never forget, Elsa shot her hand out in desperation to keep her sister from falling. But she missed. Her powers took aim at Anna’s head and the little girl fell to a heap on the floor. Everything after that felt like a dream. Like she was watching everything unfold from outside her body. She cried for her parents. No Mundane doctor could mend a wound inflicted by magic. They rushed Anna to a community of Mystique healers deep within the forests along their city’s borders. Her sister was healed, but at the price of every single memory she had of Elsa’s powers. The countless nights they had spent building snowmen and skating around the parlor - all altered to remove any trace of magic. Elsa was given a warning as well. Her powers would continue to grow, and while there was beauty in it there also was great danger. If she couldn’t learn to control it she would become a threat to anyone around her - including herself.
She still hasn’t forgiven herself for what happened that fateful night.
The years after that were spent in relative isolation. As her powers grew in strength Elsa found it more and more difficult to keep them under control. Agnarr had enchanted gloves made for his daughter in secret that would contain her magic. Private tutors were hired when she could no longer leave the manor. She kept herself distanced from Anna whenever she could, terrified that she might hurt her sister again. They knew when Anna got older she would push back against the seemingly absurd isolation, so they sent Elsa away to a small, private boarding school once it was clear that the gloves worked. There were a few incidents at the school, but none that anyone could blame the oldest Àrnadalr girl for. Every summer and winter break she would return home and lock herself away in her room. With time, Elsa learned how to maintain a semblance of control over the magic. 
Conceal it, don’t feel it, don’t let it show.
Agnarr and Iduna died when Elsa was eighteen. They went missing during a storm over the water on what should have been a routine trip. Neither was ever found and they were presumed dead. Elsa didn’t leave her room for a month that year. She couldn’t.
Arnadalr Industries was inherited by Elsa, but the Board of Trustees voted that she couldn’t fully take over as CEO until she turned twenty-one. She spent the next three years enrolled in a fast-paced online degree program, staying almost entirely out of the public eye. All sorts of rumors began circulating as to why the heiress to the most prominent company in Norway was barely more than a shadow behind the Board. Where was she? Would she really take over once she came of age? On the day after her twenty-first birthday she emerged. The new CEO announced that not only was she taking back full control of the company, but she would also be expanding internationally. Arnadalr Industries’ first expansion is to Porthaven, Maine. Their American headquarters just finished construction and Elsa has moved to Porthaven to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Coming to Porthaven for the expansion was meant to put distance between herself and Anna. Losing her parents was hard enough, she didn’t know what she would do if something happened to Anna that was her fault. Unfortunately, Anna secretly applied to Emrys University and followed her older sister to the city. On top of that, she’s coming to realize that it is immensely more difficult to manage her company from behind a closed door than expected. All of her carefully thought-out plans are slowly beginning to spiral out of her control. 
And so is she.
Elsa has never put much thought into romance or her own sexual preferences. Intimacy of any kind has never been an option for her. While she was away at boarding school she began developing an inkling of attraction towards women, but has refused to ever act upon it or let it take up her thoughts. It’s far too much of a risk to let herself become romantically interested in anyone regardless of their gender.
Has an intense sweet tooth, but tries not to indulge in desserts very often. She’s always been a sucker for a box of chocolates though. Often has sweets delivered to her sister as a way of trying to spoil the younger girl since she can’t do much in-person.
It became obvious when she turned 18 that her father’s company was full of men who would gladly stab her in the back to get what they wanted. She isn’t sure yet what direction she wants to take the company in, but she knows that greedy, manipulative business partners and directors aren’t part of that future. She made significant cuts in staff before she left and is looking for bright new innovators to join her at the top. The only upper level staff left at the Norweigian branch are people who were close to her parents who she knows she can trust. 
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nattsocscorner · 7 years
[ meet the muse. ] - Asselin. *eyebrow wiglging*
[edit: Sedgemarch AU went under such a change all infos about it in this answer should be discarded!]
Thankyouuu! °3°
SoI have this character in many universes and AUs. There’s littlevariation to him, as he has a very strong personality, so theseanswers are by default, unless specified. Now, let’s meet thathandsome rogue!
➥ Whatis your character’s full name?:
AngeloMaria Adam Asselin Traversini.As he absolutely hates his firstand middle names, he goes with his first last name: Asselin. If askedby important enough people, he’ll give his two last names, pretendingthe first one is simply his first name.
➥When were they born?:
21stof june. The date depends of the universes (but in the majority of the universes, he’s in his early fourties).
➥What are their parent’s names?:
Marcello Vitu Asselin-Traversini for the father and Serena Maria di Salvo for themother.
➥Do they have any brothers or sisters?:
In all AUs but Sedge: Heprobably does, but he doesn’t know any of them. His parents wouldn’teven let him get to know them, as he’s dead to their eyes.In Sedge: he’s to have a baby sibling and has been raised with several kids the same age as he did, that he considered siblings by bond. His parents didn’t feel it necessary to have other children as they were around the other children and also considered them extended family. Both his parents adore him and the feeling is mutual in this universe.
➥What kind of eyes do they have?:
Hehas brown, hazelnut-coloured eyes. They are of normal, proportionateseize with his face. There’s that gleam of mischievousness into them.
➥What kind of hair do they have?:
Hehas short brown hair, with greying temples and a few strands of greyhair among the thick mass of hair. He doesn’t brush them often. Theperk of having short hair. He just needs to brush his fingers throughit and voilà!
➥What is their complexion like?:
He’s white, with a really easy tendency to tan. He’s part of these peoplewho won’t burn easily in exposure of the sun (in reasonable amounts of time of course)but will quickly develop a stronger tan.
➥What body type are they?:
Althoughit’s not always noticeable because he likes being in comfortable,larger clothes, he’s quite buff.
➥What is listening to their voice like?:
Intriguing.He has this rather low, slightly raspy voice and more often than not,he finds it amusing to play it “dark and mysterious”. Also, don’task him to sing. Ever. He’s a terrible singer. He knows it though andwill probably refuse to do it anyway.
➥What do they hate most about themselves?:
Thefact that he has to eat quite often. He’s one of these person whoburn energy fast and will need more food to compensate. If hedoesn’t get his food for any reason, his stomach will remind him in aloud way. Also (in all AUs but Sedge), may it be due to lack of energy resources or poorupbringing, he’ll feel grumpy if he spends a few days without eatinga bit of meat.
➥Do they have a favorite quote?:
He’dgo with Achard’s favourite: “I find the best cure for guilt,is to never get caught in the first place.”
➥What sort of music do they enjoy?:
Heenjoy melodic music. Not fond of ballads and sappy/sad romanticstuff, but he enjoys folkloric songs about old legends andbattles.In the modern AU, he enjoys hard/rock and country/blues.
➥Have/would they ever cheat(ed) on a partner?:
No.Asselin may show himself as flirty, he does have a strong sense ofhonour and even stronger feelings for Achard. Although they do havetheir agreements and show themselves to be polyamorous, he will nevertouch anyone before telling Achard… and possibly inviting him tojoin the fun.
➥Have they been cheated on by a partner?:
No.Before he met Achard, he had fleeting relationships but nothing“serious”. His partners could do whatever they wanted and so didhe. As he found himself falling in love with Achard and having astrong, long-term relationship with him, he also got to know theother man would never cheat on him.
➥Have they ever lost someone close to them?:
Luckily,no. He did loose a few companions when he was part of a gang, but hedidn’t care that much for them.
➥What is their favorite sound?:
Thesound of the rain smashing against a roof or windows when he himselfis inside, preferably in bed, under a dozen of blankets, a good firein the fireplace and his Achard cuddled up against him.
➥Are they judgmental of others?:
More often than not with the exception of rich people andnobles, in all universes but Sedge’s. Due to his upbringing in the lower class, his parents workingendlessly in their farm, noblety putting up heavy taxes and more orless abusing of their power towards poorer people got him to harboura certain bitterness towards them.
➥Have they ever been drunk?:
Yes.Many times. The next morning having him swearing he wouldn’t abuse ofsuch drinks anymore, only to get drunk again for some occasion. Heisn’t a regular drinker, thankfully, but if there’s a party orsomething to celebrate? He’ll be there to raise his glass!
➥What are they like when they stay up all night?:
Itdepends what for. If it’s due to something he likes or obtaining goodresults after helping Achard, coming back from a successful mission, etc. he’ll be tired but happy andsatisfied. If it is for a task he doesn’t like but has to do anyway,he’ll be grumpy and pissy until he gets to sleep.
➥Have they ever been arrested?:
Hedid, more than once… But he’s slippery as an eel and managed to gethimself out of most situations. Most. There may have been a couple oftimes where he had to use the help of a few contacts, or have Achardbail him out. He isn’t proud of the latter.
➥What evokes strong memories for them?:
In all AUs but Sedge: thesmell of curry spices. Not only these are linked to, of course,Achard’s cooking, it evokes the smell of cooking of one of his aunts,who took care of him after he ran away from his parent’s house.
In Sedge: the smell of orange flower after his first holidays in Corsica, as he might have added it a tad too much every time he was to eat fresh goat cheese.
➥What do they do on rainy days?:
Whenhe is not out for a mission, he enjoys taking it easy. Do small housetasks if needed, rest and enjoy a good meal. And of course, spend agood time snuggling and relaxing with Achard.
➥What religion are they?:
In all AUS but modern & Sedge: Ifhe didn’t know there were some serious Elder Gods bullshit going on,he’d define himself as an atheist (But then, he thinks it’s maybe atad exaggerated to call these creatures “gods” just because theywant to enslave or destroy people.). He simply couldn’t care lessabout religion, it’s not his thing at all and overly religious peopletend to piss him off. He tends to be fine with it as long as peopledon’t shove it into his face though.
In the modern AU, completely and utterly atheist.
In Sedge: he’s pretty much agnostic, going by the motto: “Religion is like a penis, it’s cool if you have it but don’t shove it in my face.”
➥What word do they overuse the most?:
“Fuck.”And its derivatives.
➥What do they wear to bed?:
Ifit’s cold outside, he wears a long shirt and maybe socks he’d tossoff in the night. If it’s not, he’s fine wearing just underwear or nothing at all. He’d alwayshave Achard to warm him up anyway.
➥Do they have any tattoos or piercings?:
No,except in the modern universe, where both his forearms are tattooedwith geometrical patterns. In the other universes, he’s consideringit… Consider an enchanted tattoo as a lucky charm. He isn’t one forpiercings onto himself, although he enjoys the aesthetics of it.
➥What type of clothing are they most comfortable in?:
Overall,he enjoys clothes that are a tad large and comfortable. A simpleshirt and trousers is the base. If going to a mission, he adds awaistcoat where he can slide his weapons onto (along with belts that have satchels and sheaths attached to) and a long coat (thefabric it’s made of depends of the season).In the modernuniverse, he does enjoy the classy shirt/waistcoat combo but his personalfavourite is wearing tshirts with bad puns/jokes and jeans or your classic, black trousers. Leather jackets are the cherry on top.
➥What is their most disliked food?:
in All AUs but Sedge: Hecan eat a bit of everything but he doesn’t like celery or radish and simply hates unsalted soup with toomuch water and too little vegetables into it.Maybe he got too many of these when he was a kid.
In Sedge: just celery or radish.
➥Do they have any enemies?:
In all AUs but Sedge: Mostdefinitely. Whether it is people he crossed while hunting for anitem, noble people he stole specific items from or people he gave abeating to while they were bothering a weaker person, a friend orAchard. And if Achard has enemies? Then these are his enemies aswell!
In sedge: Anyone that goes against Juliette Richards & his family is automatically his enemy.
➥What does their writing look like?:
Asidein the modern universe & Sedge, where his writing is a bit messy, Asselindoesn’t know how to write. He didn’t go to school, as he was destinedto be like his parents, an illiterate farmer. Achard is teaching himhow to write and read and (although he finds it a tad boring) he’sreally thankful to get the chance to become educated on that point.Reading and writing would help greatly in deciphering maps andfinding secrets!
➥What disgusts them?:
People(especially the upper class/rich/noble/powerful ones) taking advantage of weakerpeople. He has a rooted despise against abusive people and if hewitnesses a situation he finds unfair (and sees he has a chance toget out of it without being killed), he’ll intervene in the instant.
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ibelily · 7 years
The Horsemen
I don’t even know what this is, but it’s been in my head so it needs to get out ! I might make it a multi-chaptered thing, with a chapter for each side if y’all like that idea. Also I’m tagging @demerite​, @lana--22​ and @taki-random​ because you all sencouraged me to write this so it’s really all your fault ... <3
Highschool AU, OC’s Point Of View 
Pairing: none
TW: mentions of suicide, of death, of physical fights (i think that’s it, pls tell me if i missed something)
Length: 2.1k yeaaaah buddy
Also, i apologise if I got any of the biblical references wrong, Wiki was my main ressource
Urgh, I hate firsts. Firsts are always awkward, and ultimately disappointing. At top of the list is definitely the first day of school, especially when your first day happens to be in the middle of the school year. I had just managed to figure out how my locker worked and had turned to walk to my class when I was pulled out of the way just before being bulldozed by a mammoth of a teenager, who walked past as if nothing had even happened. 
I turned to my savior to see someone even shorter than myself, wearing a baggy yellow hoodie and black skinny jeans, with white Converse. They had short, bright red hair that clashed beautifully with their hoodie, and a simple grey backpack was slung casually over one shoulder.
“Sorry about that” they said, letting go of my sleeve. “You were about to get trampled”
“Yeah I noticed” I said as I dusted myself off.
“Haven’t seen you around. You new?” They asked.
“Yeah, first day.”
”That’ll explain it. You’re lucky Famine didn’t flatten you. Usually everyone gets out of his way quickly so he wouldn’t have stopped.”
“Yeah I was worried there for a sec- Hang on did you just say Famine?”
“Yeah, it’s kind of a long story. Tell you what, I’ll tell you at lunch, every newbie deserves to know the story.” They stuck out a hand for me to shake, smiling widely. I took it in mine and gave my best firm handshake, surprised at the upfront friendliness.
“I’m Chris, by the way” they said just as the bell rang “... and I’m late for AP History. Meet you here at noon? We’ll go get lunch” I nodded dumbly as they took off in the direction of their classroom. Not bad I thought, I’ve already made a friend. I shrugged my backpack further up onto my shoulder and went to find my own class.
Midday soon came around, and I found myself in the cafeteria with Chris, looking at a surprisingly good school lunch.
“They’re called the Horsemen” Chris started without preamble as we put down our trays and sat in the hard plastic seats.
“The horsemen?” I repeated.
“Named after the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.”
“Oh. I’m not a christian, I’ve never heard that story before” I explained.
“Well in the New Testament, in the Book of Revelation, there’s a chapter that talks about a scroll that is sealed with seven seals. The Lamb of God -which is just another name for Jesus- opens four of the seals which brings down the Horsemen, the harbingers of the Apocalypse and of the Judgement Day.”
“Sounds morbid” I joke.
“Well, that’s the Bible for you” They chuckled. We chatted for a while about other things: where I was before, how I was liking the town so far, the usual mundane things. I found I really liked Chris, they had an uplifting personality and I quickly felt relaxed around them, something that didn’t happen often for me.
“Here they come” Chris announced, and I felt the room grow quieter as the door swung open. In walked a gang of five men -they definitely weren’t boys- who ambled their way over to the line to get some food, talking quietly amongst themselves. The other people in the queue tensed at the new additions, but carried on with whatever they were doing. The men didn’t seem to notice, or at least didn’t seem to care of their intimidating presence.
“That first one is Conquest.” Chris pointed at the first man, beginning their explanation “His real name is Roman, but no one calls him that anymore. He is what is commonly referred to as a man-whore. He’ll have sex with anything with a heartbeat. No ties, obviously. It’s just ‘Wham, Bam, thank you whoever’.”
I watched as Roman collected his food. He wore a white and red t-shirt, very form-fitting jeans and stylish sneakers. His hair was impeccably quiffed, and there was no denying his good looks. He shot a charming smirk at the lady serving him, and she turned bright red and giggled.
“He looks good, but I don't see how he’s so terrible” I defended.
“There's just something about him. Everyone knows how he operates and yet people fall under his charm and they're goners. They fall in love with him, and he knows it. He uses them for whatever he wants: information, tasks he doesn’t want to do, you name it. Once he's slept with someone, they become one of The Conquered. Half the school has been conquered by him so far, students and teachers alike.”
“Have you been... Conquered?” I asked tentatively. They chuckled in response.
“No, we asexuals are immune to his powers, a fact that annoys him greatly”
Conquest sat down at an empty table, casually ignoring all the loving eyes that followed him across the room. I turned back to the line as Chris continued.
“The next one is War. Real name: Logan. Don’t be fooled by the shirt and tie, he’s definitely the scariest of the four.”
Looking at Logan, I found that hard to believe. He was the very definition of ‘White & Nerdy’. He wore thick rimmed glasses, a crisp black shirt with every button done up, a bright blue tie fastened securely around his neck, and pressed trousers with smart black lace-ups. He had a neutral expression on his face, almost like a robot.
“How could he possibly be scary?” I asked incredulously. As I spoke, a freshman who wasn’t looking ahead of him walked straight into the man they called War. War turned his head rigidly to stare at the younger boy, who stuttered out a faint apology before running away, tripping over his own feet. War stared at the retreating figure, then returned to what he was previously doing, choosing his dessert.
“War has anger issues. He seems all monotonous, but don’t cross him, whatever you do. He will destroy you, quite literally. The last guy who pissed him off ended up in hospital for 2 months.” 
“What did he do to anger him?” I gawked.
“No one knows. The stories go from having sex with his sister to tripping him up accidentally in the hallway. He’s also very protective of the others, so crossing them is crossing him.” Chris shuddered slightly and I found myself doing the same. The more I looked at War, the more he creeped me out; He was so robotic in his actions, his face devoid of all emotion. He joined Conquest at the table, sitting down mechanically opposite him.
“I suppose you’re already acquainted with Famine.” Chris joked, and I turned my head back to where Famine was filling his plate with everything in front of him.
“The name’s kind of ironic; He’s on the wrestling team so he eats a lot.” In contrast with the others, Famine seemed massive. Although he was of similar height, he was at least twice as wide. His blue shirt strained against his biceps and upper back as he leaned forward to grab even more food for his piled up plate. Everything about him was big.
“He doesn’t say much, but when he does speak you listen. If he tells you to do something, you do it. He’s got this authoritative tone in his voice that makes you feel like you have to obey. I reckon it’s the whole being a father thing” Chris shrugged.
“He’s a father?! He’s still in highschool!” I exclaimed.
“Yeah, he’s got two kids. Twins. Not many people know about them though. I only found out because I overheard a conversation between the four of them a while back. They’ve taken to calling him ‘Dad’ as a joke. His real name is Patton I think, but like all the others his name isn’t really used anymore”
As Famine sat down with the others, his plastic seat squeaked as he put all his weight on it. Without saying a word the other two gave him things off their plates to add to his mountain of food, Conquest holding out the kiwi in his hand with a disgusted look on his face.
Then the man that I assumed was the fourth Horseman stepped up to pay. He was slightly shorter and skinnier than the others, wearing a large black hoodie with black jeans and black sneakers. As he turned his head I noticed large purple bags underneath his eyes; It looked like he never slept.
“Who is he then?” I asked curiously.
“That’s Death.”
“Yup. I don’t know his real name, in fact I don’t think anyone does. He doesn’t like it so he makes the teachers and everyone call him either Death, and sometimes Anxiety.”
“He gets called Anx most of the time anyway. He’s probably the least intimidating of the four, he’s actually quite nice, if a bit quiet. I had Art class with him last semester and we actually got on pretty well.” They explained. I watched as he took a seat with the others, jumping in and joining in on the conversation already taking place between them. He made a quick remark at Conquest, making Famine guffaw loudly and put his arm around his shoulders, ruffling his hair. Looking at them interact, it was hard to imagine that any of them could be as horrid as Chris made them out to be.
“So why is he a Horseman?”
“Because of his reputation. There’s apparently a curse on him that means that anyone who gets close to him dies”
My eyes widened and I whipped my head around to stare at Chris.
“Are you serious?”
“Unfortunately. His parents died in a car accident when he was young, and he didn’t have any living relatives so he got shuffled around the care system for years. Apparently most of his foster parents died not long after taking him in, and others just dumped him back in the system. When he first came here he made friends with a girl. Her name was Emmy. She committed suicide three months later.”
“Oh my God, that’s heartbreaking.” I took another glance at him, and he had retreated slightly from the group, eating his lunch in silence.
“Anx sort of shut himself away after that, refusing to talk to anyone, not that he did much talking to begin with. It wasn’t until the gang decided to take him under their collective wings that he started to talk again. Now he’s the one that calms them down when they go a bit too overboard.”
I got a perfect example of that as a small commotion erupted from their table, making everyone’s heads turn to watch. War was standing up and leaning over the table, staring down angrily at Famine, who was staring back just as menacingly. I don’t know what had happened, but War’s face was getting increasingly red, and a vein had popped up on his forehead. Calmly, Anxiety got up and placed a gentle hand on Logan’s shoulder. The other snapped out of his staring contest to look at Anxiety. No words were exchanged, but Logan nodded at Anxiety and the pair sat back down. War extended a hand out to Famine who slapped his own against it, then they bumped fits and carried on the conversation they’d previously been having. For his part, Conquest hadn’t flinched at the interaction, he’d carried on eating his burrito as if it were a common occurrence. The whole scenario was bizarre, to say the least.
Shaking my head in disbelief, I turned back to the food line and remembered the fifth member of the group. He’d also paused at the interaction, but he’d quickly turned back to pick out his food.
“So who’s the fifth one? I thought there were only four horsemen” I asked.
“There are. That’s Thomas. He’s sort of like their ringleader. He’s the worst one of all”
I took a moment to watch him, and was surprised when he smiled and thanked the server for his food before picking up his tray and making his way to the table.
“He looks nice enough to me”
“Everyone thinks that at first. But you’ll learn, eventually. He’s like all four of the other rolled into one deceivingly sweet package.”
“So what do you call him then, if he’s not a Horseman?”
“What do you think? Who sent the Horsemen in the first place?”
I look at Chris blankly, confused. They lean in towards me, lowering their voice to a whisper. I leant in also, feeling the tension build in the air.
“He’s God, who else?”
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