#anyway its mahiru loving hours here bitches
isuzukuretsuki · 5 years
I just read the ons ch 82/83 and like y’all... I always say that Mahiru is one of my favourite female fictional characters but tbh I’m starting to think she’s actually one of my favourite fictional characters of all time, period. She just has so much depth and complexity to her character and for a female character in a shounen manga, that’s fucking rare. It breaks my heart to see everyone in the manga have so much vitriol towards her (justifiably) and to watch her purposely paint herself as a villain and get everyone to hate her because it’s easier that way even when she ultimately cares about others and feels awful about always having to hurt other people to get what she wants (even though what she wants is just to let her loved ones have a normal life!!!)
She always acts “evil” like she doesn’t give a shit about all the chaos happening around her now that she’s a cool ghost gal but to see her finally drop all her pretenses at the very end and openly worry about Guren, comfort Guren and tell him that not everything is his fault and that she’ll keep him safe in a really serious manner... it just hurts. I love her relationship with Guren because at this point in the story, while their romance is dead and gone, they’re honestly more like partners in crime now and I love it. They have this steadfast trust in each other and it’s very clear now that Mahiru is not manipulating him--rather Mahiru is doing for Guren now what Guren did for her in the past which is “even if your decisions destroy you and everyone turns against you, I will follow you to the very end and I will never abandon you”. I think Mahiru herself knows she’s done more than she can ever atone for, so at the very least she will be Guren’s ally even when no one else will. I love that both characters are just so entangled with each others’ messes that they’re quite literally ride or die with each other now.
It honestly makes me sad that people always rag on ons for having poorly written female characters who are just fan service but when we’re finally given a female character who is very, very, very well written, complex, interesting, fascinating and charming, everyone treats her like hot garbage because “she’s a bitch!” s m h. The plot of this manga may be garbo but at least we have Mahiru.
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brynfelan · 4 years
Alright I'll leave you to write...after this last idea because if i forget it I'll kick myself (im so sorry my insanity keeps going)
KuzuPeko are publically dating, but they're secretly dating Hinata as well. They got the "wE'rE yAkUzA aNd DaNgErOuS, mUsT pRoTeCt CoMmOnEr BoYfRiEnD" thing going on. Hinata thinks thats bs because Izuru is a walking hazard that he's constantly with, but Hinata lets it go. Natsumi knows all, she annoyed it out of Fuyuhiko, and loves to make fun of the triad at any time.
Izuru also knows, but he's a little better at not being such a little shit about knowing said relationship...just a little bit though.
Everything's fine, everyone's as happy as you can be at Hope's Peak...then Sato tries to off Natsumi. Same plan and execution as canon, but Hajime interferes here. Its his boyfriend's little sister, of course he'll try to save her.
Sato ultimately fails, but she still gets away before anyone can see her and BOTH Hajime and Natsumi are injured. (No they don't die no one dies in my ideas)
Fuyuhiko and Peko find them in the room where the attack happened. And from there just hurt/comfort...and some fluff to soothe the soul.
is okay I love taking breaks from writing one thing to write another! but i also really need to get this update out soon lmao or I’ll lose all my steam whoops. writing longfics are hard please dump any and all brainrot you would like to share right here because I am ecstatic every time I see a message from you!
anyway, they walk in. Sato’s gone, but Natsumi and Hajime are kinda hurt, but it really could be worse. Hajime explains what happened, and for a hot second Fuyuhiko might kill a bitch, but then he gets his shit together and realises that he needs to take care of his boyfriend and his sister first. So they get the two of them home.
Hajime’s place is closer, so the four of them end up going there. His parents aren’t home but Izuru is (side HC: their parents are at best absent) and Peko explains to him what happened. The three of them set up Hajime and Natsumi in the living room. Izuru goes off with first-aid, making sure that nothing’s broken (nothing is), but carefully tending to the cuts and scrapes they have, while Fuyuhiko is like a whirlwind - he’s probably only out of the place for half an hour when he comes back with everything he could think of for them. Both Natsumi’s and Hajime’s favourite foods, extra blankets, shit like that. Peko meanwhile is basically just being the best girlfriend/older brother’s girlfriend that anybody could ask for - she’s adjusting cushions to make sure they’re comfortable, washing the dirt off their faces, brushing their hair. She’s just being real sweet to them.
They watch dumb movies that night, while Izuru goes to basically make sure Sato is reprimanded for her actions. He knows better than to go to the cops about it, because uhhh yakuza, so instead he shows up at Sato’s house to tell her what’s fucking good. The answer is that she is to never come back to Hope’s Peak again, and tell Mahiru what she did, and basically never let Izuru see her face around ever or she’ll fucking pay.
Meanwhile, back at the house, Natsumi’s taking the complete piss out of Fuyuhiko for being so worried (but it’s sweet. she’s the Ultimate Little Sister, no matter what any fancy motherfucker in a suit says), while Hajime sits between Fuyuhiko and Peko basically getting all the love and attention he could need after a day like that. They all stay home from school the next day and just have a sweet day with Izuru. Collectively, Fuyuhiko Peko n Izuru vow to never let something like that happen to either Hajime or Natsumi again.
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