#anyway most of the time I think Lys is hiding his relationship with Gus sorry guys
rainbowpufflez · 8 months
The fact that I headcanon Lysandre to have the most amount of Internalized Homophobia™️ a human being can have, but then would actively call someone homophobic if it was to his advantage amuses me to no end
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theiahuntley-blog · 7 years
(So, I finally finished typing this up! Featuring @debbieker. I’m finishing Theia’s story this way to have some fun and this is something fun to imagine and write about!:)
(below is Theia’s leaving outfit)
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Knock knock.
I pace outside Debbie’s room, biting my lip as I wait.
“Coming!” She cries, I sigh in relieve as she opens the door. “Hi Theia, come in.”
“Hi!” I reply with a nervous smile. “Um… well as you know, I um didn’t make it… and um.” I pause to clear my throat and hold out my hands to reveal a pair of wooden chopsticks with Debbie’s smudged name written on it. “This is for you, a sorta goodbye gift.”
Debbie gasps in surprise. “Wait, I didn’t knew you get eliminated! … I’m always the last to know important stuff. I’m so sorry!” She said with a sad face, before taking the chopsticks while admiring them. “Oh! Thank you! You didn’t have to! You made these?”
“Um not really. I brought a pair of chopsticks along as a gift to someone. I haven’t decided whom at that time. And I’ve forgotten about them. Then while packing up I found them and I instantly thought of you. So I decided to write you name on them.” I pause and swallow nervously. “I know we’re not the best of friends or anything, but you’ve always been nice to me and I was hoping we can continue to be friends after this.”
“Of course! I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk more … I’m always here and there…” She sighs. “I wish we have had more time together. We are like farmers sisters!” Debbie and I both chuckle at this.
“Uhm… are you ok or?” She continued.
“I don’t know, honestly.” I reply truthfully. “I will definitely miss the people here, but I also miss my family…”
Debbie sits down on her bed and taps the spot beside her, silently asking me to sit down. I smile gratefully and sit down beside her.
“But I guess I kinda knew I wouldn’t make it, I’m surprised I even made it this far.” I say with a forced laugh. “I mean, the Prince and I… there’s nothing there. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough… but I don’t know, I feel like if it’s real love… I don’t have to try everything just get him to give me a response.”
That is the truth, I’m not blaming Dom or anything. But love can’t be forced.
Debbie nods. “I totally understand what you are saying, between you and me, sometimes I miss my home too. sorry for the obvious question.” She says with a roll of her eyes, pretending to bang her head. Then she sobers up with a sad face. “And about Dom, I’m so sorry it didn’t work… Hey! Tell me, who will you miss the most ?” She smirks as she asks the last question.
“Um… m- miss the m-most?” I repeat, taken back. “I don’t know… my er maids?”
She laughs. “You are lying!” She points to herself. “Isabella always scolds me for being indiscreet, but I just have to know!
“I have seen you talking with a really cute guard more than once…” She comments in a suggestive tone.
“G-gu-guard? What gua-” I pause before sighing. I guess since I’m leaving there’s not need to hide. “Okay, FINE. I MAY miss him most. And I guess you wanna know everything now, don’t you?”
She agrees so I fill her in with everything about Theo. We go on to talk about something else afterwards as I changed the subject to her and the possibility of Queen Debbie. Debbie tells me she’s not sure if she’s exactly queen material while I disagree, as I do think I can see a queen Debbie. We also talked about Dom and her relationship, and she seems to be really into him. I’m happy for her, Dom and I may not work out but I know he is a good guy and can definitely make a girl happy.
“So, will you visit my farm someday?” Debbie asks.
“Of course! And you must come to mine!” I reply with a smile.  I stand up and hug Debbie. “Speaking of which I must go and start getting ready. We must keep in touch!”
“Sure I will visit you and you have to call me as soon as I get kicked out of here.” She laughs. “Thank you so much for the present!”
“You won’t be.” I giggle, walking to the door. “And no problem. Bye, Debs!”
“See you later, Theia. Good luck!”
I walk back to my room and is surprised to see a guard standing outside my door.
“Officer Hart.” I greet with a hint of a smile.
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“My lady.”
“What… what um brings you here?” I ask, nervously tugging my dress.
He clears his throat. “I am here to go over the safety procedures with you, my lady.”
“Oh right, of course.” I answer, before gesturing him into my room. “Come on in.”
“Girls, please go and finish off the adjustments to my dress. I won’t bore you into the details of my safety procedures.” I say to my red-eyed maids. They give me weak smiles and walk away.
“So, officer Hart. What safety procedures?” I continue, wiping nonexistent dust from my dress as I flashback to the times I spent with Theo. After the garden incident, we hadn’t really spent much time together except for when I showed him my story, saying I have to ask for a guard’s advice about something “important”. But we always smiled at each other in the hallways.
“So the story didn’t work?” He says, breaking the silence.
“Nope.” I reply, popping the p. “I guess I’m just not good enough.”
I wipe a bit of tears away. “Anyways it’s fine… I can’t really be with a guy who doesn’t like Chinese food.” I joke. “And give me the shortest replies ever. I thought eventually I���d get into him… I thought…” I stop and the tears come crashing down.
“Oh Theia…” Theo says quietly, he pulls me to him and lets me cry onto his shoulder. If this was any normal situation I would have frozen but today I just really needed a shoulder to cry on. “You’re not not good enough. You’re just perfect the way you are… I never knew you liked him that much, I’m so sorry.”
“He’s the Prince. Every girl likes him.” I whisper. “But I don’t know, I guess I don’t like him that much but I still liked him. I think… I don’t know…Sometimes he’s really annoying but at the end of the day… I…”
“It’s okay. I understand.” He says into my hair, stroking them gently. “For the record, I love Chinese food. At least I love egg tarts. But that’s kinda the only Chinese food I’ve eaten… Oh and the yellow ones… What are they called again?”
“Siu mai?” I suggest, pulling myself away from him.
“Yes! Siu mai!” He confirms with a happy smile. “Love those.”
“So do I.” I agree with a hint of a smile. “You should’ve told me about your passion for Chinese food. I would’ve made you some and let you try more!”
“You still can…” he says quietly. My breath hitches as I try to understand what he’s implying.
“Come on Theia, you must’ve known how I felt about you.” He cuts me off.
“I… I guessed.”
“But I don’t know how you feel.”
“It doesn’t matter how I feel. I live in Allens, miles away from here and you’re a guard. This-” I begin, wiping my tears away.
“I’m turning 23 on 14th January. And I live in Carolina.” He cuts me off again.
“I’m sorry. Just ignore me. I understand you don’t like me. I shouldn’t have said that. That was stupid. But you have to know I’ve never felt like this for a girl before. I-” he babbles.
“I like you.” I interrupt him, my voice barely a whisper.
“I like you. At least I think I do. I mean, I like spending time with you, I like talking to you… I like hearing you say my name, my heart starts beating fast when I see you…” I trail off, not knowing what to say. His eyes light up.
“Yes, really.” I laugh. But the laughter dies downs quickly. “So what now?”
“I know it wouldn’t be fair to tell you to wait. You’re a selected, every guy wants you…” he pauses and takes a slow breath as if what he’s going to say is going to hurt him. “I… I’m asking you to at least give me a chance. I’ll come find you after I’ve finished my draft and if you still haven’t find someone else… I’d like to date you.”
I smile slightly as he fidgets with his fingers. “Okay.” He returns the smile and hugs me.
“So you’re five years older, eh? No wonder you give such good advice.” I tease. He rolls his eyes playfully.
“You’ll write me, will you?” I ask quietly.
“I don’t know… I think we’d better keep this until after my draft. I don’t want to be accused of treason or something.” He replies thoughtfully. I sigh but agree. I could wait a few months.
I think.
“I can wait. I don’t mind waiting.” I say, peering up at him underneath my eyelashes. “I mean, I’ve dealt with competing against thirty-four other girls for a guy and I made it to the last fourteen. What’s a few months of waiting?”
“As much as I want to agree, I won’t.” He replies. “I want you to be happy and you shouldn’t let any opportunities go.”
“Oh.” Is all I can say.
“Promise me, you’re not going to turn down guys who may make you happy just for me.”
“I… I promise.”
“Don’t worry.” He whispers. “If we are meant to be, we will be.”
I nod slowly as I feel something wet on my cheeks. He shushes me and wipes my tears away gently. Before I can react he crashes his lips to mine. I melt into kiss but it was a brief one. I groan in annoyance.
“Next time, my lady, next time.” He laughs.
“I never thought my first and only kiss at the palace would be with a guard.” I giggle.
“Really?” He asks, shocked. I nod my head and giggled.
“Here.” He says before thrusting a paper into my hands. “I do have to go over safety procedures with you but we don’t have time so I wrote them down for you.”
I laugh. “Thanks.”
Knock knock.
Theo looks back at the door urgently. “See you in January.” He whispers, clasping my hand tightly.
“See you.” I whisper back, feeling my eyes grow hot. I place a chaste kiss on his cheek before clearing my throat.
“Come in!” I call. My sad maids come back in and Theo dips his head at them.
“Have a safe trip, my lady.” He says politely. He then proceeds to kiss my hand a little too long.
My heart skips a beat and I can’t wait for January to come.
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