#anyway music asks on saturday i hopes :DD
muckmagister · 1 year
you been busy lately?
this ask has been in the box for 2 days now, so you might think i have been busy but the answer is an emphatic no, i am never busy, i am alwaas sleepy tireds
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lunar-writings-love · 4 years
College!AU - Hongjoong (ateez)
ahaha so i’m baaaack ;; super sorry for all the inactivity babes life has been weighing down on all of us i’m sure and i needed some time! This is the next installment of the college!au ateez series, and although i had planned to have hongjoong last, y’all requested him so much i wrote him next and changed the order around! 
Author’s note: Bullet fic, 
Warnings: like a drop of angst if u squint ?? the word sh!t appears one time i think
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he’s so cute i’m Sad
ok so Joongie is just so loved, so treasured by everyone ,, every time he enters into a room everyone just 🥺
he’ll walk into a room looking all sleepy in overalls or something and literally everyone’s parental instincts awaken from the depths of college emotional indifference and suddenly ,, 
there’s world peace it’s a sight to see 
so, our Hongjoongie is actually a double major!! 
he’s a world lit major, and he’s minoring in gender studies so his emphasis is on analyzing feminist texts 
more often than not, the best way to find hongjoong is to just go to the library on the south side of campus at odd hours at night and you’ll usually find him buried underneath a pile of books ;; (and more often than not he’ll also be sleeping because baby can’t stay awake to save his life ://) 
But he really does love his major ,, and If u let him ,  he’ll rave hours and hours about literature; analyzing them through historical context, societal reflection, the role of women, writing style..... 
....he just loves what he does and it makes everyone around him love him for it too!! 
He always has extensive talks with Yeosang (an english major who took a lot of lit classes with hongjoong hint go read the yeosang!au) on american 19th century feminist writings
they started their own book club and it’s literally just them two, no other members allowed, and all they do is eat finger sandwiches and shit on misogynistic men we sTAN
HoWEVer, although hongjoong’s work in literature is impressive and respected, he’s probably better known for his second major: 
music composition!
music is the love of his life ,,, no buts there’s nothing he’ll love more than his art (except maybe you aha ha ha ;)
and people knew him around campus becaaaauseeeeee ,,,,, he would usually ,,, dj at frat parties... 
it wasn’t something he particularly liked, but hey money is money.
in all seriousness though, when hongjoong wasn’t reading or writing papers, he was glued to his mac producing tracks and writing lyrics 
the only thing was ,,, he didn’t actually sing any of what he wrote 
he never thought his own voice suited his songs, and would much rather sit on the sidelines moving along the creative direction 
and although the boys usually are the ones to sing his demos,, joongie always felt like something was still ,,, missing 
this is where u come in wink wonk 
you’re just a lowly econ major who surprisingly !! doesn’t !! want !! to start your own fortune 500 company :DD !! wow so rare :) 
anYWaYS,, you’re just doing it cuz your parents pressured you into pursuing a career with stable job opportunities and you’re kinda good at math and graphs soooo 
....why not 
but to be honest, you always felt trapped 
you were never able to stop that feeling of impending doom when you’d open your macro-econ textbooks ,,,
or how your heart hurt when you think about the fact that your life is headed straight to an incredibly mundane future :
a desk job, an overpriced apartment that barely has enough room for you, living in constant air pollution from the city’s high carbon emissions, never finding true love, dying alone with 50 cats,  taxes...you get the drift
you usually pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind, negativity isn’t productive and right now you had a world economics midterm to study for
not that you’d ever admit it, your true passion had always been music 
you weren’t the best composer, you knew just enough piano to get you but; but you had a set of PIPES dAmN
your friends could usually find you at the dorm’s music rooms ,, and whenever you felt stress or needed to unwind, you’d usually head over to those rooms
now ,,, these rooms are soundproof // but the trick is you actually have to close the door cuz if u don’t......
everyone can hear you 
and by everyone I mean the entire floor
you were doing your usual thing at the music room one night when one of your friends came in to let you know everyone would be heading over to dinner soon,, u promised only one more song before meeting them upstairs on your dorm floor 
and soo ,, when u started singing again  //// everyone heard 
and by everyone i mean ???!?
hongjoong :))
and it was love at first sight ,,, or rather 
,, love at first listen??
he won’t ponder over the semantics, all Hongjoong knew was that he had been looking for a voice like yours and needed you on his tracks 
this man barged into the room and begged you to lend your voice for his songs 
...on his knees :00
you were in shock like what were you supposed to do?
this random man stormed in and got on his knees ,, 
what was next ??
marriage ????
u didn’t really say anything for a while just kinda looked him in his eyes 
but then your uwu instincts kicked in--u don’t know what it is about this dude but u just wanna like give him candy or something 
and so you hesitantly asked for his name 
and that’s when hongjoong realized he was an IDIOT 
because not only was your voice heavenly, but of course you were cute too and he just presented himself like a complete and utter maniac and He Didn’T eVEN bOTHER To TelL You hIS NAme!
he wanted the ground to swallow him up but alas 
he got off his knees and shyly stuck out his hand and told you his name 
you looked at him once again ,, and surprisingly 
you took his hand with a small smile on your face 
you ended up totally forgetting about dinner with your friends at the dining hall 
because hongjoong sat beside you on the piano bench and showed you his songs and lyrics, and you....fell in love <3
you’d never connected with anyone on this type of emotional level before and it was almost sort of overwhelming 
it also kinda gave you hope too ,, because here was Hongjoong ,, someone who managed to get the best of both worlds : a music and a lit degree
and you thought that maybe ,, you could do something with music too 
you guys exchanged numbers and scheduled to meet at the university’s recording studio that weekend 
Hongjoong composed a track and you added your own lyrics with his help--after two weeks of mixing, mastering, producing, and recording ,,, you guys officially released a single!!
you really weren’t expecting it, but hongjoong was a bit of a social butterfly and so the song became a hit on campus 
people were uploading it to their social media, sharing it with friends, playing it while they worked out, it was kinda ridiculous to you 
the student paper even wrote an article about it (and later you found out that the journalist was one of hongjoong’s friend’s girlfriend ,, (hint go read the yunho!au)
And when the song reached 10,000 streams, that gave you the confidence to do what you had always wanted to do 
you called your parents up on a Saturday morning to tell them you were picking up a vocal performance major 
you were extremely anxious for this conversation, so Hongjoong decided to stay by your side for moral support 
As both of you waited with baited breath for your parents’ response, Hongjoong was also right there just ,, holding your hand so sweetly,, and that was driving YOU INSANE 
(because in these past couple of months you had gotten to know Hongjoong you had mostly definitely, absolutely, completely fallen head over heels for him)  
after a long moment of silence, your parents agreed 
they weren’t too happy about it, but they also weren’t as against it as you thought they’d be--the only condition was that you’d continue with econ and instead double major 
it would honestly be hard considering the amount of mandatory classes and performances required of the vocal performance major, but you were too happy to care 
after your goodbyes with your parents, you looked over to Hongjoong with the biggest smile on your face 
and it just,, absolutely melted his heart 
before he could stop himself he just wrapped his arms around you and twirled you around
and then :) he gave you the softest kiss on your cheek 
of course, after it dawned on him what he had done, he instantly turned red and started chucking nervously as he stuttered his words 
but for you, the newfound confidence and ADRENALINE after your successful phone call with your parents, you grabbed both sides of his face and asked him if you could kiss him 
Hongjoong was wide-eyed but LIKE HELL he would pass up this up 
so after muttering out a shy yes, y’all kissed awwww :))
and after that, you guys became a couple! 
you’d show up to the frat parties he would DJ at and would always dance like an idiot with wooyoung in the corner of the room 
and you and hongjoong would always partner up for music composition and performance projects: Hongjoong would write the tracks and you’d sing for them
you guys were honestly such a soft couple 
you also picked up the habit of studying sleeping at the library with hongjoong because double majoring was hard and it required a lot of work
and it just, now became a thing for people to always find you along with Hongjoong sleeping under a pile of books 
you guys kept on releasing more singles after that, and are currently working on an EP!
and honestly, you were so incredibly happy 
you had the most amazing boyfriend, and you were pursuing your passion 
and you felt just a little bit better knowing that your future was unclear
you no longer pictured yourself at a desk job, living out an absolutely dreadful life 
instead, you finally realized the multitude of opportunities at your disposal
and with Hongjoong by your side, you just knew everything in life would work out in the end!
Love you guys! Stay safe and healthy!!
- Luna
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Keep It Secret, 3
Summary:  Ever since your soulmate told you to stop writing on your skin because they didn’t want to communicate, you did as they asked even though it hurt your heart. During the first day of your new job as an “emergency woman” on a film set, you forget your notepad and planner, so you have to write on your skin. When you’re then called to the makeup trailer to deal with an emergency, you meet Zendaya Coleman, with your supply list on her wrist. You vow to keep your status as her soulmate a secret, even if it hurts, because all you want is for her to be happy. Even if it’s to your detriment.
A/N: Okay,,,,,,,,,,,, I live by the philosophy that it’s not tomorrow until you wake up, soooooooo... Anyway, I hope you guys like this one. It admittedly got a bit away from me, but I like where it went. Also, I would LOVE to know what you think will happen next. You’ll see what I mean ;)
Disclaimer: I do not know or claim to know Zendaya Coleman; I am essentially using her as a face/name claim to my fic idea. The same goes for the other people in this fic. That being said, I hope you like this!!!!!
Warnings: some flirting (???), some stress, brief panic attack, brief sensory overload, gross guys at bars, bars, alcohol, a bit of swearing but not a lot
Word Count: 3512
Permanent Taglist: @pparkerwrites, @jordyns-library, @natblidaclexa, @peterseuphoria, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @beccaboo929, @softrdj, @icecoldban
KIS Taglist: @hailqueenconquer, @imaginerequestpage, @adventurousbooknerd
Chapter 3
The next morning, you woke up on time and made sure everything was packed in your purse. You certainly did not want a repeat of the previous day. As soon as you were finished with that and the needed double checks, you hopped in the shower.
You wrapped yourself in your fuzzy robe after you dried off, padding over to your closet. Normally, it was easy to pick an outfit; the day before had been easy even with your panic at running late. Now that you knew your soulmate, though, you inadvertently found yourself agonizing over your clothing.
After another few minutes, you settled on your best black leggings and an oversized sweater that was a dark green, over a black tank top. You had happily covered what you considered all of your imperfections, including your tummy and your thighs. And, with the sweater, your arms were hidden.
You slipped on your flats and put on your sunscreen and a bit of makeup, just to even out your skin tone. Then, after you fixed your hair as you wanted it, you went back into the kitchen and did another check on your needed supplies.
As you were grabbing an apple for breakfast, your phone buzzed. It was a text from Zendaya; just the notification was enough to get your heart racing.
“Hey Y/N, I’m outside, let’s get going,” the text read.
You quickly texted her that you were on your way down and did one final check of your purse. Then after grabbing your pre-prepared lunch, you were on your way down.
Zendaya honked her horn as you appeared at the door to your building; she then leaned out and waved to you comically.
With a chuckle, you walked out and around her car. She was laughing brightly as you climbed in, the bright smile on her face making your day 8000 times better already.
It’s what she wants.
“You know, I have neighbors,” you remarked as she began her drive.
“Who cares about them,” she waved you off, the grin on her face infectious.
“Do you actually need to be at work this early today?” you asked.
“Nope,” she popped the ‘p.’
“Then why—”
“Wanted to see you,” Zendaya answered with a shrug. “Don’t know why.”
You accepted her answer and repeated your mantra as you fought your heartrate. She smirked at you and turned up the music, easily rapping along with the lyrics. When you recognized the song, you would sing along with her. That would lead to Zendaya laughing brightly and continuing louder, forcing you to try and match her volume.
The only thing you could hope for was some sort of normalcy, a time in the day where you didn’t have to worry about keeping the secret.
 You’d been working on the movie for two weeks now. The emergencies would come and go, and you took them in perfect stride. You had fun with different members of the crew; a makeup artist named Jade had become a rather close friend, in fact. And, well, Zendaya still picked you up on days that she had to be on set. It was a nice, if admittedly stressful, routine.
Hugh Jackman, a very sweet man, had decided to take everyone out for drinks after work. You weren’t going to go, because it was Saturday night and those nights are always full of people. Not all of the crew could go, many of them having families to get back to, but Jade was adamant in trying to get you to go.
“I don’t know, Jade, I don’t really like crowds, and drinking isn’t really my scene—” you cut yourself off as you say Zendaya out of the corner of your eye, her hand already reaching out to touch your shoulder to get your attention.
“C’mon, Y/N,” Jade was pleading as you whirled your body to face Zendaya and took two small steps back.
“H-hey, Z!” you greeted your unknowing soulmate.
“Hey,” she chirped right back, though her eyebrows were furrowed at your reaction. “What are you talking about?”
“Zendaya,” Jade turned to the actress and you groaned dramatically, “you have to convince Y/N to come with us!”
“You’re not coming?” Zendaya asked with a small pout for emphasis on her sadness.
“I-I don’t really like crowds,” you muttered out. “And I prefer to drink in my own home, you know, where it’s safe.”
Zendaya pouted more exaggeratedly this time and reached out to tug on your sleeve. You nonchalantly leaned away (or at least you hoped it was nonchalant) and slid farther away from her. Every single millimeter of distance between you two broke your heart, but it was what she wanted, and you were determined to keep the secret from everyone.
Jade’s narrowed eyes gleamed though, noticing your slightly strange behavior.
“Please?” Zendaya and Jade then pleaded simultaneously, giving you puppy-dog eyes and pouting dramatically.
“How about this?” Jade then ventured. “You can be the DD! And since you’d be driving my car, you can spend the night at my house, and I’ll take you home tomorrow.”
“Please?” they pleaded again at your doubtful look.
With a hefty sigh, you nodded, causing them to both cheer with joy. Jade then laced your arms together and said she would drive the two of you to the bar, since Zendaya was already going with a few of the other actors. She waved you off, which you returned, and then went to find her ride.
You could practically sense Jade’s mind cranking as she tried to understand your weird behavior with Zendaya. That hadn’t been the only time you had avoided the woman’s touch; anytime it looked like she was about to touch you, you had managed to slip away or just out of her reach. You weren’t like that with anyone else, letting people lean on you or give you hugs, or even hold your hand.
Jade started her car and you were grateful she had offered to drive. You got to sit in a quiet car, and you got to sit in the front seat. The only problem you had was that you knew Jade was figuring something out.
The bar was nearing when Jade slammed her breaks to a red light and shouted, “She’s your soulmate and she doesn’t know!” with an incredible amount of certainty.
“Wh-what?” you stuttered, nearly choking on the water you’d been sipping.
“Zendaya!” Jade exclaimed, turning her head to look at you with piercing eyes.
“Why would you think that?” you questioned, trying to hide your nerves.
As Jade began to drive again, she said, “Well, the first time you met her, with that problem with the writing on her arm, you went incredibly pale at seeing that list. I later heard Mary from costuming talking about how you’d written a list on your wrist because they needed sticky notes, because our departments were talking about needed office supplies. And you never let her touch you, ever. You’re a touchy person, Y/N, it doesn’t bother you. Except for Zendaya. So, the only explanation is that she doesn’t know.”
You sighed in defeat, hanging your head and staring at your hands in your lap. Jade parked the car closer to the bar than either of you expected and put a hand on your shoulder. Her hazel eyes were soft as you looked up at her.
“Why doesn’t she know?” she asked gently.
You inhaled sharply, not sure if you were ready to share this with anyone other than Aziza and Idrissa. They had freaked out when you got home from your first day at work and told them about Zendaya, and then they’d berated you to tell her. You remained adamant, though occasionally Aziza would text you and tell you that life would be much easier if she knew about the two of you.
“When I was a kid, I didn’t think I had a soulmate,” you started to explain shakily. “I never got any sort of writing on my body, you know? And I never had a planner, so I would always write on my arms or whatever.” You swallowed around the lump in your throat. “The only thing I’ve ever had on my body that was written by someone else was a message saying to stop writing on my skin, because my soulmate didn’t want to communicate, and I was being a burden. It… broke my heart.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Jade murmured, giving your shoulder a squeeze of compassion.
You wiped a stray tear away from your cheek. “So, I didn’t write on my skin again. I invested in really fancy planners and created a new habit. Eventually, I sort of moved past it, even though it hurt to know that my soulmate didn’t want anything to do with me. But then, I started this job, on The Greatest Showman. And I met Zendaya.
“As soon as I saw that list on her skin, I knew what I had to do. It hurts to keep it a secret, it really does. I thought it would be easy, you know? I figured that we wouldn’t get super close, but she’s said she’s drawn to me, and she drove me home, and now we’re friends. All I want,” you swallowed your tears back, “all I want is to be with her, to hold her close, to tell her. But I want her to be happy. Not communicating makes her happy. She doesn’t want anything to do with her soulmate, and I can’t change that. It just hurts,” you breathed out at the end.
“Y/N,” Jade began gently after a few moments of contemplation, “has she ever actually said she doesn’t want anything to do with her soulmate? Or has she just said she doesn’t want to communicate?”
You sighed again. “It doesn’t matter. By not wanting to communicate, she’s saying she doesn’t want to be with her soulmate.”
“But maybe she does, she just doesn’t want her job to be harder than it is. Covering up those soulmate messages is hard work. It takes a lot of makeup, and even then, it can still sometimes be seen. Maybe she wants to be with her soulmate, with you, she just doesn’t want the marks on her body making her life and everyone else’s lives on set, more difficult.”
You shook your head at her. “Jade, if she doesn’t want to communicate, she doesn’t want to communicate. She doesn’t want to be with her soulmate, with me, like that.”
“But you said so yourself, she’s said she’s drawn to you and doesn’t know why! Maybe if you told her—”
“I’m not telling her,” you all but growled, making your friend jump in surprise. You rarely lost your temper or your patience. Your glare softened as you looked at your slightly hurt friend. “Jade, I can’t do that to her. I want her to be happy. Not communicating makes her happy. That’s all I want. Please, just drop it, okay?”
Jade hesitated, an argument on her tongue, but at your pleading look, she nodded. “Okay, okay, I’ll drop it. But you deserve happiness too, Y/N.”
You smiled a bit brokenly. “I know, Jade. Thank you. Now, let’s go in. You said you wanted to get hammered.”
“Okay!” Jade agreed brightly. She unlocked the door and went to step out.
“Wait, Jade,” she turned to you, “please, keep it secret, okay? Promise me?” You held out your pinky to her.
The makeup artist chuckled at the gesture and wrapped her pinky around yours. “I promise that I’ll keep it secret, Y/N.”
“It’s what she wants,” you whispered to yourself as you got out of the car, absolutely not ready for this night of drunk people.
 Zendaya was already at the bar and when Jade entered with you on her tail, the actress let out a loud whoop and waved you over. You laughed at her antics and started over to the table; Jade put herself between you and Zendaya, who was chatting with Michelle Williams on her other side. After shooting Jade a thankful glance, she requested that you go grab her a drink from the bar.
Your thankful glance immediately turned suspicious and Jade raised her eyebrows in innocence. After quirking an eyebrow, you got her request and tried to maneuver to the bar. It was pretty packed and pretty loud, and you were already feeling out of place. You figured that after you had a drink and sat talking to your friends, you’d relax.
You ordered your grenadine fizz and Jade’s strawberry daiquiri, leaning against the bar patiently while you waited. As always, you were blending into the crowd. As much as you preferred to stay in, Aziza and Idrissa always forced you out (especially during college). Even though they usually didn’t drink alcohol and tried to be as close to their dietary restrictions, the siblings definitely lived by the “ask for forgiveness, not permission” quote.
They loved to make you order for them, though. Somehow, you were always able to slip through the very crowd you were blending into and arrive at the front of the bar, at the attention of the bartender. It made life go much faster than when Idrissa would always try to shove past people and get to the front of the bar.
As you leaned against the bar, reminiscing on your two best friends, you felt a hard body press against your back. There was hot breath by your ear and your hackles were immediately raised upon first contact.
“Hey, gorgeous,” the disgusting breath said into your ear. “What’s a beauty like you doing in a place like this?”
“Leave me alone,” you demanded steadily.
“C’mon, lighten up, let me get you a drink,” he sleazed.
As the unknown man’s hand slid up your body, you slammed your elbow back and into his stomach. Then you whirled around and pushed him back even farther than he’d stumbled back. He actually ended up crumbling right down to the floor, and you turned back to the bar, pretending to be completely unfazed as the drinks were passed to you.
Even though you were shaking and panicking deep inside your chest, you stepped around the still confused man and went towards the table. You became concerned when you didn’t see Jade sitting in her seat. Zendaya also wasn’t at the table, making you become more stressed because not seeing her meant she could touch you at any time.
“Y/N!” Jade suddenly appeared in front of you. “Oh my gosh, we saw the bastard at the bar and tried to get to you, are you okay?”
You blinked in surprise, honestly still shell shocked internally. In the middle of the crowded bar, you felt frozen.
Zendaya appeared next to Jade, the concern obvious on her face. “Hugh got that man off the floor and had him thrown out,” she informed you and Jade. “Are you okay, Y/N?”
That was what broke you. “N-no, fuck,” you stuttered, feeling your lungs begin to gallop as everything rushed back to you. You shoved the drinks into Jade’s hands and laced your hands through your hair, trying to not curl up since that would make breathing harder.
You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to relax your breathing. The amount of people around you was not helping. You were spiraling into sensory overload, and you found yourself yelling, “Nobody touch me!” over the music.
The bodies that had been pressing into you were suddenly moved away. Without the extra pressure around you, your lungs began to relax, and you felt yourself coming back to some semblance of normal.
“Y/N, breathe, you’re okay, you’re safe,” Zendaya’s voice said, close but not too close, and you felt your body relax even more at her soft tone.
You lowered your arms and opened your eyes to see Zendaya, Jade, Hugh, and Keala making a small circle around you. They were pushing people away so that you had enough space to calm down. It warmed your heart.
“I’m okay,” you breathed out. “I’m okay.”
Keala was immediately turned around and gently ushering you back to the table. She was a force to be reckoned with, reminding you of when you were taking care of others. Big bodies forcing their way through crowds with even louder voices, the voices of protectors, were always a force to be reckoned with. If people had the balls, that is.
You sat down in your seat and found Jade on one side and Keala on the other. Jade placed the drinks on the table, hers not even touched, and turned to you with a concerned look in her eyes. Zendaya was talking to Hugh a few feet away, but as always, you could feel her glances towards you.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Keala’s voice alerted you. Perhaps you were still slightly out of it, seeing as you had been distracted.
“Yeah, I’m a lot better.” You smiled weakly, an insincere chuckle on your tongue as you said, “I was compartmentalizing really well and then Z and Jade asked if I was okay, and then I wasn’t okay at all.”
“Sometimes that’s what happens,” Jade chimed in from behind you. Since you were talking and more obviously okay, she took a long drink from her daiquiri.
“Yeah,” Keala agreed, looking at you softly. She really was so kind, one of your favorite people on set. “But it’s okay. It’s okay that you panicked, okay?”
“I know, Keala,” you smiled sincerely this time. “Thank you for the reassurance.”
She gave you another smile before getting up and making her way to her original seat. Then, Zendaya appeared and plopped herself down into the chair that Keala had been occupying. Your unknowing soulmate looked at you critically.
“I’m okay,” you informed her strongly before she could ask.
Her bright smile warmed your heart and made you more okay.
The rest of the night, Jade and Zendaya didn’t leave your side. You didn’t leave your chair much, either. Jade went up to get her own drinks, and your single refill on your grenadine fizz, or Zendaya would get them. Even Hugh got them drinks once or twice, the large man completely comfortable with carrying colorful beverages where other men would complain loudly. He also brought pitchers of water for everyone.
It was still loud and packed, but the conversations with your friends? They were nice.
Soon, Jade was beginning to slur her words. She was also beginning to beg you to take her home so she could cuddle her cat (or her amazing soft beautiful baby, as she also referred to him). Thankfully, even in her tipsy-drunk state, she was respecting your personal space, because you still did not want to be touched without explicit permission. You were incredibly grateful that your friends were respecting your non-touching state.
You gathered Jade up and took her hand in yours (because you’d heard her tales of wandering off while drunk). After making sure all her stuff was with you, you quickly turned to the table and said your goodbyes. The people still at the table and not off dancing bid you ado and you began to push through the crowd towards the exit.
“Y/N, wait up!” Zendaya’s voice shouted from the table. You stopped, flinching when Jade ran into your back, and soon the actress appeared behind you.
“What’s up, Z?” you asked casually.
“I’ll walk you both out,” she stated without letting you argue.
You led the way out of the bar and the lack of chaotic noise was the best breath of fresh air you had experienced in your life. It was so nice that you let out a loud sigh of relief as you led Jade to the car, Zendaya following quietly.
You managed to stuff Jade into the car and turned back to see Zendaya closer than you anticipated. Her eyes were soft and maybe even flirty as she watched you.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked you tenderly.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I’m a lot better. It was,” you inhaled as you remembered what happened, “it was jarring. But I elbowed him in the stomach and honestly? That was pretty badass, if I do say so myself!”
Zendaya laughed and to you it almost sounded like faeries were laughing; that was how ethereal and gorgeous it sounded to you. “I saw it,” she informed you, a smirk on her lips. “You’re a beautiful badass, Y/N.”
Your blood pounded and you smiled sheepishly. “I have my moments,” you agreed.
Zendaya shook her head with a tender smile. “No,” she said, “you’re always a badass.” The actress seemed to hesitate for a moment. “I… noticed something.”
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“You let everyone touch you, when you’re in the mood for it, except for me…” Zendaya trailed off for a moment, looking at the ground with furrowed eyebrows. “Why is that? It’s not just a handful of times, either.”
Your heart managed to plummet to the ground and pump overtime simultaneously.
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