#anyway peitha and heitor should have had toxic gay sex on screen thank u good night
ascalonianpicnic · 7 months
ok spoilers below for soto, both the newest release and the previous one, just thinking about how it could have played out different and been more compelling specifically to me
Imagine if we hadnt of killed Heitor in the same instance we met her in. Imagine if she had instead survived and given up, letting Peitha take her prisoner, and we got to see more of the dynamic between the two form. The way the two used to be very close, but then split apart very messily as Peitha's ambitions started getting bigger and more treasonous, to the point where it scared Heitor too much for her to stick with this plan anymore. And the two havent spoken since but when peitha brings up to the commander they have to get past Heitor, shes still hopeful she can save someone she used to be so close to.
Now, we move into the newest drop, and we're on the warpath towards queen Labris. We see more of the old dynamic between Peitha and Heitor, we see Heitor start to earn some of Peitha's trust and we start to see what an idealist Peitha is as she, despite the warnings of everyone, starts to give Heitor room and an opinion in proceedings. She starts to let Heitor fight by our side, to the frustration of new ally Nephus and old ally Arina. As we run into Queen Labris, we start to see her dynamic with Heitor as well, and we start to see parallels between that relationship and Heitor's relationship to Peitha. We get to the confrontation with Labris, and Heitor seems hesitant, but Peitha is supportive of her, still caring for her. We go into the fight and manage to win. Peitha still opts to take Labris prisoner, like in the actual game, still despite everyone else telling her it's a terrible idea. Except, this time, Heitor is there to encourage her. It's the right call, to take the queen prisoner, they can use this bargaining power.
We move into the final instance, Peitha's speech in the colosseum. We try to sway the kryptis to our side. We get attacked. Eparch himself doesn't come, it's far too soon for him to show his face and this is far too small for him to get involved in, but he sends an army of loyalist, led by Nereidum and Vespera, the chosen and scribe of Charybda. It's a difficult fight, but saving kryptis from the audience from being collateral will add more allies to your side as you keep fighting, until the attack finally stops.
And as the dust settles, you realize Queen Labris and Heitor are both gone.
Peitha having to deal with the weight of having possibly been wrong, Galrath seeing how Peitha's caring and optimistic nature is winning over the local kryptis to her side just as much if not more so than her cunning, Heitor and Labris getting to be more than one off villains of the week, the way the plot could build from there, the way we could learn more about Peitha from the way she interacts with these parts of her past and the way she confronts unexpected trials, like it couldve been really good if we were a little less quick to kill off the final bosses of these chapters? And it would have left the plot hanging in a really engaging spot.
Anet you need to let Peitha actually fail and struggle anet are you listening to me? We could have used the fucked up dynamics of how the generals are and arent actually family, like how the greek gods were, to really explore these characters and we could have made Peitha look like she keeps coming on to the commander because shes desperately lonely being cut off from the people she grew up with anet are you listening anet what if Peitha faced betrayal by people she genuinely loves and loved so she's desperate for someone to trust but makes herself seem untrustworthy as a protective barrier against being hurt again hey anet what if-
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