#anyway saw a pic of me in highschool. GIRL. GIRL WHERE THEY FUCK ARE YOUR EYEBROWS
soldier-poet-king · 6 months
that post abt advice to teens (esp girls) is all well and good and sure there are a lot of pieces of advice i could give my younger self but really the only one that was in teen-me's power to control and actionable was DONT FUCKIN TOUCH YOUR EYEBROWS. LEAVE THEM ALONE
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I can totally understand everything you are saying right now. Not being able to be picked up or carried around.
I always feel like the 'big spoon'. I guess it's a huge part of why I don't date and haven't dated a lot. I just am convinced that people don't want someone with the body like I have. I know, it's so fucked up!
What you told me about your childhood made me think of the character Carmen from the sisterhood of the traveling pants. It deals with issues like that too and it always makes me cry when she then sees her dad and his 'new family ' at the dinner table and she throws a rock at the window. (Guess that's a sideway.)
Oh! You talked about Andrew as Spiderman and just today I saw photos of him here on Tumblr and OMG!!! OMG, have you seen him?! He looks amazing and stunning and sexy and I'm like 'when did this happen? This is not how I remember you?'
Other question; Why do you prefer to write Spiderpool with Andrew in mind? Do you think they just fit better together then Tom's version?
I have seen the new pictures of AG. Seen them, saved them, pic bombed all my friends with them, screeched at the top of my lungs about them...yeah.
Okay so here's something most people? Probably don't know about me and Spideypool. I didn't know it was a thing until I saw RR and AG kiss at the one awards show. I heard a rumor, went "nah, really? isn't RR Married?" so I googled the kiss, side stepped into the Spidey/Deadpool kiss search results, ended up on AO3 in the Spideypool tag and my life was quite literally, never the same.
So. My Spideypool is AG/RR partly because that's literally how I found out about the ship, but also and honestly mainly, because I am exactly old enough to have not been attracted to Tobey Maguire at all but to be 100% obsessed with AG's Spidey and then to look at TH Spidey and go "oh, him baby".
So like. Ten? Maybe? When TM Spidey came out. Didn't care. But I was teens when AG Spidey showed up and let me tell you. Poor teenage Kara who still didn't know if she liked boys or girls (surprise twist, I like everyone) saw that movie and basically died. He was so pretty. Emma Stone as Gwen was so pretty. Couldn't handle it. Changed my life. The scene where he's shirtless and cut up bleeding and kisses her all desperate? Soul altering. Look at what I write. Look at how many scenes I write where the character is beat half to hell, bruised up bloody but still so focused on getting a kiss from the person they love.
Anyway. Spideypool is AG mostly because he was the current spidey at a time in my life when I was like "oh my" regarding AG. The awards show kiss cemented it.
My issue with Tom is mostly the age thing, not only do we meet his character at 15 but he LOOKS very young and even IRL I look at him and think "baby" so no. Can't write Spideypool with him, it makes me feel just a little bit icky. It's very easy to age up AG's Spidey cos in the movies he was 18/19 at the end of the second movie he was technically through what would have been his first year in college so arguable, 20. And thanks to NWH, we see him even older than that? But TH is sort of consistently highschool age, like they refuse to let him grow up and that bugs me.
I probably wont' ever switch to writing TH Spidey even once he's grown up, I just love the AG and RR chemistry too much
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