#anyway stan danika
same-name-supremacy · 11 months
I’m curious about Corey and Danika relationship here and Glenn and Trin too, can we know about them more?
Alright! I’m also gonna throw in the love triangle.
Glenn and Trin
It was love at first sight!
Glenn though Trin was so pretty, he never thought it was possible to see a girl that beautiful! Trin though Glenn was so cool, mysterious and well pretty!
It took awhile for them to actually get together and when they did, it was perfect! But sadly Total Drama Action happened. Their relationship while cute, was full of miscommunication.
Glenn never asked why Trin was acting so strange. Glenn never asked why Trin loved the number 9 so much. He just believed everyone else’s opinion on Trin
Trin never asked Glenn about his sudden friendship with Danika, Trin never told Glenn about her OCD.
It should have been expected.. their miscommunication started before they were dating. Glenn breaking up with Trin, broke her heart.
Danika told her it was expected of men to be like that. “Men suck Trin”.. still hurt though.
Danika and Corey
It wasn’t love at first sight, more of a slow burn.
Danika is a man hater, her ex boyfriend got her sent to juvie after all. But Corey was different, he was respectful, he did criticize but it was justified, or something going wrong. He was a good guy.
Corey thought Danika was well, eccentric. She did her own thing, broke the rules. She had an influence of him, Danika made him rebel and he liked it!
But Action happened. Corey wanted to change Danika, he didn’t appreciate her rebellious behaviour. Everything about Danika mist change.
Danika was upset, angry… angry with herself for letting herself fall for a man just to disrespect her. She broke it off, she is not dealing with this again.
But why is Corey still obsessed with her?
Love Triangle nonsense
When Danika came back to World Tour, Glenn and Corey’s friendship fell. Both Glenn and Corey thought Danika came back for them. She didn’t.
But Danika was mad at them. She saw how the ignored Jody when her stalker was harassing her. She saw how they blamed Jody for her stalker being a big baby during Paris. She needed to ruin them somehow. She knows Corey still thinks their dating, and she knows Glenn likes her and man was Danika was still mad at how Glenn ended things with Trin.
So.. she kissed Glenn. I mean he was kinda cute. But that’s not important a lesson is being taught.
Glenn and Danika
They dated for awhile. If it makes Corey mad, Danika will keep it up. But Glenn didn’t want to make Corey mad anymore.. but he also liked Danika. What’s he gonna do?
Danika ended up breaking up with Glenn. She was frustrated with him and man Glenn can not make up his mind on what he wants. So Danika sped it up for him. Beating up Simon was more important to her then boyfriends anyway
Name refreshers here
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starkidmack · 5 years
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borhapparker · 5 years
holland’s scrubs  |  chapter three
a/n: here’s chapter three !
Word Count: 1895
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*before meeting the new interns*
��Why is it so hard to get a good coffee around here nowadays?” Danika sighed, as Skye rolled her eyes, and mimicking her expression.
“I mean, there’s a perfectly good coffee shop a block away from the hospital. We could always just go there.”
“But they don’t make the coffee as good as it should be.” she continued her rant. “I feel strongly about this, I come from a country where their main source of income is coffee!”
“Alright, alright. Let’s go find you some coffee.” Skye sighed, as Danika smiled, knowing she had won this argument.
Wanting to change the topic, Danika walked alongside Skye to the parking lot, where a grey Audi was parked right next to a 1960 red Buick convertible. “So, are you excited to see the new interns?”
“Sure, I mean, I just hope we don’t get any needy interns this year. I could barely handle last year’s interns.” Skye sighed, making eye contact with Danika. “I really just hope you didn’t sneak into the Director’s office to look at their files.”
Danika smirked, as she kept walking. This caught Skye’s attention, who stopped walking to look at her best friend. “No, no, Danika, tell me you didn’t.”
Danika just shrugged, unlocking her Buick with a smile. “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.”
“What? I mean, you would’ve done the same thing.” Skye stayed quiet, as Danika only laughed. “See?”
“Alright, alright. Fine. Maybe I would’ve.” Her pace quickened, as she got into her Audi, turning on the ignition.
Before she pulled away from her parking spot, she rolled down her window, Danika doing the same. “Hey, can you at least tell me if they’re good looking?”
“I shouldn’t… but,” she paused on purpose, “yeah, they totally are.”
They shared a laugh, as both of them pulled out of the parking lot and drove off towards the nearest coffee shop, hoping they could satisfy Danika’s needs.
As Skye drove, her fingers drummed against the steering wheel, as she thought about her new interns. At the red light, she grabbed her phone and called Danika, who was right next to her. She picked up on the second ring, turning to look at Skye through the window.
“Why are you calling me when we can just roll the window down?”
“Seriously? I mean, you still wouldn’t be able to hear me through the wind and the other cars.”
“That’s true. Honestly, it’s much easier to talk when we drive our motorcycles. By the way, remind me to pick mine from the shop tomorrow night.”
“You better. I’m not bringing my Audi tomorrow, you promised we’d go to the beach after rounds anyway.”
They kept driving, talking and making sure to look out for another coffee shop. In the distance, they saw the familiar sign of the coffee shop, Danika’s favorite.
“It’s there! Finally. My system’s screaming for cafe rico.”
“Alright, alright. Let’s go get your coffee before we’re late.”
Danika ended the call, as they both pulled into the parking lot in front of the coffee shop. Putting the car in park, Skye’s phone beeped, as she checked the screen.
Stan: Hey, where are you? We’re starting in 5. The interns are here already. Skye: We’re at the coffee shop, Danika wouldn’t leave until she had her coffee. Stan: Bring me a cup! Skye: Alright, alright.
“Is it Seb? Tell him I said hi!” Danika knocked on the window, startling Skye as she got out of the car, locking it.
Skye: Danika says hi. Stan: Tell her she better bring me a latte or else I’m not fixing up her bike.
“What did he say?”
Tilting the screen to her, Danika read the message before groaning and mumbling an “okay” under her breath.
Skye: We’ll be there in 10 with your latte. Stan: This is why you guys are my favorites.
“We should bring Z a tea.” Danika mentioned, arm locked with Skye’s as she led her to the line, making sure she wouldn’t bump into anyone as she texted Zendaya.
Skye: Z, any preference on tea’s this morning? Z: Nah, feelin’ in the mood for an espresso.
“We really are good co-workers.” Danika laughed, as Skye only nodded in response.
Making small talk, the line quickly shortened, as they ordered their drinks and sat down to wait for them. Each of them checking their watch, they tapped their feet to the shop’s music, before they stood up at the mention of their names.
“Order for… Danika and Skye?”
They both quickly walked over, grabbing the drinks before they ran outside to their cars, driving away to the hospital.
As soon as they parked their cars, they grabbed their coffee’s, quickly running inside and scanning their key cards before running to their changing rooms, where Sebastian and Zendaya were waiting, their scrubs in their hands.
Zendaya grabbed the coffee’s from their hands, as Sebastian helped them put their scrubs and change into their sneakers. Without missing a beat, they grabbed their respected coffees and walked towards the main entrance, together, like always.
“So, care to share why you guys are late? Again?” Z asked them both, as Danika shrugged.
“I wanted coffee, was that too much to ask for?”
“I mean, you brought us some, so I guess you are forgiven.. for now.” Sebastian smiled and laughed, as they kept walking, slowly edging closer and closer to where they would meet their new interns.
Zendaya made her way to the nurses’ desk, grabbing her case files before turning and looking at her interns. Her height was an advantage she always used, making her feel and look intimidating.
“Now, look, you will address me as Dr. Zendaya, or Dr. Z, and that’s it. Any comments, questions, concerns, will go through me first. If someone is in trouble, you page me. If someone is dying, you page me. If someone is asking you to help them, you help them. Don’t wait to page me on that one, I trust every other doctor in this hospital.” She paused, before continuing, “Maybe not Dr. Malcolm as much, but that’s for another reason. Now, do we have any questions?”
Everyone stayed quiet as Zendaya nodded, before motioning to the pagers next to her on the desk.
“Grab a pager, they’re yours.”
Everyone reached for their own, clipping it to their scrubs before following Zendaya to the E.R., where they would be working for the day.
“Alright, stay by my side and pay attention to what I do. You might be working in this E.R. when you become residents.” Without another word, Zendaya walked to a closed curtain and pulled it back, introducing herself to the patient as her interns watched.
A couple minutes later, they were onto another patient, when the doors to the E.R. opened, and in came Sam’s brothers and best friend. Sam’s eyes followed them intro a trauma room, as Zendaya quickly jogged inside, the interns following behind, but staying outside the room.
“Everything alright, Skye?”
“Yeah, we’re all good. Wait.” she paused, before Danika shook her head, and Skye unlocked the wheels to the bed.
“Okay, everyone, this patient is in trouble. Listen to Dr. Danika very closely.”
“This has to be quick people, I want to make sure this patient is still alive when I book the OR.” Sam watched the commotion, looking at the interns and both doctors as they moved quickly. “Holland!” All the boys turned, Sam included, looking at her with anticipation. She rolled her eyes and then corrected herself. “McDreamy, you’re scrubbing in, take Judy with you”
Sam’s eyebrows furrowed at the nickname, before he noticed Tom nodding, and making a comment.
‘Since when is Tom’s name McDreamy?’
They quickly exited the room, making their way to the booked O.R. before Sam did a double take.
Wait, did she just say Tom was SCRUBBING IN?
Zendaya returned to her interns, as they all looked at her with a shocked expression, before she sighed. “Let’s go, we still have an E.R. to run.”
Y/n and Tom were scrubbing their hands, getting ready to scrub in with their fellow mentors. The atmosphere was quiet, all you could hear was the running water and the sound of soap against skin. Tom sighed, looking over at Y/n before he
interrupted the silence.
“Are you nervous?”
Y/n nodded, making eye contact with Tom as they finished washing their hands, rinsing and leaving alongside Tom, hands up. The doors opened for them, as the nurses helped them put on their scrubs, and gloves, mask over their mouth.
“How do you think they’re going to do this?” Y/n asked Tom, as he looked at her before sighing and shrugging.
“I don’t know, I just hope they can save her.”
Danika and Skye were at the sinks, hands quickly scrubbing with the soap, as they watched the nurses through the window, quickly prepping the patient and making sure her IV was connected. Sighing, their eyes scanned over the O.R, eyes wandering over everybody moving, everybody working, no one staying in one place. Their eyes stopped at the two interns, Tom and Y/n. The nurses were with them, as they slipped their scrubs and gloves on their hands.
“Do you think they’re ready?” Danika asked Skye, as she moved her hands under the stream of water.
“I don’t know, I hope so.” Skye sighed, before turning to Danika with a smirk. “So, McDreamy, huh?”
Danika laughed, a smile on her face. “I don’t know, it just happened. He looks like a McDreamy anyways. What about the one on your team, uh, the one with glasses?”
“Oh, Harry?”
“Sure, yeah. We should give him a nickname.”
“Because they’re brothers, and brothers deserve nicknames.” Skye laughed, as Danika only shrugged, “Let’s do it. I’m gonna call him–”
“McCheeky!” Skye blurted out with a laugh as Danika smiled, nodding.
“And the dirty blonde haired one, let’s call him Golden Boy.”
They both smiled and nodded, before raising their hands together and exiting the scrubbing room. The nurses immediately slipped on their scrubs and gloves, before slipping a mask over their mouths.
Skye sighed, smiling under her mask before looking around at the nurses. “It’s a beautiful day to save lives.”
A nurse quickly passed Danika a blade, as she made the first incision, opening the chest and exposing the ribs and lungs. Skye worked alongside her, as Tom and Y/n suctioned when they needed it, always making sure their hands weren’t in the way of the doctors working.
As they revealed the patient’s chest cavity, Skye and Danika noticed 4 ribs broken, as they worked around, checking any vital organs for injuries.
“Wait, stop.” Skye quickly said, as Danika looked up at her, before she gasped. “Oh my god.”
“Look at the heart.”
Danika looked down, obtaining suction from Y/n before she noticed it.
A puncture.
“Damn it. We need to work quickly, people. Our patient is at risk. We have four minutes to save her.”
Tom and Y/n had never seen anything like this, as they looked at each other before looking at Skye and Danika.
“What do we do?”
Both doctors looked up at the same time, wearing similar face and expressions.
“We fix this. Now.”
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