#anyway stan will's bowlcut because he looks cute af and yall are just jealous you couldn't pull it off as good as him
whatsitzface · 2 years
You know what annoys me the most about the GA of Stranger Things? It's that they always (and I mean ALWAYS) make fun of Will's haircut. Now I would be perfectly fine with it if the friendly bullying on Will's hair was balanced by insights into the depth and traumas of his character. Actually aknowledging how good of a character he is.
(Example: Steve Harrington, since whenever he gets mentioned the conversation always leads to his glorious hair. Then the conversation segues to how good of a character he is, and how good his character development is, etc.)
But that never happens when it comes to Will. The GA only ever talk about his bowlcut and make fun of him for it (if they mention Will at all, which, lets be honest, the GA also likes to forget he exits). They make their super original "get Will a new barber" joke and then move on COMPLETELY DISREGARDING WILL'S ENTIRE CHARACTER.
It's like they completely missed the whole point of the fucking show. Stranger Things is about nerds and outcasts finding friends and being heros and kicking the upside downs ass. It's about characters who have cringey hobbies and bad haircuts and questionable fashion choices show that they're so much more then some joke. It's about showing people that were/are bullied stick up to the bullies and winning. ABOUT THE BULLIES BEING THE BADGUYS AND LOOSING.
They need to take a hint and use one percent of their brainpower to look beyond the surface of Will's character.
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