#anyway terfs love their slippery slopes. they fucking live on those things.
starblaster · 2 years
im confused, what type of information do terfs say about fgm and stuff? could you elaborate pls?
in my addition on this post, i mentioned “fgm” specifically because it tends to be a hallmark issue discussed by terfs/radfems, which is why i specifically said that you may see it on terf blogs in combination with other dogwhistles. however, as some of us know, there are also plenty of covert/crypto terfs on this site who won’t share obviously-transphobic content but they will share, for example, islamophobic and antisemitic posts about muslim or jewish men being inherently misogynistic, or racist and sinophobic posts calling all chinese men evil sexists, or saying that all nigerian men are rapists. you get the picture.
terfs/cryptoterfs tend to post or share articles about “female genital mutilation”, “female infanticide”, “sex-selective abortion”, and “same-sex” attraction being under attack as a way of legitimizing their radfem ‘paltform’ of issues, much like how qanon used “protect the children” arguments to make their radical arguments, which are entirely detached from reality, seem true or legitimate by virtue of this 1 kernel of truth, and sometimes not even that; 1 kernel of (perceived) half-truth, or less.
for example, it is of course true that queer people are attacked for being queer. queerphobic and homophobic violence is a real thing that happens all over the world. this is an objective fact. terfs, however, take this fact and load it up with untruths supporting their ideology in a wide assortment of ways, such as insisting that that some recorded-as-male victims of homophobia-motivated hate crimes are actually “gender-confused women” or “confused lesbians” or that recorded-as-female perpetrators are “actually men” (because, according to terfs and their beliefs in biological essentialism, cis women could never ever be perpetrators of violence...) and suddenly they’re using these ‘points’, founded on baseless speculations, to say, “see?! this is why we need to make it illegal for people to get their sex changed on official documents!” and they’ll also intentionally disregard instances multiple-bias hate crimes, in which an attack on a trans person was motivated by transphobia as well as homophobia—whether it’s because they don’t consider transphobia to be real, or they think transphobia isn’t a hate crime, or they think transphobia statistics are based entirely on false reports.
but let’s return to the “fgm” topic. yes, it’s true that genital mutilation happens. however, terfs often inflate or fabricate statistics to fearmonger (when worldwide genital mutilation rates are actually on the decline) and they also, ironically and predictably, don’t believe that forced intersex surgery is genital mutilation (when it is) because they believe it’s medically necessary (when it’s not). you know what they do think counts as genital mutilation? top surgery, phalloplasty, and even chest binding. they are convinced that they need to ‘save’ people from it, which is why they want to make it harder for trans people to access trans healthcare or gender-affirmation of any kind.
when this happens to trans women and trans girls, it’s also worth mentioning that they don’t care about the dangers of tucking because, in their opinion, "males" (in quotes) "deserve it" even when the negative effects of prolonged and improper tucking are more immediate than improper/prolonged chest binding, which of course terfs target because they’re oh-so-obsessed with the safety of ‘females’. which is not to say that people who tuck improperly or for too long are doing it to hurt themselves; they just want to pass and be comfortable in their bodies and may not know of safer alternatives yet. just. for the sake of comparison, it’s worth noting that terfs really do unilaterally wish suffering and agony upon trans women and transfeminine people... while also trying to convince trans men, nonbinary people, genderqueer people, gnc and butch women that they’re ‘traitors’ to ‘females’ because they’re ‘endorsing, encouraging, enabling, and participating in “female genital mutilation”‘ which is just fucking insane
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