#anyway thanks for reading this essay lol I’m self isolating and bored rn
scribl1ta · 9 months
☆Nine people tag☆
Thank you @morbertthemindless for tagging me☺️🫶🏻
last song: Kolima by Eleni Foureira slay of the century
last film: I went to see Bottoms a few weeks ago and it was amazing! It’s really worth all the attention it’s been getting and I highly recommend it, plus it was a nice experience to go see a movie in a theater
currently reading: The Daughters of Rome series by Kate Quinn!! I started it over the summer and it made me want to read for fun again!!! I've read the first two but the last two books have Trajan, Hadrian, and Antinous as characters and focus on Sabina as the protagonist, so I am especially excited for those! I'm also reading Plato's Apology and some various poetry from Ovid for school. Lastly, I have been reading a stage adaptation of the Satyricon but I actually put that on hold because it’s showing in a city where some of my family lives so I’m going to see if I can see the play with no spoilers when I visit them🥸
currently watching: the Hadrian opera at the moment! The shows I have been watching are The Sopranos, Drag Race (US version), and Criminal Minds but yeah i don't watch a lot of tv anymore
current obsession: probably just the usual... I'm still thinking about Hadrian and Petronius + his Satyricon a lot and tbh it feels weird to put anything else on the same level of obsession for me... I have been researching Apuleius lately for some personal stuff, who I think is very fascinating as a person, but also as proof that it is not necessary to write down every thought one may have. I also plan to become obsessed with Socrates/Alcibiades bc I started drawing them more and I already LOVE them so we will see how that develops :)
tagging @illegible-scribble @emperornero, @kebriones, @eternalexander, and @kunstkamera1714, no pressure to do it!!
Also, anybody who wants to share their answers please feel free!! I usually just tag people I interact with a lot so please if you're not tagged and want to be in the future respond to the post with the 💚 emoji and I will add you to a tag list!
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