#anyway the emily and af.ton families going camping is the funniest idea in existence
ladyseidr · 3 months
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Headcanon dump time because I have Mrs. Em.ily brainrot!!!
born in fredonia, arizona, which is not only extremely close to the utah-arizona border, but also right near the grand canyon and many other parks and such
her parents spent a lot of time traveling after moving to america and settled on this town because they are very outdoorsy people and the area charmed them
yes, as a consequence, julianna and her sisters are very outdoorsy too. anna in particular loves to go camping and enjoys visiting natural monuments and national / state parks. she absolutely will insist on taking henry and charlie ( and the af.tons too! ) to see the sights near her hometown
while anna's parents did give their kids anglicized names ( her sister's names are kathleen and marilyn ), they all have chinese middle names and anna is quiet fond of hers ( chán juān ( 婵娟 ) )
yes, i heavily headcanon that henry calls her by her middle name often once she tells him this <3
julianna is pronounced joo-lee-ahn-a. anna is pronounced ah-na. yes, she will correct someone if they say either the other way lmao
she stays in contact with her extended family in china, although she doesn't get to visit until she's in her 30s
she is the middle sister, with kat being older and lyn being younger. they are each two years apart. she is super close to her sisters
honestly very close to her whole family. i have to let at least one fn.af muse have a happy childhood alright.
works as a manager in a bookstore and is a very, very avid reader. definitely meets henry there as a default ( but obviously i'm open to alternatives! )
loves hot drinks!! big tea and coffee drinker, but also always down for hot chocolate in the colder months
( going to use elise by default when talking abt mrs. af.ton so i don't have to censor it 30000 times but understand that this is all open to any mrs. af.ton lmao )
meets elise after elise in particular insists on a double date when she hears henry is dating someone. yes i think a double date with these four ppl is SO funny. it's incredibly awkward but elise and anna hit it off.
lbr she's so head-over-heels for henry and she's very much like. a believer in soulmates and similar. so, when she falls, she falls hard
honestly: her and henry as a perfect example of two people who are incredibly in love but just, like. . . not meant to be together long-term. i mean obv i'm open to there being Problems beyond that ( up to and including either charlie's death ending the marriage or just william's dumb ass ), but i do lean toward "they were never going to be satisfied long term"
literally charlie is the light of her life. yes, her death does absolutely destroy anna.
charlie was very much planned. anna initially had a little difficulty getting pregnant, but it worked out. she'd always wanted 1-2 kids, though they either never get around to trying again or she simply doesn't get pregnant again prior to the divorce
post-divorce, anna and henry honestly have like. a healthy relationship. the love never goes away, but they do a good job sharing custody and she'd genuinely still consider him a friend
would she ever be willing to give their relationship a try again? after charlie, it's possible. . . but unlikely to work out
definitely an introvert but you can't tell. she's not shy or socially anxious at all, just enjoys her alone time
can and would kill william with her bare hands if she knew what he had done. like yeah okay henry's grieving, but so is anna and she'd kill the motherfucker
( would she join henry in his Crusade that leads to fn.af6 if he actually told her abt it? . . . debatable. possibly, but she's also very, very, very tired by that point. if she knew about charlie / the puppet however? absolutely )
she is fluent in mandarin chinese
loves to bake and is very good at it!
dreams of both opening her own business and writing novels
i just love her sm you guys—
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