#anyway the tractor fucks goodnight
lavendead · 2 years
yes yes zelda’s falling into the hole it’s very scary but what is happening to my boy sidon!!! what about riju huh!!! what are the other characters doing is my boy ok!!!
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Can you write a scenario for reaper, soldier 76, baptiste,mccree and genji with a s/o who is being sad because reader think that they dont love they anymore but it turns out that they just have too much work or thinks to do? (ik that you dont like angst much me too but can you do some angst at the beginning and it gonna turn into fluff?)
Overwatch Males x gender neutral reader
Features: Baptiste, Genji, McCree, Reaper, and Soldier: 76.
It’s the same scenario for 5 different people so it’s sorta boring. Anyway, I know I don’t do angst but it’s.. really nice to write… but not the same thing... 5 times... in a row.
Sorry this took so long
Requested: Yes
Warning: Angst
Jean-Baptiste Augustin
Lately, you had been feeling lonely. Baptiste wasn’t home often, or at least as much as before. It felt like he was prioritizing his work over you, which was reasonable since he was a medic, but it’s as if he didn’t even care about you anymore.
When he came home, if he even did, he would come late. He wouldn’t leave a note, wouldn’t even kiss you as he lay down beside you.
In the mornings, he wouldn’t leave a trace behind. The only proof of him being there was the faint warmth on his side of the bed, you wouldn’t even feel the warmth yourself.
It’s as if he was gone from your life.
One day, you were fed up. What’s the point of a relationship if you never see each other?
Your plan was to confront him, stay up late until he came home. Then again there were some days where he wouldn’t even come... back.
Back to you…
No, you can’t have sympathy. He’s the one ignoring you.
When he came in, finding you awake on the couch, he was worried immediately. Why had you stayed awake? You need rest. Granted, so did he, but his work needed him more.
“Something wrong, dear?” His face showed worry, though you mistook it for nervousness, for fear.
“You don’t love me anymore.” Straight to the point, you planned. There was no sugar coating it.
“I--” Jean wasn’t expecting this, he was speechless. He had so many things to say but he didn’t know which words to choose. You took his loss for words as him trying to find an excuse.
Your frown was evident. You hoped that he would’ve objected, but he didn’t. “N-Nothing to say?” He could hear the heartbreak in your voice, you could feel the heartbreak in your chest.
“Baptiste, at least say something.”
You weren’t even using his first name. Your eyes told him everything, you were begging for something, anything! Even goodbye..
“I…” He took a deep breath, he still didn’t know what to say. But if he didn’t say anything, you’d just be gone. “I love you.”
Tears pricked both of your eyes. “You don’t.”
“I do! I do, I promise.” He stepped forward, you scooted back on the couch. “I’ve been caught up with work, I swear.”
You laughed in disbelief, thinking about it. Medics were usually overworked, that’s for sure.. He seemed genuine. He couldn’t have been acting, he’s a terrible actor, for one.
You’re so silly. Just because he’s gone, he doesn’t love you.
You laughed pitifully at yourself. The tears streamed freely now, they were tears of embarrassment. “I’m sorry.” You gasp out.
“No, I’m sorry.” Baptiste pulled you into his arms.
“I’m so silly.” He wipes the tears from your cheeks, prompting you to do the same to him.
“You’re not.” He replies with a smile, just the sight of him alone makes you smile along. “You’re everything but that, you’re my love. You’re my everything.”
Genji Shimada
Lately your lovely green cyborg ninja dude had been… distant. That was understatement, you hadn’t even seen him in the past month.
Sure, he didn’t live with you. He was a busy mercenary..or an adventurer..?
He hid a lot of things from you, yet he claimed to love you. Lately, you couldn’t even see it in his eyes. Then again, at least he shows you his unmasked face.
What the hell had he been doing though? He wouldn’t have left you alone without a reason.
He’s spent months away from you without seeing you before, but he’d sent letters, somehow. It’d been a month and a half you had received no letters.
You shouldn’t worry this much, maybe where he is he has no access to.. messengers.
But then, a letter came. The writing was chicken scratch, unlike his usual messy yet uniform writing. It said that he would be coming to you today, or well, whatever today was in the time zone he was at. The thing you noticed, however, was that it had no “I love you”, “I miss you”, “I’m excited to see you again”, just a plain, “I’m coming today - Genji”
Maybe he was in a rush, as an explanation of the chicken scratch.
But it felt odd, it felt off... 
Like the sappy cyborg he was, he’d usually add some poem that he was forced to learn as a child. This time, he had nothing. Even if he was in a rush, as you read one time when he began being chased by wolves mid-writing, he’d find the time to write ‘I love you.’
The whole day you’d spent waiting for his arrival, thinking about his letter and how much it seemed like he didn’t love you anymore.
Sometime after your lunch, he barged into your house.
He immediately took his mask off and ran toward you, encasing you in a hug and smothering your face with kisses.
You tried to see if it was genuine, sincere.
He noticed your frown. His eyebrows furrowed and his smile turned into a frown. “Are you okay, buttercup?” He always used that nickname to cheer you up as he wasn’t to use pet names often.
You could see the love in his eyes clearly.
You sighed bashfully, of course he still loved you. You were overthinking. “Yes, I’m fine.”
Genji brought his lips to yours, smiling into the kiss. He finally got to see you again, after all this time.
“I missed you.”
Jesse McCree
Jesse had been distant lately, despite living around on your old farm with you. He spent most of his time these days away from you, doing farm work. Even when all his daily work was done, he’d be outside.
He’d have a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other as he left, but if you tried to find him, you wouldn’t be able to. You had no clue where he was and any place you thought of was empty.
When you did see him, he didn’t look happy at all.
It’s as if emotions drained out of him. That alone would bring you to worry, but he wouldn’t kiss you goodnight, he wouldn’t lay next to you in bed.
He said he needed to do something, but what would he be doing at 9 pm?
What the hell could he be doing?
The town was too far from the farm for him to leave without taking the truck, unless he decided to walk like an idiot.
Maybe he just wanted some space.
Was he not liking farm life? He’d been a bounty hunter and vigilante before he settled down with you, though he continued his former ‘hobbies’ every once in a while. Was he not happy with you?
One night, you wanted to know. You wanted answers.
Right after dinner, he moved to leave, but you stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. He looked nervous, as if he were hiding something.
You led him to sit with you on the couch. “Jesse, are you happy?”
Jesse mustered a small smile, “Of course I am, darling.” It didn’t seem convincing enough.
“Where’ve you been?”
“Is this because I haven’t been kissing you goodnight?” Jesse laughed, but it sounded quite forced. “I swear, I will tonight.”
You frowned, furrowing your eyebrows. Jesse could tell you were getting suspicious of him, but he really didn’t want to say what he’d been doing.
“It’s not about that, Jesse.” You sighed. “You don’t seem happy, you don’t seem to want to be around me. Jesse, if something’s wrong with… with us, just tell me.”
“No, no, nothing’s wrong with us.” Jesse struggled to think of what to say, only saying what had just come to his mind.
“Then tell me why you’re distant.” Your voice was raising. 
He didn’t want you to be angry, he really wanted to clear this up but the surprise he had for you… it was worth exposing, he didn’t want you to think he didn’t love you or that he wanted something else.
“Darling,” He took your hands in his to reassure you. “I’ve been working on a surprise, ‘been fixing up the old tractor.”
You laughed in disbelief, you were so stupid but so was he.
“I swear, I’m almost done. You’re only going to have to suffer through this for another couple o’ days.”
You laughed whole-heartedly this time. Your laugh was contagious for the dear cowboy, causing him to join with you.
“You’ve been fixing up a tractor for a month now?” You said when you caught your breath.
Jesse feigned offense, putting a hand on his chest. “I am no technician. Besides, a tractor getting run over by a truck? That’s a hard fix.”
Gabriel Reyes
Gabriel didn’t live with you, something you quite understood. He’d told you most of his secrets, which is surprising because of how fucked up they are, but that showed he trusted you.
Though sometimes you hoped he would live with you.
You knew the dangers very well, he made sure to guarantee you understood and knew them. But all the time you spent away from him, you couldn’t help but ask yourself how he was going. Not emotionally, though you were bound to worry about that sometime, but rather physically.
His job was literally murder people, so ‘self-defense’ was imminent.
Usually that’d be what you worried about, but this time, it was more so about your relationship, your love.
The only times you’d seen him the past month or so was him coming for you to patch him up and immediately leaving, and… well, that was it. It’d just happened a few times.
Though when he did come, he wouldn’t bother taking off his mask. He could’ve been in a rush but to be in a rush three times?
Besides, before that he would visit you 3-4 times a month, minimum. He hadn’t come to visit you, not counting the medical help. You wouldn’t consider those ‘visits’ since he wouldn’t stay for long and said barely a word.
No “goodbye”, no “I love you”, no “I’ll be back soon”, no “don’t worry about me.” Just a gruff, straightforward, “Help patch me up.”. Not even a “please”.
It all made you exasperated, thinking and thinking and worrying.
You were exhausted, you wanted an explanation, but most importantly; you wanted to see him, the real him.
You didn’t want this ghost, this cloaked, masked Reaper; you wanted Gabriel Reyes.
Yet he seemed to not want you.
The realisation of the possibility of him falling out of it, out of your love.. it struck you hard; Sent you into a sharp breath, dragging a sob out of your throat and tears from your eyes.
You despised crying, the way it made you vulnerable, the way it made you look hopeless.
That’s how he found you.
In the rush to get to you, he forgot to take off his mask.
The sight was scary, the well-known murderer and Talon council member rushing over to you while you’re at your weakest. He could finish you off that easily.
You were scared for only a second, remembering that this wasn’t just the Reaper, this was Gabriel Reyes, but just barely.
He reached forward to hug you, but you backed off.
It made him confused, why were you trying to get away from him? Then he noticed what he was wearing. He cursed and apologized, quickly taking off what he could.
“What’s wrong, dear?” He only called you pet names seriously when he found it necessary, whatever case it would be necessary was always a mystery to you, until today. When he did use a pet name, it would usually be followed by a chuckle or a grimace.
“Gabriel,” You stopped with a sob. You hated this. You hated the pity in his eyes. You hated how pathetic your voice sounded. “do you love me?”
“Yes, yes, of course I do.” Gabriel replied as fast as he could, he wanted to reassure you. He didn’t want you to think he was finding excuses or lies while he thought about words to say.
“Do you really?” You didn’t let him answer, despite the hiccups and sobs breaking through your words. “Where’ve you been?”
“I’ve been working.” He pulls you into his arms and wipes the tears from your eyes. As much as you wanted to get answers first, you couldn’t resist him.
“Talon’s rivals have forming alliances to throw us off. I swear, we’ll stifle this just as quickly as it started. But in the meantime, I can’t see you as much. I should’ve told you earlier.” He cursed at himself under his breath. He’s been so caught up that he forgot to tell you.
“I’m sorry.” You wipe the tears from your eyes.
“No, no, it’s okay. You have all the reason to react this way.” He smiled at you, rubbing circles on your back to calm you down. “Do you want water?”
Jack Morrison
It was silly of you to think a masked vigilante would fall in love with you. As far as you knew, you both liked each other and started dating. That was the extent of your relationship, you didn’t know if you loved each other just yet.
You should’ve paid attention to all the movies.
Everytime the protagonist was a vigilante and they had an s/o, they would end up leaving them behind because ‘it wasn’t safe for them’ or the protagonist ends up dying, rarely.
You didn’t want either of those situations to happen, especially the former. You rather he be alive over.. the opposite of that.
Besides, it wouldn’t exactly hurt that much if he left you. As mentioned before, you just like each other, not.. loved… 
You were lying to yourself.
You did love each other, it would hurt a lot if he left you.
All of this just because he wasn’t showing you his maskless face. You were curious as to how he looked like, sure, but you didn’t want to pressure him into showing you.
You just felt that if he loved you and if he trusted you, he’d show you.
You hadn’t even seen him in months either. There was a possibility he’d already left you, without even leaving a note.
But Jack wasn’t this way, he isn’t the type of person who would just up and leave.
Then again, you couldn’t know that for certain. He held a lot of secrets from you. So many that you wouldn’t know if he was putting up an act around you.
You respected his secrets but you wanted to know the real him.
At the start, you thought he liked you. It didn’t seem like that these days. If he truly loved you, he would give you his secrets.
That’s… something very rude and wrong, but you didn't feel like he was trustworthy anymore with all the secrets you knew he was keeping from you.
The days blurred by without him, you don’t remember when was the last time you saw him.
He came to you one evening, injured and asking for your help.
Of course, you gave it to him, though you guessed you looked bitter by the fact that Jack was worried about you.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Your reply was harsher than you meant it to be.
Jack doubted your answer. “Are you sure?”
You sighed, accidentally wrapping one of his bandages too tight from frustration, making him wince. “Sorry, it’s just. I know we haven’t exchanged these.. words, but…” You were planning on saying those ‘magical words’ but you didn’t want to until you made sure it was mutual. “Jack, it seems like you’re falling out.. feelings.”
“What? No, I still like-- I love you.” The words surprised you, but how could you know he truly meant them when he couldn’t even look you in the eyes as he said that?
“If you did, you would tell me your secrets. You would show me your…” The determination in your words faltered as Jack slipped the visor off his face. “..face.”
He was… beautiful.
“I love you.” Jack repeated. He blushed under your attentive gaze, making his face all the more handsome.
“I love you too.” You were stunned, he was stunning.
Jack chuckled, pulling you out of your trance. He raised an eyebrow at you, showing off that he knew full well what he was doing to you.
“S-Sorry.” You looked back down at his bandage. You didn’t even know what you were apologizing for, was it the doubts or the tight bandage?
“It’s okay.” Once the bandage was done, you locked eyes in a comfortable silence. Before you knew it, your lips were locked together in your first kiss. 
His lips were rough, but they felt perfect against yours.
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echoesoforre · 7 years
↔ - love vancity
↔ for a bitching text
[ Vancity Fucking Enzo: 2:32 AM ]: Sometimes I really wanna make out with you.
[ Vancity Fucking Enzo: 2:32 AM ]: With a tractor.
[ Vancity Fucking Enzo: 2:33 AM ]: Plowing into you at like 45 miles an hour.
[ Vancity Fucking Enzo: 2:34 AM ]: That sounds wrong but boy can i not take that back now
[ Vancity Fucking Enzo: 2:46 AM ]: I also drank a little so that’s something.
[ Vancity Fucking Enzo: 2:59 AM ]: Why are you so difficult to talk to Jesus CHRIST. Like yeah. I get it. It’s mostly me. I’m fucking tired and tipsy and... I don’t know youre hot or something.
[ Vancity Fucking Enzo: 3:00 AM ]: I’m angry that you’re attractive?? Jesus Christ wes way to go 
[ Vancity Fucking Enzo: 3:20 AM ]: i’m gonna lay off the booze and go to bed. Sorry for being an embarrassment tonight. you... don’t deserve me throwing my conflicted-ass feelings on the table like this
[ Vancity Fucking Enzo: 3:25 AM ]: You’re probably straight anyway and this is awkward goodnight
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