#anyway they're still open it just might be slow because exams and stuff
wetterfishguts · 4 months
Oh shit, requests are open? can i request Justowen?
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theyre pretty neat
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
AAAA HIHI CECILE!!! since your oc interactions i open i am literally begging you to write out sereia and igor interacting. i love them. NO PRESSURE OFC AND TAKE YOUR TIME <333
i'm sending their whole info sheet instead of just personality because i think a lot of it is pretty relevant to her personality AND I KNOW ITS A LOT SO IM SORRY but i hope you have fun!! <33
Name: Sereia Aecor
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: Merperson
Dorm: Octavinelle
Class: Class C
Birthday: June 5th
Age: 17
Height: 188 centimeters
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: Coral Sea
Best Subject: Alchemy
Club: Mountain Lovers
Hobbies: Growing plants, skincare, shopping for clothes & accessories.
Pet Peeves: Being called “crabby” when they’re grumpy.
Talents: Playing the flute.
Favorite Food: Vegetable Stir Fry.
Least Favorite Food: Onions
Unique Magic: Sifting Sands. Magic used to immediately soothe someone. Can make the target's movements lethargic and uncoordinated.
More Physical Appearance
Dark colored eyes, red hair. Hair is short, choppy, and a wavy. They have freckles across their cheeks and nose. They have a singular shell earring on their right ear. Heart shaped face and slender neck. When in their merform, their chest is pink and shifts into a bright red down the arms, where it shifts into a white as it reached their hands. Their mer half is a spider crab body with six long, lanky legs.
Other Funky Stuff
They're super into skincare since their merform molts. They take very good care of their human form's hygiene C:
Because they're a decorator crab, they adapted to wearing clothes rather quickly and love dressing in flashy, bright colors (because they were forced to wear dull stuff for protection.) This usually throws people off because they're very quiet and unassuming.
They’re a fan of accessorizing their outfits and have a lot of shell pins on their Octavinelle scarf. Whenever Azul asks them to take the pins off they give him a blank stare until he gives up.
Childhood friend of the Octatrio, unknowingly scared away Azul's bullies a few times because their legs were seen as "freakish" and "awkward." Was also a target for rumors and stuff though because they do not have a tail.
Hit a huge growth spurt and shot up to basically the Leech brother's height when they were fourteen, Azul is still not over it.
Sereia started playing the flute after hearing the story of The Little Mermaid and how her prince played an instrument like that.
They're an incredibly slow runner and prefer to walk. Because of this, they run out of breath fast on land and do not have a lot of stamina. Floyd does not find them interesting to chase (oops.)
Hi Auburn!! Ngl I knew if you sent a request it would be Igor😌
Anyways hope you like this!!
Word count: 995
Summary: Igor meets the only other person in the mountain lovers club
Warning: -
For: @azulashengrottospiano
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It has been a long day, no scratch that, a long month for the only anglerfish in octavinelle, Igor. The month started off normal enough but gradually became shit. First there is exams, which he hates with all his might.
Then came baseball practice, not only was Floyd being more difficult than usual, but couch Vargas was pushing everyone over the edge because of an upcoming match. So everyone was complaining to him as team captain, and he did what any reasonable person would. He went and talked to the oh so reasonable coach, Telling him that as the captain he knew exactly how to deal with his team and how to get them prepared. What did Vargas say? That he’s the coach and he knew how to deal with them and to just leave it up to him.
Then came the monstro lounge, god he hated that lounge. It was super busy and people were just being jackass and since Floyd didn’t want to deal with them, Igor was left dealing with them. And since this is a business he wasn’t aloud to kill anyone, to his dismay, even after talking it over with Azul. Junto was also very sick so being him he had to make sure his underclassmen was ok. And his mother was also sick so he barley had anytime for school.
All in all it was a shit week. And even shitter month. He sighed as he left the locker room, every single muscle hurting from the coach deciding to ‘help’ them with training. He stretched as the evening sun hits his face, annoyed at the light even more than usual. “You good Anglerfish?” He turned his head and glared at the his underclassmen, Floyd Leech, which caused him to smile wide at him “you’ve been reaaally annoyed lately~” he teased and leaned on the older male. “Floyd, don’t, he might kill you if you continue” came Jamil’s voice, almost as annoyed at Igor himself. “Can you blame him?” And there was Ace’s voice, completing the basketball squad “Coach had been basically killing us, my body is killing me”
Igor pushed Floyd aside and started walking away, knowing if he stayed with those three any longer he’ll A.Kill someone and B.Get a sunburn. To his surprise, none of his three underclassmen followed or called out to him, which he was happy about. All he wanted to do was go to the dorm, take a cold shower, and have an ice cold drink. Wo that’s what he did, he took a cold shower, super cold. Then he went down to the kitchen for a cold drink.
Thankfully the monstro lounge was practically empty, being club time and all, so he had the place mostly to himself. He poured himself a glass of lemonade with ice and went to sit down on one of the couches. He placed his glass on a table and slumped down on the couch. H sighed again and picked up the glass and took a sip. The juice was refreshing and cold, just what he needed after the long day he had. “Um, excuse me, Igor?” Does everyone in this school thrive on getting on his nerves?
“Jade asked me to give you this” the person said as they handed him a small box with a note attached to it. He sat up and looked at it, confused be the box. But he grabbed it and opened it, putting the note aside. Inside was a small glass pyramid like shape with fog in it. His brow raised at it and he looked over at the student still standing there. “What is this?” Igor asked, growing even more annoyed by the second. “It’s a small terrarium me Jade made, i helped him a bit after finishing mine earlier.” They said with a small, nervous, smile.
Igor gave them a hum of acknowledgment and started looking around the terrarium , until the student reached over and opened one side of it. He gave them a small, thanks, the terrarium was small and cute, tons of small plants. A small smile, barely visible, appeared on his face as he examined it. He leaned back on the couch. He felt, calmer, for some reason. Something he hadn’t felt for some time now. After a few minutes the student talked “Sereia” He looked at them then nodded “We’ve talked before, not sure if you remember it not though” they said with a small laugh. “I do, you’re Azul Jade and Floyd’s friend, of course I know you”
They lit up at hearing this and a smile appeared on their face. “Sit down, why are you standing like that?” Sereia listened and sat down next to Igor and glanced at him as he played around at the terrarium. Then he stopped and frowned his brow, before turning to Sereia. “What are you doing?” He asked a bit annoyed. Sereia, obviously confused looked around, thinking someone was being them “you, Sereia, what are you doing?” Sereia looked back at him a bit intimidated at their upperclassmen. “I know when someone is using magic on me. So I’ll repeat again, what are you doing?”
Sereia tried to defend themselves, saying he didn’t do anything and what not. But when they realized they’re just making Igor a more annoyed by the second, they sighed and started explaining. “It’s my unique magic” they said “it’s used to immediately sooth someone. They octo trio asked me if I can use it on you since they noticed you’ve been too stressed.” They finished with a small ‘sorry’
Igor stayed quiet for a bit then, to Sereia’s surprise, patted and ruffled their hair. “Thanks” he said with a small smile before going back to his small terrarium. “I appreciate it”. The two mer people sat there quiet together for a while until Cereia spoke again, trying to start a conversation. “So, how did you lose your leg?”
“Don’t ask”
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I’m sorry if this is bad Auburn😭 I tried but writer block is killing me rn T^T
I don’t like this that well tbh but still, it’s ok ig.
If anyone wants to read any more of interactions they are on my pinned post on my blog, same with the master list if any of you would are interested in my writing^^
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