#anyway theyre harassing me within my own mind
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i know i screamed. absolutely terrifying. who let them in
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musherum · 7 years
cael: talks abt “baeddels” and how much she hates this stupid stupid discourse
hey: quick psa tumblr: warning! this topic is fucking stupid and its like... the definition of “false consciousness.” so i get frustrated and swear and type angrily. cause you fuckers aint thinking about these things in the right way, and it affects trans womens’ quality of life. i would also ask you non-trans women that i follow and that follow me back: if you are going to read this reasonably long post about transmisogyny in online communities, please press ‘like,’ so that i know you are not just ignoring me. because i know plenty of folks do ignore us, whenever trans women speak. : )
so lemme explain this real slow so no one gets to try and skew my words out of proportion, which is an intellectually dishonest debating tactic and you all know it and you all still do it anyway.
the point of trans women dating each other exclusively, or forming any kind of relationships with each other exclusively, is not “the baeddels!” or “oh noes separatism!!”
its literally a response to non-trans women consistently viewing us as less-than-women. its a result of people who do not experience transmisogyny, consistently viewing those who do, as things that are akin to men. its a result of you all viewing us as novelties, or as political tools to demonstrate your own magnanimity. trans women are purposefully avoiding non trans women, as a fucking defense mechanism, you ignorant clowns.
that is the purpose of these insular communities of trans women, the ones that a lot of harsh words get thrown around about. theyre not cults. and trans women arent unreasonable for seeking out these spaces. its a defense mechanism that trans women use to cope with being hurt again and again. they want to protect themselves from the groups who have hurt them. and heres little wake-up call for like, half of the people im mutuals with: this includes all non trans women by default, because of the ways that transmisogyny inherently functions. yes, this includes all trans people who do not experience transmisogyny, ie, “afab” trans people, as well as all cis people. because all of you keep fucking punching down at us, and throwing us under the bus and abandoning us within a moments notice the second you catch a whiff of anything that you think might be the dreaded ~male socialization~ that i know you all constantly have in the backs of your minds, you transmisogynistic shitweasels.
does this mean im a “baeddel?” fucking no, because that term doesnt mean anything, assholes! i cannot speak for the actions of women who have been labelled “baeddels,” mainly because theyre not a fucking coherent group.
watch me as i follow the web of material conditions: trans women get abused often. some trans women learn to deal with this by hurting other people; not many, but some. and since the rest of the world treats us like shit, as they have always done, trans women end up sticking around each other first and foremost. some of these trans women end up in intimate relationships with each other; therefore some trans women are likely to hurt other trans women with their poor coping mechanisms and their poorly processed trauma. and then the word “baeddel” is applied to every trans woman that that abuser has ever interracted with. this is first-grade. this is fucking simple. you are blatantly fear-mongering. use your goddamn minds to consider this problem, for once, instead of trusting what the instinct of your lizard-brain is telling you about “the crazy trannies.” im begging you.
the abuse that trans women suffer often manifests as hypersexuality and dangerous, self-harming fetishes and masochistic tendencies. this is spurred on by the ongoing, twisted enabling of sex-positive culture, something that has become pervasive throughout most of the lgbt community. this can lead some of us (”us” as in trans women, again) to even accept abuse as “normal,” because abuse is all we’ve ever known. and therefore, when trans women form insular communities, it is common for there to be many trans women that are vulnerable to being revictimized, as well as, potentially, an abusive trans women. the solution to this is not to demonize trans women’s solidarity with each other, nor is it to seek to put an end to trans women seeking comfort in one anothers company, nor is it to harass or shame trans women who find value in spending time with their trans sisters. trans women are not inherently abusive; if anything, we are inherently abused. the solution is for us to find ways to cope with our trauma more effectively... and for all the rest of you to stop fucking mistreating us.
...you bunch of glib, terrified, unsympathetic, goddamned fanatical witch-hunting idiots.
are we all clear? then psa over. thank you all very much for your time.
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